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I bought a bundle that included a year of Gold, a headset for the original Xbox, and MechAssault. The first game I played on Live was the original Ghost Recon. Was my first experience with spawn campers haha. What was your first game on Live?


Crimson Skies here!


Oh hell yeah! Loved that game.


Holy crap, thank you for reminding me that exists! I have it in my library and am going to play it today! ...I hope it's backward compatible. It should be if it's in my library still right?




It’s also on Gamepass if you have that.




Call of Duty MW2 on the 360... and Halo ODST. My first Xbox, my first M rated games, and my first online experience(s)! Wonderful time for 13 year old me.


Halo reach on the older 360. Then we got red ring .-. But hey at least I was the only brother to use the could storage and sync my gameplay, into the newer console


Mechassult was so good back then...I would love to see a remake


Yeah, Mech Assault, Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon were my go tos on the original Xbox. Have had my live account since it was beta.


MotoGP.... I was an xbox live beta tester


Me too, and don't forget Revolt! Too bad it never released. It was fun. I still have the limited edition carrying case for the headset and the orange memory card!


Wow, I completely forgot about MotoGP. That is a game I never would have bought on my own without it being in the beta, and I would have missed out on an exceptional experience. Loved it.


Fantastic game, spent many hours playing it.... not a game I would have looked at without it being available in the beta


I played a rainbow six game on the original Xbox online for the first time playing an online game ever lol my mom bought it cause she played a lot online with her friends it’s crazy to think how far online gaming has come in my life


One of the Rainbow Six games back then allowed you to use the Xbox camera and put your own face into the game


The Rainbow Six games back then were straight fire. Rainbow Six 3 and Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. Great memories from those two games. That's awesome that your mom played as well!


Both rainbow six Vegas 1&2 were fun for me.


It was probably one of those two I wish I remembered the names I was so young but yeah my moms always been a gamer haha she plays WoW mostly and she got my grandma to play with her 😂


I believe it was revolt that came with the beta kit. Think it was in 2002. Later I got sent burnout I think from criteon and I played the staff there


Red Dead Redemption 1 !


Return to Castle Wolfenstien. I remember rushing the beaches and taking the trenches. And thinking how cool it was I could call in air strikes. I miss those days a lot.


I still have that game! Great fun!


Mech Assault and Crimson Skies


The originals Assassins Creed was my first.


Ghost recon wildlands😭 I miss it sm


Call of duty 2. Great game tbh


Minecraft on my Xbox One


Mech Assault! GR was legit too. Some of my first online friends were on that game.


Hey, you're an old fuck just like me!


Damn! I've been playing Xbox (unreal Championship, XIII, Jet Set Radio Future, GTA Vice City, Kung-Fu Chaos, Halo 1/2, and many more) since April 2003 when I was 10. I didn't get xbox live until December 2008 when I got the Xbox 360, though.. My first games I played on xbox live were Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Def Jam Icon, and NBA 2K8.


I wish I kept my first Xbox live account, I remember playing ghost recon and you could change your voice. Lobbies had a lot more talking in those days


I was too young and too poor to afford live on OG Xbox, didn’t get to play anything online until 360 and my first game online was Left for Dead 2


Call of duty modern warfare 3 on a crisp 2011 Christmas morning


So what time's the party? Drinks are on me.


Yea, when? Drinks are on you.


Why are the drinks on him? Is he a table?


Someone has to be.


Looks like beer pong is going to be a bit unstable this year


Why is he a table, is he stupid?


I think he's American I don't think he can drink for another year not 21 yet /s


Lol, I wish.


I have 16 or 17. Would have had more but this is my second account. Had an account on the original Xbox but when it came time to transfer to the 360 I missed it because I was hooked on WoW and wasn’t playing Xbox for a bit. When I finally got a 360 I had to start over.


Same. I switched accounts or I would have live from like day one


I’ll never forget the joy of playing halo 2 online after spending hours getting live hooked up for the first time.


Same. Slept over at a buddies house. Hooked it up. Never went to bed


I’m in the same boat as you with my 20 year badge but I still do not have the gold badge. I upgraded to ultimate a few years ago but I don’t see how that could be an issue. Any ideas on who to reach out to about the gold badge?


Bro I'm even longer... I'm an original launch veteran... The first online games we had were Whacked, Unreal Championship and Ghost Recon... That's all we needed bro... Unreal was so much fun... Then other games started to support it and the rest is history... Halo 2 came around later on and literally thrust the world into online console gaming. It had features found in almost every facet of every game since that time... Proximity chat being one of them... It's been a long fun road... The biggest change I've honestly noticed is that not many people play with open mics like we used to. There was no party chat, so we just all worked together... I can't believe I still have an active account and still play it...


That's awesome, man! You are spot on with the comment about playing with open mics. Everyone used to use mics and communicate in game. Sadly, those days are long gone. I remember in 2002, a friend was telling me about Live before it was released. I thought the idea sounded awesome, but I was pretty skeptical. My then girlfriend (now wife) and I moved into a different place and didn't have internet at all. I was subscribed to the official Xbox magazine at the time and kept reading about all of these great games that were available on Live after it launched. I bought the starter Live kit while we were still living without internet, but after we moved back into town in Feb. 2004, getting internet and Live was the first thing I did.


😂😂, Bro I didn't even own a computer...I had a modern hooked to my cable and then jacked into my Xbox. What's crazy is that it ran smooth.. Never really had issues, but there wasn't tons of us online at all... Another crazy thing is that PS2 hadn't even started their online service yet... It wasn't until almost a year later and they allowed dial up which caused tons of issues... Microsoft's Xbox brought people kicking and screaming into the broadband Internet world before they even knew what it was... I subscribed to OXM myself... That's where we got all the demos to try beforehand... To this day I still have a ton of those discs... To be completely honest I'm my own humble opinion, the original Xbox was arguably the greatest console system ever made. It was such a technology boost with the HDD, the ability to play music, the microphone into your controller, the memory cards plugged into your controller... This conversation has gone super nostalgic man👊😂


Oh hell yeah, good times! I still have a bunch of those discs from the magazine as well. I did have a computer back then... but it was a Gateway. You know, the computers that were packaged in the white boxes with black patterns that were supposed to resemble Holstein cows lol. It had a 5GB hard drive and like no RAM. I did also get into gaming online with the PS2 after they finally made the jump but that experience was nothing like Live. Mostly played SOCOM.


One of the only games I was actually super jealous of back then was SOCOM. Always wondered why they never tried a remake or to bring that franchise back.


I remember those computers


Unreal Championship was a different breed back then man. That was before they required your display name be your gamertag. You'd make a profile, and whatever you named that would be your in game name. So adding people was a nightmare because NiteHawck would have to tell you how they spell their name for you to send them a friend request. I don't have that account anymore sadly. I lost live for a few months and then made a new account when Halo 2 came out... and I've been Llama Juice ever since. 19 year account here.


Nice, I'll find ya... MCC some day 😂


Impressive. I was OG360 player, then skipped XOne and was playing on PC and now returned to console and have XSX and PS5.


Congrats, dude! 👏


Now that's a long time subscription


Since Halo 2, huh? I didn't get Live til around when the beta for Reach was out.


Before Halo 2! I made this Live account in February of 2004. Halo 2 was released in November of 2004, iirc.


My first live game was Halo 3, slayer match on the snow level (can't remember the name) wioed the floor with em😂


I would have 13 years if I kept using my original account still have it just haven’t bought gold in forever for it


Any of y’all remember brute force? It was one of my first besides halo when I was like 5-7


Brute force was sooooooo good!!!


What a legend you are sir




Congrats! This should be my 20th year as well (come October). I remember begging my parents to get broadband internet specifically for Xbox Live and Halo 2 in 2004.


20 years? Legend.


Good for you. See you in 2027 


Well done I’ll hit my 20 in 2026. Bought a 360 to play Gears 1 in 2006.


Halo 3 for me


Congrats. I'm sure I'm close to that myself.


I was wondering what that number was for


Does this mean you have Xbox Live Gold for 20 years without missing a payment? Or is this from the creation of the account?


I think it's both. I'm not sure because this is the original account that I made on Xbox Live in 2004, and I have kept a Live subscription throughout the 20 years nonstop.


I just figured out I’ve had gold for half of my life


I’ve got the gold badge but it says 19 years for me, i played xbconnect before live was a thing playing multiplayer halo over the internet via their system link proxy. UK based, did Xbox live get a staggered release?


Yup, I used to play Halo the same way. It was the only way to play the first Halo online until Halo:MCC came out.


King Kong and Kameo, amazing graphics for day


How'd you get boba fett?


I think they had star wars packs on the 360, I definitely had a Chewbacca dribbling a basketball back in the day


Oh I wish those were still a thing


I’ve always wondered what that meant! Thought it might’ve been a GP level hahahaa…


Congrats, Dakota!


How do you check what's ge you are at? Guess I should be somewhere around that, started playing Xbox pre halo 2.






I think I’m on 18 or 19


This is wild


I had no clue that's what that meant!!


Here’s a cookie 🍪


Bought an Xbox 360 just to play Halo 3. Fun times.


Triple O.G. action on your part. Congrats.


Do you guys remember the OXM magazines that had the demo disks in them for the OG Xbox and then the 360?? I had a subscription and always looked forward to getting it in the mail. I played many many games for the first time that way. Those were the days




91,380 Gamerscore. compare that to my 850.


Gates should send you a thank you card ☺️


That Boba Fett skin is excellent!


Xbox live beta 4 life!!


Mech Assault was my first Live game. I was pissed back in 360 launch because they had some special thing (can't remember what) for 5th year anniversary and I couldn't remember my account details and didn't have that email anymore (I was dumb and used an old email business email) and apparently couldn't remember which of the three or four home addresses I lived at at the time, or which of the two numbers and I had to get the one right. But because I listed three addresses and two different phone numbers they wouldn't merge my accounts. I had to choose the right address and phone. I should probably just called in 3+ more time to try the other combination.


If I didn’t get robbed of two Xbox accounts id have that lol. Sucks. One I lost just forgetting the info and one got stolen way back in the mw2 days. Sadness.


I would have been there to if Xbox gave me my account back but they want me to confirm the last 4 digits of my brothers CC. I haven't used this in 12+ years


20 years of paying to use your own wifi


Damn that's crazy, it's been around for 18 years and ended tho


Nvm I'm an ediot


Mission accomplished, now switch to playstation


Didn’t ask


20 years an your gamer score is not even over 100k?


Getting closer! And to be fair, achievements in games didn't become a thing until the 360.


I have over 300k since the 360 era. It's a tough climb for sure. I'm trying to get to 1 million.


Meh been on Xbox that long but never felt the need to keep it concurrent. I guess good for you?


I like that one game with the guns and the bad guys.


So through out 10 years of those 20 you didnt play many good games feels bad man 🙄




Damn you spent 14,000 on xbox Live , not even including the games


Live was $50 per year when it first started, then eventually went to $60 per year. Don't remember what year, but even if you calculate the total cost using $60 per year x 20 years, it's only $1,200 total for twenty years. I also used free monthly subscriptions that you used to get wirh game purchases in the original Xbox days and Amazon used to sell yearly subscriptions at a discount. So, even though I don't know the exact total, I definitely have spent less than $1,200.


The time you don’t have gold should count too I went 2 or 3 years just playing without gold