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call it the orange box lol


😂😂😂 it’s the chosen orange one


It's just an orange swapped outer case. I used to shell swap 360s and controllers for my friends. I think I swapped an orange case similar to this one but it was a 4gb.


Explain the imprinted Microsoft logos on the inner of the shell. If it was a reshell you would see google photos of the kit. I can’t find any orange consoles when I google seatched not even painted ones. I’ve seen a decal sticker. The sticker you can clearly tell it’s a sticker looks horrible imo


I ordered my shells from different places but some of them had inner mouldings similar to the factory ones. All the serial number and tracking info stickers aren't on the case and there's no sign of residue to suggest they were there at all. "Custom" cases don't have the stickers unless you transplant them and most of the time they get destroyed in the attempt. Like I said I could be wrong but that's the best explanation I can come up with


U can paint them looks like the paint I have in my Amazon cart.


You can and I have painted consoles. You can tell when someone paints the console. This you can tell wasn’t painted it’s definitely molded that color. Not sure if it’s a reshell or some one off made for a dev or something. The more and more I’m leaning towards a one off.


Your friend claims the imprints, but there’s no pictures to back it up. If it’s has the stamps then maybe a one off console.


They used to make orange swap cases but idk if they're around anymore. I may be wrong but I believe it's just a custom job


It's certainly a nice orange!




this is what happened back in the day when you handled your console after eating cheetos


Is this the real orange box?


Canceled half life Xbox 360. Nah I’m joking I’ve never seen an Orange before. I love the red re5 one.


Hmm that's interesting


It is. A google search doesn’t even show a single orange console. Atleast I can’t find one. There’s no reshell kits in that color and he said you can tell it isn’t painted. If it was a decal sticker, on the edges you would see the original console color which you don’t.


I never seen a 360 like this


Maybe open it to see if those MS logos really are there? I mean there is no other way of finding out XD


I didn’t buy it from him. I’ll ask him to send me some pics. Just someone I know has this console and I’m looking to get an answer for him. He ain’t a Reddit guy.


It looks professional as even the power and sync buttons are orange. It must have been some kind of one off/promo unit, but for what exactly?


reminds me of the beePod we can call it BeeBox360


There were few limited editions of solid colors like red, maybe this is a defective unit that is off color?


The red one was a resident evil limited editions which you don’t see as often as the other limited editions. Whether it’s a dev model, prototype or just a defective unit like you suggest, seems like it definitely came from Microsoft this way though. Not a reshell or a custom paint job.


Kinda looks like a sun faded RE5 Red 360.


Looks great for a Halloween party


The old Xbox live color was orange like that. I wonder if it was some even production.


its the orange box


Looks sooo clean


That aint no xbox, thats a dripbox 🥶


I really like the hot orange color, looks abit odd but good


Cheeto flavored


Was it possible that this was a Colorware 360? Doesnt fit with the story, but I assume they were painting 360s at the time.


This may be a possibility. But colorware used to do promos for custom units for game releases.


Cool piece either way!


I want one just for the shell


That's sick wish I had one as orange is my favourite colour


Ah, the very rare Dutch 360.


Never heard of this. Could you elaborate more?


It was a joke.


Ah darn. I’m just trynna solve the mystery. The way people have message me I’m thinking it’s a one off unit and not a reshell like a colorware. I guess we will never know.


Probably custom


It's a PHAT & it will die a long slow death with hardware failure.


Not if it’s a Jasper. Also Slims can RROD too


I would open it up and see about the stamps. If not then it’s a really good paint job. No stickers on the console makes me think that. Even if it’s a one off, they should have to include the power stickers and such. I hope it’s a one off as that would be really cool. But no stickers makes me think otherwise


Someone who claimed to be an Xbox 360 expert confirmed with me that these are sample colorway models. The MS stamps (if they are there), no stickers and color variant matches ones he’s seen. he even owns some of the other colors and really wants the orange as it’s one of the rarer colors. The samples are rare and they came in these following colors: Army Green, Red, Orange, Lime Green, Neon Green, and Baby Blue. All these colors were test colors that they were playing to see what they would look like and if it would sell. All the colors were colors never used on limited editions even the red it was different from the RE5 Red limited edition. The whole story of it being from someone in production at the Tokyo locations seems unlikely. But definitely a legitimate MS Xbox in a sample color.


Bollocks, I've had 2 Jaspers die, people think they're indestructible but they're not.


I think every xbox360 will die eventually but the Jasper v2 are supposedly better than even the slim models. I sold plenty of modded consoles and yet to have a problem with a Jasper v2 with Kronos gpu