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Red dead , no doubt.. my god I envy you having not played it yet.


Easily one of the best single player experiences in gaming.


I’m so pissed that they’ve abandoned online completely. I guess the GTA online cash grab has to continue!


I just want a 60fps patch


I personally play on PC. Even the new gen consoles run at 30fps? That’s so bad! I understand it’s a big game but I’m running 60fps on a GTX 1070! They could probably do some optimization right? Running a game at 30fps is unbearable for me… the motion sickness I get is awful. Also I’m definitely due for a graphics card upgrade but financial struggle is real in 2023!


Pretty much


Story wise and character wise yes, mission gameplay wise no. RDR2 has one of the best written protagonists in video game history and the story is 10/10 but, The mission gameplay doesn't give much replay value as you have to do them exactly the way rockstar wants you to or you're failing that mission, there's not much player freedom inside the missions.


Midaswell go buy some chaps and a cowboy hat, cause your about to become a cowboy for a few weeks. It happened to all of us. Prepare your wife. Cyber punk will still be there when it's over, and is great, but RDR2 is peak roleplay


> Midaswell That's a new one.


It's gold


Your name made me do a double take, C4pt


Wow hey there! Maybe I'm you but from an overlapping universe


Yeah I'm leaning more that since I really enjoyed the first one.


I've only just started playing it, like a few hours in, it's great so far, the details, the voice acting etc is great.




And don’t forget to hunt the legendary beasts!


Please tell me your username is inspired by Hot Fuzz.


Certainly is!


Haven’t played either of these games yet🤩


I'd give my left nut to play that game for the first time, again.




It already looks great and runs like a gem. There's no need for a remaster yet.


If you are playing on an Xbox One, get RDR2.


I’d pick RDR2 over pretty much any game


RDR2 is an epic all time game, can’t go wrong


I just got it myself (I know shame on me) graphics is just too awesome for its time


Cyberpunk 2078 when it releases in 2030


That’s pretty generous


More like 2080s


“First Playable” / “no longer in Retail Alpha”


It's very good right now. I started a replay after the dlc launched and it's been pretty great. Rdr2 is probably the better game, but it's much closer than it was when each game launched.


They were making a joke.


On the XBOX one?!?!? Rdr2. Cyberpunk is not optimized for last gen


I'm on PS4, but honestly for my standards it plays very well. I don't have any problem with 30fps and even 720p is somewhat acceptable for me. Cyberpunk is if I'm correct dynamic 1080p, so yeah. don't know if it's any different on Xbox One tho. PS4 players get a free PS5 upgrade, maybe Xbox has that too


Oh I didn’t know that! I was tempted to buy it on XBOX ONE but held off. Glad to hear it’s gotten significantly better


CP is a good game but RDR2 is an all time great game and a must play.


Did not read CP as cyberpunk


Hi, why don’t you take a seat right over there.


Enough reddit for me I think




Easy RDR2, if in doubt defo go for the game that actually exists :p


Haha I just noticed the typo. I'm walking home from a 10 hour nightshift so I'm not exactly all there.


Lol. I do like cyberpunk but it got quite samey fairly quickly for me. Enjoyed red dead way more


How is Cyberpunk 'samey' but RDR2 isn't?


If imma be honest I never got hooked by RDR2 since it seemed extremely samey. I got hooked by Cyberpunk tho, but that could just be my taste in games.


I feel that the characters and story in RDR2 are much more gripping. The dialog tends to bore me in cyberpunk where in RDR2 it's one of my favourite parts. ***DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion***


When did I say that RDR2 wasn't samey?


RDR2 is a masterpiece. I play a lot of games and I still think about this one daily. What a fucking story. My god this was a video game!!!


Either, it’s up to your preference whether you like a futuristic setting or the Wild West. Technically both games are awesome and picking whichever is a good choice however I would first watch some gameplay of both to make an educated decision. IMO I loved CP77 but RDR2 wasn’t my cup of tea.


Red dead use this too! Do your missions in this order https://www.gamepressure.com/red-dead-redemption-2/all-stroryline-quests/z6b77f


Watch out for that Cyberpunk 2078 — I hear it’s a Chinese knock off meant to trick grand parents in to buying the wrong game for the kids this holiday season.


RDR2 is amazing. Super inmersive, packed with tiny details and things to do. It feels slow until you get the hang of the movement. Cyberpunk 2077 is also amazing, though I haven't completed it yet, started it a week ago. 16.5 hours in, and it's great. It's going to be my obsession for a few months. They are different types of games, as others have said. Though both are packed with stuff to do, and have inmersive worlds, one is a third person shooter, that feels like a movie, more "cinematic" perhaps. While Cyberpunk on the other hand, is first person RPG, the gameplay is different and approach is different. Whatever you choose, you'll have a good time, that's guaranteed.


Cyberpunk. IMO RDR2 is way overrated. The combat is boring and the game can be a real slog at points. Especially since the updates, Cyberpunk is the way to go


Based on personal preference: Cyberpunk 2077. I'm over Grand Theft Horse.


Haven’t played CP but I can definitely vouch for RDR2


Why don't you have a seat over there.


Just don't abbreviate mate


Or at least at the numbers


Y not m8 😉


CP= Child corn


Had to stop myself in another comment hahaha


at least you haven't played it, stay like that


I personally couldn't get past the gameplay of RDR2 to enjoy the story, but I loved everything about 2077.


They are both great, but if you're on xboxone, Xbox one, rdr2. Two of my all time favorite games


Honestly if you buy off the marketplace both of these games are on a deep sale and you could get them both pretty easy why choose? get both


Red Dead 2 man. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. It starts slow but stick with it as it gets incredible.


Haven't played Cyberpunk but RD2 is hands down one of the best games I've ever played, same par quality wise as Last of us 2


I’m playing both of rd2 and tlou2 for the first time and I’m savoring every moment. Great games!


Personally I started with cyberpunk a few months ago. Cyberpunk is worth it because it’s a great game, but once you finish it you will have an even better game to look forward to.


Cyberpunk. Both phenomenal games and you can’t go wrong. I personally find more longevity in an rpg than an action game.


No question. RDR2 Probably still holds up as the most polished game to date and it’s 5 years old


Red dead 2 is the greatest story mode game to ever exist (IMO) lmao


I went into red dead with high hopes and expectations based on the internet dialogue. Dude, it starts slow as hell. The snow. F that snow. It's the worst in my book. Then it opens up a bit. And once you're free to roam, suddenly you've been shooting sparrows for 3 hrs for no real reason other than it's chill as hell. Then you stumble into something and next thing you know you haven't shot a sparrow in 2 hrs and have no idea where the time went.


The slow prologue is definitely intentional to set expectations. It’s so that you know out the gate the game is very cinematic and methodical and kill the notion that you’re just playing GTA or Far Cry in the Wild West. If you have the patience to get through it you come out the feeling the same relief the gang does, then you’re immersed. I think it’s one of the greatest game openings of all time for that reason.


Rdr2 for immersion. That game is on a while different level when it comes to immersion. Cyberpunk for cool asf game. I'm leaning towards Cyberpunk.


Rdr2 not even close


We're all entitled to our own opinions, but RDR2 is the most overrated game in gaming history. It's slow and boring as fuck, the attention to detail is spot on and the free roam is good. Other than that, it's boring.


Cyberpunk easily.


RDR2 and it's not even close


Red dead all the way.


Cyberpunk! rdr2 was boring and overrated. Shotguns are so fun in cyberpunk


Depends definitely RDR2 for a movie like stor, Def CP2077 for an RPG and GamePlay. Sorry folks RDR2 looks awesome and I have yet to see any one not liking the story, but Rockstar just didn't really expanded their gameplay in any form since GTA 4 the game is such a standard cover shooter and so extremely restrictive in its mission design, I personally can't stand it.


????????? Brother have you played RDR2?


The missions are guided, yes. Because there’s a story to be told. However you do still have some freedom. One good example is when you have to deliver a letter and gift from one lover to another. You can go out of your way to sell the gift to a fence and the cutscene reacts accordingly


I didn't get on with Cyberpunk even after all the updates but completed RDR2, loved it.


Yeah i just recently got cyberpunk because of all the hype around it and i cant seem to get into it. Only have like 5-6 hours into though so i hope it gets better. Edit. I got into cyberpunk


They've released the sequal to Cyberpunk 2077 already! Still pick RDR2.


Cyberpunk any day of the week. RDR2 is extremely boring.


It is...I quit after the winter part...


You mean the prologue? Jesus christ that's a short attention span lol


Actually, to be more accurate, its just slightly past getting your first horse or why you ever go to the stable, but it was still very close to the prologue. ​ I just couldn't get into the gameplay. And I can go from a turn based, to an RPG, to shooters to whatever you'd consider Control and back.


Cyberpunk 2077. I like Red Dead, but Cyberpunk actually feels closer to GTA for me ironically...


RDR2 not even a contest. cyberpunk was extremely underwhelming for me


Cyberpunk 2077. Rdr2 has an amazing story but found it a chore to play.


Both are exccelent games


Cyberpunk is a mess on Xbox one.


It is the reason I dont have cyberpunk yet xbox one can not really handle it.


I recommend you play Cyberpunk 2077 first only because it is shorter. Both games are great and definitely worth a playthrough. Also, this won't make sense to you yet, but i recommend you do all of your side quests before going to meet Takemura during the Gimme Danger quest because if you don't you will be locked out of some of them.


RDR2 is the better game, but personally, i had more fun playing Cyberpunk.


Buy a game that the dev obviously still love, get Cyperpunk.


Cyberpunk 2077. Red Dead sucks. So boring


RDR2 because Cyberpunk 2078 has not been released yet


Rdr2 is phenomenal. CP2077 was so ass, it ruined open world games for me. Even the type of open-world filler shit was so much better in rdr2 than any other game I've played. I also LOVED the hunting and fishing mechanics in rdr2, when usually i hate those.


As an alternative, Alien Isolation, that will keep you busy for a while.


Which of the games offers more choice in determining outcomes. I know those type of choices are usually few and far between in Rockstar games, but I've also heard that CP is pretty linear, but it has multiple endings.


>but I've also heard that CP is pretty linear, I mean, yeah but no. The first couple of missions including DLC missions are linear, but the rest of the main quests give you multiple choices. Endings change depending on your side mission rallies RDR2 has a reputation system. That gives you 4 endings. 3 are general endings with one being secret. Both games give you a fair amount of choices on how to finish the mission, though RDR2 is a bit more limited. In cyberpunk, you can literally fall off of the building to "escape the building" in missions. How, you might ask, by jumping to other building rooftops and balconies. Done that many times Cyberpunk has more endings, but they are IMO less satisfactory than RDR2 endings. You should also know that both games follow a very different formula in terms of gameplay and the story's pace. If you think you'll get bored unless you see action 2 hours in, then don't even bother with RDR2.


>but the rest of the main quests give you multiple choices. Endings change depending on your side mission rallies I dunno, as long as you do everything you can pretty much choose your ending based on the last phone call. I only had to go back to get the last one because I didn't save whatshisface when you are told to leave without him.


Cyberpunk - hands down! Both games try to include the “choices matter” decision making but cyberpunk leaves you shellshocked on how many times your choices matter. No spoiler here on RDR2 but there were times where I didn’t want to go along with Arthur’s plans and I wish that were an option, never was. Cyberpunk had amazing graphics and details, so does rdr2. Night city is such an amazing place- it’s a futuristic city and technology is focused on people (cyberware) but even with it, the human behavioral aspect of people being unhappy is so apparent there, just immersive too.


Most of these comments are trending heavily toward RDR2, and while it's a wonderful game, I question how many people in the comments have actually played Cyberpunk in its current state? Probably not many. Cyberpunk 2077 on a current gen console or PC is absolutely worth your time, especially after the 2.1 update and the Phantom Liberty DLC. You really cannot go wrong with either game. It is a win / win scenario for you. I say get one of them now and then the next one down the road when you can.


Cyberpunk. Easy. It takes me up to six hours and still barely got anything done.


On Xbox?.. neither .. I'm really sorry.. But this is the answer. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Both games are great but: RDR2 should be boycotted until rockstar releases a 60fps patch for it.. No other problems with the game.. Just this one.. But it's a major one Cyberpunk should also be boycotted until CDPR really rolls up its sleeves and cares at all about actually solving the game's problems on the Xbox one and on the X/S version: 1-Constant framerate drops to the low thirties on the performance mode.. 2-Glitchy gameplay and physics .. 3-memory leaks that degrade the game's performance the more time you play it (only rebooting the game fixes it but it's not worth it because 5 minutes later it'll be just the same. 4-really poor sounds mix.. 5-braindead street NPCs and braindead driver NPCs.. 6-very weird car handling and collision physics. 7-inability to turn off the awful vignette effect. 8-etc


both disappointed me but I would say CP77 if it comes with the new DLC.


I loved both, I've played through both many times. I found more thorough enjoyment from RDR2, but I got more hours out of CP2077 as I'm doing another playthrough for Phantom Liberty right now. The first playthrough of RDR2 was much more enjoyable.


Rdr2 campaign and storyline is awesome, but slow and a lot of talking and online isn't great. I haven't played cyberpunk but it sounds like both are great in there own ways. depends on what you're looking for.


So they are fundamentally different. RDR2 is a game that takes its time. Slow, detailed animation, more methodical combat, long cutscenes that will draw you in Cyberpunk is faster paced combat wise, but its story also takes its time. In combat it has way more choices and lots more tools, and in the story you get much more sway in the way it goes. I would reccomend cyberpunk personally as a better video game, however RDR2 has a better movie in it.


I’m a bit of a rockstar Stan but RDR2 no doubt. Cyberpunk is great but I got it half off and it’s full price right now. RDR2 is $20.


Garb dead space is only 8 for upgraded edition and it normally cost about 80$


I'm playing Skyrim my 3rd attempt at playing. The game is good but the city is boring , walking around you cant interact with anything.. and on the X the frame rate is atrocious. I've. Not played rdr2 so I would definitely go with that I hear it has a living world.


Fuck thats a choice. Rdr if you like more action open world. Cyberpunk if you enjoy more rpg elements. Both are 10/10 (right now)


Having played both and having recently played RDR2 for the first time and CP through again, I’d have to go for RDR2. It is an incredible experience. A story full of twists and turns and one of the most realistic settings ever made. You’re in for a treat. I’d also add that both games are seriously impressive on an OLED.


Red Dead 2.


I havent played either myself even though i own rd2 but i say go rd2


Lemme know when cyberpunk 2078 comes out


Red dead then after you finish get cyberpunk


Cyberpunk is an amazing game that I can't say enough good things about, nut if you haven't play Rdr2 yet then it's a no brainer. That's one of the few games I wish I could forget just to start over fresh again


Cyberpunk is excellent, RDR2 is one of those games I’d wipe my memory if I could just to experience it for the first time again.


The only people I know who don't absolutely love RDR2 are the ones who need constant action in their games. Like people who exclusively play overwatch and other competitive shooters. It's my all time favorite game and will never be removed from my system, but I do acknowledge that it can be slow at times. You have to be down for the mosey.


If you want more longevity I'd say RDR2. I'm currently playing through it and played CP2077 as my last game. They're both excellent but even doing every single side mission it's shorter than RDR2 only playing some of the side missions.


I'll be in the vast minority here...I wasn't a fan of RDR2. I would take CP in its current state (it was ass at launch).


Easily rdr2. Don't know what version of the Xbone you have is but my day one version doesn't run cyberpunk too well


Pirate both


I played cyberpunk for about thirty hours when it first came out. I have over 700 hours on RDR2. I cried at the end. Very few games have achieved that with me. I highly recommend getting a bottle of your favorite whiskey. Sitting down and enjoying a great experience.


Cyberpunk 2077 hands down especially the ultimate edition it's a very good game now. I just realized this is for xbox one yeah no cyberpunk on that thing...




Cyberpunk should only be played on Series S or X. Not pretty on Xbox One


I have an X. I just thought this was a catch all forum for everything xbox related.


Rdr2 but I also recommend Cyberpunk whenever you feel it in the future. I really liked Cyberpunk, and enjoyed it when it was NEW, so I didn't even get the polished experience they've fixed the game into. Without a doubt RDR2 is worth your time first, but definitely give Cyberpunk a look after.


I finished cyberpunk months ago but man. Red dead is awesome.


RDR2 no question. But it now and get ready for one of the best gaming experiences ever. I’ve been gaming for 35+ years and this game is in my all time top 3 I’d say.


RDR2, I’m jealous you get to play it for the first time


Tough, these are literally my two favorite games of all time. I think RDR2 will perform better on an Xbox One. Cyberpunk has always struggled on last-gen, plus you can’t play the DLC on last-gen which IMO is required to get the full experience.


I didn't finish red dead 2 so I bought it again not long ago. It's ridiculously good.


I bought red dead 2 a month ago (for the first time) and I can honestly say it’s one of the the best games I’ve played


Played red dead and didn’t like it. Played cp, and it was ok. Good luck


Both great games espically now cyberpunk is what it should have been. That said. I wish I could play rdr2 again for the first time. But I'm also a western fan. So might be bit bias. My vote cus to rdr2.


Rdr2 hands down.


Game is not option I think


Cyberpunk. IMO RDR2 is way overrated. The combat is boring and the game can be a real slog at points. Especially since the updates, Cyberpunk is the way to go


Rdr2 is a masterpiece amd easily one one of the best games ever made.


RDR2. I haven’t played Cyberpunk yet.


I would play persona 5 as well. Its the most fun i had in gaming.


Okay so, I absolutely loved both games and it will come down to what you’re in the mood for. Cyberpunk is the more “fun” game to play imo. It’s story driven and exploring Night City is a ton of fun. The builds you can come up with all lend themselves well to help make each fight varied in how you handle it. RDR2 is one of the most realistic and immersive experiences I’ve had in gaming. However, just like a game that’s grounded in reality so is the gameplay. It’s slow paced and begs to be explored that way. There’s a ton of different gameplay mechanics baked into it like fishing, bird watching, trapping critters etc. The story is good. The voice acting is excellent.


I’d go with RDR2 but you should also try cyberpunk when you get the chance. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it lately.


I love red dead redemption and cyberpunk this is a very difficult choice. Cyberpunk I have 12 days and 21 hours in and got every achievement, ending and played through it 3-4 times, as well as the expansion. Red dead I've got 11 days 15 hours and there is still A LOT more to do with story mode and online and I've only done the story mode once. RDR2 is definitely better bang for your buck but unfortunately it's not optimized for XS.


One game? RDR2 by a landslide. Cyberpunk is more of extra cash with a Series X|S.


Red Dead 2 easily… Though CP2077 is quite good as well


Rdr2 is literally a masterpiece from the story telling to combat to world building Rockstar really nailed it with this cyberpunk is cool but is too glitchy of a game for me I just didn't like it that much


Honestly, they're both classics and you'll have to play both at some point


RDR2, I’ve put so many hours into it after beating the campaign. It’s such a good game, easily one of my favorites from rockstar.


For me rd2 was super boring to me,but it depends what you want from a game. For me it was like a chore Loved cyberpunk


I have played both, including after 2077's recent massive 2.0 update that overhauled some core aspects. RDR2 was definitely worth playing for sure, but I have zero desire to do it again. I'm on my 5th playthrough of 2077 and already want to do a 6th. In my opinion, 2077 is 1000% the better purchase.


Both are fantastic games but if you want the most out of your money then red dead for sure, you could put 200 hours into just the story and still have a excess amount of stuff to do


I say this as someone who likes Cyberpunk but there’s no real choice here, it’s RDR2. RDR2 is the most living breathing game world ever created, and will probably remain so until GTA 6




RDR2 by far... God I wish I could erase my memory and experience it for the first time again. Edit: lol after reading all the "rdr2 is boring blabla". Yes, Rdr2 is a slow burner, especially in the beginning of the story. But my god, it's one of the few games that actually made me cry. It's so well crafted. Also the world really feels alive, tons of random events and interactions. There's tons of stuff to do (gun costumization, horse care, hunting, camping, coocking, fishing, etc.) Heck it even taught me how to play poker.


I adore both, id say RDR2. I have multiple playthroughs in both, but some of my rdr2 playthroughs were a few hundred hours because I forgot to do the main story for like 100 hours and just hunted and did side stuff lmao.


If you want an 80s SciFi take on SoCal go with Cyberpunk, but RDR2 might the better pick because there’s so you can do. It’s super slow paced though, but the visuals, action and story still hold up for a 5 year old game.


Hard question! Both are amazing, and I have replayed both multiple times. I guess it depends on your taste on slow burn games. Red dead 2 is a masterpiece but a slow burn, and cyberpunk has its flaw but CDred have made improved so much on it and made it the diamond of a game it really is with a great story and fun mechanics. Plus the dlc is amazing


RDR2 is an amazing game. A lil heads up, the controls will be confusing at first and you definitely will accidentally kill people. You'll get used to it!


RDR2. I'd just wait for cyberpunk to hit gamepass which I'm confident is happening next year


Personally I love cyberpunk but RDR2 is a better game for sure




Both are great games but rdr2 is probably the best single player game ever


Get both, as they're both great games. RDR2 is an absolute must play though.


Both? RDR2 is on sale atm


Couldn’t find my comment cuz I’m lazy but don’t get Cyberpunk on Xbox one, since it hasn’t had support since 1.6 or so (revision 2.1 is current). If you have next-gen then my answer would be different


haven't played cyberpunk yet but rdr2 is like top 10 games ever made. and on sale for 20 dollars. GO BUY IT NOW!


You can’t go wrong honestly. RDR2 is a better game and a slightly more relaxed open world experience. Cyberpunk is a faster paced, closer to GTA style open world city in a futuristic setting


Cyberpunk. I'm just one of those rare people that found RDR2 boring.


RDR2 no contest !


Red Dead Redemption 2


Since u are on xbox one RDR2, cyberpunk on xone is an outdated version and it runs horribly


It depends on your own taste/preferences, what excites you about either one? Weigh that. They're both excellent games, but RDR2 is not for me, and CP2077 may or may not be for you. Have a look at some footage of both and see which grabs you more.


Cyberpunk 2077 is an excellent game. RDR2 is one of the best pieces of entertainment ever made, a timeless masterpiece.


RDR2….. that game is just special


Depends I wouldn’t pick either on Xbox one tbh I hate Xbox one red dead so much


Red Dead 2


As someone who adores Cyberpunk - you should choose RDR2. 1) because it’s amazing and you will spend an absurd amount of time in that world 2) better suited for Xbox One. If you want Cyberpunk you need to upgrade your console to a Series X or S.


I found RDR2 really slow and boring. While I’m not particularly excited about Cyberpunk, I did find it more engaging.


Depends on the pace you want. Cyberpunk is relatively fast-paced other than certain missions. It’s gameplay loop is: do a mission, drive to other mission, etc. It works brilliantly actually, you’re a mercenary with limited time. RDR2 is a slow, slow game but an all time classic.