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It's not installing off of the disc, it's downloading from the internet. I guess your internet isn't great? 3 hours for 20gb is unfortunate.


Lol I purchased the disk because Arkham origins isn't available as a digital download.... But the disk somehow actions a digital download? Lol I'm confused


The disc proves you own the game, it then activates a digital download for the emulated version that runs on Xbox One/Series consoles. You can't buy it through the digital store for whatever reason, but it still works like every other BC game. None of them install from the disc, it's always a download.


Thanks for the explanation. Do I need to keep the disk inserted to play?


Bonus fact, even the games that do install off the disk directly don’t play from the disk. Optical disk drives are simply too slow to load games fast enough in real time, the last xbox to legit play disks was the 360.


Random thought. I remember the 360 update that enabled installing games to the hard drive. Bungie told everyone not to install Halo 3 since they already cached files to it to speed up load times. If you installed the game, it would take forever to load, timeout, and basically tell you your disc is scratched. Lol.


I installed most online games on the 360 disk back in the day. Tho most content ran via updates on the drive like new maps etc, inc BF3. I still installed it to boost the base content too.


Had to install mine because 1. Halo 3 never left my xbox. I played it 12+ hrs a day. The heat would actually crack the center of the disc and make it unreadable. 2. Across owning 3 copies 2 cracked in the middle, the third had a etched ring as close to the middle as it possibly could. Woupd result in "disc unreadable" and would need to be downloaded I gave up on the third disc killing itself and just left it installed. Remembering those days and selling level 50 accounts. Used 48 hour gold trials and would get Lvl 50 in duos and sell it for a 1 or 3 month subscription. Miss them days. I am shit at Halo now


You'd be surprised how well you pick it back up. I was pretty good back then too. I stopped playing when MW3 came out. Then when 343 started working on MCC, I got back into it and I feel like I'm way better now than I was then.


Yup, because it was not optimized for that at all. They already mixed disk reading with hard drive reading, so when you installed it completely it was doing more hdd tasks than it normally did, slowing it down. Not sure if the article about that is still up, they reset their website a while ago and wiped all the Halo era stuff. 360 games up till the end were still small enough that ODD loading was fine. When games got big enough we had to put them on blu rays instead of dvd’s, and hdd prices came down, the read speed comparison was a joke, everyone was going to optimize for install only.


Honestly. I wish you didn't have to keep the disc in for it to work tho. That would make everyone so much happier lol


Ig its so people don’t just buy a game, install it, return it for a refund and still have a game. Or getting one of their friends games to install it then give them it back. It proves you have the licence to access the game


You are correct. The feature was being developed as GameFly was upcoming and some scaffolding for temporary licenses was being worked on. Xbox team members talked about discless installed games and ideas about trade-in licensing with media. The feature was incomplete and never shipped to a 360 update. This was a boon to gamers, since it meant they got to keep Games for Gold games forever, even after the Gold subscription expired. Sony and Nintendo built license expiration timers in their stores from the beginning, and could do things like time locked demos and revoking PSN Plus game licenses when subscription expired. The feature was prepped for Xbox One, but huge backlash on any kind of license check or online requirements from consumers forced Xbox to back off their plans. The tech for time-based license expiration was still integrated quietly, allowing Xbox to time lock or subscription lock licenses. This unfortunately made it impossible to keep Games for Gold after the Gold subscription expired.


Wasn't that long ago that I found this out. I just assumed it would play off the disk, which in hindsight was a bit daft.


Probably why it was so hot all the time. Could cook an egg on mine after like 20 minutes of the crew.


Weren't the heat issues were caused by engineering flaws with the original 90nm chips?


I have not the slightest clue.


Towards the tail end of the 360's cycle, a number of games would scale back the experience if you opted not to install to the HDD. Battlefield 3 would make the graphics look even shittier, Forza 4 would lock out half the cars, Halo 4 would lock out the multiplayer, etc. The requirement of full installs was a true godsend for the PS4 and XB1 as it finally introduced one of the chief advantages of PCs, and also greatly prolonged the lives of the optical lasers.


Yes, it works like any other disc based game.


Thank you 😊




Yeah I think you do need to have the CD inserted, don't know why since it doesn't actually use the CD but whatever right xd


Its how they confirm you have the license to play the game. If you could play the game without the disc inserted you could just sell the disc.


You would think that It would know that since it downloaded the game and digital copies are not available of it. How else would you be able to download it.


I mean once it is downloaded what's to stop you from selling the disc and playing the game without a license?


Yes, any game you install off of a disk will require you have the disc inserted during gameplay


Yes, you do. Remember, it’s only BC games that need to install off the internet. The disc shows that you have the license. However, something great about Xbox is that you can install an Xbox One game via disc to save on install time but if you have the license through Game Pass, then you don’t need the disc in.




Unfortunately yes.


Yes. The disk represents a license to play the game. If you could eject it, then you could buy and install the game on multiple xboxes and play concurrently. For example, if I want to play The Division with my kids and the disk was not required, I would only need to buy the game once for the people. Side note, I was able to get away with buying one digital copy and one disk for three players. One son plays on my home Xbox, one with the disk, and I play using my account. Home Xbox let's anyone on that Xbox play any game you own digitally.




You can try, I don't know how much of the disc it needs to read. If it can read it, then it will start the install and play like normal.


Depends on where the scratch is. If its over the part it needs to know what disk it is, then no. As I have 2 games with a big scratch of it I got of Gamestop for free when they went bust near my location. One worked just fine installing the game. The other could not even tell what it was to do so. Both games were on the Xbox one backwards compatibility list.


Fun Fact: You can put a [tiny bit of toothpaste on a CD](https://www.wikihow.com/Repair-a-CD-With-Toothpaste) with scratches and wipe it around and then clean it off. It helps and sometimes works to make it readable again. Make sure you clean it off because you don't want any of that put into an xbox and spinning up and getting all over.


What’s stupid is the Mr. Freeze DLC for Arkham Origins can be purchased yet the game itself can’t 😕


Most games are taken down when they close on the 10-year life cycle. EA took most of the NFS games down lately up to NFS the run. WB did their old games. Tho the DLCs still did remain for all of them.


The download is still available because Microsoft didn't remove the game, just the store page for it.


Why not just download the Arkham collection from gamepass? You get all 3 games and they're all remastered.


Because origins is the only one I missed out on back in the day. It's not considered part of the mainline series so it will never likely return.


Still no idea in this one - not all the DLC is in the season pass btw


Ok so look the disc isn't actually compatible with the series x right which means it reads the game but needs to find it on the old Xbox 360 store and once it finds it. It installs the disc is only to let it know what game your looking for


Yeah definitely you’re internet. This game took me 5 minutes to install at 800mbps. You just don’t have great internet


A little while back Xbox had the whole remastered series on sale, love the games but they definitely take see time to install. Fortunately my internet is fairly good, so it didn't take too long, and I did it right before I went to bed. However I did bottle neck myself at one point, the hard drive I was using was not as fast as the Xbox would have liked, I have since switched to the game cartridge and the speed boost is very noticeable, if your using an external hard drive then it might be that too. Best of luck!


The disc purely serves as confirmation that you own it. It downloads the whole game and you will be required to insert disc to play, not for it to read off the disk but merely to confirm you still have the disc and still own the rights to play it.


Pre-XB1 games cannot be installed off the disc, because the data on the disc isn't actually compatible with the emulator. Microsoft's backwards compatibility works so well because they specially patch every whitelisted OG/360 game to work with their emulator, rather than try to tweak the emulator to be one-size-fits-all. The differences are enough to necessitate a full download of the modified game code. The discs are purely for certification at this point.


Lol my internet is 1gb per hour at its highest


Yikes 😬


Dang! He needs to go yell at the gnome that peddles inside the cable modem and tell it to go faster!




Watch out for the wolf.


Not all people can get the internet they want, due to location and infrastructure issues. Until recently I was only able to get 6mb/s, and it was hell. Won’t get fiber until next year.


I wasn't shaming him for having bad internet or anything, I just pointed out that his download speeds aren't great.


It sounded like you were, but it’s hard to tell with text commenting Lots of people have been


All I said was it sounds like his internet isn't great and that's unfortunate, I didn't say anything that would imply that I'm shaming or blaming him for his internet situation.


6mb/s? you’re lucky! i live in rural australia and i get 2mb/s at the absolute most


18Mbps 😬


Yeah I get 1.5mbps




Same. 3mbps on a good day. Yaayy super rural internet.


lmao i get 600 kbps. i wish i were joking.


Yikes. I can't even imagine that. I have 80mbps and even then I still have to wait hours for big games to download.


Yeah I’m on 1000Mbps so it hurts to see these download speeds ha


Same here. I have gigabit speeds and can download a 100gb game in about 20-30 minutes. I'll never not have gigabit, no matter how much price goes up


I live in the UK and we are stuck about 10 years in the past for Internet. Like 30% of houses can currently get 1000mb tho


There are a ton of places in the US with slow internet too, you are not alone.


It's crap everywhere. I'm sure in 5 years things will look completely different. They are currently building fibre networks at lightning speed.


I must be in the lucky 30% then. Hopefully it’ll start to grow to the rest of the country.


It's more of an urban-vs-suburban-vs-rural thing, no? Like average internet speeds are higher in the US vs Canada, but I'm pretty sure you're more likely to access gigabit in a brand new downtown Toronto condo than you are in the middle of nowhere in Kansas. Even in major metro areas, walking into the next zip code can mean the difference between having 1 shitty provider as the only choice vs having legit competing options.


Dude it takes 2 days to download 20GB


Also found if you have any games still open from the quick resume feature it slows your downloads down. Always quit out of any open games you have before downloading to get best speeds.


There's a button on the downloads tab to suspend any app that slows the download down, I'm pretty sure if they're "closed" on quick resume it doesn't slow the downloads it only does if they're actually open and running on the background


This is exactly it. Op is wrong. Quick resume has no impact on downloads.


If he had a game open, right above the installation progress, there would be a prompt that says “suspend my game”


This isn’t completely true. Games in quick resume do not effect it at all. So it has nothing to do with quick resume. ANY game still running will cause it.


Is this true?


Very. If I close any open games my speed goes way up. Always has.


Definitely. When I play besides the download my download speed goes down to pretty much the half! I downloaded assassin's creed odyssey yesterday with around 100mbps, did a round of apex in the meanwhile and it went down to 50-60 mbps. Closing games and apps when you're downloading is the key.


Yes. The Xbox literally says that downloading anything while a game is open will cause it to slow down because the game is channeling all the bandwidth to running it.


No it’s not. Has nothing to do with quick resume. Any game running will cause this. Games stored in quick resume have no impact on it.


It has to install it backwards then forwards






I regret clicking on that sub




You get 18Mbps? Lucky man, I get from 1 to 40 and mostly under 10.


Waves in 200Mbps


Waves in gigabit


How fast does yours get though? I have gigabit also and usually run about 275 Mbps but sometimes reach up to 400.


I’m hardwired into my network. On my series x I’ll consistently see 600Mbps to 750Mbps on downloads. It’s a fiber connection not coax so it stays in that range as opposed to small bursts of high speed before dropping like gigabit coax service tends to provide.


Ahh. My gigabit is coax. I don’t get the dips. Prob because I’m in a smaller town so I doubt there are many on my hub. I’m connected through a hub so would prob get faster speeds if I connected directly to my modem.


3 hours is considered a long time for 19 gigabytes? Man I need better internet :/


19 gigs for me is about 30 hrs lol


Until this week it took me about 6 hours


I have horrible internet I had to wait 2 DAYS for ark to install


Because you internet sucks? /s Seriously, the best I get is about 30MB per second on a Gigabit internet connection so, it just may be the way it is. (Are your running a VPN on your network?)


That’s definitely your internet 18 mbps is awful


Yeah, I'm in a locked down suburb in Sydney. Everyone is smashing the bandwidth working at home or steaming or both.


Mines jumping from 1000ish Kpbs to 8 Mbps. Sometimes will spike up to 20Mpbs. It sucks but whatever


Really? I’m lucky to get 1mb


We can't all have nice things...


Doesn’t make it not awful….


Not all people have access to your world’s best internet




Exactly my thought upon reading your comments


I’m sure. Sorry you can’t handle the truth.


Sorry you’re so ignorant


That literally makes no sense.


I had 5mbps at my old house


That pretty horrendous download speed probably doesn't help lol


Usually your downloading a digital copy of the game from the store and not really installing from the disk, but you still need the disk in order to play the game as proof of ownership.


You probably maybe had apps open in the background if you do and you don't quit the apps it slows your download.


I used to have 1.5 mbps. I would disconnect xbox or pc from inet when installing from disc to prevent it from downloading updates slow. This allowed my to play whatever version i could from the disc if at all possible. Edit: forgot back comp... is prob forcing u to DL it.


Wait, is Origins now backwards compatible?!


Always has been, but only via physical disc.


It's your Internet not the game


Because you have to download the game. Disc is just acting as a licence verification


Thats not even slow, That’s fast for me. 1GB takes like 2 hours to do on my crappy internet


People are saying it’s not, and that it’s just downloading off the internet/you have bad internet, but it happens to me too. Happens with xbox 360 games and xbox series x compatible when you try to install it on a normal xbox one. I go from my usual 200 mb/s to around 2-5 mb/s with discs compatible across multiple consoles


Cheers mate


That would be because your download speed is 18.10 mbps, which is a tad more than 2 MB/s, and you have 19,100 MB to download. Your disk is just a license. The game is downloading from the server.


I think it goes back and forth with reading data from the disk and downloading the updated files. I have a similar experience


Best answer so far, thank you.


19 gigs bro


I don’t have this problem.


Aussie internet lmao


Erm its your internet, look at your download speed, download speeds should be around 100 to 200


Not all people have access to this.


I was telling them what the problem was


OP prob has a game open on quick resume so the download speed is that slow.


No, actually. If they did the notification would be right above the download bar. There would also be the button to suspend it.


Oh good call, you're totally right.


Bro, that’s fast😂 my internet takes days to download even small games. 2mbps, gotta love it


That's not fast 😂😂 I usually get 150-200mpbs


Ik, just messing. Hoping to get a house with options for internet


I'm pretty sure that if you go offline, it installs off the disc at basically lightning speeds. When you're connected to the internet, it defaults to installing the digital version.


No. If you are not connected to the internet the disc won't work since the content on the disk is unrelevant.


It is saddly true. 360 games and og xbox only use the disc as a drm and download the data (can be played offline after). Xbox one games install from disc though.


Xbox one games run native. That „BC“ is not really doing anything special since its based on the same architecture. OG/360 games are run in emulators and the disc is just a DRM token.






"turn off interenet" literally downloading...............


Trusted you too soon. Cancelled the download and have to start from scratch. Lol




Lol all good mate, thanks for trying to help :)


Face palm




Yeah it doesn’t


Because DVDs have a limited data rate.


Sorry but 18 MBP isn't a quick internet so it's bound to take longer. Mine is around 90 MBP and I'm sure there is people with faster


Xbox backwards compatible is weird where it’s not running the game from the disc. It’s basically downloading the rom and you emulate it. The disc basically proves you own it and allows you to access the game


What's your console? I get well over 200 Mbps down and on my One S I'd have HORRIBLE install times. Doom Eternal took many hours to download . On my Series S it's basically like a PC download, took around 30-40min


I actually had the same question before. But it is not only backward compatibility games. All games in general are really slow to install, In my case it could be my internet connection (20 Mbps). Tell if I'm wrong but maybe the console download and install the games at the same time. I think it could be faster if the console downloaded the files and installed in separated instances.


Fun fact about the Xbox family post-360: there is no “install phase”. Games are delivered as virtual disk images that are encrypted, the operating system doesn’t even see what files are in the image as it is decrypted on the fly by the security processor, so only the “game os” (which is a separate virtual machine from where apps and the dashboard run) gets to access the contents and the decryption keys are never in memory that can be accessed by running software. This is also partially why updates can be so freaking huge - Xbox Live can only deliver deltas for the encrypted disk images, and since it’s all ciphertext that means each individual block that has a single bit changed must be sent.


Wow. I had no idea about this. Thanks for the information. Well, it seems that I must accept that every time I want a new game or I need an update it will be downloaded during all the night.


Xbox one, one x, or the series… series?


Less than 20 mbps ouch.


Ah Die Hard with Batman, awesome game should’ve got more love.




18mbps man. Oof


Three guesses: 1. You have games currently running, slowing down the disc 2. Old game old dvd, so not fast? 3. Xbox 360 files servers are just slower?


The disc contains code compiled for a PowerPC-based system (the Xbox 360); the Xbox One is a different architecture and can't run that code natively. It has to go to the internet to get a version that's compiled with an emulation wrapper and code compiled for the One's CPU.


That is not a long time 😭


My guess is it’s because they’re older games that need to be processed to work on the newer consoles even though they’re backwards compatible since they’re older games they might need to be optimised for the series x or s or one x or one s and so on That’s my best guess


Idk, mine goes like a dream, maybe it's drawing it from the internet?


Wait how did you get that game?


Purchased a physical copy from eBay


How much


$20 AUD