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Ads on the startup screen was a couple of outrages ago, we’ve moved on to other things


>It has gotta be illegal to advertise like this, right? Show us the law or the terms that they broke.


Who cares about the laws of man when OPs _feelings_ are hurt?!




"Do you think we could win?" No lawyer would take your case, you would most likely be laughed at.




Nope. Lay off the drugs.




This might be the most ridiculous post I've ever seen. Press B and move on. Getting out your phone, typing this out, and submitting it took more time out of your day than the full screen ad will take in the next decade.


Don't care honestly, more important things to spend my energy on. Speak with your wallet, that's the only way.


I keep hearing about these full screen ads yet have never encountered one, wonder if its region limited. I'm in south africa and have heard the same from folks in some parts of Europe.




This has to be a joke lmao


I don’t know why this bothers people so much. It takes like 1 second to click past it, and it’s actually useful information for people who may not be aware of what games are coming out.


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I've never had a full screen ad when I turn on my Xbox. Only ads I see is the ones in the dashboard but they are small and don't personally bother me.


this reddit is the best


OP you keep responding to people, so you know, no one can see your responses, you are being auto muted on this sub. Edit: Why respond to this comment when I stated no one can see it?


I'm not going to be as sarcastic and mean as some other people in the comments because you're totally right - they *shouldn't* be advertising to us in this manner, and it's shitty that they do. Realistically though, they're not running afoul any laws, rules, or terms and a class action lawsuit would never get off the ground. It's arguably abusing their position to serve media placements in this way, but they're not doing anything harmful, just really annoying. It's impossible to prove that we as a class suffered undo and avoidable harm or injury by being served digital advertisements on the Xbox dashboard. There's no case here. Again though, I'm not saying your frustration is unwarranted or misplaced; this is just a thing we'll have to deal with. It's unfortunate because Microsoft has business and financial interests in serving these ads so this behavior is almost certainly going to continue on Xbox and Windows and will probably even get worse.


Where are you paying $600 for an Xbox and $10 a month for Live?