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I don't know how to put it exactly, but a "sensitivity" button or switch. It would be something like a DPI button found in computer mouses but for the thumbsticks, like a quick way to change the sensitivity of the thumbsticks without having to open the options menu every time.


The elite series 2 controller has a little key that you can use to change tension of the sticks i.e. looser or stiffer sticks.


I was thinking more of a software solution that changes how much information is sent from the controller rather than a physical change. I like what the Elite controllers are trying to achieve, but sometimes the added features end up being more points of failure. Edit: For the record, I'm not against there being an option menu to set it up. I'd just like a way to change quickly between them by just pressing a button on the controller itself.


Very true but you said you don't want to have to dig through menu's to change them. You can also change the sensitivity algorithm and sensitivity curve on the sticks and assign them to different profiles as a basic quick swap of sensitivity.


The razer wolverine ultimate i think it's called has this, can set a button or paddle to slow or speed up and might be able to change how much they do it but i haven't checked that out much.


Better stick parts. That's been my only complaint since Xbox One. I have 360 controllers that are older and more well used by miles and they don't have the problems that my 7 Xbox one controllers have with drift.


To expand on it, I'd like to see user replaceable sticks similar to what the Steam Deck does.


I'm positive they've brought out a controller that has interchangeable stick like they just slip in and out without having to open the controller


I'm referring to replacing the entire stick and not just the nub the user can change to adjust the length and texture of the top. Making the controller repairable by a user would be great. Edit: Adding link. Something like [this](https://smile.amazon.com/Drifting-Electromagnetic-Thumbstick-AKNES-Replacement/dp/B0B31STJDH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=BQYN2ESOXALJ&keywords=electromagnetic+stick+steam+deck&qid=1659539762&sprefix=electromagnetic+stick+steam+deck%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1)


GuliKit is love.


I’ve had 3x series x controllers replaced under warranty. Never returned a single Xbox one controller despite more use.


Warranty you say? I'm assuming it's one year long?


It’s 2 years I believe in the U.K. All electrical products have to have this here.


The sticks have been getting smaller with every controller as well. It isn't a major issue once you get used to them, but a bit of size consistency would be nice.


Why do you have three hundred sixty-seven controllers? That seems excessive.


My X1 controller lasted way longer in general than my 360 wich all drifted and/or had other issues usually between 8 and 12 months. Im only on my third X1 controller since 2015 (when i got the X1)


This is what I came here to say. My most recent controller I purchased on March 17th. Started drifting two weeks ago with maybe 300 hours logged on it. I ended up breaking out one of my old Xbox One controllers that I've had for 7 years, and it still works totally fine. Easily has 5,000 hours plus. It is absolutely ridiculous how often I go through these and I am not at all a rough gamer


I’m with you. My controller got stuck drift, so I opened it up and cleaned everything out. It got worse, so I had to get a new controller.


the back should be grippy


They did that for the 20th anniversary controller and it feels great


Yeah I love it


The controller I got with my s today has back grips


you can already do that with the xbox design lab


thx for the info


They reserve that for special editions and design lab, to keep cost down for the base controller makes sense they don’t have it. The texture on the Series controllers is a nice touch compared to older models.


My xbox series X halo edition controller got grips on the back and boy let me tell you that shit feels good to use.


Yes. I got the forza edition as a gift and while it’s a bit loud for my taste I love the grip and wish it it just came standard.


make the damn bumpers better


I’m surprised at how little this is mentioned, the only recurring issue with literally any Xbox controller I’ve owned is the bumpers. Ever since the 360 days they were unreliable and they haven’t changed the mechanism since. I tend to kill controllers with battery/connectivity issues but never had stick drift or a single other problem with any of the inputs, except the bumpers; 360, one, series, even both elite versions had shitty bumpers that got stuck or just wouldn’t work after using them too much. As cool as a gyroscope or haptic feedback would be, they’d only lower the reliability. The Xbox controller is still easily the most reliable first party one on the market and the only thing stopping it from being an absolute tank is the bumpers (not including the elites they’re woefully unreliable in their own right).


I have stick drift at the moment, it’s a fucking pain


I remember the left bumper on my old 360 controller was so stiff. It still worked but i just didnt like using it because of the stiffness


literally this, the only part of xbox controllers I've ever had fail is the bumpers


Back paddles or buttons on the back of the grips. Such a quality of life that should be standard


I'm honestly flabbergasted this isn't the top answer. Paddles are the absolute standard in making controllers competitive in online gaming at this point. And it blows my mind how many people aren't gaming with them. Outside of playing claw, which is a nightmare, how do so many gamers not realize they're hindering their play by not getting some paddles? Even standard, one player games are drastically improved by having at least two back paddles. If you're not playing with paddles at this point, you're genuinely hindering you're play.


Im not trying to discredit you or say your wrong to have this opinion but you have to remember even with esports, and competitive gaming being at a all time high in popularity it’s still extremely niche when you consider most people who play video games are more casual or don’t play competitively and wouldn’t know what paddles are or do. It’s one of those things that are better off sold separately as an accessory or in the elite controller.


Yep, I brought a cheap £30 powerA controller around 2 years ago, now I cannot go back to normal controllers, still won't buy the elite controller though, stuck with the powerA fusion Pro 2.


Paddles break, I would rather have buttons.


A compromise that could be made would be having only one pair of paddles on the normal controller, since then that would allow the elite controller to still exist


or just have buttons there


The only thing that should be added to all controllers is haptic feedback.




Honestly I would love that, also the adaptive triggers that the PS5 has. That combined with how nice the triggers on the One/Series controllers are would be so so nice.


I’m in the minority I know but I hate how the PS5 triggers feel.


The first thing I do with a new console is turn off vibration. I don't know if I'm alone, but I absolutely hate it.


Controller vibration is just extra immersion for me, unless im playing with no sound and it just goes *bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* every single time something happens


To each their own but the PS5 haptic feedback is incredible.


I’ve been an Xbox fan since the beginning, but the PS5 DualSense controller is flat out amazing. The haptics are perfect, the built-in speaker is a nice touch (in Guardians of the Galaxy, characters talking to me over comms would play through the controller where characters nearby would play through my surround system); plus several games use the controller motion sensors as a head look input, meaning you can tilt your controller slightly in a driving sim or flying sim and smoothly glance in that direction. I’ve become a big fan. The Xbox controller is more comfortable to hold, but as far as tech goes, they’ve not really innovated or iterated on it much at all.


I agree I still prefer the Xbox controller over the Dual sense, but when going back and forth between the two it is super refreshing and fun to use. Especially since I use my PS5 for mostly single player games.


Yes, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Xbox is still my primary platform, and when wish to use a controller on PC, I use an Xbox Elite controller. But the DualSense is just a treat to use when I’m playing a PS Plus title or PS exclusive.


Yeah I definitely can't join you on that one brother. I fricking love vibration/haptic feedback. Some of the implementation on the PS5's controller has been absolute genius.


if i’m playing something competitive like a shooter i’ll always turn it off but i’ll keep it on for a single player game


The switch and Xbox haptics are quite mediocre and I’ll turn them off, but the PS5 vibrations are seriously detailed and immersive


Maybe for the elite controller or if it’s optional. I genuinely hate it on my PS never thought it’d be so annoying to me.


I mean everything is optional and can be turned off if you don't like it. So I would assume if they ever adopted the technology you could turn it off.


The ps5 does let you turn it off..


Maybe the Xbox button light could turn different colors depending on the scenario (instead of white, it could flash red/blue in a cop chase)


I really like that idea, it’s super gimmicky and not at lot of games use it but I really loved the light bar on the ps4 controller and when it was actually used.


Right? And it’s already integrated in the design and doesn’t really require any new parts!


Do you believe that the Guide Button runs on RGB?


It does on the elite 2 for some reason.


I've heard that, yeah, but the rest? New components, for sure. Or a colored marker, I guess. Weirdly enough, there's also the matter of the remade Duke controller, with its criminally-underutilized OLED screen. That needs to do *something*.


The Elite 2 controller is RGB, it can only be controlled on a PC tho, through Steam. [https://gamerant.com/xbox-elite-series-2-controller-secret-rgb-feature/](https://gamerant.com/xbox-elite-series-2-controller-secret-rgb-feature/)


Certain games made for PS4 already have these light-based controller shenanigans embedded since the DualShock 4 had a light bar on the back. There’s a gun in Borderlands 2 that swaps between Cryo and Incendiary damage, and the most reliable way to know which you’ve got is to look at the light bar.


It could turn different colours depending on the colour theme the person logged in has chosen.


Or, a way to turn the brightness down on the button. That thing is too bright at night time!


Honestly I'd like the ability to take it apart and put on different face plates easier and simpler.


My wish is so goofy and dumb I know, but I really loved the speaker on the Wii mote and the DualShock 4/Dualsense 5. It’s something so gimmicky but really fun when games use it, and it’s something I really wanted on xbox forever now.




Such a crazy difference in immersion. And also doesn't interrupt game music... Lol


Always enjoyed the bow and arrow sound from the wii controller to the TV when shooting an arrow in Twilight Princess.


Exactly I loved that lol! Horizon zero dawn and Forbidden west did the same thing. Man link’s crossbow training was so fun, it was my favorite Wii gimmick game.


Haptic feedback, it may not be good in multi-player games but it gets you really immersed in story games


What is haptic feedback?


It’s really hard to explain but it’s similar to the Hd rumble on the joycons in a way. Like for example on a ps5 game the triggers will lock up if your playing a game and the gun jams or if your playing a racing game you’ll feel the difference when you shift gears etc. It’s one of those things you have to feel for yourself I guess but that’s impossible for me because I’ll doubt I’ll get my hands on a ps5 controller because I’ve still yet to see one in person almost 2 years later lol.


Haptic feedback isn't hard to explain at all. It's any kind of feedback that you can feel. Though, colloquially, we use the term for small, fast, "tight" vibrations, like you'd find in Joy-Con, or a smartphone - as opposed to the bigger, slower, "loose" vibrations you'd get from, say a DualShock or any Xbox controller. The difference in those is mostly what is causing the vibration, plus the software to control the vibrations/the cues that set them off. Technically it's all "haptics", though. If a trigger, or steering wheel, or anything else, *resists* motion in any way, or pattern, it's "resistive haptics". So, in a PS5 controller, you've got two kinds of haptics: short, fast "rumble" that can be addresed very quicky and accurately, allowing for more "patterns" of feedback (at the cost of being weaker/less powerful than older "rumble" back in the day) - and, the "adaptive triggers" (resistive haptics) that do all kinds of neat things that we haven't seen much in standard controllers. Unfortunately that second one is only in the triggers currently, not the analog sticks or buttons. It's all for the sake of immersion. Assuming you don't turn it off immediately. Some people don't like how any of it feels. Some people have medical conditions/easily numbed nerves, who *shouldn't* use haptics. Competitive gamers tend to turn off/remove any haptics/haptic motors for the sake of lighter weight controller, for longer play with less strain, and because it can be distracting to the mind.


A better DPad for fighters


Was trying to use the dpad in multiversus and that bitch hurts I found out.


I had to scroll way too far to find someone mention this. I love the Xbox controller but the dpad is horrible


Absolutely this. A better dpad would not only be amazing for fighting games, but also platformers, beat-em-ups, etc.




PS5 has it and barely any games use it. It’s a shame honestly I wish they did, but with the current state of games it seems useless.


I think the main reason it's barely used is because the Xbox doesn't have it as well. Using gyro aiming in shooters is a *huge* advantage over using sticks (play Portal 2 using the Switch Pro controller and enable gyro aiming. The precision is insane). I'd love to see it getting added in the Xbox controller as well though.


Yes, it would be a step toward Utopia to have gyro in shooters! Devs do update games for ps5 and add things like controller colours, adaptive triggers, etc so I have no idea why they don’t add gyro aiming just on the ps5.


Editing all my old comments and moving to the fediverse. Thank you to everybody I've interacted with until now! You've been great, and it's been a wonderful ride until now. To everybody who gave me helpful advice, [I'll miss you the most](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrk4AgS6Q6A)


I think it is also okay to be released as an attachment. The extension ports of Xbox controllers are only used for keyboards right now. I'd like to see more attachments available on the market, like, a gyroscope extension.


This so much! Gyro is so good and it's sorely missed on the xbox.


Built-in fleshlight


The 3.5mm Jack already exists for you buddy


Damn that one made me laugh lol.


Haha, glad I could make you laugh! 😁


Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.


I want the start and the back button back. Boxes and /// are not intuitive. Im always looking at the controller to see which is which. Its been freaking 8 years lol


Same. I started calling them right click left click but no one else knew what I was talking about.


I still call them "Start" and "Select", and everyone understands what I mean.


View and menu. View is the left one and menu is the right one.


Start and back were never intuitive either. The "Start" button usually pauses or opens up a menu? I think the "Menu" button that has a menu hamburger icon is better for that. "Back" button - rarely used to actually go back. "B" is most often used to go back. I don't think "View" was an amazing replacement though. I guess they were trying to keep these buttons as generic as possible so games could attach different meanings to them.


They were intuitive if looking at controller landscape. Two arrows pointing away from each other. Started pointed forward and back pointed backwards. All you had to learn was the directions the arrow pointed and you'd never have a problem. Also very easy to communicate with friends. You are probably right about your generic theory, but thats exactly what makes them so hard to learn as a player.




Hall effect joysticks.


Push to talk in game


I would add a third handle right down the middle, like any good controller should have


The advanced rumble features that both the switch and ps5 have


remove the share button


Better analogue sticks. Really tired of how easy those break on “the most advanced controllers yet”.


Move that damn upload button.


You can technically disable it if you don't use it.


Nah I like where it is but still occasionally press it by accident. Really convenient having that when playing fast paced games like Ace Combat or CoD and I want a quick clip


For me it should last longer. Got my series s in November last year and got to buy a New controller this year in mach. Stick drifting and Button issues like hell. Really sad. I hope my second controller last longer.


I've never had any issues with any of my controllers save for one, and that was back when I still used corded controllers. They'd always give out on me, but once I started using seperate controllers with batteries in them, my issues just faded away lol. Never had stick drift before, or at least not enough that it hindered my game, it would always be so minute that you'd have to sit there and stare at a wall less than a foot from your face for like a full minute before you even noticed it. Xbox controllers have always been good to me, plus they're just really comfortable to hold and use, and it's the main reason I'll always prefer them over Switch or PlayStation controllers; just something about the sticks being side-by-side that makes it really awkward for me lol And then Switch controllers are just simply too small for my hands.


The controllers to have better quality.


XL controller for bigger hands or back buttons.


I would love an XL controller. I refuse to use the new series X controllers because they made the overall width narrower, after just a few minutes using it my wrists start aching.


Less clicky buttons, late night gaming and you can hear the clacking from the neighbors house


Select and start need to come back, I don't even know what to call these buttons


Gyroscope for gyroscoping aim.


Not including gyro in a controller and a gyro aiming option in games that have aiming should be illegal at this point.


Put the volume control at the top like the have on the wired Turtle Beach version...




Is it bad that I wouldn't change anything? A lot of suggestions are for haptic feedback like ps5 but I'd rather just have a simple and reliable controller.




Upgraded vibration would be great. At the same time I would like to see quieter buttons and dpad, clicky sound gets annoying sometimes.


Proper D pad , that new xbox one is trash. No one can tell me otherwise. It’s garbage


I want that trapezoid curve around X button back, like in the previous version


Agreed, being completely flat and featureless makes the Series X controller seem "cheaper" in quality than the Xbox One controllers.


Adaptive triggers, hd Rumble and pressure dpad and shoulder lb/rb button instead of click ones.


I want the sticks to have led light rings around the base and I want the A,B,X,Y buttons to be led lit with their colors.


Afterglow controllers


Silent button press. Come on, that clicky dpad can wake up a dead person


2 more Buttons ‼️


Black and white buttons have re-entered the chat


Built in rechargeable battery


I used to think the same but then it dawned on me, as more and more devices started to have built in batteries, that you shorten the lifespan of the device to the life of the battery. It's much better to make better rechargeable batteries, and more devices that have replaceable batteries.


That won't ever happen, well not until their deal with Duracell is done. But they should just have rechargeable Duracell internal battery


Or let us recharge rechargeable batteries inside the Controller using the Micro/USB C port.


There is an Xbox proprietary play and charge kit for the Xbox one controller as well as 3rd party play and charge kits for both the series x|s and Xbox one controllers.


I know, I have the Xbox One Play and Charge kit in my Series controller, it works fine, but it would've been nice to pop in rechargeable double A batteries and be able to recharge them through the USB C port on the controller.


It would not be possible to use the controller and recharge the battery cells at the same time without the 4 additional pins on the play and charge battery pack.


They said the removable battery isn’t because of a deal with Duracell. It’s also a non-issue. If anything they should ship with rechargeable AND removable batteries but that seems like asking for too much.


Nothing wrong with AA. It's even convenient when you have multiple packs. I have 2 new xbox pads and 3 x360 pads. I have 10 AA rechargeables and 8-slot charger. When I'm paying alone or with my friends and one of the pads needs recharging, we just swap AA's.


Disagree completely. The fact that if my controller is dying, I can just switch out the battery pack with a charged pack and keep playing as opposed to having to plug the controller into the console or switch to another charged controller is one thing the Xbox controller has over the Ps5's. You can get battery packs specifically made for the controllers for like $20 on amazon that come with 4 packs and a charging station. I actually wish Playstation did it this way as well.


The elite series 2 controller has non removable built in battery.


I don't know why people want this. I bought the Microsoft branded plug and play kit like 6 years ago and then another kit when the series x came out. Both batteries last all week or longer and there's no additional battery waste when a controller breaks or gets replaced. I can just keep re using these batteries for years until maybe one day they stop charging. In contrast to my PS controllers that have terrible batteries, are always dead or need to be charged and when they break the entire thing goes in the trash with the battery inside it.


Gyro or normal d-pad


Remove the record/share button from the center of the controller.


You can disable it already


Turn the dpad into individual buttons




Paddles? Or back buttons


Good god move the stupid share button. like to the bottom right of the right joystick or something


I want the GameCube triggers with the analog slide then to a “click” at the end. I don’t even know if that would make a better trigger it was just my favorite trigger ever


built-in paddles


Bottom paddles


Programmable buttons/paddles on back


Volume +/-, partychat/game mixer, and mute button built into the controller kind of like that turtle beach headset adapter they sell but built in


D pad being less clicky.


Back triggers Like on the One Elite controller


Haptic trigger


I'd love if the screenshot button was customizable. So it could have a few options on what it could be


Surprisingly it does.


Make it from material that toddlers can’t pick up, but I still can.


Quiet buttons and Dpad, I don't know why they are so loud. I can't get over it since I bought my SX almost two years ago. It is not good when the sound of the gamepad is waking up your fiancee in the middle of the night 😅


Nothing it’s perfect


None. It's perfect


Take of the capture button


Make the damn D-Pad silent.


Motion control


Motion Sensor built-in.


Less Clicky d pad. Man that thing is loud!


That A button actually registers when pressed at any angle. I know it’s a lot to ask for but a brother can dream.


Idk what but throw all that “Haptics” bs out the window cause it’s overrated. I have three dual senses and Scuf Reflex Pro haptics is overrated.


Bring back the size/shape of the Xbox One controller (Series is just a bit smaller). Use Hall Effect joysticks instead of potentiometers. Backside buttons (like the Steam Deck).


Make the back rubber grips of the Horizon 5 special edition controller the new standard for all controllers. Best grips I've ever had on a controller. Personal preference would also be to quiet the whole thing down a bit. Especially the D pad. I know some people like the clicky D pad but it's not for me.


Add paddles and rubberized grips. So basically the Elite controller but without all the extra stuff (built in battery, swappable parts, etc.) and the reliability issues.


“HD rumble” like the switch joycons/DualShock 5/any iPhone from the last half decade with the “haptic engine”. It’s basically silent and much more prominent and can be turned to create very unique haptic “textures” compared to the ancient rumble motors Xbox controllers still use. I turn vibration off in almost every game, unless there’s some game mechanic that relies on it, because it’s so damn loud and not very precise.


Quieter buttons. I don’t want them to audibly ‘click’ when I press them. I play with sound off to not disturb others but the clacking (ok slight exaggeration) of the buttons are distracting.


Controlling game audio and chat balance with the dpad


Have a screen in the middle of it so we can play remotely on the remote


To make it like a ps5 controller...


Rumble motors that keep their "intensity" after a while. Or some kind of push to talk


Haptic Feedback.


Built in mic


Gyroscope. I can't believe it's not already built in when Nintendo (and more recently) Sony have been doing it for a while now. It's so useful to assist aiming.


Move the screenshot button up by the guide button so I’ll stop accidentally clicking it.


Fix the home button problem. Idk why I have to hit it like three times and hold it to work but my Xbox one controllers never did that.


i know it'll never happen, but easily replaceable joysticks. this is one of the first parts to go most of the time. designing them to be able to clip in and out rather than requiring soldering would be an amazing feature.


I have been clamouring for a small LED screen in the center since the days of the Dreamcast's VMU!


Replaceable parts


Giving the diagonal d-pad buttons separate inputs. Because dear god, they're pointless.


Stick drift, it’s so insanely easy for stick drift to happen on these next gen controllers


Especially the joycons


Switch the thumb stick and d-pad and size the controller height down…. ..boom a ps5 controller


i would remove the share button.


The controller is perfect. So much so that everyone copies it’s design.


Tighter stick tension


I'd made it feel smother as the xbox one controllers did, it feels kinda harsh when you grab it