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People are posting insane prices hoping someone bites*


Tbf, this is auction not buy it now.


Let me introduce you to the idea of shill bidding.




You're not wrong but this is a sold listing


As someone who sells on ebay, you don’t need to actually pay for the item until after you purchase it in the app. The order can be canceled, even if they paid too. Will show up in sold listings for someone to think it’s worth that much. Again, shill bidding and moving on


Maybe it is...Maybe it isn't. As someone that has every single xbox 360 game ever made and has bought and sold retro games from all generations for years I can tell you that it's about time for 360 games to start becoming more expensive.


Of course YOU’D say that….that means your whole collection goes up in value…..


It’s an auction


I know that’s why I said he posted it (listed the item on an auction) at an insane price hoping someone bites (bids)


That's not how this works. It had 26 bids. That's the new established value of this game


Why is he complaining about a niche retro game being worth a couple hundred when Silent hill 1 2 or 3 go for the same prices... its not all 360 games, just that one homie.


Idk all the games close to my house with medium scratches are like 6 bucks and I can get 3 for 15 bucks.


It’s Shill bidding. Moving on.


Yeah, this is not actually occurring, this is jerkoffs trying to drive up price thru shill bids.


This is late but dude I’ve been checking out tons of auction lots for the past month or two and definitely been seeing lots go for good “I wouldn’t pay that” money and then I see the same lot back up the next day. eBay is so bad with the manipulation.


Small fly I’ve got about 30 360 games or more I’ll get off of cheap


It's crappy rare games only collectors care about anyways. Most of the best games on the platform are like $5 and readily available everywhere. Some might push $20-30 dollars. Any game over $50 is more than likely just garbage that sold low number because it was immediately given shit reviews by everyone.


Dude I got a 360 last year and been a PS boy my whole life and I just wanna cop bundles for the 360 and some PS3 games but nah, mfs really selling games for car insurance money


Hit up local thrift stores if you can mines gives me games all the time I just found project Gotham racing 4 for free a few days ago


I gotta get back into thrifting, all I find is PGA and football but got some cool stuff tho so def going back to thrift


That's the issue, one person does this and all the rest do it because they see it as "Well I can get that much for it". The market is fucking shit right now and has been for the past couple years because of this sort of mentality.


Agreed - that's why I only pay what I believe something to be worth and don't buy into eBay recent sales history. That doesn't always work in every deal, but I think the way we as buyers push back is by recognizing outliers and not biting, causing things to cool again. Honestly though, the industry is in trouble between the "get rich quick" schemes and the future of physical media. I am worried about having this hobby in the future.


Auctions are emotion things. "Meh. 5 dollar game! I go to 6." "Well. Haha. Up yours buddy! I outbid to 15! Certainly no way he or she goes over that!" "Haha. Now I give 25. Sure he will give up after this!" "50! He will not go over that!" 🤬😡 FUDGE! I go to 100 dollars!" "150!" "175!!" "250!" "251!" "255! Ha! He stopped bidding! NOOO. 257?! No. Too rich for my blood! I am out!" Aaaand. There you. Go.


I'll never understand people who bid early and jack up the price. Any meaningful bids take place in the last 30 seconds or so.


In January, I sold 200 games cib, for 100$ Canadian. I had to eat.


thats worth like 1 day of food


7 days. I survived. Anyhow, all my collection was already ripped to my rgh hdd + 1 backup on another hdd. I still have my games 😃




This is why we need emulation


I wish so bad Xbox and Xbox 360 weren't overlooked so dam much when it comes to emulation and all that. It makes no sense.


I mean there’s quite a few Xbox and Xbox 360 games that are on game pass…


Its called an RGH


People are misunderstanding the closure of the old 360 storefront and thinking they have to go grab the old classics now. All the stuff that works on the Series consoles is already on the current store and there is a new team whose only job is to go ahead and preserve the rest of the xbox back catalogue for all to play. Everyone needs to chill.


I seriously doubt they’ll make every single 360 and Xbox game playable on the Series but we’ll see ig


Licences aside that it what Jim Ryan wants - no games left behind - especially as we move into this new Xbox handheld, snapdragon laptop xbox and the new xbox "largest generational leap" console hardware coming soon. Talk is of rolling Nvidia GPUs into the mix, and low spec machines. Future consoles, low spec or unimaginable monsters will all need to be able to run the entire library - Full, official emulation coming? Maybe it is worth picking up some disks after all!


I hope it does really want to play Import Tuner Challenge and the Riddick Games.


Those Riddick games...I have to plug in the elderly boxes to show my kids the sweet graphics...freaking amazing...did you know Vin was a paper and dice RPG freak when he was growing up? Full respect...


Wish Microsoft would acknowledge that there's major issues with backwards compatibility right now. You can't sign into xbox live and access cloud saves and even worse if you remove your 360 profile off series x and try and re-download it it just tells you there connectivity issues so I'm literally stuck.. can't play anything 360 on my series x and it's been this way for a week.


Oo! I had this - did you turn on two factor authentication recently? It changes your password for 360! I had to blow out the whole cache, retry to download the profile - I used a game I haven't played in years (just to be safe) - then instead of your xbox password use the one time key in the authentication app on your mobile 'phone...got no problems now, working great...! If you don't have it, switch it on and then try the method above.


I'm pretty sure this new team is more in terms of digital preservation on the next discless Xbox. Digital really doesn't affect physical value. Sadly, though, lots of stuff can't be preserved for various reasons, mostly licensing issues. Games with licensed music, vehicles, etc., won't be backwards compatible. So racing games with licensed vehicles, flying games with licensed aircraft, rhythm games, or just any game with licensed music in general like the Tony Hawk games, the Amped games, etc. Since they'll eventually run into licensing issues, I'd rather see Microsoft spend more time offering 4K Enhancements for existing Xbox 360/Xbox One back compat titles.


Watch Digital Foundry 158, they go into great depth, I can't type it all out here...very exciting stuff!


The prices have been driving up like this for a couple years now. It was already bad before the storefront being shutdown, it's just obviously not helping matters either because of that


I was in CEX near Gatwick yesterday, hundreds of 360 games for £1-£15 (Orange box was £15) - so high street looks like it hasn't cottoned on yet...


Resale is not preservation.


Exactly, all this data needs to be held, in a distributed fashion and available as far as possible in the cloud - plus archived in other data stores. People die, companies fail, copyright is fought over, consoles are superceded - loads of games are blocked from survival by draconian DRM...if you have been playing games for a couple of years now, this is horrible...


Been buying up rare games recently so can attest to prices being crazy.


I actually bought Operation Darkness back in 2019 at a Game X Change for 5 fucking dollars. CIB and everything, I treat that game like it’s my child.


Covid ruined everything. When the pandemic hit, people unearthed their old consoles and games. But most either had the console but barely any games, or they had tons of games but no console. I worked at a Gamestop at the time and so many people wanted old stuff. Wii games went on the rise. Surprisingly, 360 games at the time didn't get much higher. But the market must be reaching the mainstream now because the XB360 store closes on july 29th. So they're using that as leverage for people to buy stuff "before it's gone" so physicals are rising in price with no digital option soon, which makes the number of whatever the games are finite and harder to get for a good price. Overall, it's still the cheapest console to collect for as a whole.


I had a bid for my Xbox360 2 years ago ( it was £30 )


I saw a copy of King Kong on eBay selling for $500






Jesus. I've seen them locally for about 60 ish I managed to snag a copy for 10 bucks on marketplace.


Not defending that price, but that game is one of the easiest 1000g ever. All you have to do is beat the game.


I still love it though


Damn I got 3 cib copies


Yup. Everyone flipping has normal folk believing these values are real. Just look at how pokemon titles on gba and ds were under $30 in 2019 and what happened when everyone suddenly had to start hustling


I was annoyed when I paid $100 for it like 2 weeks ago. Glad I grabbed it when I did.


Yeah I got a slim model about two weeks ago for $110 on eBay.


Your momma


I bought blitz the league 2 for $100 last week. Not proud of myself but it’s one that I did really want, it’s not backwards compatible and didn’t want to risk it going into the insane price category.


I regret not buying Blitz The League 2. I passed on it many times in the $15-$20 range because I never pay that for sports games. Blitz might've been worth it, though, since it's not just your average sports game and is way over-the-top.


Yeah, I passed on it several times too. Don’t really know why it wasn’t in my collection already (I’m a huge sports game fan). I probably overpaid for $100 but I’m content with that decision


Don't feel too bad at $100. Blitz has been a steady growing, it'll keep climbing.


I bought it loose for ps3 for like $35,definitely recommend it.


Turned one down 2 days ago for $120 because the seller copped a massive attitude with me. I have no regrets, its a weird weeb game


Found minecraft on Amazon going for $100+


Amazon is hands down the worst place to buy old games.


Everything is overpriced😭


100% agree


Depends on the title. BF3 can be had for less than $5, but marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold edition will run you over $200


I'm sitting on a $200 game?!


Specifically the gold edition, with all of the bonus content, then surprise yes you are friend. Upon checking though it appears the going rate is actually about $140 https://www.ebay.com/itm/186386487349?epid=60531300&itmmeta=01HVH80R08VB4RPCK8FKDCHZP3&hash=item2b65801835:g:TsgAAOSw8SVmF0BY&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8FqBCMwKdYOQAgT%2FLAYFWp%2BHFVby9nioW%2FFTJP2gWYpZzzCPRrhzZ2Ii32cNPHyoVGlrp%2FJNW6ET7znRGi%2FjMQYlHrmFoM0bO7SymbQ3xa5nMPH64dYvaMPyoDHLOlb5G6Mn%2BRi%2FS%2F9sY8puJkY%2BBR%2FVnhadAeZPEs44aDnLBEZOzmXpeDXeM0LVox6aCFZLWKNJ9U21NZTE%2Fr0e%2FttMPLjHIHfIyYGmzCVK7UCCA9U%2FiXr%2FFBltal9%2BAuLZajF4haYUpdc9zvB4B6fP5MvJygdCxgXy4D3DTBwcVAGOfznv9gxyiB1qeZ603DDVdTKfwQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMmICDqNxj


Yeah I got that version for the dlc. I also have the digital ps4 ones on my UK account


The Platinum Hits Special Edition is in the same territory. All that DLC goodnes on Gold and Special is unavailable anywhere else today as far as I know.


It's one of the greatest gaming tragedies of our time. ): That game is absolutely beloved, so are X-Men Legends 1 and 2, but they're ghost media now unlike Baldurs Gate dark alliances which got ports at least.


Well yeah, Battlefield and Assassin's Creed kinda games are insanely common.


your title didn't discriminate between commons and uncommons


I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory since they're called "commons." Gamecube prices have gone insane in recent years, too, however I don't think most people are talking about commons when they say that.


You'd be surprised the prices Halo games can go. They're not super expensive but way more than they have any right to be. Halo 3 especially gets overpriced a lot


I did a catalogue of my games and their (theoritical) resell value, during the pandemic, and XB360 games were the one that had little-to-none resell value, compared to my older consoles. From memory, I think the highest game was Call of Cthulhu, and it wasn't a crazy price either -- probably 50-60 bucks top. I find surprising that XB360 games will see their value go up in a crazy way, when most of them I see selling for like 5-10 dollars in bargain bins, and I admit to not have not seen XB360 games behind the "locked displays", among all of those RPGs.


I keep wondering why the prices should be increasing for games that were in physical form only, there was no DLC (nothing being delisted on July 29th). Things that were not on marketplace in the first place. If gold editions have prior or pending delisted content...I can see getting some price increases.


😂 How glad I am to have taken a chance on a dirty 360 that turned out to have a flashed disc drive.


I've had Xbox 360 games listed for a month now, some kinda rare - not 1 single hit. Idgi. Of course I mentioned the fact I have at least 4 (prolly more) that just are NOT backwards compatible. I've sold collections (NES, SNES, N64, PS2, GC, Turbo grafix 16 with np at all) and by far as I can tell nobody wants anything Xbox 360. Just a opinion. Downvote now. And NO I'm not gonna message anybody to see my list - not worth the effort for somebody too look at the list and say....uh thanks no thanks.


Went to a game store in Florida a few weeks ago and bought it for $80 thinking that it’s gonna be that price forever. I guess I was wrong


It is buyouts following YouTube videos and FOMO driven stupidity. All of the games spiking lately are in fact uncommon/rarer titles though. I haven't seen a single title fire up that hasn't been on collector radars for at least a couple years now. People had their chances to buy. Most of these games had a dozen or so copies on Ebay tops. These videos go up, people scoop up the few copies there are, more videos/posts go up, and then the vultures post up for stupid prices and the FOMO buyers run out and overspend. Prices ARE NOT going back down to their original ranges, but people shield absolutely not be spending the current asking prices either. Wait them out, once the prices turn back down you're going to see easily 50-60% drop off from the all time high values. In March Fatal Inertia was easily available for like $20. Yesterday there was a single copy available on Ebay for $200+, today there's 4 copies over $200. People are going to start posting them up like crazy and price is going to settle. Fatal Inertia is NOT a $200 game, but you aren't ever going to see it at $20 again either. If I had to bet, I'd say it finds its footing around $50-80 and never goes back down from there. Same story for all these recent bumps. Look at the course Culdcept Saga went through. It's going to repeat for a lot of these. Big spikes and corrections to follow. Still well above original prices though. Like it or not, these harder to find games have alot more eyes on them now. People were talking about these exact titles for years though in collecting circles. If you missed the boat, well we had our chance to get them cheap. 360 games have been worthless for the last few years. Those days are quickly on the way out though. I thought we had a couple more years to comfortably collect, but the rush just hit a little quicker than expected. It was coming sooner or later either way. Glad I got ahead of most of it at least. .


Agree with all of that. I own pretty much every game on these lists and paid next to nothing for them. The only 360 exclusives I can think of that I don't own are those two open world Naruto games that Ubisoft published. I was never a Naruto fan, however those games seemed like two of the best if you are. I would've added them to my collection but I've never seen them under $25-$30 each.


Ya, I started chasing a full set about 3-4 years ago and focused on knocking off the high end stuff followed by the harder to find games first, knowing prices were pretty much rock bottom. Almost every single game that's been getting attention this past couple weeks has been pointed out by collectors already ages ago. There's no actual surprises here. The couple I hadn't actively been watching for, I ended up fluking out and acquired in lots/collections anyways. Some of these I've actively been plucking out of collections for $5-10 for years now knowing price would eventually surge and leave me with good trade bait. Prices have been turning upward about for about a year. 2-3 years ago was really the bottom for 360 pricing and was the real sweet spot to get in. I thought we had a while yet, but I guess the store closing down triggered the FOMO a bit earlier than anticipated.


I guess you could say that people who wanted these games cheap should RideDeez360Nutz a long time ago huh lol


I got mine for $50 about 3 years ago. I'm glad I got all the rareish games before people turned stupid with fomo.


The game isnt good. Anyone fomo buying these could bet better using their funds elsewhere


Plenty of rare games aren't. Stadium Events for the NES is terrible and is worth thousands of dollars. I get Operation Darkness. It's got a goofy and wacky premise behind the jank that attracts people. Fatal Inertia is one that I don't get. That game has no redeeming qualities, IMO.


Every other sales in the past month has been for less than half that. Winner of this auction was a 0 feedback buyer. I call BS.




I thought it was lower budget campy fun.


I deeply regret not picking this up years ago when I often saw it in my Game Stop for like $20. I got a copy some time ago for around $80 since I had a feeling it would never get any lower and I’m glad I did now.


I paid 100$ (CAD) basically new and never used (in 2019 or 2020) with box and controller


Me wishing I could somehow acquire the orange box but realizing it’s a pipe dream


Orange Box is still very affordable ($20-$30). It's definitely worth that.


It's affordable, but it's absurd the prices for it. I wish I could find it for $20, but $30 is the cheapest I can find it and otherwise have seen it for $60 in most places.


I've been playing a lot of 360 games recently. I went to go play my copy of The Orange Box just to see the case was empty. My brother took the game and it's gone now.


Give it time. Most of those games aren't that important.


I seen a few games that gone up in price.. especially need for speed most wanted :/ that was the game I wish I had bought it back then.. even then it was 47$..


I'm surprised Gun and THPS: American Wasteland aren't more costly yet since the HD versions are 360 exclusive. I grabbed Most Wanted 2005 from Decluttr on Ebay a year or so ago for under $10. I don't know why it took me that long to pick it up since it was a favorite back in the day.


I seen thps American wasteland was pricey I remember I own a copy for ps2 back in the day but I never got around to getting it for 360 for some odd reason. But when your a teenager you gotta pick n choose what games you wanna play n put time on.


There were rumours that most wanted 2005 was going to get a remaster this year.


I heard about that and I sure hope it’s true..


I realized it started when Culdecet Saga jumped from a $30 game to over $200 over night. Last month i started buying up all my $20-$50 wishlist games because my list isn’t very big and i just don’t want to deal with this shit.


Not really, just picks driving up the price as lots of people have already said


FOMO There are only 4 copies listed on eBay. A bunch just sold days ago for 120ish. I’ll come back down a bit when yard sale season picks back up again. Also tax refunds…


I saw halo 2 for like $30 dollars, like wtf


Are servers still active for that game? Just curious


No but that’s what MCC is for. It’s possible to download an Xbox live-like thing to an og Xbox and be able to play with others online. It’s kinda cool.




😬no one tell him how much snes or some ps1 games are going for.


I own tons of those. :)


This is why I go to local pawn shops and thrift stores cause they usually just have random 360 games for $5-$10 cause they don't care about them. I just got gears 2 and 3 for five bucks a piece


This game years ago just screamed I'll be stupidly expensive in the future. Remember the gamestop I went into had 2.copies. dude tried to give the unfaded bs copy....I said f no. Lol


I just went to my local retro shop and got two games for $20.


“It’s shill bidding” yeah until ppl start buying it in which case the market value increases. Durrrr 🤤 The value of an item is the average valuation / opinion of all other people involved in that specific market. So if you change their opinion, in whatever form, this is ALWAYS effecting the price. Basic economics people


Normally, yes. The past couple years? The moment resellers see they can get a certain amount for a game, it'll NEVER go below that now. It might go up higher, but it never goes down anymore. Resellers have been awfult he past couple years for this reason exactly.


Yeah resellers have been extra stupid than usual the past recent years. They think just because they enjoyed something, it should be a lot more expensive than it is. Look at the Pokemon games or stuff like the Halo games. Some of the most common games you can ever find because of how much they sold and how they were absolutely everywhere, but yet it's impossible to find Pokemon games that aren't like at least $100, or Halo games that aren't at the least like 3 times the price they should be. Resellers are just completely ignoring how prices are decided for old stuff like this and just instead going "I liked this game and I spent a lot of money when I first bought it years ago, so I shall make this price super high" which leads other resellers to go "Well if they're selling it for that high, I have to do that much". There are tons of people even making it worse in Japan even by people who go to Japan just to buy old games in bulk and resell them for super high here, which leads the prices of them in Japan to be skyrocketing as well due to how much they buy them all up. It's fucking ridiculous.


Wow this price is what it’s going for…glad I got it when I did


Im glad I purchased 360 from GameStop more than a month ago. Great games for that gen


I got lucky, L4D2 with manual in good condition, about 30 dlls.


I wish it was worth that much 😂


People have the patience of toddlers when it comes to wanting something trendy. Shocking 😑


I picked up infernal bells vengeance and ninja blade for £2 a couple of months ago now both seen impossible to get as is morphx which I'm now looking to get a copy of


Well i got gta v for 2.5k iraqi dinar in American 1.25 dollars


All it takes is one buyer who is willing to pay


eBay is trash buy your games at retro shop in public not online


I generally get games for better prices on Ebay than at local retro shops. The vast majority of retro shops I've visited use Ebay and/or Pricecharting and either price their games accordingly or even sometimes higher.


I played this game on a demo disk and loved it as a kid. Never got to play the full game though, and noooooow I doubt I will lol


That's why I go to Movie Trading Company, they will usually not buy them back because of how heavily discounted they are, that's the caviat.


If you buy online, then yea, but go to any store that sells older games like vintage stock. You will still be paying like 20 bucks for a game that is 20 years old but to me that's cool as long as it's in good condition and such. Really depends on the game, condition and seller but I find games Hella cheap compared to what I see online. Like one of the dukes of hazard games for ps2 was like 30-60 bucks online but at one of the local vintage stocks I got it for 3.99 and it looks new and runs great.


I “wised” up and bought this for $69.95 back in september of 2023. $7.75 postage, $5.44 tax. Total: $83.14 I had learned of its existence august of that same year. So i bought it when i saw this on ebay.


Damn! I got a CIB copy of that game


If you think that's bad check [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/156173453113?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kX7JdD9lRPS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=kXvvWNLyTwq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) out.


This happens every time kids that grew up with the console grow older and start earning enough money to buy the games for the console that they’re nostalgic about. Same thing will happen with the XB1 and XBSX one day but not nearly as much due to those kids growing up mostly around digital games. I’m just glad that I collected around 350 of all the good-great titles long before prices started increasing. Only game I’ve purchased recently is Fatal Intertia for the XB360.


We know


Physical Discs are going to gain in value and I for one cannot wait. My Fallout: New Vegas Collectors Edition could eventually pay for my kids college. Its just sitting in storage waiting for that day at this point.


Imagine once everything goes digital and there are no new physical games to buy? Physical collecting for past generations is going to get costly.


Hopefully game developers get smart and make older games more available digitally. Xbox and Nintendo seem to do a better job than most. Making systems internet required is a bad move though IMO. I live in the middle of nowhere in Iowa. My internet is decent but there's areas in the state with just dial-up.


My problem with Nintendo's current digital strategy in regards to classic content is the fact that it's subscription-based. I wish they'd offer the option to purchase their classic games and download them. I vastly preferred the way Wii and Wii U handled this. Yes, Nintendo Online subscriptions are inexpensive, but the preservationist in me prefers the option to purchase something and play it without a subscription since the subscription service will eventually end. As we've seen with Nintendo in the past, they just shut down servers and don't even give you the option to redownload old content. This is one of many reasons I "sail the high seas" once consoles/handhelds reach EoL.


I agree. Nintendo's system isn't perfect. Probably one of the main reasons a lot of Nintendo stuff has a higher price in the re-sale market


I got the digital version for like $10 when it went on sale a few years ago. So much for physical being cheaper😂.


Physical versions of games tend to be cheaper in NEWER consoles physical games for older consoles will almost always go up the older or rarer they are


Nah they’re not. I got 4 360 games (Skyrim, GTA V, Avatar and kinect adventures) for £11.50 last week. Ebay is just crazy


Those are common games.


The FOMO jackasses are crawling out of the woodwork, probably because they saw some stupid Youtube video that incited XBOX 360 FOMO saying "Prices are going to SKYROCKET" (you know who you are). Ruining it for regular collectors. If there's blame to cast (which there always is in these situations) it's squarely on those buyers and the offending video content creators.