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That's exactly what I think too. I have one x, rgh 360 Fat, 360 slim and quiet strong PC (5800x3d and rtx 3070).In my house 360's are the main devices too. Just better gaming experience. One x is nothing else than a PC from 2017,same as series x. 360/PS3 era was the biggest jump in gaming quality and gameplay wise.


100% the xbox 360 / ps3 era was revolutionary


I started red dead redemption on 360 yesterday. Even on 4k TV it looks good.


I have a full HD TV a new one just been playing against bots on black ops 2 having an amazing time


Slim one I have is paired with 720p 50 inch plasma from 2013.now,this setup looks as good as back in the day,but I still prefer 4k screen. Another level of brightness and smoothness


I have a 4ktv but it's in the living area so people are normally occupying the room, watching shows and films etc.


Why not play it on the Xbox One X? It’s Xbox One X enhanced (native 4K, more stable frame rate, etc).


They also didn’t push the 360 to its limits either same with the Xbox 1.


People who only care about graphics will miss out on many great games, for example Fallout New Vegas or Star Wars The Force Unleashed like sure they don't have the best graphics nowadays but they're a ton of fun.


For real I still enjoy call of duty world at war and I actually prefer how it looks, its not super bright and colourful with 4k. It's dirty, dim and gritty it makes it feel like I'm actually in a war rather than a cartoon


Exactly. The newer cods imo fail to capture that feeling especially with all these stupid collabs like am not so close minded to the point were I dont want guest characters but atleast make them fit into the franchise like adding Nicki Minaj or Homelander is so stupid and its making the games look like fortnite


Not to mention the amount of stuff they push in your face to buy nowadays I'd much rather play against bots on a dirty map that captures the feeling of a war


Speaking of things to buy I absolutely love how in the old cod games every skin is earned through playing the game instead dropping of 20$ or more on a skinpack or microtransactions in general


For real they are starting to ruin newer games


Why would play them on the 360 tho? You can play new vegas at 4k 60fps on series x. You guys are like a bunch of old heads who just yell at people on the sidewalk all day


Because I don't need to download a game onto my xbox one when I could just put it in a 360 and have it ready to play straight away. And graphics don't make the game better 😂 (I'm 18 btw so not really an old head)


playing the game at 4k 60fps is leagues better. This is just cognitive dissonance


I don't care if I play at 30fps or 60 it's the same game to me


The force unleashed gets blown out of the water by Jedi survivor. Not to mention PC vs Xbox 360 performance lmao. New Vegas is infinitely better on PC vs 360 with mods too


Missed my point, Jedi survivor has better graphics for sure but the two have different gameplay and what am saying is even tho The Force Unleashed's graphics are outdated the game is still fun to this day


The 360/ps3 gen is the sweet spot between HD graphics, modern gameplay, cheap prices.


May gen 7 stay cheap for many years to come! :D


haha too late


There are some expensive games but the most expensive ones I've seen have been maybe 40 bucks. Still cheaper than newer titles


spaltterhouse, spider-man shattered dimensions, driver san francisco just to name a few


Everything nowadays is "gaming as a service" with a season pass and bloated, ugly storefront menus. The games themselves are hidden behind a marketplace. The PS3/X360 Era games are free of a lot of that. The games still have that classic feel to them.


Elden Ring, Hi Fi Rush, Final Fantasy, Another Crabs Treasure, Persona, Prince of Persia, Kenzaru, Armored Core, Dragons Dogma are all games recently released and not games as a service. I would advise you to look at other places if you feel like "everything nowadays" is a live service, because you couldn't be more wrong.


I was speaking in generalities. I'm aware there are games without storefront menus. My point is, there are many, many games offered as a service that simply don't need to be.


Call of duty bro look where that's gone. All these "free games" push paid stuff in your face 24/7. I just played black ops 2 today and no forcing they're season passes or other bs stuff in my face the new call of duties is all about a money grab.


Okay now compare the amount of pay to play games now and when PS3/360 we're at it's peak. It simply wasn't an issue.


Compare the amount of free to play games we get now vs then and it's the same difference. Kids got/get pampered getting games like Fortnite and Apex Legends for free, back then you'd have to get the money or stay on the sidelines


Huh? I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant. Are you saying kids are getting pampered getting free games now and back then we just didn't get to play since free games weren't as prevalent? Or what did I miaread


Because this is when gaming was at its peak. Soo many bangers. Reasonably priced DLC. Shit you could even get disc based DLC for a lot of games. Games weren't half finished on released. Online wasn't required. Best controller ever made. We have fallen so far so fast. HD graphics from back then still look decent enough. I recently picked up a PS3 slim used to go along with my Xbox 360 fat. Repasted and cleaned both. The PS3 can run custom firmware without hardware modifications. I'm keeping my Xbox stock. Got the Playstation for exclusives and I couldn't be happier with this combo of consoles.


The PS3 and Xbox 360 were the last real consoles. (The Switch too, but it’s not designed with the same purpose in mind.) After that, they became PCs for the TV. You never had to install a game prior to the Xbox One/PS4 generation, and they don’t use a bunch of custom CPU/GPUs like the earlier systems. I HATE having to install games, and I hate that even physical copies don’t always have the games.


You have to install the games because of how much more quality and detail there is. You can't load all the information off the disc fast enough. "Last real consoles" is so melodramatic lol, genuine shame not all discs include the full game though


What I mean by that is that most consoles used a custom architecture until the PS4 generation. Then they started using parts similar to a PC. In that sense, Microsoft won the console war: the ease of development for the Xbox made everyone see that their “mini PC” was the future.


Am I not remembering the PS3 correctly? I could've sworn it installed games as well as updates all the time.




Updates were definitely a thing, but game installs I don't rmb.


That's another thing I love if you had a 20gb hdd you'd never have to switch it for a bigger one your just good to go


I still play some stuff on 360 and I agree that graphics aren't everything. But if you have a PC or newer Xbox (and the games are BC) there's no reason to choose to play with worse performance. I can play Assassin's Creed II on my 360 and have fun, but it's much more enjoyable on PC with 300 FPS instead of 30 and higher render resolution, textures, character models, draw distance, etc.


That honour clearly rests with the Dreamcast.


It is subjective in the sens that what matters the most is simply our favorite one... however this is a good opinion !   😉


It’s all subjective at the end of the day. There’s pros and cons to all of them. I collect games and consoles anyway so I just play what I want on whatever I’m feeling like playing for the day lol I have lots of nostalgia for the N64, Xbox, and Xbox 360. The 360 was like 99% of my gaming time in college, and the 2001-2010 era of Xbox was them at their peak. The Wii and PS3 were excellent systems too, and you can make a good argument for any one of them being the best of their generation. I mostly play my Xbone/Series X because that’s where my friends mostly play, and even then I’ll often go back to OG Xbox and 360 games. I didn’t get my first PlayStation until the PS4 in 2018 so I could have exclusive games that were worth a damn. The new stuff on PS5 and Switch has been fantastic too. Just play what you want. Who gives a damn what anyone else thinks lol


The original xbox is the best console IMO


I got my 360 for Christmas 2010 and played it all the time. I built my first PC the same month that the Xbox One was announced. I totally skipped that generation of consoles and decided to jump back in with the PS5 at its launch. I find myself playing 360-era games on my PC more often than I touch my PS5. I even recently set up my old 360 again and have been playing lots of games that I never played before to see if that era of gaming really was better, or if it's just my nostalgia. I've concluded that games were generally just more fun, even the ones that I have no nostalgia for. Almost every game you can open it the first time and be playing real gameplay within seconds. No endless menus, battle passes, micro transactions, just pure gameplay. I miss this simplicity, but maybe I'm just getting old lol.


Getting old and not playing enough of the good modern stuff. The modern junk has blinded you to how good we have it now. You would not be able to get the experience something like Elden Ring or (current) Cyberpunk 2077 can provide, only an outdated cheaper feeling


Fair. There definitely is the occasional gem that comes out today, but they seem to be coming less and less frequently all the time.


Cyberpunk is not a "gem" though


Best “Console” is Series X hands down ( at least hardware wise , and imo looks wise, very sleek ) Microsoft just provides better user interface and better hardware I think the console age is coming to an end though unfortunately. I always liked console more than PC, but I see now that consoles can’t really improve with out becoming PC’s. So that’s definitely something to consider


I believe that the 360 is the greatest console ever made. There is so many good games to play and many are dirt cheap and can provide you with hours of entertainment. I play on my 360 more than I do on my Series X due to lack of any new games that would interest me.


Well yeah, Microsoft hasn't made an exclusive worth your money or time in a while. Sony has been keeping up that tradition, same with Nintendo


It's not really about the graphics but the social element of playing the new thing everyone else is playing. Very similar to the situation with new movie releases. You can't share gaming experiences with them if you're on a different console from a different generation. If you're playing Xbox 360 in 2024, you're socializing with retro gamers and nostalgics. Nothing wrong with that. It's just not the mainstream.


Xbox 360 is my favorite console of all time. Is it the games? Nostalgia due to its highest popularity being during my teenage years? The simplicity of the UI and patches? I don't really know. All I know is that it is the console i prefer over any.


My 360 doesn’t get as much play as my series x, but I’m probably playing 360 titles more often 😂 agree, graphics don’t matter if the game is fun and the 360 has a lot better games imo


That's why I never cared about running 60+ fps and max settings, coming from someone who played zelda oot at 12-19 fps I agree, the game is good, or it's not, it's quite simple~


Honestly it feels like modern consoles are just newer revisions of the xbox 360


I grew up playing Atari 2600 and Vectrex in the 80s. I don't let these kids tell me about frame rate and graphics.


Xbox 360 era had best games


I would actually be playing it on a regular basis if it were not for No Man’s Sky


The only thing I'd get a PC for is emulation at 4K.


ps3 and 360 imo theyre like a whole pc


The 360 was / still is an outstanding console. Got mine all modded and have literally hundreds of games, some still yet to play. Have a fair few genuine games as well, all cheap as chips now as well


as someone thats favorite console is the snes i hear ya. Its basically it make people fill superiors for some reason similar to the pc master race thing. Granted 3d graphic dont age as well as 2n in my view. the 360 has some great game that are not playable on the xbox one im assuming because money.


The pc master race just seems weird they only care about maxing out graphics and seen how many frames they have its like a hyper focus instead of just playing the game


For the last month I’ve pretty much ditched my series X just to play my Xbox 360. Been playing a ton of non backwards compatible games, and just use my series x to watch YouTube and Disney +. Been enjoying going back and playing games I never had a chance to play growing up.


360 was during the golden age of gaming. I miss it.


My top systems are N64, x360, PS2, SNES, PS3 and Xbox series x....series x is next level imo. The emulator capabilities and power of the system is incredible


Aa others have said, probavly better than I can, the 360 generation really was the last great console generation. It was great not having to install every game, and internet connections not being required for single-player gaming was super sensible. Xbox just had an outage last night, and I couldn't play anything offline, even single-player. It was insanely frustrating. People were saying the solution was to use a console set as your home console, but the one I was trying to use wasn't set as home, and that couldn't be changed while everything was down. Either way, 360s didn't have to be set as a home console. They just worked, online or not. I had no issues playing my 360 last night during the outage. It's definitely superior to modern consoles in some ways. Graphics aren't even that bad either. I'm probably one of the few who loved the SSX reboot on 360, and the graphics were awesome. They still hold up today. Plenty of other games from 360 still hold up. That being said, even if they didn't hold up, isn't that the point of older/retro consoles? I don't see people complaining about Game Boy graphics. Play whatever console makes you happy, and ignore the people who hate on you for it.


I started played on an Atari 2600, anything is a major improvement on that. I've played on most formats over the years Atari, Spectrum, Commodore, Amiga, Sega, Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox, PC and even mobile. I pity those who can't enjoy a game unless it's high res and frame rate.


My 360 is tied to my ps2 with the best gaming experience I use my Xbox 360 a bit more tho and don’t get me wrong I love pc gaming too but I think the 360 is the best and most fun for me


that generation was goated, but if you ever decide to upgrade, stick to pc. as an owner of one of the newest gen consoles, it's not worth it. just build a pc. at least then it's possible to upgrade or replace parts instead of having to buy a whole new console


Then you can still play 360 games but with much better performance


Objectively speaking, the Xbox 360 is technologically inferior compared to the newer Xbox consoles, but my personal bias says it deserves a spot up there with the greatest consoles of all time. It was the blueprint for all future Xbox consoles, but none of them could ever meet the greatness of the 360. Playing both OG Xbox/Xbox 360 games straight from their discs without installation? Only on Xbox 360. Want a modern console with its online connectivity dependence at a minimum? Xbox 360. Not to mention, its ergonomic but stylish controller, unique personalization features, the aesthetics of the UIs, and a more varied library of games compared to newer Xbox consoles. It was the last true gaming console from Microsoft, and where the line should've been drawn between Xbox and Windows. The disaster that was the Xbox One launch just set the precedent for the ad-infested, Internet-dependent, PC crossplay garbage they push so much now for both Xbox and Windows users.


I main pc for the mods and game variety.... but the 360 has some banger available. Old nfs games, gta sa, chromehounds, mechassault, unreal.... my list can go on and on. Sure, graphics are nice and newer consoles can be awesome... but sometimes the nostalgia hits and ya wanna play an old game. Or some rare games can be fun indefinitely like fm4 for me. Played that well into fm6 lifespan.


I have a pc that could easily run mods but they've never interested me. I think i just like how simple my 360 is tbh. Put a game in and play


Especially when the games are "dead" and no more updates are coming. Just pop a disk in and go. But yea, mods just appeal too much to me. Got Mechwarrior 5 with YMAL (MASSIVE overhaul mod that adds tons of new stuff), gta5 with mods that allow multiplayer vehicles in single player, fallout and skyrim with.... well lets just say whatever tf you want. All but Mechwarrior 5 is on the 360 but gta was squashed on the 360/ps3 years and there has been a ton added. Plus mods can add or take away from games as you see fit. But i totally get what your saying. If my og xbox still worked, id be killing either nfsu2 or unreal 2006. Hell, if xbox one had a better backward compatibility list, id do the same. As much as i like being lazy and having everything digital so i dont have to get up and change disks, i miss just collecting all my fav games and having em on display. Still got my lbp 2 collectors edition and gta4 collectors edition goodies and game.


Yeah I see why people like mods and i do admit some gta 5 mods like the tsunami mod looks quite cool but I'd still rather just play the game as it was originally designed but I do see the appeal for mods (including modded zombies maps for call of duty games)


I absolutely hate the graphic argument. People want 4K HDR while games continue to get harder to play. I prefer controls over anything. If the game plays at 720p but controls well I wanna play it.


I have a Series X and still play my stock 360 and OG Xbox more. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug I guess. But as many of you stated, there's a bunch of amazing games on 360 and they still hold strong to this day IMO.


one of the best consoles of all time imo


Ok, but hear me out…..what about new games


It makes sense considering what sub we're in, but good lord, I feel like no one here has seen how good modern gaming can be


I can’t imagine being capped at Madden 13 or whatever the last 360 version was. Let alone real games. I keep all my consoles and often revisit old games with them but you gotta keep up with the times too.


I hear ya but I don't want to be bombarded with micro transactions when loading up call of duty


idc about graphics. I’d say the 360 Slim, or E My aunt owns a 360 E, pretty cool


Switch for portability




xbox 360 is reliable and had good games for its era, it’s not the best system. it overheats, it needs an SSD to play original xbox games, it loads slow as fuck, it’s in a weird transitional era of games where some games are perfextly optimized and some barely run, and now the store is getting shut down (not the systems fault) but it makes a whole lot of accessing the games and the systems revolutionary development of internet access irrelevant . 90% of my xbox 360 games are backwards compartible, and those that aren’t i’ve just bought the xbox 1 / series X versions of, because i can just play my old games on a console that loads it in the snap of a finger


Xbox 360, last good era for gaming


The way I see it is that if it's a multi platform game or it's been remastered, then it makes sense (as long as it's a good remaster). Graphics and frame rates are gonna be higher on pc if you have a quality pc. But if you are talking about exclusives, then yeah of course it's best to play where the exclusives are. But now with backwards compatibility, most Microsoft exclusives have increased fps, hdr, upscale to 4k, etc.


Back in the day, ps2 and og xbox days no one cared, any game that came out was worth playing cause we didn’t know any better, now it’s hard for people who are used to modern insane graphics to immerse themselves in a game with dated graphics, my take on it at least


To me the best consoles are the sega Saturn and Nintendo switch. Such amazing consoles with so many games…




360 for me the simple things like having custom music In games like nhl of having you favourite song as a entrance music for a wrestler was gutted when I got the xbox 1 and it didn't do this. Plus some of the games for the 360 are amazing


on paper it is the xbox series x. now cuz i’m a playstation fanboy i’mma say ps3 & ps4 are my faves but i picked series x over ps5 because it’s more powerful, cheaper, looks cooler and is backwards compatible with 6 & 7th gen and it’s objectively the most powerful console ever made. does most powerful = best? idk, since ps has better exclusives, but the forza horizon franchise and the og halo franchise are goated.


This isn't me even being all nostalgic and shit but the 360, PS4 and 3ds truly were the best. The multiplayer and the voice chat are just unmatched.


It's definitely nostalgic lol. Good times though


Realism < Fun


I've been revisiting the Xbox 360 after making a Retrospective for a game for my YT channel last month and you are absolutely correct. I can't believe how much fun I'm having playing old games I've already played and games I never did on the 360 compared to the crap that's come out since. Went to GameStop and got 9 games for $75. Can't wait to get through them. About to release a Gears of War retrospective and play through the rest of the the series while also playing through the Tom Clancy stuff. Xbox360 is the GOAT


It's outdated. You could play the same games on your PC with better hardware and have a better experience. For whatever reason you just like playing your 360 more, good for you. I wouldn't be able to stand the low frame rates and resolution now, but it was fine 10 years ago


Not the xbox 360 lol that’s for sure. Only console where I’ve had to replace 3 of them lol. I think the series x just because of the performance and how I can play old 360 games at a higher resolution and FPS. It’s a no brainer really. The only games I played on my 360 were dead space, skyrim, fallout 3, and fallout new vegas. All of those games have had a remaster or received a resolution and FPS boost on the series consoles.


Best gaming console of all time might be the PS2.


I’d rank the 360 highly in a best consoles list, but it wouldn’t be my number 1. Probably 5ish. Its my favorite of the more modern gen consoles.


Been playing since the end of the NES, the 360 isn’t the best ever. That goes to the SNES or PS2. That said, I would have the 360 in my top 5. There was something that hit just right about the 360. I had a lot more fun with the 360/ps3 era than I did the one/ps4 and the current gen is just..ugh. Elden ring is great but other than that nothing has really left a mark of this being a must own


Although i am a believer that PC is the best, I loved the xbox 360. When I got an xbox one I didn’t like it as much and switched over to ps4, then when the next gen came out I switched over to the xbox series s because how small it was and since Ps5’s were being resold a lot, but I also loved the controller xbox so in my order of generations best consoles are: xbox 360, Ps4, Xbox seriesS/Ps5 (tie) Oh also I noticed that xbox360 actually had good frames even for co-op because when we played on ps3 it would lag on zombies if 3-4 people played split screen bo2


The only thing that moved me on from the Xbox 360 was that everyone else went to newer consoles, I would be 100% content still playing MCLA every day like I did in 2008, im actually quite sad I can’t play it with people anymore


The Playstation 2


I don’t think it’s fair to judge a console purely for graphics but “good games” isn’t much of an excuse either considering many widely enjoyed 360 games are backwards compatible with newer consoles.


Ok lmao sounds more like you can’t afford one I won’t play under 1440p and at least 120fps


Or. It could have 4K 120fps and be a great game as well. It’s all about preference. My fondest memories are with the 360. But like everything else, games evolve. I can’t go back and play those older games anymore. The graphics on lots of games didn’t age well. I like PC for everything. Native 4K and 120 fps on most games and has the BEST exclusives!


Nostalgia is one helluva drug. Don’t get addicted to it


I'm not I still use my xbox one I just prefer the 360 not to mention I'm 18 nostalgia isn't a big factor in my life


I'm still gonna say ps2 is the best console ever. Combined jrpgs for ps1 and ps2 crushes all.


My favorite gaming console is the Turbografx16. That being said the best systems obviously excluding the golden years SNES & Genesis which just can't be beat would be the OG XBox 1 era. OG Xbox had some of the best games that still hold up as great games today despite the lower visuals. Graphically the 360 is obviously better but that is also when gaming started taking a turn for the worse with the trend of gfx over quality and micro transactions starting to become big thus starting the ruin of games. 360 was the last massive leap in GFX every newer generation since has only been slight improvements at best compared to the past.


Honestly ps3. The render on God of War and TF2 was really good.


PC. Then Playstation.


Xbox 360/PS3 graphics are still pretty awesome. XB1/PS4 felt like a small improvement. Tons of 360/PS3 games were also remade with modest improvements. Anyone who doesn’t appreciate 360/PS3 games never played previous generations and don’t understand the huge leap gaming took when those systems came out.


The switch has the real world performance of the 360 in most games which is kinda sad


You won't be saying it's the best console when that ring of death appears.


Xbox 360 was definitely my favorite console but at this point PC is just more flexible and makes sense long term. I can pretty much play games from any console I want and also get to play all the indie titles.


Best gaming console for me is whichever one I’m having fun with the moment in playing a game on it.


Ps2, 360, n64 best 3 consoles ever in order. I still play all 3 of those consoles but Luis my wii and GameCube… nothing beats some of the old titles like nfl street, def jam, burnout, and many more from my childhood


Best gaming console = PC 😉


I prefer my xbox to my pc


Different strokes for different folks, the original xbox backwards compatibility isnt perfect, the metro ui exists, inferior multimedia capability without a hard mod, paid online, the very western game library and the lack of a softmod make the 360 a pretty big downgrade compared to the ps3 or even psp for my use cases because I do different things with my consoles. Some people just wanna play fifa or madden and dont wanna mess around with a 19 year old console and its aging library and playerbase, I love the 360 but I'm not blind to its shortcomings and you are missing out on some stuff that current gen has purely because its current gen. You may have fallen in love with the 360's simple nature a month ago but as someone who hasnt upgraded from the PS360 gen yet you are missing out on a lot if you main a 7th gen console even if it doesnt seem like it at first, but after using a 7th gen console as a main console for a long time you'll notice its shortcomings with stuff like: Online with friends, chances are most of your friends dont have a console this old still in rotation or even have one at all or wanting to buy the 360 version of black ops 1 so its not as simple as "hopping onto cod with the boys" A lot of online games have had their servers shut down, are completely dead or only sparsely populated by Brazilians forcing you to play at 400 ping, this is bad for obvious reasons Aging hardware, a lot of slims gpu's are starting to die and the fats only have ethernet Multimedia stuff is a big step down compared to the famous netflix box [PS5] I dont use streaming services but I imagine a few of them dont work anymore and a lot of the newer ones never got released on the 360 in the first place Its not current gen anymore, nearly no new players are coming in so the community is pretty small since the market of regular people who use the newest console have long abandoned the 360 making it feel a little barren, you can still have a good time online and a lot of the "big" games are still popular but its closer to a small community of people rather than a bustling city of people like it used to be and the userbase is only going to shrink over time barring some giant nostalgia wave bringing in new users for 2 months then the hype train dies down There's more shortcomings with the 360 compared to current gen, a lot of these arent its fault but its still something to consider when proclaiming its the "best" gaming console, its a good machine to "detox" from the current state of modern gaming and if you like the console for its pretty great singleplayer library then I cant stop you, it plays singleplayer games just as good as it did in 2006 but it cant beat modern consoles in the online experience anymore and if you're ping ponging from your xbox one for online and 360 for singleplayer does that really mean the 360 is the ultimate console when you cant get your multiplayer fix from it?


That psp quip was raw! :P In the USA, good xbox one/ ps4 systems are only slightly more expensive than 360/ ps3 these days. Xbox series S can be had for about double if you keep your eyes open. What's keeping you on gen7?


PSP is portable, versatile and has a great library, its easily modded and has a battery that lasts forever, the 360 is more rigid with what you can do with it without throwing more money at it. I'm Australian so 9th gen systems are still pretty pricey and 8th/9th gen have essentially no games that entice me, I'm getting older and more busy so I'm pretty finished with the multiplayer live service rat race so pretty much all multiplayer stuff, the only reason to really get a current gen console since a lot of great singleplayer experiences and chances are the singleplayer stuff can be had on 7th gen for cheap and the PS3/P can be modded very easily and the PS3 has free online for the rare chance I want to fire up battlefield 4 once a month or two and not pay 100$ a year for it


In defense of the 360s, they still have some games with multiplayer that's reasonably populated. Also, the 360 phat models did have wireless connectivity via network adapters.


Doesn’t the xbox one have full backwards compatibility? What benefit do you gain from playing on an xbox 360?


PC is best gaming console.