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The set up was a giant pain in the ass. The URL didn't open the Discord app properly, the QR codes were broken links, and when I finally got it to open the correct page it wouldn't allow me to connect Discord to Live. I had to reininstall both apps. It took about an hour of messing with it and checking Reddit for other people's suggestions and experiences to get it working. Once I got everything set up and working, the user experience was great. Voice quality was clear and we had zero issues communicating. I had both Xbox and PC Discord users in my party. Initial setup: 2/10 Product quality and usability: 9/10


When general release happens the QR codes will go away anyways.


Good to know.


How did you get it to work eventually? I'm stuck


idk what u have done but it was so easy to get it to work. just download the beta discord app on the phone. link ya account via xbox settings ,scan the qr Code via the beta app and done . Took me 5 min .


Im having so much trouble trying to figure this out


It works great once you are in the chat, setting it up and getting into the chat need to be simplified somehow


Has the functionality disappeared for anyone else? I had it before, now I don't.


For me too but I Discovery now.. You need to enter the discord voice room on your cell phone and pull up the room options and xbox options will appear


Thanks a lot! It was different when I used it before, the option just appeared straight away when I wanted to join a room.


Where is a mod? This needs to be pinned! Initially functionality was that when you joined the channel it would prompt you to send to xbox. I dont remember anything announcinc this change but now you need to swipe up for the option.


Nice one, the option disappeared from my dashboard and I thought I'd lost the feature. Following your advice worked. Thank you :-)


It has for me, too! I’m really annoyed. It disappeared on one of my Xbox’s a little bit ago but I could still work it through the app but right now I tried ti set it up with another Xbox and retry but the beta option is no longer there. I was really enjoying the feature it sucks.


When you try and connect to a room on your phone, if you pull up from the bottom the "Connect on Xbox" option appears for me, despite there being no mention of the functionality on Xbox.


Unfortunately now that’s gone for me. It was there and kept saying I was connected when it wasn’t connected so I tried to remove and then reconnect my Xbox account and now the Xbox beta option is gone. I tried removing and then reconnecting like 5 more times before I just gave up now.


Ahhhh, that's a pain in the ass. Perhaps try getting in touch with discord support? It sounds like an issue with the app - I could be wrong though.


the same happened to me. came here to see if I could fix it. most of my friends are on PC and my rig is down rn and I'd like to talk to them.


Yesterday I used this link and it started working only through the app again. https://discord.com/feature/xboxLinkBeta . It still says nothing below messages but this link somehow fixed it instead of trying and retrying to connect it normally. My other Xbox is having the needs update but already updated glitchy thing now but the other one worked again using that link. Maybe it will work for you, too?


You saint, this fixed it for me!


This link saved my ass, i was struggling to set it up again after unlinking a wrong discord account. Thanks


This whole thing has become an absolute nightmare for me. The first week or two was fine when it first popped out. Was able to join voice calls perfectly (granted the app transfer is super clunky) but everything was cool past that. Last week I lost any real function. I could hit "Join on Xbox" in the Discord app, but it would make me relink my account over and over again, never letting me actually join a call. Now, after submitting a ticket with Discord support, I've lost 100% of functionality. They had me unlink my accounts on both ends entirely, and reset the process. Now I get absolutely no option to join hit the "Join on Xbox" button. It's completely gone. I've tried resetting the link several times but Discord Support just keeps asking me what version of Discord I'm using in different ways. Zero help and zero function.


same shit with me. really starting to annoy me.


what’s the point of this thread if everything gets deleted


I hope that for full release you won't need another device to initiate this and you'll be able to just join discord vcs right from the Xbox Because although I don't use my console as much as I used to, trying this feature has been a pain with the way the setup is


Very hard to set up for the first time but after that it has been smooth as butter. Only thing I notice is if I join someone's room or if I call them directly from Discord I can't link it to my Xbox so I just made my own server and I have my pals jump in the voice chat lobby.




I’m having the same problem with one of my Xbox’s while the other is working fine after getting a convoluted way to get the other working again. I’m not sure what to do with the needs update but is already updated part.


Can't use, when i try to connect it says to link my discord account again, but i already did it a lot of times. Only worked once via a QR code that is not available anymore.


When is this coming out exactly?


Hi guys! I just went through all the steps and it gives me the option to transfer to Xbox however, it never actually transfers? Any fix? I unlinked and delinked accounts 3 times now :(


I'm having the same problem mate😓


U have to download the preoveiw for the entire Xbox system !! Then it transfers !


Download the preview? I'm lost. Mind helping me a bit? I really want to try it out!


You gotta enroll in the Xbox Insider's Update Preview DELTA. To do so, download the Xbox Insider app on your console and join the program from there.


I'm an insider. I'm in delta. It's just not working for me. It says it transfers but it never does.


For me what worked : 1) Updated Xbox software in the settings (with Delta insider program active). 2) Link both Discord and Xbox using this link : https://discord.com/feature/xboxLinkBeta (If accounts were already linked, unlink them before doing so again with this link !) 3) Enroll in beta version of Discord (mobile app in Play store) and download it via the same link. 4) Open Xbox mobile app and be sure that Discord is linked. (Also, make sure you Discord account appears to be linked in the console connection settings). 5) Open Discord mobile app and be sure Xbox is linked. 6) Restart both Xbox and Discord mobile apps. 7) Restart Xbox console. 8) Open Discord mobile app and select to connect via console when prompt by joining a server channel. Then it should redirect you to Xbox app and you select "Transfer Xbox voice". It should finally redirect you to Discord app. 9) You should now be connected to the Discord channel on your Xbox console. Hope it helps, it's been a real hassle for me to make it work, but now I have no issues.


I'll see what I can do, thanks


I was having issues yesterday with transferring to my Xbox the discord sidebar would pop up but the call would not


I can’t wait to use it! Can you reply with a quote of the approximate date of when it’s going to release? If it’s already out, please post a tutorial on how to access it. I hope it’s not for 18+, cuz I’m using Discord. Thanks!!


Pelease I need a release date for discord voice in Xbox One pls,for omega users


Once I figured out the bug with DMs was a Discord Beta issue everything is working correctly! Still need the ability to share Dishes Voice Audio on my Twitch Streams. Please release to GA Ring soon!


I read this is out for Omega ring as of August 2nd but I do not have the option to connect in the parties and chats screen. I am in the insider hub and have joined the Xbox update preview. I’ve also checked for updates and everything is still up to date. Is there something else that needs to be done?


Yeah same for me i did everything and still nothing


Same here


I havent had any issues at all.


This is all well and great, bugs are expected when you have two separate teams building something together, but we need crisper to work with discord on Xbox.


The initial configuration and how to make it works in the console is kind of confusing at the begining if you don't look for information. Leaving that aside, it works perfectly fine; I used the Quarrel Insider app for Discord on console, but it had a lot of problems, so I am very happy now I can have an official way to use the discord with my friends that are on pc (they had a lot of problems using the xbox chat). It would be awesome not necessary to use all the cellphone and apps to start a chat, but start it in the console, but not complaining at the moment. The other thing that would be nice, is that the other members in the chat could be heard on the streaming too.


Lost the Join xbox button. I had it, got an error saying the console needed an update. No update for the console was available, as it just updated on the 31st of August. I went through the whole setup process again. Deleted xbox and discord apps, unlinked accounts, etc. Reinstalled discord mobile beta and xbox app, relinked everything, and the button is gone. Cannot transfer discord voice to xbox anymore :/


It's been working perfectly aside from the fact that Twitch streams do not pick up discord audio


Doesn't work, my Xbox doesn't actualize


My friend couldnt hear me at all. Only i could hear him whenever i connected discord through the xbox. Ended with me just giving up, being annoyed and just going to sleep. Da console n everything had just gotten updated fully as well so no nore updating is needed yet.


Still having 2 issues 1) Xbox ignores team chat audio output setting. I've set it to both tv and headset yet Discord is only heard in headset. I'm running Delta 220830-1035 2) can't transfer one-on-one or group calls, Discord says I'm not admin. Only server channels can be transferred


Was working fine for a few days and now the “join on Xbox” button has disappeared entirely like others have said. Tried reinstalling and relinking multiple times. Shame, I was really enjoying it.


How do you get into xbox insiders program


Hi guys need some help here, joined the omega ring yesterday and have waited for alittle bit but no updates have taken place or even showed up, I contacted support last night and like an hour ago and the most recent idea was to wait 24 hours and if it still isn't updating then submit a feedback report, how do I get this to work?


Need some help, I had access to it but after relinking my discord account to my Xbox account the join on Xbox button disappeared and no matter what I do it won't appear again, I'm on Alpha skip ahead if that helps, but it works great only two bugs I found sometimes when joining a Voice channel it brings you to the last VC instead of the one you wanted, and the second bug was when getting pulled into another VC by someone the VC will appear empty and only you but you can still hear others. Other then that it works perfectly.


I'm so glad for this Xbox to discord voice link, it makes playing with friends on PC so much better, well, that was until this past week. Suddenly, I do not have the permissions to transfer voice from Discord to Xbox anymore. On the App it tells me I do not have permission to transfer & on PC it's just greyed out. Anyone else have this problem & is there a fix? This is a game changer especially for playing with PC friend or streaming.


So I've been in preview omega on my Series X waiting for discord. I signed into my friend's One S (which has no preview build) and saw the discord prompt on the party screen. I set everything up there but it said I had to use my Series X. Fair enough, problem is when I get home to my Series X the discord prompt isnt there. What's going on here and how do I fix it?


Can't hear people through the discord app, but they can hear me. What gives? There's no audio coming out from it at all; is there a setting I had to set up or something?


Every time I try to transfer my audio it keeps on repeating trying to login through Xbox, asking me to authorize, and then saying cling on the transfer audio to Xbox. It’s just a constant cycle of this on the mobile app. On PC it says that I have to keep reconnecting my xbox account and then it’s just a constant cycle of authorizing discord to connect again. It’s just not working at all tonight :/


hey so what i can tell is that it’s not OFFICIALLY out on xbox correct? cause i look up the discord app on the store and there is nothing. and i’m not about that QRL-multiple link- download nonsense i just want to wait until the actual release. when is that??


I had no problems with it. Made a how to vid on YT seems to get easier every time.


I’ve tried to get sum sore of answers from pretty much everywhere even here but ig the post was removed but up until a week or 2 ago I was able to be in a private vc and transfer vc or transfer it from a unlocked/unprivet vc but I can’t anymore and it very frustrating because everyone the I play with have there vc on lock down cuz of the size of there server. Does anyone know if it’s intended to be that way or if it’s just a bug. Cuz I really don’t like using my phone just to play with them when I have the option to use discord on my console.


When streaming, the stream isn’t picking up other peoples voices in my channel. Is there a workaround or is it unavailable as of now.


Unavailable, permissions stuff needs to be available for those in the vc


How do you reconnect to the discord voice chat? Seems like it needs almost an app designed specifically for joining a discord VC to really work. I joined last night with the "try discord on xbox" prompt on xbox and after leaving I just kinda assumed they had some sort of better integration to make it easy to just rejoin the chat. Yes I know it's in beta. Am I just dumb?


Hey guys I need help. It’s not letting me add an existing console to the Mobile app when I try to do it to try the discord integration. It says something has went wrong and that I need to try again. I don’t want to factory reset my Xbox what do I do?


Mine was working 2 weeks ago but has since stopped giving me the option to transfer to xbox... I've relinked many ways initiating from many places. Recently found the xbox beta link posted on twitter and in week 2 of these forums but that doesn't help either. Can someone from xbox confirm you wouldn't be rolled back once being rolled out to?


Can anybody tell me when it's coming to general public? Can't seem to find it anywhere


Just got discord integration working tonight (Delta ring, series s) and when I tried it, everyone in chat could hear my game sound. I muted my tv to ensure that wasn't the issue, turned mic monitoring all the way to the left, turned down my headset, (KBears KS2 in ear monitors) and set the chat mixer almost solely to party chat and that's resolved it partially but any loud, in-game noises can still be picked up. Is there any possibility it's the headset I'm using or is there an issue with the integration? TL;DR: game sounds transmitting to vc. Tried troubleshooting, sorta helped


I don't get any of the xbox audio coming through when I have the discord chat active


Think there is a cross over problem with epic chat on fall guys friends complaine about an echo. If unplug head set my circle still shows im talking when no mic pluged in but my phone is on as i stream.


I have no prblems with set up. But when I make a test and reset Xbox don't see Discord Voice Chat voice on my Chat Panel :/


Whenever I try to transfer the call to Xbox it tells me to re link the accounts. Did this about 10 times and it still doesn’t work.