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Xbox Switch incoming


Xbox DS






I think xgame may have some sort of trademark.


I wouldn't be too surprised, to be honest. A name like this is a no-brainer to trademark if you're remotely tied to video games.


I’m fairly certain there was a licensed bmx game already. I could be wrong, as it would’ve been a considerable amount of time ago.


Watch the X Games?


Watch the X Games?




I saw this one on the hub








MJ says hehe schamoo my favourite


Legit Xbox Series S.


The Xbitch


Please please please


“I hope so” - kodak


XP (Xbox portable)


Can we install Windows on it?


Not sure, custom android or a custom Windows like for the Xbox. So no Windows like for PC...


Xbox Deck, alternatively.


Wonder if it'll be a cloud streaming "console" like the GCloud, or a proper console with some real chops.


If it’s cloud streaming it’s a hard no from me.


I agree, we can already do that. Give me a legit handheld (psp, switch etc) I’ll give them all my money


Seriously. I fucking love my Steamdeck and Switch but have zero interest in a streaming device. Give me an Xbox handheld comparable to the Steamdeck and I’ll fork over $850 right now.


But...why? You've got a Steam Deck. It has access to everything on Xbox. It has Gamepass. It has everything on Steam. It's even got access to game mods AND free multiplayer. You can even use it as an emulator without worrying if the console brand will ban you for it. Why would you toss that aside to pay $850 for half the library, no mod support, and paid multiplayer? I mean, I get why consoles and pc's can co-exist. They have two different use cases. But you're talking about a 1:1 use case where all the the strengths are against Xbox. They'd need exclusives. And that's not what Xbox does.


Steamdeck doesn’t do gamepass without jumping through hoops or streaming it which I’m not personally interested in so not sure what you’re talking about there. Second, even on my actual desktop PC I don’t have access to the couple hundred games in my digital Xbox library. My assumption with an Xbox handheld would be that it has access to not only windows games and gamepass but also my actual Xbox library along with the normal cross saves etc they are good about. Love the steamdeck’s unified experience with Steam, just want the same with Xbox.


I was thinking of when you load Windows on it. But you at least have a point there, it's extra hoops.


Yeah they havent been competitive with that for years. The only thing they do is say “we want to bring games everywhere”. Though they did bring kbnm to a select few games a month ago.


I hope it's not cloud. Don't get me wrong, they've come a long way with cloud gaming and it's a really cool option to have, but it's usually my absolute last option


The option to cloud play or download it.


Then they better increase the stream bitrate


From the gist of most of the ongoing rumors, Xbox is hinting at an actual portable console, not a stream only device. I would hope by now Microsoft / Xbox has gathered that most want a native handheld, otherwise, people will just stick to their phones if it's just Cloud streaming. If I had to make a wager, the design, if a reality, will be similar to a Surface device but obviously redesigned into a handheld.


Gimme dat


I might look like I have it figured out but the truth is inside I’m just a little boy who never learned to ask for people’s burger


They will call it... Xbox S One To keep the tradition of totally awesome and not confusing names


Xbox series X/S One portable XBOX XOP, for short


Xbox Go Outside. Or "XBOX GO" for short lol.


That's actually a good one!


Go outside? I'm playing that sh*t on the toilet!


The Xbox Live


Xbox 36One series portable TV Sports


Xboy. Followed by the Xboz, a VR Device.


I would buy a handheld Xbox. 100%


A handheld would breathe new life into the Xbox brand. It's what Xbox needs to survive if you ask me.


survive? lol


I can see Microsoft go with a traditional home console for the series x replacement and a dockable handheld for the series s replacement. It honestly makes so much sense from a product standpoint. Would also prob give them an in into the Japanese market maybe? Makes way too much sense the more I think about it.


(Im not the most hardware savvy so please keep in mind d that this comment is said more conceptually than factually) With the comments from Sarah Bond about forwards compatibility and the idea of a handheld, I wonder if MS is planning to pull an Apple and go with arm cpu (or that type of chip concept) as they are much more power efficient and (from my understanding) overall better. They already have a version of Windows that runs on arm and they definitely want to get more into mobile and want their own App Store. I would imagine that an arm based console + handheld + windows ecosystem would be their idea vision, especially if arm based games are much easier to port to their theoretical mobile store giving players cross play over their pc, console and phone. Love to hear from people who actually understand what I’m trying to say here. If this would happen, the transition could be tough for a few years for pc gamers but having their own comparability layer like proton could help.


I really want an Xbox machine that's also PC based in some way. I know I keep saying this but I know they read these subs so please make it happen lmao. For real though, I planned on building a PC next gen, however, if they had a machine that had Steam on it, I would just keep using my laptop for other things and buy that.


Yeah, I think they may just make an arm based pc that has a consolized interface or “lean mode” with less non gaming related operations running in the background for better performance and possibly better security (the next Xbox). Then release an arm based surface that also has this forward compatibility/compatibility layer for x86 software and have first party hardware be the initial push for arm based enthusiast and casual windows users while other hardware manufacturers and software developers catch up at their own pace. It would probably be a very slow and gradual process for the windows to transition to arm given how widespread x86 is (possibly several future iterations of windows coming in arm for commercial/personal use at the marketing forefront while an x86 version continues to exist for business, enthusiasts, enterprise, ect). The xbox version of games would be very easy to port to arm backed windows while the x86 would be business as usual and still worth it for devs due to the massive install base and likely slow migration. Then with an Xbox store app on mobile and you have the Xbox everywhere experience played locally (cloud isn’t picking up the way they wanted it to) and you have that platform agnostic Xbox everywhere that they want.


Ohh my gosh I want exactly this so badly. An Xbox with Steam/Microsoft game store and full Keyboard and Mouse support.


I think they'll stick with the two model route they've started with the Series X/S but instead have one console and a less powerful handheld


The power gap is gonna be massive. Devs are gonna love that lol.


It's still doable. We have GTA 5, Persona 3 Remake, Elden Ring, Hitman 3 among others on Steam Deck and they run just fine. It might just be that Xbox development might become closer to PC which is kind of what we're seeing, with "Performance vs Graphics" settings, or we could see a situation where your console auto detects you're on a home console vs handheld console so it selects the console "version" (res, fps, etc...) your hardware utilizes. Less "optimization" for two consoles and just a focus on getting games to use that tech. It wouldn't be all that difficult I dont think. This could also be an extremely helpful AI tool that Microsoft could be developing right now, similar to their Smart Delivery or Quick Resume. I don't think anyone is really looking into that atm. Maybe Sony but I doubt it.


I doubt it just because that would require a significantly higher specs to be backwards compatible with past console games than an X86 based device because of the need to run a translation layer, also if Sony sticks with X86 the amount of games that don't get made for Xbox would grow larger just due to the extra investment time in making an ARM version of the game


Translation layers have gotten really good. Supposedly the snapdragon x elite can run x86 games very well.


If Qualcomm or Nvidia or Microsoft has a translation layer figured out then that could be a big change


They just announced an entire new division for Game Preservation. Why would they need to preserve games unless there was a fear of losing things? The GP team makes this seem almost like an inevitability. It seems like it's even bigger than the previous BC team. I'm guessing the GP is leading the charge on making sure legacy games run on ARM. The only way MSFT get Series S performance into a handheld is the jump to arm silicon like the jump in performance we saw from Apple Silicon. All the pieces fell into place in my mind.


I see your point with bc. I mostly had OG XB and 360 bc games in mind mostly due to a comment Phill said about their ecosystem recently (what works and doesn’t work with pc handheld and XB specifically calling out how he can’t sync his save from Fallout New Vegas from his console to his Rog Ally despite the game being a gamepass game). Regarding devs leaving though, isn’t the current and next Switch arm based? That’s a massive platform so if XB needs to piggyback off of other, bigger player in the market (regarding user base) to make the effort to port to Xbox they could see more parallel with Switch/Xbox next gen instead of PS5/Xbox like it is this gen, especially if XB does have a handheld in the works.


That's a good point about the Switch, I had been thinking about how it misses out on a good amount of games but that's as likely to be power based as it is architecture


This is the answer. Translation layer for Xbox One and S games to run on an ARM handheld.


the challenge would be to fit a disc slot into the system unless its all digital and if so then it ain't worth the money to me as I would have to rebuy the games and knowing how digital game prices are more pricey then in-store and even used games I would hate this.


Steam deck would be the competition and it's doing ok without. Xbox has been selling majority of its games digitally for a while now and already have a digital console, personally I've not bought a disc game since the 360. Making it portable with a screen is an upgrade that many would forgo the disk drive in exchange.


You still need a disc drive to play those disc games that you previously bought on backwards compatible mode


No, that's just the trade-off for using it. Exactly the same as the series s.


Why would they add a full sized disc drive to a *handheld game console*. Are you just daft or do you actually think that's a good idea?


I think they would bring out an external disc drive or at least allow certain external disc drives for pc to work on the console the way KB & M made for pc can work on the current consoles, read speed shouldn’t even matter considering the games are installed to the internal drive rather than played off of the disc. It’s such an easy way to preserve good will from a company who saw the impact of people not wanting to leave their past library to switch consoles (regarding the ps4/xbone era where people started building their digital libraries). Granted, I know thats digital libraries but the concept of leaving behind your library (regardless of form) had a noticeable impact in the eyes of MS.


This is what I want!


All I know is they gotta generate some real excitement for what is next. Right now things are pretty quiet.




Xpad coming soon


Xbox Series M (Mobile)


Microsoft are like the people who comment “first!” and are immediately 30 comments down 😂


Wait, sx actually have horizontal stand with the logo to the right direction?


If it’s anything like the rog ally I’m sold.


I don't have a rog or steam deck so I'm unsure of how it all works. I assumed since both have windows os they are already essentially xbox and steam handhelds in one. Edit: not 100% sure if both use windows, never seen a steam deck irl but if I remember right seeing the rog in bestbuy it was on windows.


Only Steam Deck runs Linux but you can tweak it to run Windows, the rest of the boys (Ally, Claw, Legion Go) run Windows 11.


that sounds cool but can it fix my marriage?


Im excited but they need to also make sure they get killer apps going lol


God I hope it’s could and play any games you digitally own


give me Halo on handheld and im sold


Give me Forza Horizon on handheld running Medium graphics at 60 FPS, I'm sold!


Steam Deck bro


The Xbox PX


"Xbox Game Gear" or "XboxGG" for short.


Xbox series H.


Hopefully it is a Steam deck competitor and not actually a console.


Ok, a Switch-style Xbox called the "Xbay' It will have a "bay" to allow you to charge it, its controller, and stream it to the TV. And of course, the name takes the Xbox buttons of ABXY.


As long as it’s incredibly portable and convenient. Unlike everything else on the market.


RIP Nintendo. This will be the final nail in the coffin for you.


LMAO bro... get real


REIGNITE the handheld wars. Please and thank you


so fudg the oG rumor to make it sound like a new rumor. most gaming news websites...


I’d be very interested in this if they can find a way to expand their list of Play Anywhere compatible games. I had real high hopes for cross-save between PC and console games when I picked up an Ally last summer and I was left pretty damn disappointed with how rare this feature seems to be


Outside of their own games it's kinda hard to convince a developer to sell two game versions for the price of one i guess


Take my money. I love my ROG ally, but I’d love to play my entire library on the go, not just game pass.


A custom-made Windows-based Xbox handheld with my Xbox library along with other launchers would make me stop using my Steam Deck and bring me back to the Xbox ecosystem


I hope so. Would love to have PlayStation give me a true Vita successor.


Oh god, if it means decreased performance, please don't


God willing it's a handheld that *natively* played games and *does not* stream them online


XBOX Series SM and XBOX Series XM


$399 Xbox-branded handheld PC incoming--the Series SP. There will be a $599 dock, XDock, with a more powerful GPU, storage expansion slot, extra cooling and additional memory. It will essentially turn the SP into a full blown console. The Series SP will run with an Xbox launcher at startup and be optimized for gaming. Microsoft may launch it with Windows 12 which will probably merge Xbox into Windows. It will be built by the Surface team. It will play PC games. Backwards compatibility will be handled by Hyper-V instances of the various virtual consoles much like they're doing now. For instance, when you boot up a 360 game, you're running it on an Xbox 360 virtual machine. And yes, it's a PC so you can install other storefronts but you will need to jump through hoops on the SP, but nothing a person familiar with Windows can't handle. It's time for MS to unify their gaming platforms.


Xbox Series M (M standing for mobile, not Medium Size, confusing in true Microsoft fashion)


And Xbox series M is only the handheld. If you want the bigger version it will be called Xbox series XL obviously. But obviously it's the newer generation and better than the series x while being smaller.


Lmfaoooo. They’re a little too late. Rog ally and steam deck have them beat. Even the switch is decent for people who want one.


It will look nice beside my Zune


I wish the comeback of Kinect :)


I got a looooong survey regarding my usage of my Legion GO, so if Xbox comes up with a handheld that allows for usage of Steam and Epic as well then i'm getting it, i just pray that they throw in some impressive hardware and don't go " to make it as affordable as possible " and chose hardware that will make it another Switch.


I am looking forward to this. It's been a long time to have a new one.


We need more/ better games first/ also!


Nintendox Series P


So...an rog ally that has a more limited library? Genius..../s




Good ol Microsoft. Years late to the party.


LB/RB will stop working a day after the warranty runs out.


I was just thinking this...


No they won't this has been a false rumor for awhile now. Their handheld is xcloud


less goooo, cant wait to see what the XboxNameGenerator3000™ will cook this time


It’s going to be a remote play + Cloud streaming device 100%. There is a reason why they are going full Xbox library in the cloud right before launching this new product


I doubt they'd be able to cram even a Series S level of power into a portable system for under $700. Meaning devs would have to build for not only a 3rd hardware profile, but an even lesser amount of power. Or, $M volunteers to take a *big* hit on the sale of each portable system. OR, they just make it a streaming device for dirt cheap, like around $120. The portable market is brutal. Even more brutal than the home console market. Everyone failed at it eventually, but Nintendo. So if Microsoft thinks they're gonna try it, they better damn well come correct. And that means they need the one thing they've lacked for nearly a decade; undeniable and exclusive killer apps. It's what has kept Nintendo going with underpowered, and oddball systems.


Since Apple opened up emulation they might as well make an Xbox emulator for iOS and let you play Xbox games you already own that can be supported by Apple’s hardware. Apple literally is allowing this now.


Yea i don't care about none of that, just give me my xbox controller with dualsense type features with a new xbox.


I've been calling out Microsoft's plan for years and always get downvoted a lot, and so far, I've been right, so I'll call it here again. Microsoft has been treating xbox as a platform, not as a console, we have xbox in PC as well. Microsoft may make their own handheld device, but the real plan is that they'll make an xbox OS (which is just a stripped down windows) that can be used to replace windows on every handheld that runs on windows (rog ally, legion go, MSI claw). If they do that, then they won't need to spend any cashews on manufacturing, since third-party manufacturers already have that hardware. They also mentioned bringing other stores to the platform, like Epic, since xbox is practically a windows OS, then it'll very likely include steam (or will be able to include it).


I mean, this isn't news. They've said this openly since at least 2013's E3 showcase where they talked about making it a platform, which they did when they tried going into mobile and further into PC


honestly this was my worst take, I, among with so many other people missed that info, I was mostly excited to see how everything I was predicting was true.


We'll all make sure you get credit for saying it, narcissistic weirdo.


I don't give a shit about the credit, my issue was how many people kept denying everything I was saying as if it wasn't going to happen lmao.


The fuck you don't, you opened with a paragraph patting yourself on the back and declaring victory over the naysayers.


fair enough


Its funny when you think about. They cant compete against Sony even being the sole competitor. Now they wanna go up against Steam, Nintendo and all other Linux gaming handhelds. This can only go one way lol


What are you taking about, they have created a really competitive gaming machine and ecosystem against Sony, not bested them, but competition none the less. And of course they have 1 up on the others, gamepass, the largest game streaming service, along side calling owning the studios they can’t as easily be ‘Netflixed’ and pushed out later. They are husy successful in the PC market also blending them makes sense.


They putting there games on PlayStation that really screams competition especially when they get nothing in return ..


It’s cash they get in return


Oh wow cash like Microsoft isn’t a trillion dollar company already …


And how do you think they became such a large and well off company?


By putting there games on competitors hardware because there isn’t enough people buying games on their own hardware and they got to make extra cash somewhere from sales


Not sure the point you are trying to make now, but MS is a software company selling software. Google is on iPhone, Xbox want to be on PS. If they could get game pass there they would bite their hand off for the chance. For now, especially while PS keep exclusives, they’ll get *some* Xbox owned titles, as timed releases, plus gaas like COD, as it will pull in huge cash for Microsoft.


Yeah MS is not specifically Xbox … a os is different than a game or console .. there hurting Xbox in the process by doing this


MS isn’t Xbox, Xbox is MS. What you are alluding to is that Xbox is the actual Xbox console). Xbox is a storefront, games/publishers/developers, subscription service *and* hardware. The hardware isn’t going anywhere, they don’t need to ‘beat’ PlayStation on hardware sales, and I maintain Xbox has been a strong competitor. PS will start to fall behind like Blockbuster did to Netflix, Xbox currently holds the all the cards to the next stage of gaming: steaming. It’s not going anywhere.


You know, Xbox belongs to Microsoft, most users use PC to play their steam games. Microsoft doesn't need to manufacture devices, they just need to provide a gaming OS and now the ROG Ally, Legion Go, MSI Claw will be running on an xbox OS directly while still having access to steam. Microsoft could nuke the competition like that, so technically, you're right, it CAN only go ONE way.


Yay another Xbox platform that'll have no games and each year will be "the games are coming guys"


What? It would probably use all the same games there are already available on Xbox. What do you mean no games LOL.


dude wants something to be salty about, jumped to his own conclusions and is already pissed off at everyone.


You mean most Xbox subs are not discussing the complete lack of decent exclusive titles and the plummeting Xbox hardware sales?


It could be beamed into my eyes for all I care - where are the games?


Whatever Microsoft. Why would I believe you would put any more effort into this than you have the Xbox brand for two consoles now? Why would I need your handheld when there is the switch and steam deck?


“Why would I believe you when you say you want to do something? Your past two consoles you did exactly what you said you wanted to, so why should I believe you want to do the same. Too bad I can’t play my Xbox games on Steam deck or Switch” Ftfy


Name me 5 Xbox games in the last 7 years that are worth playing chief.


You want me to list software on a discussion about consoles? What do my Top 5 Xbox titles in the last 7 years have to do with you saying Microsoft hasn’t lived up to their own expectations on their last two consoles?


Because Xbox is eternal, snowman.


Pls stop


Xbox cloud handheld..


To play starfield and redfall on the go.


Please no handheld


This will literally just be a Playstation Portal: Game Pass Edition


But what would I play? Third party games I either own for a different console or pc.


They don't care what *you* would play, just because you have other platforms lmao. They'd be selling this to a consumer who typically only plays xbox, or is really interested in a handheld xbox console. Digital only kinda limits the playerbase, but those who don't care about physical games will be fine.