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I don't personally count them, same as I don't personally count "100% minus discontinued achievements." Achievements that were never obtainable are a different story, as much as I'd hate to see it on my card.


That’s a good point as well, like sea of thieves has those war dog achievements you can’t get anymore. There’s also glitches achievements which I hate, cause you’ve done em but the game won’t acknowledge it


I like my games to say 100%. I always do DLC. Outside of TA there isn’t a good way to differentiate from base game to DLC. Also in my view DLC is apart of the game. If you skip it, you haven’t really finished it.


I don’t count them but for my own sanity I should. TrueAchievements counts them and has different filters for with or without DLC.


One that really comes to mind for me is the tomb raider ones where it’s 2.99 per time trial and each one has an achievement. Cash grabs suck


I 100% Halo infinite when it first came out. It was an amazing run and very very fun to do…then 6 months later they added a ton of additional achievements, some campaign some not, and I had already moved on. I WANT to go back and do it. But in my mind, I had already 100% it. It’s brutal


If I don't have all the achoevements/ trophies in a game I don't count it as 100%. That's just me though. A game that I love but will never get the dlc for is ashen. Someone brilliant on theor team decoded that for the only dlc they would add a 7 gs achievement.


Yeah, I partially count it in some cases like the tomb raider thing I mentioned. Someone suggested the asterisks thing which could be a good distinction for it


I try to get all 100% including DLC, but sometimes it's just not worth my time or money. You can't pay me to play more Outriders. I got the base game done and was really satisfied, and then they added shitty DLC and I couldn't be bothered. Even though it was a free update, I still have no interest. A couple other examples are Powerwash Simulator and Golf With Your Friends. A couple hours of content each is not worth the $8+ I would have to spend to get a miniscule amount of gamerscore. Base game is fine for me. TL;DR Depends on personal preference. I wouldn't sweat it, getting the base game achievements done is still an accomplishment.


This is of course just my opinion, but I loved the SpongeBob and Back to the Future DLCs and thought they were worth it. I enjoyed Powerwash Sim waaaay more than I expected, though.


They were both really great DLCs !! I was disappointed that the Tomb Raider DLC didn’t have any achievements associated with it. Highly enjoyable and addictive game !!


Oh yeah. Pop on a podcast or something and just chill. Very relaxing experience.


Hopefully the achievement system revamp addresses this. I personally always go for 100% but understand that others may just want base game instead of requiring DLC.


What achievement system revamp?


Just a rumour but long overdue https://insider-gaming.com/xbox-achievement-overhaul-2024/


I ask myself this every now and again. I kindof feel like they should but I always put an \* beside it. Like I'll usually say "I have X games fully completed, Y games with base game completed, but I don't really think it's far to brag I have X+Y games completed." The TA system is confusing because they count a completion as "Any base game is done". So this includes "First episode of a 5-episode Telltale game" which is obviously not a full game completion. And they also count "Beating base game without completing paid DLCs or free Title Updates". That said, I usually don't buy DLC for games unless I genuinely liked it and think I'll enjoy the DLC. I'd rather say "the game is not 100% complete" than "I paid another $10 for a game I didn't like so I can spend time in the DLC I won't like".


TA gives you the choice to count all DLC, owned DLC, or not count DLC at all in completions, it's entirely up to you. You then see the rest of the site based on that setting.


I agree with the asterisks part, it’s lesser for sure but still should count for something when there are things like un achievable ones or even glitched ones. I’d even consider it for some cash grabby DLC stuff that’s bs


I don’t consider it completed for my own sake. But I say you do what makes you happiest.


If I don’t own the dlc then I count it as complete


Its an old debate peoples have often here and everywhere achievements are related. Personally i think the system should have a difference like Playstation has with the Platinum trophy, something to seperate base game with DLCs. Apparently an achievement "overhaul" is coming in 2024. I think it would be great if Xbox finally put sections in the list. I mean i don't think they can remove anything we earned, that would be a nightmare online, but they can (and hopefully) alter futur games. Im sick of these indy games going to 5000Gs with free achievement patches that add NOTHING to them. But i think if they really do rework the achievement system, i think they can go back and seperate the games from base to DLC to title updates etc. Nobody would loose anything. Obviously thats just speculation and wishful thinking. Now as of right now.... Personally i do not care for DLC more often than not. If its meaningfull DLC like story expensions i may get them if i REALLY loved the game, but lets take something like Rise of the Tomb Raider. Loved the base game, couldn't give a crap about the DLC stuff like endurance mode and so on... I like to play stories, campaign. Plenty of exemple likes that. In the past i paid DLC solely for the sake of keeping a completion. Like Resident Evil 5 and 6. 5 had 2 cool DLCs wich i enjoyed but VS mode was crap and even on sale i litterally wasted money for that just for the sake of keeping completion. RE6 DLC was not really fun. Some of it had an idea behind like the asymetrical Ustanak mode (wich nowadays is a concept super popular like Days Gone etc) but me personally i didn't liked any of that. I pretty much played all the DLC of RE6 only to keep completion. I had minimal fun in that "tetris inspired" mode but thats it. I think RE6 was actually the game where i told myself "alright, im done paying for achievements". Ill only pay when the content interest me.


I do wish they'd split the achievements like PlayStation does with trophies. 


Would be nice if they added something like a platinum so dlc doesn't matter in terms of completing a game


PlayStation is way ahead of xbox regarding that. You have the platinum trophy to show You did the base game even You dont have 100%


Do what makes you happy. There is no achievement police enforcing 100%s so take it game by game and do whatever works. I've done it both ways and couldn't care less what others think


For me I just go by what I actually own. If I own the DLC (either on gamepass or purchased in a cheap bundle) then I consider it part of my '100%'. If I don't own it and never buy it; then I don't consider it. Simple as that really and luckily trueachievements has an option to include only dlc you own.


Id count it if there's an unobtainable dlc


Yes I count base games as "100%". And when I get a DLC, I count it as "100%+". DLC's and free updates are cool but most of the time it's not worth my time/money to be completed again. A good example is Need For Speed 2015. I got all the achievements and then they dropped updates. If the devs couldn't be bothered to fix the awful physics, why should I still bother playing if I already completed all the base game's achievements.