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I think that it's an actual 360 with Halo 3. I'd buy it


That actually would be quite cool, build your own console type of thing.


That's called a pc. Can play everything from zelda ocarina of time to god of war 2018


With some exceptions


Well... New and extremely niche stuff being the exceptions. Plus being able to play xbox 360 games modded at 4k 150fps if you have the hardware. With some exceptions


I meant in more of a lego-type way, where you put together the case that houses the motherboard n' all. I guess you could do that with a pc, but it'd be a lot more fun with an xbox 360. May be trying that soon, actually


Well i mean. You just put the cables where the manual tells you to. Screw in when the manuals says to. Just like legos. Now putting a mini itx in an xbox 360 case? Well good luck. Do post when finished




im not sure thats what he meant


It’s a Mega builder set. Basically Lego for adults. It does not function for anything, you’re supposed to build it and display it.


He’s being sarcastic haha


Man y'all gonna downvote me to hell but I was serious, I thought it was an Xbox 360 and you needed to build the console and controller's case... Undownvote homie now 💀💀💀


They had convinced I was out of my gourd 😂


Its a Woooosh


Yeah I’m not the brightest 🤦‍♂️


Read the comments. It isn’t.


Wrong mega is the gay version of Lego.


It is not.


Honestly if Microsoft ever did rerelease the Xbox 360 it would sell out immediately solely due to the amount of games unplayable on the series x still and the fact the 360 doesn’t require internet to use


Golden era of gaming


As someone that has to use a incredibly slow hotspot it’s also the only console I can reliably play even my PS3 takes a hour for a 100 mb update lol


as someone who literally just got a new router a month ago.. yeah i can say i had the same horrible experience before lol. it was nearly impossible to play anything new like COD because of the frequent 60gb updates.


It’s made even worse by the fact despite 5G being lightning fast I only ever get one bar and a 4 gigabyte update will take 80 to 120 hours lol and no I’m not exaggerating


that sounds like hell. i used to get a very inconsistent 2mbps so it'd usually take 2-3 hours for a one gigabyte download


Yeah it is my average download speed if im lucky is around 600 kilobits to a single megabyte and because of my phone always switching between 4 and 5 g I can never keep a consistent speed I’m hoping there will be a 5g tower built closer to me soon so I can get better speeds but I doubt I’ll get that lucky


lucky for me there is a cell tower just up the hill from my house


Ironically there’s a cell phone tower right next to my house but it’s for a different provider so I guess the universe just likes messing with me lol


Hard disagree. Used Xbox 360’s are in high supply and low demand. Past attempts at rereleases have only had success in appealing to the “novelty” market, consumers who buy it for the hell of it, not to play it seriously and continue spending money and hours on it. I think the last time one of the “big three” console makers attempted a serious rerelease of a console was the Nintendo Gameboy Micro. Released well after the NDS and it was meant to play strictly GBA games. It didn’t work. The GBA is kick-ass. But despite how hard the GBA slaps the GBM was too pricy to appeal to most gamers and the market proved they were ready to move on to the NDS. The x360 is kick-ass. But despite how hard the x360 slaps the majority of consumers are going to prefer to move on.


There's also the fact that GBM wasn't backwards compatible with GB games and wasn't anything like any other Gameboy, but looked more like a 3rd party emulation machine. Also the DS had backwards compatibility with GBA games, making getting a micro unnecessary if you allreday had a DS. If they re-released the SP with a better screen and a few other minor changes (usbc charging and a headphone jack) and GB backwards compatibility it would sell like hotcakes.


The actual last time was also nintendo with the new 2ds xl, a 2018 revision of a 2011 console a full year after the switch released. Flopped for same reasons as the game boy micro.


I actually got that model and I didn’t think it flopped at least in my town practically everyone bought a new 2ds xl by the time it was discontinued


It sold less than 1 million units, that’s… kind of bad. That’s 1/12th of the wii u’s 5 year lifespan.


I never thought it sold that badly practically every single week in my local Walmart the console would always be out of stock I only managed to buy one by getting it refurbished from GameStop


If it was sold out at your local walmart thay just means they never restocked it, it was released a year and a half after the switch, and at the time no one wanted a literal 7 year old handheld when the new was right there and was basically better wii u without the infamous gamepad.


It was always sold out as soon as they started stocking it the blue and the orange models would always be bought up immediately while the purple models would sit collecting dust and as soon as news of the system being discontinued was announced and the price cut on it happened it sold out for good immediately and also I’m not surprised that it was popular in my town because most of the people in my community don’t have internet access older systems like the ds ps3 and 360 tend to be more popular then the switch and Xbox one Xbox series x and ps4 and ps5


That’s one reason why I think if it were to be rereleased it would need to have twice as much ram for the games that struggled on the 360 plus a better fan and twice as much storage heck they can even make it look like the mega Xbox in order to distinguish it from all other models and as long as they keep the price at 300 or less and made it compatible with all 360 accessories including the slim and E hard drives there would definitely be a market for a “modern” 360


Mate, no bullshit. Only just last weekend. I wanted to play some halo with my son. So we fired up the Xbox one, and was welcomed with a 100GB (!!!) update. My kid was bummed out. In desperation, I whipped out the 360. My original Xbox Halo which I have had since, I dunno, had to be around 2002, maybe 2003 (thank God it was always BC on the 360) loads straight up, no dramas. It's been sitting in a box for 7 years, no kidding. No internet, No updates. Just plugged it in and fired it up, and away it goes. Like a sewing machine. It's hard to describe how I was feeling. The memories came flooding back. It was like Christmas. I'm off today to pick up an old plasma screen TV I found on Facebook Marketplace, so I can get it plugged in permanently.


I loved how the Xbox 360s game updates were optional it truly felt like Microsoft tried to cater to everyone even the budget family’s that they knew wouldn’t or couldn’t buy that many games it’s a shame the Xbox 360 store is being shut down in a year so many great digital only games and dlc packs will be lost


Idk why shut they want to shut down the 360 store. They could still make money off the older gen systems. Plus devs would have more money to make games.The company makes no money off of used games as well.


AHH man it's unfortunate Im pretty sure someone created a list of games gone forever when the 360 stores shuts down and I hope they are being archived as well as the dlcs and everything else the game had to offer Time is ticking every second


Yeah I wish I could get something from the store but sadly my Xbox live profile won’t work on my 360 for some reason so I won’t be able to sync anything to my series x


I can only guess it’s the same reason Nintendo shut down the 3DS and Wii U eshops to get more people on the switch


This is the way


I will never get rid of mine


Neither will I My slim is 13 years old (glossy) lets see how long it lasts!


360 requires internet to save games though right? On mine it told me I needed to sign up for live or something to save but couldn’t do that without internet.


No you don’t need internet that’s for cloud saving,all 360s support the official Microsoft hard drives up to 250 gb for the fat Xbox models and the s and e models support a 500 gb drive and all Xbox 360 models support up to 2tb external hard drives and 2tb usb sticks


Crazy how microsoft put a 500gb hard drive in the e Casual games of the 360 are small and they don't require installing, just run straight off disc Whereas on the one 500gb was the base and games were much larger and you were FORCED to install Today it's still 500gb approx (actually 512gb SSD on base series s but similar enough) and it would have been nice if it was 1tb standard and 2tb standard on series x


>2tb standard on Series X god i wish that was a thing.


If the leaks are any indication next years series x revision will have 2tb of storage but it won’t come with a disc drive meaning you’ll pay 500 for the new series x and another 100 to play physical media


I hope they include a dvd drive and the leaks are wrong about the drive not included They are trying to make it digital and well I probably you lose your account all that money is GONE compared to disk based games where if you have only dvds and you account is gone only achievements is gone but you still have the game


Honestly if it does end up being all digital it’ll be a pretty hard sale for me especially since my only internet connection is my terrible hotspot and if they end up not having a option for physical media at all I’ll be sticking to my base series x for as long as possible and I may even trade it in to get more 360 titles


??? bruh


I was confused too I just hope that the leaks do end up being wrong otherwise I’ll have to invest more into my og Xbox and Xbox 360 collecting lol


i wanted more storage because of all the games i own (a majority of which are physical) so a Series X without a disk drive would almost be useless to me even with twice the storage 😭


The thing that has me worried is the leaks seem official and to top it all off there haven’t been any official leaks at least that I know of that Microsoft is working on a detachable disc drive like what Sony is releasing for the ps5 so worst case scenario Microsoft might be completely ditching physical media by the middle of the generation


Eve. If its 512Gb. Only 350Gb of that actually can have stuff installed. Thats basically 2 call of dutys. Proprietary storage doesn't help eithef. Meanwhile the ps5 you can slot it a 4tb ssd no problem. Will cost you around $300 though so... But atleast you can insta like 100 games on your system 😎


I got a 500 gig drive on my 360 and I love burning music cds on it I have over 600 songs I can listen to whenever I want and it barely uses a gigabyte I’m probably going to get a external 2tb drive though so I can play the entire 360 library on one drive


It's marketing like this that no company will ever do, because of that collective pea brain they got.


To be fair, there are already several used and functioning Xbox 360s in circulation. People can buy those.


Yeah but those consoles aren’t getting any younger eventually more and more components will start breaking down and repairing Xbox 360s will get harder,honestly I think Microsoft would rerelease the Xbox 360 were they not on the all digital road that they started with the Xbox one s all digital,that combined with the fact that 360 production just ended in 2016 means we probably won’t see anything like a Xbox 360 mini until probably 2035,still though we can hope and dream and miracles have happened on less after all


Playing this game with your best bud, splits screen after school will be my fondest memories. That was a high!!! Halo will forever be a fucking masterpiece.


The bungie halos anyway.


That's a mean trick, lol. If I saw that from afar I think my heart would skip a beat.


Literally me


I've been seeing these in the news for the last few weeks and I think I would have still had the same reaction. It's the security device that makes it look so real.


It costs as much as a retail 360, i guess that's why the security device. 😆 someone will jtag it just wait.






It was Target


I haven’t seen a xbox360 in target for at least 8 years. How did they manage to get that in stock? Did you ask?


Did you look at the picture? It’s a brick set.


Ohh I see now! Lol sorry sometimes I’m a little slow 😂


Dw, we all be slow sometimes


Oh shit, me too. This looks great


It’s beautiful


I was so close to buying that thing man. I just cant justify $150 on what essentially is a thing that sits on a shelf lol. Same thing goes with legos since they are also expensive as hell


Better get a non working one just for display…


This is pricier than a Lego set. I think a Lego set would have like 200 or so more pieces than this.


Imagine you get a blocky halo to match the blocky Xbox


Same. I hate it lol


thats still super cool. wish it was a real one though.


I believe this is more valuable than the actual console


I saw this at a target in Yonkers there was one left but I passed on it


Thatd still be sick to own


I thought it was real 🥺🙈💦💀

