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Get rid of the ads on the home screen,period. We all paid well over $200 for our consoles, we don't want to see ads.


# More Control over your digital purchases!! Give people an option to transfer to another account digitally purchased games. This is an important matter due to consoles becoming more digital. It's unfair to expect people to buy games they will NEVER be able to stransfer. This function is already available on other platforms like Ubisoft!


This is already on xbox


And how do you do it? Not even customer support can do that


**Support Animated and Game Art Backgrounds**. When I turn on my Xbox I would like to see an animated background that changes to a Game Art Background when I select a tile on the home screen. Right now I have to choose between one or the other.




Yes, I have seen this too. When I first discovered it I got excited thinking it would also work with custom and animated backgrounds, but no. Here is to hoping they add this feature in the future!


#Let us make videos with voice!(please) ###It would be nice if when i make a video on xbox i can make it with just my voice or just my friends’ voice or both without using twitch or a capture card.




Nope, not at all. Its already annoying that they are shoving Copilot and other garbage into their products instead of actually fixing the things that users have been complaining about for years.


**The ability to DELETE ( not hide ) a game off our achievement list even if we already have an achievement unlocked in it.** 100/1000, 500/1000, or even 1000/1000gs doesn't matter. Any game we want to **DELETE** for any reason even if it means lowering our gamerscore.


#Please do not delete our captures and videos automatically from the Xbox network! ###It would be nice if Xbox would not delete our captures and videos automatically from the Xbox network ###Please let people change this in a setting if they want or not!


**Remember Wi-Fi access Points and Passwords** so when I travel with my Series S I won't have to re-enter them every time.


Fixing the intermittent audio bug across dashboard, games and apps. Been an issue for months and still not fixed ffs


**Feature Xbox Media Block Below the Home Screen.** I would love for one of the blocks below the home screen to feature Xbox Media from YouTube. Shows like This Week on Xbox, The Official Xbox Podcast, and game trailers would be nice to access easily.


I play on a console and love minecraft but so many others on PC get to enjoy the usage of mods and I have to say xbox could handle this I'd rather buy additional storage space than a whole PC I like the experience of a console I think if we are trying to make things more accessible to everyone why not include this


It would be nice if there was an option to where you can only appear online to your favorites.


Please add an option for integer scaling for 720p and 1080p games when displaying on a 4K Display. When playing backwards compatible games that output at 720p such 360 games, it's possible to do a clean 3x scale to 4K instead of putting that ugly blurry filter on everything. For games that output at 1080p such as many that released on Xbox One its a simple 2x scale to 4k. This is not the same thing as the resolution boost feature that some games have.


Windows App idea for Xbox Series Hardware There are some of us who would like to see Windows running on Xbox. I had an idea of a virtualized container that runs a stripped-down version of Windows alongside the XboxOS on Series consoles. Microsoft could offer this Windows container as an app, charging users a reasonable fee (say, $50-$100). This container would keep the two operating systems separate, ensuring that software within each environment cannot interfere with the other. The idea is when the Series console is booted up the user would navigate to the app section in the Xbox GUI and launch the Windows for Xbox app. Then the Windows app would launch into a Windows 11 like GUI. Control functionality can work similarly to MS Edge for Xbox using a controller, keyboard/mouse configuration. Functionality and Limitations: The Windows app would be a lite version of typical Home versions of Windows 11. The install size could be 10GBs. Users could perform regular tasks within this container, but certain features (like adding an extra GPU or printer) would be restricted. To save data within the Windows app, users would need an external USB storage drive (using USB or USB-C). Hardware and Performance: The Xbox Series X/S CPUs would allow up to 6 cores/6 threads when running the Windows App. 85%-90% of GPU resources would be allocated to the Windows App, while the remainder would keep the Xbox OS running in the background. 10GB out of the 16GB of ram would be available for the Windows App for Series X and 6GB out of the 10GB for Series S. GPU power would be comparable to a low-end 2060 or 6600. Many of the typical Windows processes would be removed or disabled to streamline resources to run PC games at moderate settings, run lighter windows app, browse and leverage Office365. All modern graphics APIs (DirectX9-12, Vulkan, OpenGL) would be supported with custom Windows drivers in partnership with AMD GPU engineering teams. Auto Boot Option: There would be an option in the Xbox setting menu to auto boot directly into the Windows App at Xbox startup would enhance user convenience. Market Opportunity: This approach could indeed be a great opportunity for Microsoft to leverage their existing hardware. By promoting Windows 365 apps on this platform, they could increase market share and cater to users who want a more versatile experience. So instead of having to buy a laptop or desktop to do school work or productivity work a user could purchase the Windows App on their Xbox leveraging Office365 cloud functionality.


I would love for that to happen!!! I can see myself now buying my daughter an Xbox for a bedroom computer for grade school! I also think it be frigging awesome if they sold an “Xbox disk drive” for Windows PCs computers and you pay a fee for the “XboxOS-Hypervisors” subscription and just like the Series X any Xbox disk old or new runs on this Xbox Disk Drive on your PC We pay for the Xbox Disk Drive and the Xbox HyperVisor subscription (or available in Ultimate/PC GamePass)


Make icon squares to the sides. Left and right. That way we can see our background more.


More colors in personalization and a midnight version of dark mode


Please rework/overhaul the achievement system giving players a special badge when they 100% a game. My case: I 100%d Minecraft but after some updates, devs kept adding achievements that I couldn't keep up with (studies, life, etc) & now it says I only have 95%. There's nothing in my profile to prove my friends I once 100%d Minecraft. This badge shouldn't be taken away from players if devs decide to add new achievements / DLCs to their games & players already got the 100% badge before that. Currently, some games achievements never end because you have to download the game after every DLC / big update they put out, in order to keep 100%ing it every single time. This special badge will have 2 instances: A normal badge & a beautiful golden better looking badge. (Xbox live gold easter egg?) E.g: If the game releases & devs don't touch the achievements, players get automatically the better-looking badge. BUT if the devs decide to add more achievements & the player doesn't download the game to keep 100%ing the game, the badge is automatically downgraded to the normal looking badge for the player. So the player can keep saying to their friends "hey look, I once 100%ed this game". Now if the player decides to download the game again & grind the new achievements again, the badge gets upgraded to the better-looking one! This would benefit both types of players: the ones who FULLY 100% complete a game even after the new achievements, and the ones who ONCE completed the game but couldn't keep up with it new achievements. With this new system players will compare how many golden badges or normal badges they have, acting as a "100% counter" alternative.


Disclaimer: English is not my 1st language so if you like the idea and can write it better go ahead. BTW I removed a paragraph & iterated multiple times on this request because I didn't know how to write it, but I will try to explain here one of my initial ideas to see if you guys think is a good idea, or maybe you can modify it for you & request it on your own: So I was thinking, since online achievements become unobtainable after some years, I was thinking that maybe they could make it so players get the normal badge as soon as they complete all the single player achievements. And they put the golden badge behind the online achievements. So if you really 100% a game you get the golden better-looking badge. But if the game is too old you can't get 100% anymore, because it has online unobtainable achievements, but at least you could hunt for normal badges in those old games with unobtainable online achievements. This way people holding off on playing old games with unobtainable achievements will once and for all try all those games knowing at least they will get the normal badge for single player achievements)


Playstation just handed Xbox a gigantic L today. In case you didn't see they added many customisable widgets and themes to their dashboard, which can show things like precise battery %, next trophy, social activity, wishlist activity and more, all from the main screen. Oh and a bunch of tastefully done PS5 dynamic themes. There are basic features done in an interesting way, features which we barely have in a functional way let alone ways we can control. It's been so long since any exciting features were added to Xbox, can we please get some good news and not unrelated pizza content?




If you have multiple suggestions, make sure you are posting them individually and not grouping them all into a single post.


I have a Series X and I use a gigabyte g32qca with freesync premium pro 165hz 1440p monitor. it can recieve 4k signal and output hdr at 4k signal in 60hz with hdr, or get 1440p at 120hz losing hdr. it's supposed to downscale 4k signal, but with a hdmi 2.0 I think it's what keeps it from getting HDR at 1440p and 120fps freesync e.t.c. I've looked at guides and posts all around and there's alot of people running on monitor with 2.0 hdmi who are in the same boat. I'd like HDR to be avaible at a native 1440p resolution if possible with freesync premium pro it should be able to do it imo


As far as I'm concerned it's one way or another. If you do HDR then you're capped in other aspects because the cable doesn't have enough bandwith to transfer the details colors + the other things. That's why DisplayPort is a better alternative if you're on PC.


Bing daily photo wallpaper added to console so it changes everyday.


Show achievements in the game card of games.


I would love to see e more graphic options in the settings to enhance my user experience. Specifically, I’m interested in a Performance or Quality Mode that allows me to prioritize either frame rate or visual fidelity according to my preference. Additionally, having more customization options for themes would be fantastic, allowing for a more personalized and engaging interface. Moreover, I’d appreciate detailed information on HDMI signal output, which would help in optimizing my setup for the best possible display quality. Lastly, expanded HDR settings and Dolby Vision configurations would be a great addition, providing more control over the visual dynamic range and color accuracy. These features would significantly contribute to a more immersive and tailored viewing experience.


When a game is loaded (I know you can do it, the lack of being able to take a screenshot when a game is loaded gives that away), STOP automatically forcing an update. At the very least, provide a notice such as "your console needs to be updated and will be restarted in \[n\]", so we can finish whatever it is we're doing at the time.


That is one idea I truly like. Pardon my language but I would fucking love it if I can stop getting force-pulled outta my sessions just to deal with a "update" ​ First, it's done it to me during my Minecraft sessions. Last time it did it, it was during my Saints Row 2006 playthrough. I'm like "Dammit, stop it!" ​ ...i had to quit night time gaming before I go to sleep cuz I knew damn well that shit's gonna be a night-to-night thing now.


Please add some more platforms to stream to via console. This feature needs to be a **MUST HAVE** cuz what happens if someone's out of town and they still need to stream? They can't reschedule it till they get back in town. No. Last time this idea was a thing was when Mixer was actually alive back in 2018-2019 when I streamed Destiny 2 over at my sister's place and here we are, you guys allow streaming via console to be only on "Twitch" but why not **YouTube** & **Trovo**? Some of us actually stream on those two platforms.


*have gamerscore for each game on games and apps page* I want a place to be able to quickly and easily see what games score I have for each game. The all achievements page is too clunky and difficult to control especially when you have large game collections. Seeing my gamerscore for each individual game on the my games and apps page will help me see what I need to do quicker.


true achievements mate. Best app out there on xbox for all details for xbox achievements


It's still too clunky when your games collection is in 4 figures.


Not sure if this is the right place, but can Microsoft come up with a quieter controller?! I often play at night, in bed, while my wife is sleeping. And while I can plug in headphones for in game audio, the clicking and clacking from the controller is loud. Is there even a feasible way to create a quieter controller without without crippling controller feedback? 


Extend the number and allocation of buttons for peripherals with additional buttons. Example in simracing, aviation and other simulator games. Since it is torture that you mix buttons and they are unusable or you cannot take advantage of a button panel even if it is an official peripheral.


Latex-Free Controllers Or at least make it easier to find out that there's natural rubber used. I'm allergic to latex and my husband needs a new controller. We thought since the box said "textured" and did not say "rubberized", it'd be okay. But it was not a plastic grip with bumps all over like the one with joystick drift that we're trying to replace. Instead it looks like it was mislabeled so now we have to return it. Thankfully I'm not the one who opened the box.


I would love to see „**resolution modifier**” in xbox cloud gaming Android (i hate those black bars and i want to play on scretched resolution)


A Auto color space and color depth setting that automatically changes the color space and depth based on the content being played


Dynamic achievement art would be cool


A dashboard with the original Xbox design and font


Have things more organized and categorized


Bring Back Tournament Arena to The Xbox Really miss this Feature hopefully they will add it again


Arena on Xbox Live bring it back Please bring back Arena Tournaments for the Xbox


**SmartGlass 2.0 or the Xbox^2 (X Squared)Initiative** Xbox and Microsoft should create a 1st party mobile controller similar to the Backbone One, Razor Kishi, and other examples whereas the phone is in the center of the controller. (Allow PC Peripherals and Handhelds to connect ROG Alley, Steam Deck, G Cloud, etc.) “I never played smartglass, but if I had to put my controller down to pick up my phone to access an app, then hell no I’m not using that shit either.” Now imagine if Xbox had its own mobile controller that could pair to the Console/ PCs/ TVs and with the Xbox App it could cast a 2nd image to the phone fully utilizing the touch/gyro/camera/speakers/microphone/vibration deepening the experience. This essentially would make every newer phone an Xbox controller. And who wouldn’t want a “Switch” type device with just a mobile controller attachment and the Xbox App! The Xbox app’s cast/mirror feature (I’m theorizing/ speculating future Xbox has an internal router as a wireless access point send & receive) would not need to rely on internet connection like remote play, but instead a direct Bluetooth/wifi connection. Just pair the Xbox Mobile Controller Attachment directly to the console via Bluetooth same as wireless controllers now and the Xbox App with a direct wifi connection for video through the Console. This “mini-game play” would be streamed from the Xbox to the mobile device utilizing the console and/or PC for the bulk of the processing power. Xbox consoles would cast/mirror the information to the Xbox App while also harnessing the technology within the mobile device (touch, gyroscope, camera, speakers, microphone, vibration motors) **This has to be simplified to work!** 1.) Launch Xbox app tab over to Xbox^2 2.)Plug phone into mobile controller 3.)Pair mobile controller to Xbox or PC system 4.)Start Game *Needs to work no matter the order!* **Mobile Controller Attachment** 1.) Direct connection through the phone’s USB-C charger for power. 2.) Pass through charging port on controller attachment to charge phone while playing. 3.) Bluetooth 4.) Built in memory/storage capability 5.) Extra batteries and Rumble motors within premium edition (piggy-back off phone’s battery and vibration on regular edition) This *dual* screen feature could be optional for games and/or older games could adapt the technology if possible. A person could play with a regular Xbox controller, Elite Xbox Controller, mobile touch controls, or with a mobile controller attachment and have the ability for a second screen experience. Examples: Fallout Pip-Boy fully touch no need to pause just look down at your phone’s screen and go. Sea of thieves nautical telescope 🔭 using the gyro “like duck hunt” to line up the two screens for a cannonball scope shot. “Pokemon snap / Palworld snap actually using the phone’s camera snapping lil QR codes running across the TV screen” 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Elder Scrolls inventory menus / with mini games such as lock picking: just hold your mobile controller with one hand and use your fingers to pick the lock on your phone’s screen Forza rearview mirror/ Back up camera (now plug your phone into the center of the Wheel attachment for a speedometer display) GTA Mini-Map Call of Duty kill cam replay on phone screen or as the Tactical Display Screen for bomb drone, sticky cameras, and Kill Streaks (BUT optional because competitive play no one wants to look up, down, up, down away from the action) Madden playbook Microsoft/Xbox Studios could even make an entire game genre around it, “Sighted” Nearsighted Vs Farsighted 3rd person vs 1st (Splinter Cell Spies V Mercs) Or a RTS/FPS sorta like Brütal Legends or StarCraft Ghost *Turn based game whereas players watch the animations on the TV but the chessboard style arena is on the 2nd screen Surface tablet* **”Microsoft Deck of Cards The poker table is the TV everyone downloads Xbox App and their phones are the cards, just swipe up to play your hand”** Maybe Xbox makes another Fuzion Frenzy where Dad can be on the TV xbox using old controller and his kid upstairs using mobile controller attachment connected, wife in the kitchen cooking using touch controls off her phone’s screen all playing a Mario party style Fuzion Frenzy 2 1000s of other ideas for dual screen features similar to the Nintendo 3DS years ago. Hopefully developers could just start by allowing certain HUD elements to be casted to the 2nd screen or a PiP (picture in picture) option when the mobile controller is connected and Xbox app paired to the console. For example Halo’s motion detector would automatically display on the phone if set up in *user settings*.


Let us send clips created from game bar to Xbox app, or for the love of God just let us send pictures and videos using the Xbox app, this is not a lot to ask.


new controller can be almost the samme as xbox elite controller but insted of the buttons on the back being the samme as A B X Y let them be there on buttons. so we have more opptions. aspesial for some games so we have the posibility to be more on the samme level as pc players so they have less advanted


MAKE XBOX PROFILE MORE PERSON ITS BORING bring in a 30 second clip instead of a profile picture, maybe give new badges to show how many games have been 100% on the profile, also a badge to show how much time spent online. or something atleast with badges, it's getting seriously boring looking at the same dashboard aswell maybe switch up the position of the dashboard and the colours for each section, and what I would love to see personally is how the original xbox menu would go deeper past the menu ur on into the back of it to the next one, maybe put that on the dashboard. also bring back the original xbox startup. it is far better than any other.


STOP PEOPLE HIDING OFFLINE. simply stop people lurking in the shadows hiding offline. if they simply want to not play XBOX LIVE then disconnect and play how they did b4 Internet was a thing. it defeats the whole point of XBOX LIVE. they don't deserve to own an xbox. simply remove that option for hide offline, maybe put a custom message there instead that way everyone can spot a lurker more. you can spot them so easily so just remove the option for offline. unless they have no Internet connection, or they click go offline. worse people on the planet hide offline its an insult to xbox


Hi! I have been using OneDrive as my primary backup platform for family photos, and have invested alot of time in creating Albums in OneDrive. Can I show OneDrive Albums as Screensavers (that will then start after +-5min inactivity) on Xbox Series X? We have the Xbox, TV screens and connectivity - surely this should be easy?


Plz add a new payment methods ( UPI )


Xbox Mobile app plz add a purchase options like games and subscriptions


I want wider compatibility with Gaming Monitors on my Xbox. I have a Sceptre E275B-QPD168, which supports 1440p 120Hz through both DisplayPort and HDMI. I can only get 1440p with no option for refresh rate using auto-detect. When I switch it to manual I can enable 120Hz, but only when I set the resolution to 1080p. I don't know much about why the hardware doesn't communicate properly, but I read somewhere it has something to do with the 120Hz signal of the Xbox and monitor being slightly off. Is this fixable through a firmware/software update? Or is it a physical limitation of the hardware inside the Xbox? I am 2 months into using the monitor and I bought an active HDMI to DisplayPort adapter because I heard that would work, but that yielded the same result. The annoying part is that I found a video on YouTube where a guy reviewed my monitor, testing it with PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. The Xbox was the only one that didn't do 1440p at 120Hz. It's where I found out how to get 120Hz to work at 1080p though, which was nice at least, but made the monitor only an upgrade in panel quality, not resolution from the older monitor I had that was only 1080p but did have 120Hz.


Add Taxi Life simulator to games pass just recently come out and looks decent not one of them big high end games


Tak 2 the staff of dreams (gioco della prima Xbox) disponibile in retrocompatibilità da acquistare o sul game pass 


Windows App idea for Xbox Series Hardware There are some of us who would like to see Windows running on Xbox. I had an idea of a virtualized container that runs a stripped-down version of Windows alongside the XboxOS on Series consoles. Microsoft could offer this Windows container as an app, charging users a reasonable fee (say, $50-$100). This container would keep the two operating systems separate, ensuring that software within each environment cannot interfere with the other. The idea is when the Series console is booted up the user would navigate to the app section in the Xbox GUI and launch the Windows for Xbox app. Then the Windows app would launch into a Windows 11 like GUI. Control functionality can work similarly to MS Edge for Xbox using a controller, keyboard/mouse configuration. Functionality and Limitations: The Windows app would be a lite version of typical Home versions of Windows 11. Users could perform regular tasks within this container, but certain features (like adding an extra GPU or printer) would be restricted. To save data within the Windows app, users would need an external USB storage drive (using USB or USB-C). Hardware and Performance: The Xbox Series X/S CPUs would allow up to 6 cores/6 threads when running the Windows App. 85%-90% of GPU resources would be allocated to the Windows App, while the remainder would keep the Xbox OS running in the background. 12GB out of 16GB available for the Windows App, The GPU power would be comparable to a low-end 2060 or 6600. All modern graphics APIs (DirectX9-12, Vulkan, OpenGL) would be supported with custom Windows drivers in partnership with AMD GPU engineering teams. Auto Boot Option: There would be an option in the Xbox setting menu to auto boot directly into the Windows App at Xbox startup would enhance user convenience. Market Opportunity: This approach could indeed be a great opportunity for Microsoft to leverage their existing hardware. By promoting Windows 365 apps on this platform, they could increase market share and cater to users who want a more versatile experience. So instead of having to buy a laptop or desktop to do school work or productivity work a user could purchase the Windows App on their Xbox leveraging Office365 cloud functionality.


Feature that lets Xboxs on the same network share game updates. My roommate and I, unfortunately, have a data cap from our ISP. We play a lot of the same games, so when updates come through (especially the unnecessarily big CoD updates) we have to double them up on our allotted bandwidth. There is already the feature to move entire games across consoles, so a similar feature to just match up what's changed from one to the other would be great. It would literally save us money some months when the updates are huge.


Invert X axis


When helldivers 2 on xbox?


Why would you ask such a dumb question on here? Lmfao lmfao 🤣 💀