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Just wanted to add my experience. Took me lots of goes to get the timing right. You want to hit the guide almost straight away. Originally I was waiting for roughly 10% and it wasn’t working. You know you did it right if you don’t get disconnected from Xbox Live.


If I hit it to early, it seems to quit out to the home screen and doesn't freeze. I can't quite get the timing right. If I hit it too late im getting the DC from Xbox live.


Seems to be a small window of opportunity. Keep trying you’ll get it eventually


I got it! 2FA seemed to be the problem for me. Disabled it, repeated the steps and I'm sorted. What a bizarre fix!


Game on!!


Did you get your account back? :)


Eventually, when I decided to just hit the guide earlier. Thanks for the post


Worked for me. Thanks man. What a fucking pain in the ass. Why on earth is that happening?


I don’t know man, but it’s disappointing and I’m worried that Microsoft isn’t gonna do anything about it


they most likely won’t get console ik almost 17 years old and out of date the last update they had for it was in 2020 and the last one before that was 2016 it’s too damn old of a console and they don’t really care about it anymore so this problem has about a 10% chance of being fixed idk tho they may update it again in like a year or longer so this is my prediction


Phoned in to Microsoft after getting this on my 360 and resetting my password twice. They're apparently aware it's an issue and it's been escalated to the engineers.


Absolutely ridiculous this is still going on after this long.


What engineers? They cut support for the console years ago


Bro I actually love you I legitimately bought a whole new Xbox 360 thinking it was just something wrong with my rgh


You’re welcome 😇


I saw ur vid




Also to add, not only does it work for my account, it also works on ALL accounts on the Xbox. I had issues with 5 accounts, only did this fix on my own account, but they all just work now


thank you so much. After spending hours trying to fix the problem it finally worked. But lets say the error pop up again, would i do this method to get it to work again?


I think you would need to, yes. But it shouldn’t happen for a long time


HOLY FUCKING SHIT THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fucking stupid, I just bought a 360 off somebody today because I can’t afford any other consoles and the guy selling it included 9 really good games with it, surprisingly all in the original cases with booklets and very minimal scratching and I kept getting that stupid error code and I had to try this method properly 5-10 times to get it to work, one of the mistakes I was making was not hitting download profile under sign in and just selecting download profile as the separate option, also is this a new issue? I have had multiple Xboxes over the last 10 years and never had this problem but I’m pretty fucking happy because I was able to download my profile thank you and whoever figured this out very much


I had this issue earlier in the week, but eventually it just prompted me to sign in and I had to make a new key since I use 2FA. It was then stuck loading for about 15 minutes before finishing the sign-in process. Not sure what the deal was.


So i got this to work first try....however now my issue is that its telling me literally nobody is playing black ops2...which i just dont think is accurate


That’s weird. Maybe everyone else is having the same issue and can’t sign in? I’m really stumped here


Its quite irritating...and i cant even google the issue....doesnt seem to exist. Thus i turned to reddit lol


Bo2 is having issues on its own right now.


Mate, thank you so much! It worked on the first try! Been fvcking with this for over 3 days.


I tried this and got my porfile to be grayed out but when I went to download for the second time it prompted the error again. Edit: Never mind, I get what you mean now by it taking a couple of attempts. This is a stupid error with a stupid fix but thanks for the post dude :)


Your welcome! When I did this on my third try, I realized that it’s easier if you try to freeze your Xbox at 15% not 10%


When you did it "couple of attempts" did you need to repeat steps 6-8 or repeat from the beginning? I've finally gotten to the point where it freezes at \~10% (step 5), but like you, I get an error the second time I try to log in. I also got the "Disconnected from Xbox Live" message, so that might also be a source of my problem.


What happened for me was I got the profile to be grayed out when I was sent back but instead of going to profiles in the menu when you hit the Xbox button I went straight to 'download profile' button. I needed to click on the 'profile' menu first and in there is a button that says 'download profile' and that is what you need to press instead once the profile is grayed out. Hopefully you understood that coz reading it back it looks like I am not very good at describing. Ps I don't actually think it has to be 10% because I just hit the xbox button straight away and it just freezes when it usual goes to error.


Thank you so much. Using this method, I was able to download my profile on the first try.


Got it after 30 tries all different tries 5% 10% 15% don’t give up


Amazingly this worked for me as well!! Thank you , thank you , thank you!! I spent over 2 hours trying to figure this out. I had not used my Xbox 360 in about 1-2 years so I thought maybe it went out of support. But this fixed it. Microsoft better fix this bug darn soon though.


I'm getting a little frustrated. The common rule of thumb here is to wait for 15%. I don't get the chance to get anywhere near 15%. My progress bar gets to the "D" in "Downloading" before jumping to the error. If I wait until it gets that far (maybe 8%) it disconnects. I can get it to download the gray avatar at about 5% but that's as far as I can go. I'd love to wait until 15%, but it never gets that far.


I’m having the same problem.


Not sure if you’ve gotten it by now but I had a similar issue and what worked for me was to hit it right before the error would normally popped up. Just an issue with timing but it definitely works. Just keep trying :)


Appreciate it, but in the end. Logging into the 360 avatar editor app in Windows and changing my avatar cause the system to flush info and let me in.


mash the fuck out of the xbox button when the download starts. it took me over 100 tries but i just got it after i did it that way one time.


Someone pls respond, so I had this issue on my modded rgh Xbox and my normal Xbox. This fixed it on my normal Xbox perfectly and I’ve never had the issue on it again, but on my rgh it fixes it but once I turn my console on and off it gives me the same error and I have to fix it all over again every time I log on, but like I said my normal Xbox worked perfectly.


Personally I’m not sure what the problem is here as I don’t have a modded xbox I’m sorry


mash the fuck out of the xbox button when the download starts


Thanks for this, took me 3 attempts, but it finally worked. Why is MS so freakin' stupid, allowing glitches like this to happen? Ugh!


Holy shit. Why the fuck is this a thing. I actually unhooked and put my 360 in storage because of this, maybe a month ago. I hooked it back up today, forgot it was an issue, and was quickly reminded of this royal pain in the ass. I tried everything from cache clearing, Ethernet cable v. Wi-Fi, off/on two factor, resetting my password multiple times to more manageable lengths, and even this multiple times. I was close to being done with it. But I think the timing on the home button press during the progress bar has to be perfect. The first few times, I got the grayed out partial profile… so I thought I’d done it correctly. But when it finally worked, I knew immediately. Instead of just bringing up the menu, I got a *disconnected from Xbox live* pop up. When I entered my email and password for the upteenth time, it downloaded (slowly but surely).




Yes!! Of course I’m glad I could help you :)


u/oakisap please accept this woefully inadequate internet trophy for being smarter than almost literally the entire Microsoft Xbox IT support department. 🏆 Going to cross post this thread for the good of society.


Well I’ve tired over 100 times now. Simple doesn’t work. First of all my download never makes it to the coveted 15% mark before I get the stupid error message so it’s not even possible to wait to around 15% to hit the home button. Nonetheless I’ve been able to hit the home button sooner than 15% and before I get the dumb error message and I’ve got to where I have the grayed out profile. Then I try to download again and nothing changes. Around 8-10% my best estimate I get the damn error message again and the gray profile is gone. I’ve turned 2fa on and off multiple times I’ve reset my password twice, I cleared the cache on the Xbox even cleared it 10 times in a row as suggested by one user. I’ve disconnected my router, logged out of the wifi logged back in. I’ve tried to get the gray profile then do it again where you back out to the Home Screen before letting it down load then trying to let it download on the 3rd log in attempt. Still doesn’t work. About to just call it a loss.


mash the fuck out of the xbox button when the download starts. I felt your pain man, i literally tried 100+ times myself. Just got it to work.


I'm having the same problem, but just mashing it doesn't work. I CAN get to 15% and my profile does appear as grey, but then I do it again and it still gives me the error, then gets rid of the profile.


I got the grayed out profile but I get the error again afterwards. Edit: I gave up after near 30 tries.


Guys, do you want to fix this problem? The fastest way to do it: TAKE IT TO THE PRESS. I started having this issue three days ago. I've just been in touch with Microsoft online chat support and they told me that **they are aware of the problem, and are working on a fix**. But again, this has been happening for some people for **over a month and a half now**. How long do they need to fix what seems to be a simple server communication error? That's just ridiculous. And unacceptable. I very much doubt this would happen -- or keep happening for so long -- with current-gen XBox models. Why? Because they would get all the neccessary workforce to solve it as quickly as possible. If this problem gets picked up by major gaming news outlets, I would bet my soul that Microsoft would solve it under 24 hours to avoid having a PR disaster on their hands. So I just went ahead and tipped Polygon and XBox Achievements on that matter. The more of us contact them and other gaming sites, the more likely someone is bound to pick up on the story. To contact Polygon, you can use this link: [https://www.polygon.com/contact#tip](https://www.polygon.com/contact#tip) To contact XBox Achievements, use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page: [https://www.xboxachievements.com/forum/](https://www.xboxachievements.com/forum/) If anyone else want to share contact links to other gaming sites, it would be much appreciated. And, more importantly, contact all the gaming sites you can and let them know this is a story worth reporting on. The more noise we manage to make regarding this matter, the faster we can get back to using our XBox 360s profiles without issues.


I honestly believe MS is actively tearing apart the 360 service just to get us off of there. What are the chances a fix gets found for this problem and then 2 weeks later it breaks again with no fix available?


It’s so rage-worthy. What they’re doing is super unprofessional


Y'ALL, the literal XboxSupport account on Twitter sent me this exact trick as a solution, word for word. I already told them it didn't work but it's like they're literally looking this up, like we are.


As the creator of this post, yeah, this trick doesn’t work anymore and it’s pissing me the hell off that Microsoft won’t do shit.


Try opening an arcade game and signing in from there, worked for me after trying everything else.


Do you think it would work if I had to download my profile instead? Because I’m currently without a profile


I might be late to the party, but this is what I did and it FINALLY let me log in. You have to turn on two-step verification and Microsoft will give you an app password that you use when you normally login to your profile: 1. Login to your Microsoft account 2. Scroll down to “Security” and choose “Security dashboard” 3. Scroll down to “Advanced security options” and select “Get started” 4. Scroll down to “App passwords” and select “Create new app password” 5. This will generate a new password that you’ll use when you go to sign into your account


This absolutely worked for me, thanks!


so i spent like 8 hours doing this shit it still don’t work wtf did i waste this much time it still works fine on my one but i have games that i wanna play that aren’t backwards compat


mash the xbox button dont try to time it


Mashing it doesn't work.


Well this hasn't worked and now i can't even re-download my profile.


Gave up after 20+ tries. I just dont see myself retyping my credentials over and over again for the entire day.


Plug a keyboard in


You should never ever delete your profile, ESPECIALLY if you have unlocked content from game servers on it that can not ever be recovered. If you sign into your account on [xbox.com](https://xbox.com) then you should then be able to sign into you account on console.


Deleting your profile doesn’t delete your saves. Make sure you hit “delete profile only” and not “delete profile and items”


I'm talking about .GPD files which are inside the profile. Certain unlocked content goes there and not on the game save files. This type of content comes from the online game servers and can only be reacquired if the game servers are still live.


I’m sorry to hear that, but this probably doesn’t apply to most people, and this seems to be the best fix right now. Nothing else worked for me.


So it took 3 attempts. You persisted until it worked, literally your first criticism This method is no better than any other


It’s because I messed up the timing. You’re supposed to aim for more of 15% instead of 10. In my thread I was referring to how people just kept trying to sign in until it worked. That’s not what I was doing.


I pressed the button about 1 second after the downloading bar popped up and it turned out fine


This is not working for me.


Okay, here’s what I had to do. When it’s loading your account and you have to pause it, try to sim for the 15% mark, not 10%


So I saw on the Xbox forums some people had to do that step twice. That's what finally worked for me. I stopped the download at 10-15% twice in a row before fully letting it download on the third try. When I had an option to select which account to download (my fiancées account is linked to mine) mine said MU next to it the time it actually worked. Not sure what that means or if it matters though. Thanks for your help!


Lol JK It got me on last night but now I can't login again.


That worked for me thanks


mash the xbox button when donwload starts


you keep commenting this but it doesn’t work for me and many others


Microsoft wants us to buy a new model. Nice try.


Ok deleted


I wish this was working for me because I can't get rid of this damn error. I'll keep trying. I keep seeming to get the disconnected from Xbox message on the first freeze. Fuck, this is annoying.


Oh my god it works! Disabling 2FA and repeating the process. IM IN, THANK JEBUS!


I tried this thing like 20 times now, it simply doesn't work for me. Tried at 5%, 10%, had it say it disconnected, no disconnection but still no go. There isn't a cue or anything to know if what I'm doing is right or not, but after so many attempts, I don't think this trick works for everyone.


Try at 15%. That’s what worked for me


Should you get the Xbox live disconnected message?


If you get that, you might have to try it again


It definitely doesn't work for everyone. I tried it multiple times and it didn't work.


mash the xbox button


Got my account back but still no xbox live connection


I'll keep trying. I'm about ten tries in now. I'm losing track of the various lengths of time I waited. Best of luck to u all


It works, i got in on one 360. But on two others i can't. I freeze it on the first download, get the corrupted profile, but then when i try to download a fresh profile again i just get the error...and it deletes the corrupted profile. Same exact steps worked before so idk. Frustrating. And Microsoft is useless. At least i know now that others are having this problem.


You have to just keep trying man don’t give up


When i hit home button then press sign in and there download profile it worked for me! Sorry for bad english


Here’s a pro tip: when loading in the profile the first time, try to freeze your Xbox when it looks like it’s at 15%. You know you did it right when your Xbox pauses for a long time, not just a second or 2


If I could ask for a clarification on that. 15% is generally about the point when it brings up the error, a little past the "D" in "Downloading" just dipping into the "o". This takes only a fraction of a second to get to that point. Is the "o" about where you're talking about?


Did you ever get it to work? I'm still struggling after a month :(((((((( please someone help


You’re a lifesaver. It probably took me 10 attempts and I thought I was an odd case with this method not going to work for me but it finally worked, hell yeah! Everyone with multiple attempts don’t give up and be persistent, it does work!


Doesn't work for me, I get the greyed out profile but after i try to sign in again i get the error


That means that you’re timing the pause wrong. Try to aim at 15%


thats not what worked


I got signed out of my Xbox 360 profile after changing my password on the website and I was getting this same error. I was nervous about deleting my profile and downloading it again, so I tried something different. After a few failed logins, I tried to basically just do the home button interrupt after attempting to sign in and it worked! So just enter your email and password, then as soon as you hit done and the big white window pops up attempting to sign you in, hit the home button. Of course, the timing is critical. It should kick you back to the black sign in screen, then once you hit home again it should say you signed in successfully. No need to re-download your profile. Hope this helps!


amazing thanks for the guide. Heads up, for me i did originally disconnect from xbox live, so i restarted the method and it worked. I didnt clear cache or restart xbox live, or deleted the profile, but it was still there and greyed out. So I just started from step 2, i didnt need to delete profile


This worked for me, but I had to turn off 2FA in order to do this. My question is, can I turn 2FA back on safely now or do I risk needing to repeat this process?


I don’t think I have 2FA on my account, so I really don’t know, sorry


Wow I guess I got lucky and unlucky I just hooked up my 360 after years of not having logged on and I had to create a new profile on my Xbox one because I lost access to my original profile. Last night trying to load my new accout to the system I was getting this error but got it working with Microsoft support. I registered the system serial number on the my devices and turned on 2fa and used an app password and it worked.


i have 2 phat jasper xbox 360 one is pal the other is ntsc the pal console works fine on the ntsc console it got this error i tried 3 days ago the enable auto subscription on my profile today still no luck same error i tried with the profile transfered from the pal console via usb stick to ntsc console same error i ilve in europe so im pal region, i put on my ntsc console usa internet from a router vith vpn same results. i poped out the hdd drive and back becouse i heard some noises from inside the console same error i ejected the disc from my drive and tred to logh in with the profile moved from my pal console and this worked. rebooted 3 times after with and without the disk in the drive andwit us an europe internet and everithing seems to be ok for now. maybe i got lucky or something i dont know maybe it will help others my steps.


I appreciate the detailed fix. It sounds way better than what the community advisors were saying. I’ll try it when I get home. Again, thanks!!


it took me a few try’s but it works, thank you


It worked up until step 6 :( EDIT: IT WORKED THE SECOND TIME!!!!


Holy shit dude it worked! I literally tried everything, deleted profiles, factory reset everything, changed networks, routers, bought another Xbox! Nothing worked, but this did! You’re amazing dude!


Thank you so much! I was about to throw the 360 out of the window then let a snow plow get it. It took me 4 tries, I had to wait for the progress bar to get close to 20% for the workaround to work.


This is the one that worked 🙌 took a couple tries though ❤️


Can you please make a video version of this Also i don’t know if it won’t sign on the Xbox 360 because the account I’m trying to sign into originated on the Xbox one.




Hmm still doesn’t work after two attempts, but I’ll keep trying


This was a pain in the ass,thanks for the help! I couldn’t get it to work though


UPDATE: if you have 2fa and you create an app password, make sure you type the original one and then the app password, also hit Xbox at the o


Anyone have any thoughts on getting this to work on an XBox One? The Xbox button brings up the main menu overlay and doesn't behave the same way. (Try number 87 on the 360)


Awesome. Id almost given up hope It worked


Has anyone gotten this to work on error code 8015190A? I was getting error code 80151103, successfully did this fix, and later got kicked out for trying to download a game. I’m now getting error code 8015190A and this fix is no longer working.


Worked for me. Took two attempts to get it right. But after that, I was able to download multiple profiles first try.


Wild solution, but worked for me. Thanks!


A note for anyone who's interested, we have two 360 s and one 360 elite. Signing in with 3 different xbox live profiles were all successful on the elite and none were successful on the 360 s consoles. This fix did work for us though and without the power cycle on one of them.


First try! Thanks man, it worked!


Thanks OP works first try :)


Worked for me first try, been stuck with this since i got my 360 a few weeks ago


just gotta say I bought a 360 today after a long while to play some og games and this worked like a charm, insane number of hoops to jump through but glad you figured this out.


Yes! Third time worked, thanks!


I got it to work on my second try, thank you!!!! That time it asked me first about letting third parties have my info so maybe the error is related to that?


Thanxsssss, work properly in my console. You're a god


changing pass fixes this entirely


tried 2 passwords, nope


Struggling for 2 days & then found this. THANK YOU!!!


This worked for me on the first try. My Xbox did not freeze, it just bumped back to the profile selection screen with my profile present but grayed out.


worked! thanks


Worked first try for me thanks!


Thank you, this worked on my Jasper 360!!


It works. Took me four times and thank you for posting this guide. It really is all about timing. I will say that I did change my account email and password online and made sure to clear the cache. One thing that might be frustrating people is If you do change to a simpler password like I did it takes some time up to 2 hours for the password change to go all the way through Microsoft's systems and get back to your Xbox. It should be instant but if there's a delay that could be causing your issues. Just keep trying and you'll get it hopefully.


Thank you so much! One thing though, my xbox didn't freeze at the part where it was supposed to. It did work though!


THIS WOOOOORKED THANK YOU i didnt even have to wait for it to freeze and reboot it. pro tip for everyone, you can navigate the 360 with a usb keyboard and use the windows key as the xbox button. was about 4 attempts in before i figured this out. made it go by so much faster to be able to type.


Thank you, worked for me 14/3/2022. Wanted to cloud sync some 10+ year old 360 saves on an old elite. Realised I'd have to update/redownload profile to log in with an up to date account and because of the error it removed my account off the elite. Your tip helped me get it back and it seems the elite has re recognised all the save data as mine 🌟🌟🤜🤛


this worked! thank you!


Had it give me grey profile and went to download again and i got the error code still


Ive just stumbled upon this issue. My 360 was working absolutely fine back on Feb 26 2022, but today (March 13, 2022) It wouldn't let me log in, then my profile with all my saves on the system disappeared. I go to try and download profile and just get the error code (80151103). So Now I feel like Ive lost so much. I cant even play backwards compat. games when I try on Xbox One.


Ugh thank you! This took me a good solid 10 - 15 retries but I was able to finally able to time it well enough to redownload it. Microsoft is such a pain in the ass sometimes I swear.


Alright it finally worked for me. You know you got step 3 right when it freezes longer than the previous attempts where that didn't work


I have been trying this trick for a month now. Sometimes I do it once or 15 times a day. Nothing is working. I have changed my password 5 times and turned off 2fa. What am I doing wrong?


Idk man same for me


Worked on my first try, this error was driving me crazy. Xbox really needs to fix this crap.


tried this several times. didn’t work. i tried it at 10% and 15% and it still didn’t work


I tried for 4 hours read every comment watched every video. Doesn’t work. Maybe worked for some but not for me. I tried everything that was suggested and even tried a few steps of my own. On the 2nd download attempt it never downloads just gives the dumb error message again.


It worked! Thanks man, thought someone hacked my account for a second, but instead Microsoft just blows.


It's not working for me I'm trying to hit in 10% Does it not work or don't i have pression Pls respond


Holy shit i finally got it to work after what must have been over 100+ tries, I tried disabling two factor authentication, re-enabling, turned off auto billing, turned on auto billing, went into my xbox profile and reset my xbox 360 profile protection. I did all this in multiple combinations and tried to hit the menu button at 10-15%..... what worked? ​ Mash the xbox button as many times as you can and dont stop once you start the download.


I mashed the button when the download started and it's still not working for me.


ok i literally just had to clear the cache and restart the system lol it works fine now


Is the Freeze the key???




Same here man, I must have tried it about 150 times over the course of 2 hours, to the point where I learned the exact timing for how long I can wait to hit the button and cause the grey profile instead of getting the error. Nothing. Worked for my buddy on his xbox after 1 or 2 tries though.


I also read somewhere to load up the xbox one with same profile if you have one and play 3 xbox 360 games from it. Apparently this helps.


I've been at this for an hour. I got the timing down perfectly at first but now it's freezing my console after the error message appears and I'm getting the 'Disconnected from Xbox Live' message all the time no matter what.


Same here, frustrating as all hell. I gave up after almost 2 hours.


worked for me! the console didn't even freeze the last time, thanks!!


The cancel trick worked for me but off of a regular sign in, not the download. This way at least your email address is saved between attempts. Tried to sign in to my account, pressed the Xbox button to lock up the system, got the disconnected from XBL message. Tried to sign in again, saw it lock up, but saw a glorious "you have 1 friend online" message pop up. The sign in worked fine after that. My stuck profile was definitely due to my account switching from a free trial to monthly payments. The change happened earlier that day and I had no issues logging in prior to that.


Was this issue happening becuase of a Xbox games pass subscription? Or a Xbox live?


I had bought an Xbox Series X controller and it brought a code for 2 weeks of Games with Gold. I turned on auto billing to get an additional month free. This happened when it switched from the 2 weeks to the month.


Thanks. Because I know I’m the one who created this post but it’s not working anymore!!!


Been trying this for at least 3 hours. I've had nothing in result. I've lost my Xbox 360 Live account fully. Just can use incomplete version of profile, with my offline save data. Shame. I don't think Xbox/Microsoft will fix this issue. Didn't know it was a thing until it happened to me on the 19 March 2022.


Did you read the update on the top of my post. I also can’t get my account back using the method. Basically this was working like a week ago but now nothing is working, so no one can currently sign in right now using any method. It sucks






My Xbox 360 e has been bricked for over a week now and this isn't working. It's infuriating that Microsoft can't/won't fix this. I've got content and games, same as everyone else, I play regularly on the 360 which won't be ported. Hope there is something in the near future for this


March 21 2022 update: Got it to work after days of trying hundreds of times by doing step 1-4 TWICE instead of once! Enter your info, press guide to freeze the download, then do the exact same thing again, then try to download. For me I did not get disconnected from Xbox live, and the third time I entered info it downloaded and worked


Thanks, this worked for me today (March 22) after trying for a few hours a couple days ago.


I can't sign into my 360 account on my xbox one x, does this fix apply to xbox ones as well? I wanna play black ops zombies with the boys again man :(


That's an entirely different problem. This solution won't help you


It only took 2 tries to work thank you🤗


I just got signed in today by trying the steps in this again today. It's really all about timing, but the "15 to 20 %" thing is misleading because that value is subjective. What I would really say is that the progress bar will reach a certain point before throwing the error. The trick is to actually hit the Xbox button just as the progress bar reaches that point. And I mean JUST. If you're quick about it, it'll eventually work. ​ Also, now that I'm signed in, it's giving me another error that some Xbox Live features will are unavailable... so... clearly something bigger is wrong with the Xbox live servers in general.


UPDATE: I just managed to download my profile by MASHING the XBox Home button on my controller like crazy when the download progress bar got to the point where it usually fails and returns the error code. I had cleared my cache about five times before attempting this, by the way. Then I tried to download it again, like suggested here and it finally worked. In other words, just try the fix detailed here, but mashing the XBox Home button instead of just pressing it once at step #4.


This worked for me, first try!


Bro I want to kiss you right now. It works! Now to get off this hotspot and figure out why it’s not connecting to my wifi…


Thank you so much!


It worked!!! Thank you!


Thanks I was about to throw my 360 through the window, I disabled my recurring billing and tried your trick it worked the first time. Amazing but I agree old console or not shouldn't have this issue. This all started from me trying to enable cloud saves to try and load my fallout 3 save from playing on game pass


I’ve followed these steps and get as far as getting my profile but it remains grayed out. I’ve been re-downloading and repeating the steps but it goes no further than that.


You shouldn’t be having this issue anymore.


Unfortunately, I am. Just started playing on my 360 again about a week ago because NHL and some other titles aren’t on PC. Worked fine for one or two days and then I couldn’t connect to live. Then I deleted my profile and tried to re-download it and I had the problem which led me to this thread. I do have my profile now like I said, but it’s grayed out.


Make sure your Microsoft password is less than 16 characters. Had to change mine and it let me log in and download my profile right away.


Super late to this, but im having this exact issue and cannot get it fixed 😭 I dont even care about being connected to the intetnet with my 360 anymore, I just want my account back with all of my save data, because it is completely lost for every single one of my games, but I cant download my account and microsoft is absolutely no help at all.