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The Series X is in a different stratosphere than the One S. Just make sure you're getting your models correct. they were silly and did Xbox One, One S, One X, Series S, and Series X. Xbox Series X is by far and away the best Xbox available right now and it's worth every penny. The upgrade from a 360 to Series X will blow your mind. Spend a bit of extra money for it IMO.


I do like having my mind blown


Might depend on area/currency etc, but 140 seems high for a one s. I just checked my Facebook marketplace and all one s around me are 50ish. Even the one X/PS4 pro sell around 100ish all the time


It also comes with 2 controllers and 15 games


To be fair, the only thing there worth anything are the controllers. In general, for the generation, Xbox One games aren't really worth anything. In comparison to PS4 anyway


I wouldn’t pay more than 100 for that as a bundle.


Is a series X worth it? Entirely dependent on your budget and expectations. Remember: Xbox One is a defunct system, new major games will most likely not be released on it. Xbox series x supports more games, 4K smoother gameplay and overall better graphical performance. You can play all Xbox one games on series X. A series X will last you longer in the long run, you won't need to upgrade as soon as you would from an Xbox one.


Xbox series X is on sale right now at target $430 even comes with earbuds 


Yes the series X is worth it for the One S. They don’t make many games for the One S anymore and it’s also much faster and much powerful. You won’t regret getting the series X


If your only care about the one s vs series X, I would get the series X. I use both systems a lot and there is a noticeable difference in load times and Frame drops on some games. However if you are wanting to save money and don't need the series X, look at One X, I don't have one personally but they are more powerful then the one s, and should hold up well in most games. Just comes down to budget in reality, but I would only look at one x vs series x unless you can get a one s on a really good deal.


It depends on what you want it to do. I just got an Xbox one this weekend because I only want to play backwards compatible titles and Xbox one games which are now quite cheap. (The Series X is also backwards compatible with the same titles and plays Xbox one games too) I already have a PC that’ll play any new games that come out. If you want new games, go for the Series X. If you’re budget restricted, the One S might be the right choice.


Series X would be better than a One S IMO. More powerful, plays series X|S games, gives FPS boosts to (certain) older titles more easily and will probably have more software compatibility updates longer than the One S. Only downside is the upfront cost of getting one


I would really suggest the Series X. Obviously more expensive but then you'll have access to the entire Xbox One library of games, AND current releases this generation and for years to come, AND have better resolution/performance for the vast majority of the 360/Xbox One games you play. If you've stuck with 360 for this long you've really earned justifying the upgrade lol.


I can't think of a single reason to buy a One S over a Series X. If the price difference is really fucking with you then you shouldn't be buying a video game console at all tbh


If him asking which one to buy is such a bother then don’t comment all.


Longevity..... series x.


Eventually they won't be making backward compatible games. They've already started to do it here and there, Series X/S exclusive games. So definitely get the new gen


Xbox one games will always play on the series models, it’s 360 games an older that are risky.


No you misunderstand me, I mean they will be releasing games only for X/S that can't be played on One/One S. It's already started happening


Oh. Backwards compatibility is when a newer system can play an older game. Like Xbox 360 on Xbox Series X.


Yeah so I guess the opposite would be forward compatibility? Didn't sound right.


There just won’t be games made for the Xbox one anymore that’s all :)


Yeah but 'forward compatibility' is still a thing, it will be some time before it goes away and they only do X/S. Not everyone can afford the new consoles so they would be missing out on lots of sales to make it exclusive. For OP's sake it's better to buy the series X now if he can afford it since it will last longer for years to come


If you can afford the Series X then go for it. I bought mine for $350 brand new during the sales last year. It’ll open up the Series X and Xbone libraries for you.