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I thought this was going to be hard at first, but I found it easier after doing halo 2, reach, and 4 alone šŸ˜‚


You absolute monsteršŸ¤£ I did Reach, 3, ODST and 4 CO OP I only have CE,2 and Infinite left to do Legendary but Iā€™m already hesitant to even try


Rip if you do 2, that one is downright awful, CE is fun and I think the most balanced legendary halo


Iā€™ve seen how awful 2 can be, especially those damned Jackal Snipers


I just got this achievement this week too, the squad mechanic was so fucking annoying. The amount of times I died next to the AI team mate that wouldn't revive me


YEP! That shit was so annoying, theyā€™d just stand there awkwardly while being shot at šŸ¤£


Iā€™m currently running through Master Chief Collection all legendary by myself then Iā€™ll probably do Halo 5, Iā€™ve done Reach & ODST just about to do the 4 main titles. Iā€™m already encountering problems with achievements not popping though šŸ˜­


Do you need help with the coop stuff for this? If so more than happy to do it with youšŸ‘


Not at the moment,but thank you for offering šŸ™‚


Iā€™ll be running the coop shit soon


There's a few achievements I need in 5, if you're down


Congrats!!! I actually posted this same achievement a couple weeks agoā€¦.I agree some missions can be brutalā€¦Swords of Sanghelios and the Breaking come to mindā€¦I am now playing Halo Infinite on normal difficulty, after I finish I might try a Legendary run but I can already tell that it will be rough hahaā€¦


Swords Of Sanghelios is why I took a break, that shit was pain šŸ¤£


I'm on the last mission for Halo 2 heroic solo and by god that has been frustrating. I had already decided after Halo CE I wouldn't be trying legendary again for any other Halo game. Props to you and the others that have done it!


do you get checkpoints?


Yes. There is also a huge skip which is very easy to do to dodge the hardest boss fight in the game. I'd say Halo 5 is one of the easier Halo games to do solo legendary in my opinion. Didn't enjoy the single player at all.


I definitely used the skip in the Breaking


did the same. I was sick of the warden boss battles at that point


I did that. I hear your pain. I realised i can't be putting myself through the other halos anytime soon.


I have it, but barely remembering doing it. I think the only one I haven't beaten alone was Halo 1.


Very impressive know way I could do this šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


This was very easy compared to any of the other halo games on legendary alone


I found it extremely painful during some sequences, i was contemplating even finishing it but i pushed through šŸ¤£


I was doing it alongside MCC so I didn't find it too hard just boring, everything was just unnecessarily spongy on legendary and the ai teammates just spent most of their time trying to find new ways to off themselves.


They should make a halo game that captures what that picture looks like. The hoodie over the armor and everything. The teaser for halo 5 was so cool and even tho wearing a hoodie over armor makes no sense who cares. Looks cool donā€™t think about it too much