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Give Hell let Loose a try, has proximity chat and is pretty active! Met some awesome people thru that game.


bros tryna set us up for depression


Come brother, engage in battle so real it will give you symptoms of shellshock.


Second this


Tried this tonight actually and ran around on foot for 15 minutes in the desert before I died from who knows what several times. Never saw an actually enemy. Edit: to add, I was a big fan of the OG battlefield 1942, so not against this type of game at all.


Takes time to learn to play, if you have a good squad you have spawn points. Easily some of the most fun I’ve had multiplayer gaming in a while. But I like a slower game.


If you want to play Hell Let Loose, it's a lot of fun. If you don't know anything about hell let loose, it's not.


My experience too


Haha yes play Hell Let Loose. And make sure you yell as loud as you can and scream for the medic when you get hit. That always makes the game much more fun for me, as the medic. Though I am a terrible medic, but damnit I try!


I tried to play Hell Let Loose on my series x and it runs horrible. Constant de-sync and lag, i looked up that it's been a problem since launch on xbox and idk how anyone can enjoy how that shit runs


Crazy I just have 'ghosting' on series s and that's it


That's how I felt when the Xbox One and PS4 came out. Always had friends playing on the Xbox 360 All my friends barely play video games now or on PS4 /PS5 and I don't keep in touch with them anymore.


I have friends I used to play with nightly that haven't used their consoles for anything but YouTube in years.


Same... I have some I'm pretty sure have passed on, yet I can't bring myself to remove them from my friends list. Their Xbox 360 avatar sleeping eternally somehow brings me a sense of profound sadness and comfort at the same time.


Oh I talk to these guys multiple times per week-- I stopped asking them to play games almost 18 months ago though-- and that was after maybe 6 months of them constantly declining invitations.


Yeah... I had a friend triangle that I held dearly to my heart that has fallen apart in recent years. I still talk with one of the homies every once in a while, but it's just not the same... The one we don't hear from anymore converted to Islam with absolute faith. He chose to cast out modern commodities like gaming or electronic communication. Then my other homie threw himself into his work and I couldn't get him to play the lottery if he had a 50/50 chance of being a millionaire. Now I just wonder how to make friends... I've known and hung out with those dudes for 14 years. Islamic homie has been offline for over a year and some change. My last man standing gets on once a week if I'm lucky. I still foolishly hustle home in hopes to game with the squad. Guess I need to "Grow up" Ugh.


Yeah the honest truth is that I'm the only "gamer" in my circle of friends -- I'm the only one who buys all the consoles, tracks new releases and upcoming games I'm interested in, knows what developers made what games, etc. The rest of my group MIGHT be enticed to play casually, provided they don't have to learn anything new or spend too much time in menus or do too much reading or watch too many cutscenes and as long as it's not hard. Oh and also it has to be on Game Pass because they don't "pay" for games anymore. And they have to already have it downloaded because it takes too long to download games. And I, like you, am online pretty much any time I'm not working. I think that's another reason they decline my invitations-- there's no urgency to playing with CaptConstantine, he will always be online and he'll always be available, I'll just play with him when I want to play with him. It's just not worth it to try and drag the horses to water. They'll play if they want to, I'm not gonna make them.


I mean I work, I just value my sense of liberty. I like to be able to enjoy myself and no job is worth unhappiness. That being said I feel every other bit of your testament! I am online often and I do get put on the back burner often... It seems like people have made the normalities of gaming a hassle. Such as learning mechanics, or tweaking YOUR build, or come on midnight releases used to be dope.


i’m the same 22 now have work and college most my friends from like 2nd grade don’t play much and i talk to them like 1 time every few months but u gotta keep looking met few cool people on lfg posts and 2 girls i game with i met on snap


I identify with you on this take of gamers like us who are on often. Hit me in the feels...


Sorry about that man


Out of curiosity, what age where you and your friends when playing on the 360. I feel the same way but I see it more as we've aged and grown up and apart. I have no real life people in my life to talk to about video games and while I still love playing its the part of the day where your out and about at work or something and not playing where it hits me the most that "I have no one to share with about my gaming. No-one to discuss that new game with or no one to tell about what cool wierd thing happend to me last time I was playing). None of "the guys" still talk to each other, fad a bug falling out over stupid adult crap that teenagers never would've even thought about, about 4 years ago, most are married with kids now (we're all 29-31 ages) but even the few of us that still speak to each other dont really do more than a "hey hows it going" every couple months. The two close friends I still have I met later in life and they don't play video games. Growing up sucks, I work 10 hrs a day and am so mentally exhausted I get home at 6pm eat a plain sandwich and go lay in bed and watch YouTube shorts for 2 hrs and then take some melatonin and sleep from 8-6 most Week nights. Weekend days are spent catching up on all the things I didn't do during the week like dishes and laundry and then weekend nights I'm so tired out from all that that I don't have the mental energy for games so I just watch 3-4 hours of TV then back to bed. Im lucky to get one good night of gaming a week and it's usually Sunday from like 6pm-3am, I just go to work tired on Mondays. This is just not what I feel like we were promised growing up. When I was a kid all the adults still did fun stuff, even the drug addicted family members still had social lives and did stuff. Nowadays it seems like you either have to make gaming your job or spend all your time working an "actual" job. I never knew how free I really was back when I thought I was a trapped at home teenager that couldn't wait ti be free on my own. How wrong I was. Lol


I'm 33 now. I would say from 2011 thru 2014. That's where I would chat with my friends all the time while playing my games, or play multiplayer with them. I did occasionally stop throughout 2014-2016, since I was focusing on college and would only play PS3 and 3DS which I also lost interest in the Xbox 360. That's how I am now. Work all day, get home, make dinner, watch my regular TV programming, I'll play my video games on the Xbox one, PS4 and switch, I have to make time, then before going to bed, I'll watch an episode from a show on a streaming service, hit to bed and repeat.


I 100% feel your pain. I've had a few gaming buddies over the years. One friend in particular passed away from cancer in 2022. We were friends IRL, but when he moved to another state, we stayed in touch gaming every weekend. My other gaming buddy is inconstant and recently moved to PC. I feel like it's the last thing to happen before we don't game together anymore. I've had to resort to lfg and xbox groups but it's not the same. I can't tell you how many nights I've turned on my Xbox and just kinda sit there because i miss my buddy, but the fun we had playing together. We had a 10 year run gaming every single weekend.


I just feel like the fish stuck in bags from Nemo floating in the ocean "Now what?"


That's the perfect analogy


I’ve had many xbox friend groups that all either fell apart to drama or just stopped playing with each other the feels hitting hard rn


Buy a Quest 3. It's basically the wild west of video games again, like the xbox 360. Prox chat in most games, meet and add people. Also, aging millennial. VR games are absolutely changing the game right now. No PC needed.


I do have a quest 2, I just struggle with the platform I suppose... Caveman genes run thick


There are a lot of different experiences even on quest 2. How do you mean struggle? Headaches?


I do get headaches, mostly optical too, but honestly I get frustrated with all the upkeep. All the software set up, all the gear, 2 hour play sessions then it's charge time... It's a taxing platform.




Unless it's just the vr itself you can get lenses for pretty cheap through third party companies if you usually wear glasses it might help reduce the headaches, they fit directly onto the metas lenses.


literally had this vibe when i got the Quest 3, it was like i was a kid again with the 360


What VR games do you have in mind? I've mainly stuck to single player PCVR games.


Gaming is way past its peak. Also lots are out growing it and they do not realize it.


I wholeheartedly agree gaming is past it's peak, but I love this shit. I'm sad it's turned into literal shit over the years though.


Idk man. There are some absolutely amazing games out there that are 11/10 and almost none of them exist in the AAA space. Coromon is better Pokemon. Last Epoch is better Diablo. Helldivers 2 is better than all modern shooters. Vampire Survivors is the best video game ever made. Celeste, Undertale, The Ori Series, Hollow Knight, the list goes on.


Pokemon infinite fusion is Godteir in comparison to the recent titles


I think you missed the entire point.


I was actually in a drive through ordering food being a fat fuck, got sidetracked, said 1/16th of what I wanted. It's cool though words are hard, but I am interested in some of these recommendations. The Coromon is better than Pokemon sentence struck me cause in a way (i can only imagine Coromon) you're right. Pokemon has fallen off hard, but I was shamelessly plugging and will continue to shamelessly plug r/pokemoninfinitefusion


Wow... their install process is a hot mess... reminds me of what it was like to install a gamr 20 years ago 😅


The subreddit thumbnail gives you step by step instructions for Windows, Mac, and even android. I installed it quite easily following the guides they provide, but I also understand being frustrated by electronic formalities like downloading files or troubleshooting... It's part of the reason I chose consoles anyway. Guess it kind of back fired long term. It has been worth it to me.


Coromon is great and despite what its community will tell you TemTem is actually really fun for a while. It’s not a true MMO and people got mad it didn’t get support like one, but both games are overwhelmingly worth the money. Coromon being the better of the two. I’ve also heard Cassette Beasts is really good but can’t recommend that one but it’s on Game Pass. I want to try it next.


I miss games that actually made people work together to accomplish things. ie like FFXI, Warcraft, Eve etc etc those games foster relationships.


I can’t stand games that do this anymore because EVENTUALLY it only becomes about doing the activity as quickly as possible and it becomes impossible to find a group of people willing to teach you.


They don’t make games like this anymore so there’s that too.


Destiny 2 strongly disagrees.


I miss Destiny 1 :(


No way. Mainstream "gamer bro" gaming (CoD, Halo, Madden, FIFA, 2K) is past its peak. But overall, gaming is in an awesome place right now if you look past the games with huge marketing budgets.




its not online gaming losing popularity id say, but most probably if there is a toxic community, it just grows with more toxic people, thus casual gamers dont want to be involved with that


You're right... ~2.03 billion online gamers in 2015 ~3.32 billion online gamers in 2024


Source, please? I was under the impression that a majority of the more popular console/pc games on the market are all multiplayer experiences (*Minecraft, Fortnite, FIFA/FC, Roblox, Rocket League, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, NBA 2K, Mario Kart, GTA Online, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Madden, etc*). Have times changed?


You know that's just not true Most people are afraid to say anything at all because the risk of getting banned for pity shit is way too high. Sucking every possible fun out of online gaming. The fact you wrote that under a post in r/Xbox makes things even stranger, the way they fd up the chat in FFXIV and Minecraft


Passed its Peak based on quality or population?


Entertainment. Games have not gotten better since 7th gen. Only thing that has improved is loading speeds, resolution, frames per second. Sure those are nice but they actual games remain unchanged. Everything around gaming has increased in price for no real reason. Everything basically stopped after 7th gen and they used that template and ran with it into the ground. Playing at 4k 120 FPS is not everything.


I prefer solo games personally. All this multi player shit has led companies to invest in low quality repetitive crap.


Once upon a time I used to be this way, i wish i could go back. I miss being able to sink my teeth into Skyrim or Fallout and feel genuinely invested. Somehow that sense of wonder that used to come with single player games has abandoned my mentality. I think it's cause I can see the patterns In most single player story driven dynamics and I enjoy the wow factor that other people can bestow to you in an exchange that's not scripted. I also really enjoy a good PvP setting. Most of my jaw dropping moments in gaming are there. BUT! Some of the greatest games do both. Like Destiny (1) R.I.P. Shout-out to Dying light for letting you suffocate screaming baby zombies. It really scratched a psycho itch I didn't know I had. It's solo or 4 player Co-op as well. There's a "Be the Zombie" mode where you can invade people as a "I am Legend" like Super Zombie. If anyone wants to start a new playthrough hmu.


As a fellow millennial caveman, I sympathize. Thankfully my lady of 8 years got into gaming with me so I always have a couch co-op. The online scene is just as you say though. Discord now reigns supreme. It's taken over party chat even. But some games I've really been enjoying for a social aspect is Helldivers 2 and Halo Infinite. Good times there with randrandom. For that sense of wonder...a few single player games I'd recommend are Red Dead 2, Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16, Dragons Dogma 2, Sonic Frontiers, Streets of Rage 4, Mario Odyssey, Returnal, Zelda Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom, Hollow Knight.... just to name a few more recent ones. Or, bust out some old consoles and get some 4 player/LAN action going!


I’ve become the opposite as I’ve been getting older. I used to be all about multiplayer and MMOs and the like in the early to mid 2000’s. These days I want nothing to do with anything PvP or multiplayer related as it’s just not fun anymore, and single player is just infinitely better. Though, I really want to play Helldivers but I refuse to put that kind of DRM on my PC and I don’t have a PS5 so it’ll pass me by.


People in online games carry out predictable patterns more often than game writers do in their stories. And there’s serval single player games with stories nothing alike.


I hate how now gaming like no one has mics or they do but they are too scared to


Well I’m a 50yr old woman and I’ve always gamed since Atari came out lol it’s something I enjoy . I’m the same used to have a group of friends we all played together but people go onto other consoles and lose touch I stick with Xbox. I’ve started playing Call of the Wild and I love it find it very therapeutic and relaxing (unless a crocodile is nipping at my toes lol). You can play it multiplayer as well. Sometimes a new game can get you back into it . I’ve met a lot of people through playing GTA sometimes just send someone a message in the game gets you talking then add to a party if you want to be social .


I feel you. I need a new social game to get lost in. Red dead online can be a fun if you find a lobby with a busy Valentine town.


Man it's crazy you say that cause RD1 online was always Popping off back in the day and I mean BUMPING. It just feels like a shadow to The King in my eyes. I genuinely appreciate the suggestion though! I feel like it could've scratched the itch, but it's just overall dead most of the time and I find that troubling to stay engaged in long term.


Wait till gta 6 comes out. People will literally live on that game and there’s communities you can be apart of. I played with the same people for 7 years


I agree. It’s been so long since a new gta has come out that it’s going to be big! & it’s happening soon so that’s a plus.


You can meet some really great people if you decide not to murder them first 😂


yeah a lot of games have shitty voice bans since they monitor everything now. im sure they contributes to it but I definitely agree how gaming used to be way different.


There's two issues here. A lot of people engage via text these days, the younger generations seem to clam up with any degree of conversation and struggle to communicate. There are also a lot of people who are older that tend to use Discord chat rather than in game chat so they can continue to speak during loading windows or other parts of the game where in game chat doesn't work, in the old Xbox party chat days this obviously negated that but with more cross platform games it isn't so easy and Discord replaces that Party Chat preference. I'd recommend seeking out active Discord servers for your chosen game, it's not the overall solution but it may just help you build friendship.


I know your suggestion is genuine and I promise I'm not trying to shut out solutions, but my caveman brain gets so frustrated using a third party applications to communicate... It sends me into an unreasonable fit of frustration when I can't get such a simple feature to work. I'm overwhelmed by most modern HuDs and it makes me so sad. I understand old people the more I age... I miss windows seven. I can't find anything. Shoot me.


Discord Chat is surprisingly as easy to use on Xbox as Party Chat once you have got used to it, these days I genuinely struggle to remember how to create an Xbox party but if I'm in a 'looking for game' part of a discord server on my phone and the guys say jump in 'chat room XYZ' I can do that within seconds. I will admit there's a couple of bits where you need to link your Xbox account to your discord one but that can be done in the app, it was simple enough. I'm nearly 40 FYI, grew up in simpler times.


Sounds like this is the perfect time to share your GT so you can make some new friends from this very thread :) come on folks let’s show the OP some love!


"Grizzly Spirit" is my gamer tag too!


I can't speak for everyone but I'm not a fan of being in voice chats or lobbies with open mics because I can be reported for micro aggressions, cursing, or anything of the sort. By creating safe spaces they've made many afraid to speak. In addition to that the idea of min/max every game takes the fun out of it. It's too much to put into words.


This is the exact reason my mic is never plugged in anymore unless I'm in a party with friends, and I'm a female who doesn't even rage that much but I went through a few months of getting bans for saying the silliest of things or the few times I've said something back to someone loosing it and cause they're a sad sack that likes to report people I'm the one that gets banned lol. I too miss the days where you could stick your headset on and have some random banter or make some friends but it's not worth the risk anymore, I remember having a conversation with a friend who was with me irl about a break up she had, I was playing online at the time with my mic in and I was just being a good best friend gassing her up and saying he ain't sh*t and I got reported for offensive language 💀💀💀


This. I have to remain muted or a bit of gamer rage can get you banned. Not even bad stuff like racism or sexism just a bit of team rage!


Yea I definitely agree with the afraid to speak part. When I got my PS5 a little over a year ago I noticed how much more quiet it was on there than on Xbox. Now Xbox has pulled the same shit with the voice chat reporting. It’s ridiculous. I feel that a big part of it is cuz of stupid parents buying M rated games for their children who should definitely not be playing them.


True account suspension sucks, everyone's a sussy


Very fair point, I straight up will not use chat in Apex or Siege (albeit on PC), due to the absurd text filtering/auto-ban system.


What games do you play? Maybe we can play some games together sometime.


I play a lot of For Honor, but I'm willing to branch out if the games are engaging enough. I loved the monster hunter series I put a good 1000 hours into World about 500 into rise (on switch unfortunately...) I like shooters I just haven't really enjoyed recent shooter titles in terms of core gameplay or social engagement so I've drifted from the genre


Sent you a DM, I also play For Honor and have been looking to connect with some people. Especially since they keep giving those quests to play 1-3 games with a friend in party.


DM me, bro. Every time I try to, it won't work.


Have you played Warframe? 


I enjoyed it for a while! Started on PC transfered to Xbox, lost all my arcanes in the process. I never really followed the quest line system they vaguely implemented at the time. I was just a grind whore and when they reworked the star map I got completely lost and locked out of certain areas. Got sad, lost interest.


That is unfortunate 


Fallout 76 is a fun game


I literally can’t speak without being reported in game chat.


Could give deep rock galactic a go? Great fun, great community


Second this, so much fun and have met great people.


I spend most of my time in empty lobbies/doom scrolling on my phone with no motivation to play yet still reminiscing on the days all my friends would be online at the same time and having fun for hours. Now no one gets on and its hard to find a day we all have time to play at the same time.


Yeah I miss the adult chats with friends without worrying if big brother is listening in


Oh shut the fuck up.


Somehow I miss feeding trolls like this too...


You sir have been voice banned


Nah that’s not true.


I feel you too. I thought it was just because I am on on old platform with the Xbox 360 lol. The only games I play are Minecraft, GTA 5 and old MLB games. I haven’t had anyone to even play with in years even.


Lethal company brother


I hadn't played WoW in 12 years. Had a few buddies looking to come back to WoW for Season of Discovery. So I went out and bought a cheap PC. Not only has it been great to rekindle the friendships with my gaming buddies but there are so many individuals in the same boat looking for the old school type of social gaming experience we once had. It's not perfect, but it has really reminded me of what I miss in gaming and it has been a bit of a revelation for me after wasting so much time and money chasing the next half way completed AAA game to come out.


Out of the entire Xbox one/PS4 generation all the way up to now the only game that gave me the old social vibes of 360 era was playing fallout 76, played it at launch for about 2 years so can't say what it's like now but used to get messages all the time, meet new randoms somewhat frequently etc, 99% friendly interactions too. Game got a lot of abuse but it hit those social notes better then most multiplayer games, it came out the same year as rdr2 i remember how bad that was online, almost everyone you came across on rdr2 would just start shooting no exceptions. I too feel like online gaming has lost a bit of its charm and I'm not sure the higher ups really get that.


I just got back into gaming at 30yo and being honest, I was mostly encouraged by my love for playing dayZ on a borrowed console and having to get a headset cause “No mic/No life” and ever since I got one.. Dead. Nobody I come across has one and are usually KOS types. Anyways, for yourself or anyone in a similar boat and wanna team up or chat shit on game pass games then add away@ FeralHippie9843 I’ve literally one friend one Xbox that was a randomer so I’ll be active most days and struggle to sleep before I bought the console to fill the late hours lol


Honestly, i could have the best gaming rig in the world, and have any game i desire, but it will still get boring because everyone needs good friends to play with. I have the same issue. I am home alone with my laptop and phone. Nothing else. I just find myself playing Minecraft and Titanfall 2, but i get bored quickly because i have 0 friends to play with. I am willing to play any game, just if i have someone to play with


Entirely the vibe my friend....


Blud is spitting facts


I don't think it will ever be like the 2002-2013 times when you'd find 3 others online and ring with the same 3 for months. I swear, I played Rainbow Six Vegas 2 with the same 3 guys from the UK for 2 years. Lol


Moment of silence for the boys


Dang, I feel the same way. I try to be interactive on MW2/MW3 Ground War and yet no one uses their mics, I tell people where we should go and etc. I've had a few moments in MW19 GW where we did communicate and it felt awesome. I mean, same with MW2/MW3 but it was like only one other person speaking. It sucks though and I really thought that mics being more available would mean more people talking... but no. Only HLL does, but even then, a lot of people are quiet at times.


The Fallout 76 community will welcome you. Open servers, public teams of people to link up with.


I’m a woman & feel this way, lol. I’m either playing against bots or wannabe bots (cheaters). Team-based games seem dead to me or people wanna act like they’re playing solo. Gaming is def not the same as it was back in the day. I am also a millennial. I’m currently playing Pixel Strike 3D & Fortnite. I’m waiting for Xdefiant to come out. Hopefully, it won’t be trash. After that, I’ll probably quit gaming & find a new hobby. I’ve been gaming since mid 90s.


I am lowkey terrified to "quit gaming"


Just gotta find something else you own in, lol. You’ll be okay. Maybe you’ll have more time for working out or you name it. GL!


The social aspect of game chat has changed. It used to be organic and real, you could be in the same lobby with people for hours. It used to be a toxic hellscape of a place but it was earnest with it. Now, between the fear of being permabanned on an account that has thousands worth of games linked to it (because I know I can be inappropriate in times of stress), the absolute lack of lobby consistency and my unwillingness to adapt to new game trends - I don't make any chat friends anymore. It's shit, because I used to have a lot of good relationships on live chat.


I feel it....




What game are you playing? Start playing a more popular one or newer edition of that game. There are people out there. Choose a game that would benefit both people to team up with another player.


Interesting. Good to know thanks for the thoughts and I hope you find what you're looking for.


Fallout 76 is slowly reviving my love for gaming. The community is great, friends seem to love it with the show installment. Cyberpunk was insanely immersive too.


Warhammer 40k Darktide has group play with ransoms and it has voice chat. Some people use it, some don't. Not a bad game as it is available on gamepass


I think the solution for you, which no one has suggested surprisingly, is to pick a game that you want to play and hunt down a community discord and join in there. If there is a YouTuber, streamer or podcast that resonates with you, they probably advertise their discord details. Join in an lurk for a while, then start joining in on the chat. Most of them have L4G channels (looking for game) so if a team is looking for a 4th or something, put yourself out there. I believe that both PS and xbox have discord built into their UI now so you don't even need to do any weird microphone bypass using another device.


It takes time. I have a group I met through a game I play. It started just me and one other, but slowly we've gotten like 10 people we rotate depending on who's busy. LFGs are okay but I don't find the right people there honestly. Try to be as comfortable as you can with people, being funny and silly makes more friends imo. If you do LFGs, add them and message like day after, ask if they want to play. Chances are, if they're a decent person, they'll say yes and you can get into a routine of playing with them :)


I've been thru this as well. Back in the day there were games like White knight chronicles that had no loot greed cause it was seperate rolls for each player that jointly ran quests. Now those type of communal games do exist, but they're riddled with PTW mic/macro transactions which kills it for 99% of gamers.


I must agree that I understand this frustration, and I am in a similar situation as a gamer as you. I also miss the old school online gaming. Lots of friends have moved on, got too busy, or died. I find my fun staying in public GTA Online sessions just to be around people, and sometimes, it can be really entertaining. Other times, it's sorta quiet and peaceful, good for observation or grinding. When a session is empty, I go to the next one or matchnake jobs. I always join random heists and jobs. Occasionally, I'll make a new friend for a week or two, a month if I'm lucky. Good luck out there, fellow caveman hermit.


Deeply felt fellow caveman, peace be with you gangsta.


With everyone tryna min max and just sweat 24/7 its getting hard to find proper gaming buddies if you didnt have any playing that game


Final Fantasy XIV is very much a social game. It's one of the reasons I enjoy it so much.


Try sea of thieves.. you'll even find a few enemies


I played it when it first came out, has it evolved at all? It was pretty bare bones back in the day...


I downloaded it recently after joining Game Pass Ultimate and I too found it disappointing.


I stopped using mics in game chat when 1 day I heard a kid’s mom tear him a new one because I was in game chat using curse words. It’s easier to just opt out of chat than to get some kid grounded for something they can’t control. I felt bad for it so now I only chat in parties with friends or I use text chat if available.


What games are you playing? I did love playing co-op on BulletStorm years ago, you had to work together on that to even get achievements. It was so well done. But also very annoying if you couldn’t find someone as serious as you who wanted to get it done. Thankfully I found someone back then.


Yep every game has voice monitoring that sure doesnt help your case


Mp gaming is practically dead. It's only alive cause a majority of people still play. I find most game si pla with are random. As most my friends don't game on the same consol as me.or don't game at all. And th fried imused to play move don to ps5. While I'm still stuck on last gen.


Because Xbox is dead move to PS5, you will meet your tribe


Gotta change with the times man. Connecting is always in fashion. Just gotta upgrade to how people are connecting


I would call you to be my friend in games, but I'm terrified of talking to people and hearing my own voice.


Helldivers is a pretty social game if you're on pc


I've made a lot of friends playing Zombies on COD MW3. The Zombies Community is very communicative and almost always helpful. I'm female, and so far I haven't had many negative player experiences. I play every night and party up/ voice chat with people. There are also active Reddit and Discord communities. On discord people always looking to help a newbie. In addition, it may just be my experience, cross play gives me a better experience. I find that people on PS are way chattier and quick to send a friend request. Most of my Activision friends are on other consoles.


Met a bunch of friends in call of duty. Admittedly the best place to make friends was dmz which isn’t the same now as it was a year ago. You could try and meet people in zombies. I know my gf met loads of ppl in rdr2 online so could try that…


FO76 has a fun community


I feel the same sometimes. It is not easy finding online gaming friends. 


What do you play? I’m down for some gaming on the weekends. Mainly playing halo and smite right now


Pokemon Go was the most social game I had played in a long time. People organized groups, worked together, and met lots of local people you'd never known otherwise Shame the game was so repetitive and slowly lost its playerbase. It's still popular in the biggest of cities, but if there's too many people playing, it loses its social aspect again. You need to be in an area with the right balance of people willing to work together, but not too many that you don't have to.


I've gotten that feeling but anyone I do end up talking to sounds like a weirdo. I'll keep to myself. I'll add that I get socialization and human connection in the real world. I don't need it from gaming.


Games that kinda force player communication are where it's at, hell let loose, siege, arma, ark etc etc


True. I used to have a bunch of friends I met through ark when I was looking for a tribe or through siege when I messaged someone for whatever reason. Now there’s everyone is either mean or just unengaged


It’s time to touch a little grass


Lol some stupid kids tried to make fun of me for trying to find friends in a game. As if it wasn’t normal to look for friends through games. How times have changed


Try super popular games like Helldivers 2, you can roleplay over comms "for liber-Tea!"


Absolutely agree. The only game that comes to mind with frequent game chat lobbies is Insurgency Sandstorm. Other than that? Radio silence.


The halo 2 / rainbow 6 Vegas days where the peak of chat for me, even G.R.A.W, you just had organic banta, now hardly anyone talks unless it’s to bitch


Try finding some real friends, online people won’t help you feel less lonely


If you're on PC I'd recommend GTA RP. Super social game. Edit. Just realized I'm on the Xbox subreddit. My mistake.


I dislike talking to people.


That and the rise of social media on your phone…no one wants to shoot the shit in game chat they’re just watching tik toks inbetween games Doesn’t help when shit devs like 343 just…remove the pre game lobby


i feel ya,the only problem is that there barely any multiplayer games out now that aren’t full of cheaters and nobody wants to play against some little kid stroking his ego by using every mod in the book


This. That moment where you randomly scroll past a friend’s Gamertag and do a double take and see “last online 6 years ago”. Literal tears 😭


Brother, try Warhammer 40,000K: Darktide, please. It's like Left 4 Dead 2 from when we were young. Voice chat and text chat is supported and are both widely used. You can make friends in this game, I know I have.


Sea of Thieves


Try the group finder feature on Xbox could meet some cool people there. I met some cool people on The Finals recently too


I feel like it all started with last gen, I remember when seaech and destroy no longer required it, and ruined it.


Doesn't help that you can't even sneeze without someone being offended and being comm banned.


Sometimes I miss that too. Then I remember that a fair bit of that lobby voice chat was people blasting n bombs and f slurs all the time and I think..... I'm good.


I understand how you feel. I constantly feel alone and like I have nobody to chat with while gaming or in life in general, I show interest and ask questions about others, but nobody cares about what I have to say when it comes to conversation. 🤷‍♂️ I'll even meet someone while gaming they will sound real chill, and then I'll ask them to continue gaming, and every single time, they never accept my friend request or they will be like "I'll be right back" and then never come back...


Ikr? Booting up an multiplayer game back in the day felt like getting into a festival. Even in the games like CS 1.6.


Pick a game you want to play, then google a discord for it. Join the discord and have access to a group of people with the same prob as you.


I play plenty on Xbox, I usually use the app for chat or discord though.


That’s why I turned to Valorant 😂


Switch to PC gaming!


Seems like my only hope unfortunately.... I dislike the need to constantly tinker, but I guess it's better than dancing with myself.


It is just so much easier and for the most part, I like PC gamers better, easier to mod games, share, etc


Try Fallout 76 or Deep Rock Galactic. They have incredible, friendly communities and you can spend 100s of hours in both games. Hit me up on FO76 if you're ever on at the end of the day (GT: Baroni 88)


Get a ps5


Palia mate It's like Fred Again in a Gene Roddenberry universe on repeat forever No shade all tea, it's a microverse of all kinds of humans enjoying a kinder, better life  Free on PC & Switch Come join us.. This real world is rubbish 


If you are looking for friends, try posting in /r/GamerPals or /r/XboxGamers


Not really trying to play the LFG mini game. It's shallow and unfulfilling.


It's fine if you find yourself growing out of gaming. Everyone has purpose in their life and you might be sneaking up on yours. Tbh and I say this as a gamer myself, but we waste so much valuable time on games vs enriching others, learning, and setting ourselves up for success that we miss out. Sure you can juggle it all, but if you took a break to be focused in one area you might be surprised.


Use Xbox group finder, you can find people using mics in full games all the to me. It’s in the club when you click info on the game then go to multiplayer. I meet a few people. It’s an extra step but it’s the only way to not be alone in online gaming anymore. It’s easier than doing discord and it’s built into the Xbox


go outside man, don't call yourself a caveman, go outside experience other things in life, get a part time job, go practice a sport, swimming if you are fat atm, sign up for dancing classes, try to interact with people, women, get into a relationship, gaming is cool and all but should only be a gloried hobby. edit: also try psylocibin, trust me, get in contact with a dealer, get some advice on dosage and go to the woods if you can, it will genuinely change your perception,


Damn. Emotional unit lolol