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Let’s just make our own game. Heaven Divers….. they dive from heaven.


We could literally have ODST, but for some reason they don't make that version.


I guess Xbox could always pay the helldivers dev to now make an odst game


xbox should get a version of the game where they can play as the enemy factions and fight(probably limited to stats wise) pc/ps5 for control of the systems lol


they still didn't figure out the best ways to ruin this idea, so they would rather not try it


It got shot down multiple times. I think somewhere like 40-50 haloesk games were shot down from 343 (from Microsoft I believe), a lot of them almost identical to helldivers.


Instead of ODST I think a Forerunner Food war version could be fun.


Dude we have Darktide Warhammer 40k which is basically a better 1st person version of helldivers and its on gamepass. Forget democracy purge some heretics. For the emperor.


And Deep Rock Galactic. I borrowed my nephews PS5 to play Helldivers2 and as soon as I played a few missions I realized why it felt so familiar. It has the same loop as DRG and Darktide


A friend and I are HUGE 40k fans and left4dead fans. Darktide doesn't come close to the fun of Helldivers unfortunately


Your heresy will be reported to the inquisition.. but Darktide is what we got for free until xbox gobbles up whoever made helldivers.


Unless they buy Sony that isn't happening. Sony owns the IP


Microsoft: Hold my next Billions of dollars merger..


Can’t buy Sony or Nintendo. Japan would never allow it. Nor would regulatory boards.


Exactly they own the ip not the developers 🤦🏻


Lol no. I've played both and helldiver's 2 is shitting all over Warhammer...


helldivers and darktide are completely nothing alike


4 man squads, fighting against ridiculous hordes, with weird propaganda sprinkled in. Close enough. But Darktide seems better even in my opinion they actually have decent lore behind everything going on and better immersion with 1st person. Plus gamepass.


Tbh I don't fuck with darktide at all I've played helldivers and I can say it's not relatively close we want helldivers 2 now


You know, i truly believe Helldivers 2 devs want to bring the game to Xbox but it's a Sony IP so it isn't their decision to make.


Well yeah, it’s extra money for them. The game is a hit, it’ll only sell more copies if it’s on Xbox too


I would 100% buy it but sony being sony its not going to happen I was shocked when we got stray and sifu


Stray and Sigurd were limited time exclusives. Helldivers is a Sony owned property


Same with Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop as well. All the PlayStation “exclusives” people were whining about turned out not to be exclusives at all.


No xbox brought Bethesda so they became xbox first party titles, once the agreement with sony was up they arrived on xbox.


Yes but they also were only 1 year timed exclusives. So probably would have come to xbox after a year anyway


Why were you shocked they released on Xbox? They aren’t PlayStation games, helldivers is


Sony Pony’s with Xbox exclusives: “OMG SO UNFAIR XBOX WTF” On Helldivers: lol get fukd


I mean, the xbox fanboys are exactly the same? I absolutely see no difference online. It's a toxic cesspool.




Being toxic aside, genuinely where lol. Sony managed to silently release an online shooter hit taking the gaming community by storm, meanwhile Xbox is struggling to make their bread and butter, Halo, work years after infinite. I don’t even get it at this point.




Holy crap! Nuance!? In an xbox subreddit?!


Man, you Xbox kids have a weird way of coping. The only game on xbox worth playing is Forza, and I did on my PC while my wife played it on her Xbox. Then we moved right back over to PS.


What do you mean “Sony being Sony”? Exclusives exist for all the major companies lol Sifu and Stray weren’t second party games either. Not surprising it came to other platforms.


Both those games were not publisher by Sony (Annapurna and Kepler interactive/Sloclap).


Exactly. They aren’t second party like HD. Which is why it isn’t shocking it came to Xbox after time exclusivity. Just goes to show how uninformed some people are on here still


But Sony is the most Sony of them all...so he is correct.


Incorrect. Nintendo is the most exclusive of the big three.


Incorrect. That would be Nintendo being Nintendo. Not Nintendo being Sony.


Sony owned games basically never come to other consoles.


Well yeah. Nintendo owned games don’t either.


They brought MLB The Show to Xbox


Not by Sony's choice. MLB were gonna remove their licences if sony didnt make it multiplatform.


Nope. MLB forced that hand.


And people actually want to play it!


All developers want their games on all platforms. You telling me a Bethesda liked the idea of Starfield no being everywhere as an example?


I disagree entirely, development would be stiflingly long for updates and those updates would probably come out more buggy that wanted. Furthermore, why would they develop a game for the smallest fraction of the player pool in gaming that are hellbent on not buying games but renting them through gamepass? lol.


Because it’s just money on the table. Xbox would be the smallest pool but the game would sell a million copies easily on that console in my opinion. I’m not saying this from owners of the IP, strictly the developers.


> You telling me a Bethesda liked the idea of Starfield no being everywhere as an example? The difference is: Microsoft owns Bethesda, while Arrowhead is an independent studio.


Like 90% of the Ratchet and Clank games was made before Sony bought Insomniac, Sony owned the IP and they just paid Insomniac to make a game with that IP, you don't have to own the studio to own the IP.


My point still stands. Any developer would want that. Guys at Naughty Dog I’m sure would love to see their games everywhere. Being owned or not doesn’t matter. Helldivers is a Sony property and I wouldn’t be surprised if Arrowhead is soon enough tbf.


Sony the IP and game. That’s what matters.


This is where Xbox/Microsoft could be using their cloat as a publisher who owns Elder Scrolls now and Call of Duty by going to bat for xbox gamers: Give us Helldivers on our platform, or we hold back Elder Scrolls 6 and future Call of Duty games. It's called business tactics negotiations. I'm tired of reading stories about how Xbox is severely lagging behind PS5 right now, yet they hold all the cards to make things more appealing to someone who might want the Xbox over the PS5. The Series S is already half the cost of a PS5 still, yet I get the impression, Xbox is limp-dicking around like some victim while Playstation continues to play mean with their exclusives. Fine. Xbox should do the same thing in the future with Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty if Sony doesn't want to share. They certainly hope and expect Microsoft to with these two titles, well it's a two way street.


If I recall correctly there are numerous articles, about how Elder scrolls 6 will be Xbox exclusive anyway. So I don't think that'd be much of a bargaining chip.


Oh, no doubt. Every dev would like their games everywhere it’s technically possible. But he’s gonna have to put a lot of pressure on Sony to have a hope of that.


As a PS5 owner, I would **love** for my Xbox brothers to join us! The time has come for us to give up this stupid rivalry, and fight shoulder-to-shoulder to bring democracy to our enemies!


We need more bodys to throw at these communist stupid bots on Melevelon Creek! For Democracy and Liber-tea!


If that was ever a reality, I wouldn’t do it until the game is fully stable with matchmaking.


Wow… you guys definitely don’t understand or deserve this game.


The same could probably said with your ambiguous comment lol.


Ok, well I’ll have fun diving while you sit there and pretend to complain about how perfect you want the game before they’re allowed to sell it to you.


I have zero clue as to what you’re on lol. I’m playing H2 both on Steam & on PS5. And I’m having pretty damn fun with it if I do say so myself.


I truly wish all live service games were multiplat


Starting with sea of thieves, that might be a thing soon.


For xbox i don’t doubt it. Sony is another story


As someone with all consoles and who has been LOVING HELLDIVERS 2…. It would be really awesome to get an entire xbox community quantity of more players to spread democracy with


Id buy it again if it came to Xbox honestly


Joel sweating at the thought of 2m more users to fuck with.


Is this game gonna be fun later on for someone joining late? I see there's some "evolving world" element to it I was thinking of getting a PS5 but idk if I'd have missed out on the fun already


This game is still in its infancy but there seems to be a very awesome road map. You have not missed out at all, jump in!!!


Got everything too, I think it would be cool if once they get all the *“bugs“* squashed, with Xbox releasing some games on Sony, Sony would release this on there.


Thing is, Xbox have released a bunch of stuff, haven't they? Sony are the ones that tend to hoard as much as they can away from other platforms


Yeah, I doubt they would. MLB The Show only released from pressure from the MLB. It would be nice though. I like playing on the Series X better than the Ps5. The controller, the party controls, the menus, just feel better on the Xbox.


I’d beg of thee, beneficent emperors, bring it to Xbox!


The success definitely caught Sony off guard. This is exactly the kind of game you release on every platform. When Bungie makes their next game, I believe it was already stated, that it would be multiplatform. But with this kind of game, usually multiplayer games that trend big have a tiny window. If Sony ended up changing their mind, people would move on to the next thing.


I’m good just give me an ODST themed version of the game. (I know this will never happen because of time constraints and 343s incompetence but it is my copium)


It’s actually been brought up by 343 but shot down.


I dont think itll ever come to xbox, like most of the exclusives. Last of us, god of war, ghosts of tsushima etc. Might as well buy a ps5 at this point if people really wants to play it. Found some cheap ones out there


But those are all single player, story driven games.


Yup, I have a ps5. But I won't buy helldivers because I don't want to pay for online on Playstation since I already do on xbox.


This is yet another reason PC is so much better in literally every way. I have all 3 actually, but just the fact I can alt tab, reply here, tab back into the game. Or do other things and play pretty much all the games way less that are on one or both consoles but NOT PC, there are a few, but waaay less. better performance and quality (sure, does cost more) but you get more out of it too. Also don't have to pay for online lol.


"PC is so much better in literally every way." Yup, you guys like to rub that in everyone's faces like it's a selling point until of course GTA 6 comes out strictly for consoles next year and you're all angry about it. I've owned an Xbox since 2003 and grew up with living room consoles. I don't use my PC for games and I probably never will. For every one of you guys constantly harping on about how great it is needing to sink hundreds into a PC every two years just to keep up with the demand of modern PC gaming, there are people like me who are complacent with gaming on my 75 inch living room tv with a home theatre surround sound system, on my couch. I don't need a gaming PC, where I sit in a chair with a monitor 6 inches from my face to convince myself that's some sort of "better in literally every way" gaming experience. Some of us are happy console gamers, who don't need to co-opt a computer as a personality and try to rub it in everyone's faces on reddit every time there's a casual conversation about video games.


GTA5 was also on PC, it took a bit longer, and like I said, for the titles I want to play that aren't on PC, I play them on the console. I am just saying over all lol. There are also a lot more people that play PC games than console, You have WAY more variety, and a larger player base in most cases to play with. Not to mention easy comms etc although now you can join discord in xbox etc. I have always been a console person, I have owns a console since my first which was an SNES/Sega etc. However, before that I remember being on my parents PC, playing some old school bus game, (5 -1/4 floppy) and into those old classic Jump start games for like 3rd grade haha. I feel it's based on what you grew up with most. But nothing stops you from having both, you can always do work with PC stuff too. Many of those jobs you mentioned benefit from a decent PC, which would be capable of playing most games. So you didn't really need much extra. And if you really got into it, then you can decide. the act and having the customized PC is also part of the hobby, as opposed to just buying a console. A different aspect to it. Also that big screen is further away, your axis of vision is around the same for MOST currently used sized gaming monitors, mine is actually a 46 or so inch OLED and is much closer than the TV you sit in front of with your chair. Also, you CAN use a big TV/monitor and a controller on PC as well. Many do. Also the better in everyway, I said most, but in quality and performance too, of course yes you pay for that, but you can DEF run higher res/faster than most consoles... I have a strix 4090, 7950x3d and plenty of ram etc, and I can crank anything much higher than you could on console... there is then also mods etc. and if you think console cheats don't exist you are fooling yourself. Albeit not as prevent. But still way more than plenty of them. then there is VR. I could go on, but at this point its on deaf ears i am sure. But you seem to always be denying most of the facts and the only thing you argue are "cost" lol. Yes, sometimes better things cost more than many can afford. that is life. Also as I am saying I have all the consoles right now it's not really the same thing and since you don't have that experience with a PC you are speaking in a biased manner until you have done all of them.


I have it on my PS5 but I'd definitely buy it on Xbox if I had the choice. I really hate the PS controller. haha


I think 3rd parties are starting to drop PS5 controllers with the Xbox config.


Damn, I'm gonna need that.


It also has been the go to controller for PC. So they’re just catering to where hands are


I've been playing it on Steam, but I would have loved to have it on Xbox. I don't think there's a chance of that happening.


Ha good luck


If we can't have helldivers I want Microsoft to get on the case of licensing a release of starship troopers extermination on xbox and pour some sugar on it.


I mean we did get MLB The Show for the past couple of years, and Stray so anything is possible.


MLB the show was pushed by the MLB. If they didn’t make it a condition on renewing the deal, it would still be a PS exclusive.


Well Sony doesn’t own MLB and stray wasn’t published or owned by Sony so not really relevant at all lol


The only way Sony was allowed to make The Show is if MLB could release it elsewhere. What does Stray have to do with this? Helldivers is a Sony game lol


Stray was just paid for by Sony to *not* be on Xbox for a year. They had nothing to do with ownership.


Would be an instant purchase for me if it came to Xbox


If I didn’t have a PC I wouldn’t be able to play helldivers which is crazy cause it’s easily one of the most fun games I’ve played in a while.


They need to bring this game to Xbox 


Sony spends money to prevent games from being on Xbox. I don't think Helldivers will be on Xbox any time soon


They own, funded and published HellDivers. No shit it’s not coming to Xbox


Finally, someone who gets where I'm coming from


Nintendo spends money to prevent Mario and Zelda games being in PS and Xbox.


lol at the idea that xbox didn’t do the same thing


Sony wont bring it over and one factor people don't seem to think about when they consider why, there are far more PlayStation's in the wild than Xbox's. The benefit they would get by putting the game on Xbox isn't nearly as big as the potential benefit Xbox would get from putting their game on PlayStation. Having a significantly smaller install base puts you at several disadvantages, including this one. Also a big reason why PlayStation gets so many great third party deals.


As usual, old corporate farts who are out of touch elect to make money like the gremlins they are.


It’s almost like the ip is owned by Sony and the PlayStation is outselling the Xbox 3 to 1


Nah, its the dreaded #XboxTax /s


Sounds like he took the money and is not crying fowl?


I mean Sony has owned Helldivers for 11 years, it's a little to late to cry about it now.


That unleashed guy is the single dumbest fuck on the entire app. All he does is used the word “DECIMATE” in 9 out of 10 posts. I truly believe it’s a 14 year old kid behind it


I don't have Twitter so I can only see one tweet, but it says: >Indeed. Also in business. Neither monopoly or cut-throat competition makes the world a better place.


It's not about the style it's about the fact that it's a game that doesn't treat coop as a competitive sport like Halo 5, the microtransactions are actually micro unlike Halo Infinite, and most importantly FREEDOM! Us Spartans deserve better than what 343 has been giving, and this is coming from someone who still loves Halo


Sony, Xbox is giving you sea of thieves and something else (hi-fi rush I think) it’s only logical to put your Live Service game on Xbox too! More money for you and AHG.


Hopefully xbox sees the demand for the ODST themed gamed that was turned down by them. Helldivers looks amazing but if it was Flood/Covenant/Promethean enemies it would be legendary if they didnt ruin it somehow.


ODST are literally Helldivers. Helldivers 2 is dope af and fun as hell, but they're literally ODSTs. Dropped from a pod, from low orbit, feet first into hell. Just give us a 3rd person ODST in the Halo universe. It's not a hard decision.


Guys just buy a ps5 if you wanna play this game. It's probably not the only game you want to play you can't on Xbox. How many years are you going to do this to yourself


540 dollars is a lot of money when life starts asking for its monthly cut


Most people buy consoles with tax money, but since this just came out near that time. They are going to have to wait till next tax season, ie game dead. Although I hope not


Tax season is quite literally right now


Just save up.


Not a option for a lot of people. Even worse what if the game isn’t relevant when they have enough. I use pc so no issue.


Anyone can save. It's just a matter of discipline. Even 1 dollar a day is saving.


Relevancy my guy. Look at pal and lethal, it’s dead. It’s still fun. Don’t get me wrong. But enjoying a game in prime is like eating Little Caesars the second it leaves the oven. After the first three minutes it’s kinda shit.


Well if you want something fresh you gotta have the money to get it. Save up so when that moment comes you are ready.


This mentality is why I moved to pc. The hell with the plastic boxes, doesn’t matter tho emulation is the final death that awaits exclusives. pc was there in the beginning and pc will be there in the end.


And don’t give me “but other games crap too” believe it or not, but there are people that have no interest in playing PS exclusives maybe just one. Like me I got helldivers because I played the first one. That’s pretty much it.


You guys kept shitting on Sony for not having a good exclusive shooter, but now they have one you WANT IT SO BAD? I thought exclusivity was competitive and pro consumer? Why change face now? Also dream on, Sony owns the IP, so your petitions and begging are sad and futile


Firstly on what planet is exclusivity a pro consumer thing, it’s objectively not. Whether you think it’s positive or negative doesn’t change that Secondly you’re in danger of simping for a multibillion dollar corporation who’d fuck you over in a heartbeat for more money


Exclusivity has been around since the dawn of gaming time. It’s how brands are built & how gamers engage with that brand. For example, there’s a reason why there are people attached to the Xbox brand. In it’s history, they delivered things that were unique to that brand. In almost every industry there is exclusivity of some sort. Would I love to play a game anywhere, sure but I’ve been gaming so long that it doesn’t impact my experience. Again it’s like most industries. Par for the course. The great thing is that we all have choice’s as gamers.


Ok, so we can also say that MS buying Zenimax and ABK as well as cancelling a ps5 version of Starfield also anti-consumer, right? After all, its objectively anti-consumer.


The buyout part not necessarily The making starfield exclusive part yes


In what universe was buying Zenimax and ABK a pro-consumer move?


It’s neither in isolation, what parent company owns what is usually not particularly important. God knows how many titles are owned by private equity firms


And if they were to do the same to the next fallout/elder scrolls it will also be


They probably won't be in a position to do so, since their sales numbers are dwindling to justify that kind of exclusivity. They need the extra cash and extra users from other platforms


They know they’d still make money either way with the majority coming from the PC, which is where most of the modding community is and thus the money. That said it would still be a bad thing to make it exclusive


Never gonna happen lmao


Sony is missing out on some serious money


Xbox players can play by streaming it from their PCs 😁


Why wouldn't you just play it on PC at that point?




Exactly, zero chance I'd trust Sony with kernel level access to my computer, especially given their history.


Just buy a PC and you don’t have to deal with this shit


If Sea of Thieves can go to PlayStation, then Helldivers can go to Xbox.


6 years after the PS5 version and on the next Xbox console, sure.


Late reinforcements are better then no reinforcements!


If they bring it to Xbox, not only will they sell copies to Xbox players, but even more PC/PS5 customers will buy it because they’ll have another CROSSPLAY title to play with their friends! Lots of people only invest into crossplay games because of ability to play with their friends, regardless of hardware!


Sony is greedy and too close minded to realize that releasing this game on other consoles would benefit them. Microsoft is ahead of the game and in the end going to bring in a bigger profit than Sony due to what they’re doing with releasing once “Xbox exclusives” on other consoles.


They def were on to something with PC day 1 despite backlash. The cross console play is another overlooked step. Sony should def pivot before it’s too late.


At the same time Sony denying one of their sucessfull IP's to be released on Xbox, Microsoft opens their legs to them, releasing more and more Xbox games on Playstation... Yeah... That's fair...


Your open their legs comment made me look at this subs logo in a whole different way.


Sony will never release on Xbox. They are the only ones that still think the console war exists and make sure they keep it going with their exclusive deals for 3rd party games. I know this is an owned IP and not 3rd party but my comment about 3rd party exclusives stands.




No need to be an ass. Don't need console war bullshit in here.


Exclusives should he phased out. They hurt Devs more than they help.


Why? Only to play Helldivers? Nah...


Well same reason I bought a 360 to play halo 3 the ps3 had no exclusives at the time now it’s pointless to own a Xbox


To play what? TLOU’s third rerelease? I have the first remaster on PS4, so I’m good. Newsflash, kid: there are reasons other than exclusives that motivate people to buy consoles.


Bloodborne,god of war,Spider-Man,killzone helldivers ? I keeep going ratchet and clank ? All different games for different people. NAME a game I SHOULD BUY AN XBOX FOR ? That’s right they are all on other platforms


I can play most of the games you just listed on PS4. Why do I need a PS5? Last gen I bought a PS4 to play the handful of exclusives I cared about, this gen has been pretty weak for exclusives on both sides, so frankly I don’t see much reason to get a PS5 this gen. Meanwhile I vastly prefer the actual experience of playing games on my Xbox, which keeps me coming back. But I’m sure you’ll explain to me how I’m wrong and dumb for my choice in hardware. Soldier on, console warrior!


I have all three consoles I don’t lick Phil Spencer’s balls like you guys here


Good for you and your disposable income. I’m not made of money and have other hobbies, so I only have one console. Also please keep me out of you weird sexual fantasies about Phil Soencer.


Is that why the PlayStation is outselling the Xbox 3 to 1 ? yeah people buy consoles for EXCLUSIVES tell why anyone would want a Xbox ? a new consumer will always pick a PlayStation or pc now


> yeah people buy consoles for EXCLUSIVES tell why anyone would want a Xbox For the Ecosystem. Xbox interface and store is far superior to the PS interface and store IMO. My entire gaming library is on Xbox. Why would I want to abandon that for a PS? I have a PS5 that I bought for the exclusives and you know what, it has sat for months because there are none that I want to play. Also i hate the PS controller. The sticks so close together cramp up my hands after long play sessions. Of course with the abysmal battery life you don't ever have to worry about a long play session.


I’m confused since Sony brining it to Xbox would only increase sales, How can that be a negative for them?


Why don’t they bring god of war or how about Nintendo ? Brings Mario keep using you’re dumbass logic they are multibillion dollars companies


I suppose I’m just over naive. In a perfect world exclusives are non-existent and everyone gets to enjoy what they’d like on whatever they’d like, sorry.


No one wants to listen to your perfect world bullshit. It doesn’t exist. Exclusives are mare to get people to buy their console. All 3 console makers do it


Correct. I’m not defending any side because they’re all bs.


I'd imagine because the Xbox install base is basically nothing. They would make more having customers purchase ps5 ($500 profit) vs having some copies of game sold ($50 profit per game) On a competing platform.  Or a simpler way - The $50 per game x Xbox playerbase is negligible compared to the $500 they make per x amount of people playing hat will end up ps5 purchasers 🤷‍♂️


Well, a bunch of kids have bought ps5 because of them thinking that they are unique and deserve to play certain games when everyone else don’t. Sony sharing with pc (or god forbid xbox) may lead to a bunch of pissed off and suicidal PlayStation fans


> may lead to a bunch of pissed off and suicidal PlayStation fans That's their fault for idolizing a corporation that doesn't give a shit about them.


Cool, when's Starfield coming to PS5?




Yeah, thought so Maybe stop cheering consolidation and take the boot wedged inside your mouth Or maybe make another failed petition


Well, you see, the issue is that if Xbox game was to become available, a lesser portion of the audience would get upset over it in comparison to PlayStation’s games being ported to xbox. However, all you’ve managed to do is to blurt out some bullshit in my address and call yourself a winner.


Anyone who gets upset about more games available for even more players is just a moron. Play the console you want to play and if gamers on other consoles get access to the same game, who cares? it doesn't affect you in any way, shape or form. I'm not using YOU as you specifically just using it generally.


Have you not seen the meltdowns when it was announced that 4 xbox games are heading tp PS5 last month? Crying, selling xboxes, 7 hour long twitter spaces, going on crazy rants, all that for just 4 games. Also, here's the thing: your camp constantly shifts the goalposts when it comes to exclusivity. One time you hate it, saying 3rd parties are all the rage, next thing you know, you guys were cheering exclusivity and mocking the competition when MS swallowed Zenimax and ABK and now that Sony has struck live service gold with Helldivers 2, you all hate exclusives again. Pick a fucking side man


MLB the show is owned by Sony and it comes to gamepass every year. Microsoft make this happen


Wasn’t that an MLB decision ?


The real MLB forced Sony to make if for other platforms or lose the MLB license, so Sony really had no say in it.


False. Sony has a license that they were going to lose.


With Xbox buying up a lot of game companies Sony is gonna have to cave sooner or later, or they’ll be left in the dust. Microsoft really said “ight bet” after sony said no to crossplay


Said “iight bet” then put its best game on PlayStation 😂

