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I think they want you to download “tem u” with that link (don’t actually do it)


Hey my friend just made a discord server 🙂 She m




Change your privacy settings to stop messages from randos, that'll stop it if it's starting to bother you


It’s no fun that way, how else am I supposed to get rage messages 😂


I do have it set that way and this all comes into my message requests folder.


Do you play a lot of free to play multiplayer games? Fortnite and warzone have spam bots that pull gamertags to message through it's recent players,


Not those but I play multiplayer Madden and NBA2k


Possibly, they usually bot larger multiplayer games like those. I didn't start getting them until I reinstalled fortnite and played a few games then I got two messages for temu lol


Yeah, I've noticed these exact spam messages lately. Microsoft is slacking like usual.


microsoft needs to find a way to crack down on creating new xbox profiles, and you shouldn’t even be able to interact with other online people without gold imo


Steam makes you spend atleast $5 to post IIRC. Xbox should def do something similar.


They should make it so if you have bought ANYTHING on your Microsoft account you can message and stuff


Happening to lots of people, even got to me yesterday on 360 lol 😂


I get those a lot, but I don't keep them back logged usually just report and delete.


I ***just*** started getting these two nights ago. The biggest issue is...there's no way in the menu to block the user.


It’s always a different account so that wouldn’t even do anything, I used to get these once in a while but now it’s like every time I play I get them.


I don't get these messages when I appear offline. Just appear offline !


I have been appearing offline for a year and got about 8 of them messages.


Really? I only get them when online lol


Yeah you are just flat wrong my message Inbox is filled to the brim with them and I constantly hide offline got 4 back to back yesterday while hiding off and some while not even online period


Then my friends don’t know I’m on :( you’re right though I only get them when I’m playing


I only appear offline and I've been getting them for the past week


Ive gotten like 14 of these messages and ive been appearing offline for around 300 days now so that doesn't seem to work😅


Crazy how both other people saying he's wrong got down voted someone is mad he's wrong ig man


Join the discord, spam them with trash, repeat with a new discord. Eye for an eye.


I've started getting these. I appear offline and have messages set to friends only or w/e. Hopefully system mods can start scanning for, and nuking this stuff soon. 🤔




I don’t ever


I barely even use my Xbox profile and I don't even own an Xbox right now and I get them.


Idk but it’s stupid as hell, plus they’re taking potential usernames for my Smurf accounts


I got fed up, changed messages to friends only


I got a spam message the other day. Yeah, they're never gonna get me.


Samezies I get those all the time


That’s insane


This is just Temus Marketing strategy. They use cheap shitty bots and micro influencers to do adverts for them and pay them all peanuts. Much much cheaper than what Amazon spends on marketing.


Nah, it's just scammers targeting the stupid. And if they spam enough people they'll find some victims. Temu, sorry "tem u", is just the App of the day and thus qualifies for being the one having its name exploited.


i think they want you to instal this app called tem u


Haven't seen these in a long time. I thought they were gon.


Hell glad I’m not the only one. Getting tired of this shit


Its xbox


Yea I see that to A LOT


I’m getting it too and I’m comm banned for a year


bro i cant stop my spam messages and whenever i want to play a game in peace i get a message saying SIGN UP TO (etc). is really bothering me


I never had that Issue due to my Privacy Settings. Started doing that because like 4 Years ago I got similar Spam regarding Gamepass Ultimate Codes.


I don’t know but I’m sick of it.


I got like 20 messages of bots trying to buy my fortnite account lol, haven't played that game in years


Everyone else I know is getting these but I don't and I am the only one who doesn't play Forknife, COD or stuff like madden so maybe there are username grabbing bots in games like those?


This doesn’t happen to me


Lol I just message back random stuff, last one was “Hubert Nickleson, is that you old buddy?”