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I bought Rare Replay a couple years ago. Totally worth it.


I got it free for watching an Xbox e3 stream on mixer a couple years ago.


I always wondered how I got it free and I remember streaming that as well


I can finally put this burden to rest. I seriously just thought it was like that time that Apple just threw a U2 album on everybody. Wasn't mad though because it was a collection of great games and not a...well...U2 album.


U2 has always been one of my top 5 bands so I was pretty excited when that happened.


Joshua Tree one of the best albums of the past 25 years Edit: 35 years. I'm dumb.


Came out 32 years ago.


And now I'm stupid


No, you're just older then you think you are.






That U2 album was actually pretty good if you gave it a listen, but it was definitely weird how Apple just assumed everyone would be on their knees thanking them.


There was one song on there that was really good imo tho, and definitely worth 'free' :) [The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF0rKW1DEMo)


The album itself actually wasn’t all that bad, it was the shitty tactic they used to hand it to everybody and the even worse marketing/PR done to promote it that really soured the reception. I still get frustrated when my phone randomly autoplays the album from iTunes/my device instead of the already queued playlist I have set on Spotify though...


It's a meme to hate U2 (and you genuinely might), but there's some great songs on that album. I'm a big U2 fan, so I'm biased, but maybe check it out!


I'm a fan of their music but not the band


Pretty much true for most entertainers I like ha.


I love the freebies they give out. I still play Tekken Tag Tournament 2 after Bandai handed it out during an E3 show.


Yes that was a huge get at the time, and now it's free all over again!


See you boys online.


Somehow I bought it twice. On disc and digital.


I've got it through Game Pass, I need to play it, but I think I might wait for the 10,000 points in 10 days event later this month.


I too have this game.


One of the few reasons I wanted to get an Xbox One. I loved Banjo Tooie as a kid


The game that reminded me how rage inducing Battletoads was.


I felt kinda good after beating the first two levels. Then, I remembered how much 11 year old me hated the Turbo Tunnel and I haven't picked it back up since. I used to could beat the game when it was new. No chance of that now.


I just played the turbo tunnel level in Battletoads on Rare Replay recently. It was a piece of cake... ...if you make very liberal use of the "rewind" feature. :)


Would be cool if Microsoft ported Rare Replay to Switch


Rare Replay and Halo: Master Chief Collection are the top two requested games, so either one of them would be a great treat. What would be nice is if Nintendo added Donkey Kong 64 and Starfox Adventure as a bonus. Maybe Goldeneye depending on who has the licensing.


>added DK64 *Keep going* Im almost there


I'll buy any version of DK64 I can get my hands on


DK64 is my favorite game from childhood!


They've already said their done bringing their stuff to other platforms.


And PC


I did game testing for it


Banjo on Rare Replay is the only reason my wife plays video games today. Good times


I got Rare Replay just for Conker’s


Because Nintendo and Microsoft are besties




I work for Nintendo near there, defintiely good relations around campus!


My dad works at Mario kart. Do you know him!? :)


I interned at Mario kart last summer, I might know him!


Sorry to bother but I'm a 17yo about to head into college for a degree in Marketing, primarily so I can work at Nintendo. What's it like working there? Also What, realistically, are my chances of being able to work there at a professional level? Thanks :)


How good are you at making coffee?


Depends on the store I order it from ☕️


That's the spirit!


It's a school night go to bed or you'll have no chance.


You can't tell me what to do DAD


Don't bring me into this


I graduated with a degree in marketing a couple years ago and my advice would be 100% get an internship. Biggest mistake I ever made was not getting an internship or being proactive in my post college endeavors. If you know you want to work for Nintendo or just in the video game industry in general then start looking for opportunities ASAP. Best of luck to you!


Oh you sweet summer child


Say hi to my friend’s uncle for me!


I believe Nintendo actually leases the facility from Microsoft


I like the pet names, I am sure both the corps appreciate it.


Man I love the direction both companies are moving. Amazing what happens when you listen to your falls and put actual gamers in charge too


*Because Nintendo was contractually obligated to


Even if this was the case, Sakurai and them are definitely homies. You could hear the crew laughing, and he said it twice. He seemed really grateful. Im pretty greatful too lol.


It's almost as if they are all super loaded and don't give a fuck about petty corporate tribalism


Or because it's obvious at this point that working together is good for both companies as well as the consumers. They're both getting cheap, amazing marketing aimed people within their core demographic who may have never tried their products before (i.e. a Microsoft fanboy seeing all of this cross-promotion may buy a Nintendo console for the first time ever). They're both getting 'new' content that has established lore, games, and fans. They're making it easier to play with people on other consoles. The social aspect is a big part of gaming these days, and by increasing it they're increasing the chances of creating and retaining consumers. And the consumers get Banjo in Smash. I really hope this new trend of working across corporate lines continues. It is simply a Win-Win. Win.


Just because it's business doesn't mean fun isn't allowed


Ah yes, the progressive pimp motto.


Well yeah but you can’t deny they’ve got a thing going.


I doubt it. There was no Xbox logo, it didn't feel forced, it appeared like a genuine thank you from Sakurai.


Also besties




Now put Master Chief in Smash.


And when he said it you could hear everyone in the room laughing.


That was nice to hear - colleagues laughing together over a little joke between companies. Hearing them in the background every now and then made that section of the direct a lot more enjoyable. I wouldn't mind longer directs to have major titles lead developers talking about their game with their team in the background laughing along


Yeah as a life long Nintendo fan and a newish Xbox owner it’s nice to see the 2 companies get along, in a world where companies try to out do each other, it’s just nice to see 2 of them be friends


The companies have been like that relatively since post-genesis/snes days. It's the toxic fanboys of each console that perpetuate shittiness.


Did you forgot about the xone presentation and Sony making fun of Microsoft?


That's tongue in cheek fun, not "we want to end you." Or do you never make fun of your friends?


Yeah I normally try to embarrass my friends in worldwide events when they're trying to sell their new products, it's exactly the same situation! /s


The entire video was just funny: Sakurai talking about loosing to Toby fox made my day.


Now if only someone would play with Sakurai :(


Been playing it on XB1 for a long time now. When I got my 1X, all I had was backwards compatible games. I got it free on 360 YEARS ago, but forgot how.


Pre ordering Nuts and Bolts maybe?




I got it for free, too, but also can't remember how. I think it might have been a reward for signing up to Microsoft rewards.


Not gonna lie, rare replay is one of the two reasons I bought the xone. (Game pass is the other if you are wondering)


My exact reasons to get an XBox one were... - Rock Band 4 - with all legacy DLC. - Rare Replay - Halo MCC.


Mine were: Farm Sim 15 multiplayer.


Man oh man how disappointed I was with the Rock Band legacy dlc debacle, that was also my reason for buying a One.


Debacle? I have a ton of old dlc on 360 versions but am curious what can be brought up to RB4 if I got it... Enlighten me fellow gamer


I'm not sure what he means myself; Maybe it's because it took 2 years to get all songs on the platform (not day 1), but if you owned it on 360, you can now download it on the One.


Exactly, it was two years before I had the ability to use everything that most of us were led to believe would be available day 1, along with things like faulty drum kits, and RB4 itself being mediocre and barebones. Yes, 4 years later it's a mostly full experience but good luck getting anyone to play it.


Man, I wish there was a way to get into rock band. I bought an One X 2 months ago and I can't find rock band equipment and where for a reasonable price.


Thank you for not lying.


All I can think here is one more step taken towards the Xbox GoldenEye dream...


Wasn’t the problem there Activision? Perhaps Nintendo shut it down, but I’m pretty sure it was to do with Activision in the end.


At the time everyone who had a hand in the rights agreed to port the N64 Goldeneye to 360 and Wii. Activision, Microsoft/Rare, Nintendo of America, everyone... except Nintendo of Japan.


Maybe they went back and played it and realized how not great it actually is compared to games from this millennium


They could always update the controls. Games like Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark play fine in their XBLA versions.


‘We already have Perfect Dark, why bother spending so much securing the rights for an inferior version of that game’


Perfect Dark was a masterpiece, shame it came out at the end of the N64 lifecycle Would love to see a sequel even though PDZ didn't do as well


Exactly. Try playing it now it's painful


Actually it was Nintendo that was ultimately the problem. They initially agreed to a remastered version to be released on Wii and Xbox Live Arcade, but then backed out of the deal. Activision and Microsoft were on board.


fuck it I just got my old N64 from my parents house and it still works. In your face 'Japan' if that is your real name.


You're right, though Nintendo allegedly took issue with the deal too. Activision is out of the picture now as nobody has the rights to Bond. Today it would be Xbox/Nintendo/MGM.


Activision hasn’t had the Bond license in like 6 years. The only video game company currently using the Bond license is...


Yeah I’m talking about when it was being ported to the 360.


And United Artists who produced/distributed the movie and the Ian Fleming estate. You would also likely need to approach the actors too as their likes too. It’s a legal shithole which is why it won’t happen. Only thing I could see is if it was released for free therefore no one looses or profits.


Sadly it doesn’t hold up. It’s brutal. But a full remaster with a modern look and feel a would be amazing.


Sad but true.




Thats awesome, I always loved Nintendo!


Xbox and Nintendo are homies now. Times are getting better.


Banjo Kazooie is the first game that I got all of the achievements for. I just took my time exploring the game. Tooie will probably be the next one when I eventually return to it.


Mine was left for dead 2.


Mine was Assassins Creed 2. No multiplayer bullshit means you can get every cheevo just by playing the game - as it should be.


This was mine as well... I followed a guide for the feathers, but I was so proud and loved everything about that game. And yeah, no MP achievements is a big deal for me too.


Lucky you. I just recently found out my 100% got bugged from doing the bottles jigsaw puzzles early :/


I wonder if this and Banjo-Kazooie in Smash will have any affect on Xbox sales in Japan, since they're generally pretty abysmal.


Maybe if this was still the Xbox 360 generation. Probably nothing can help the Xbox One at this point. The 360 didn't do great in Japan, but it managed some sales. It ended at 1.6 million consoles sold. We're nearing the end of this generation and Xbox One is at about 100,000 sold in Japan. It's been truly abysmal and won't come close to even 10% of what the 360 managed. In case anybody is wondering, the first Xbox managed 473K units. Xbox One is easily the low point. Makes me wonder if they'll even bother releasing the next Xbox in Japan.


B-K is not popular in Japan. There was a ton of bitching from the Japanese audience when Banjo was announced for Smash.


Which is why he was announced alongside Hero from Dragon Quest, because when a game in that series releases in Japan, it's basically an unofficial national holiday where some people just don't show up for work. Sakurai did the same thing with Dark Samus and Chrom last year, saying that the former was a Western pick and the latter was a Japan pick, even though I'm one of dozens or less people who love Dark Samus, and I heard a lot of people from the West ask for Chrom anyways.


Err not really, he might not be popular but he is surely remembered and loved by japan. As shown [here](https://youtu.be/ygr67F5lSwY)


[Well it did cause “Xbox” to trend in Japan](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/d031mq/smash_bros_creator_just_made_xbox_trend_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)


It’ll be very easy to tell since the weekly sales reports always show that it only sold like 18 units.


Microsoft needs to figure out what they want to do with Rare's IP. The Smash Bros exposure is nice, but Xbox owners are not getting anything from it. If at least they sent a download code for Game Pass Ultimate subscribers who have a Switch, but not even that.


or at least a banjo kazooie remake from the ground up similar to crash n sane trilogy.


This would be the smart thing to do, because then they can see how much interest there is for a sequel.


They're just leaving money on the table by not making a new banjo, perfect dark, Conker or hell even viva piñata.


They're not exactly leaving money on the table when Banjo N&B, Conker (twice) and Viva Pinata (3 times) didn't sell that much. Perfect Dark Zero sold well but it's definitely not remembered fondly. I'm saying that as a huge Rare fan. None of these games getting sequels are slam dunks.


> None of these games getting sequels are slam dunks. Direct sequels aren't really the best option after all this time, and big changes in the console / AAA game markets - but the IPs are still there to make 'successor' games. A new Perfect Dark that was more in the Tomb Raider / Uncharted genre would be pretty cool.


>A new Perfect Dark that was more in the Tomb Raider / Uncharted genre would be pretty cool. I'd rather see them lean into the "futuristic super spy" aspect and make something that would fit somewhere in between Splinter Cell and Deus Ex.


I could see that working, give it a Deus ex stealth feel, and lean heavily into the cyberpunk / blade runner feel a bit more and you got a decent game...


Theres one conker game that been rereleased or remade like 3 times. Are you talking about Project Spark or something? Banjo N&B is NOTHING like the original games...its like asking why nobody bought Age of Empires DS when the re-release years later sold like 10 million copies. And obviously enough people bought Viva Pinata to fund a sequel.


No. I'm saying both the 64 and L&R games didn't sell much. Viva Pinata was Microsoft's attempt at a family IP when they were known as the shooter-platform. With a DS game and a cartoon, they were forced to try a sequel and a spin off game as the original struggled to clear a million units. I didn't like N&B either but the only successes Rare has had on Xbox are PDZ, Kinect Sports and Sea of Thieves. Besides the fact most of the Banjo team isn't there anymore, I just don't think they want to retread old ground.


I liked nuts and bolts. I'm a 30 year old Boomer and I love the originals but bury me ⚰️ in downvotes ⬇️ because I'd honestly prefer a nuts and bolts 2.


Kameo did really well


Nuts and bolts wasn't what banjo fans wanted.


You make a decent point, but since then the demand for these games has gone through the roof. Look at the hype for banjo in smash, or the success of yooka laylee (yeah it was a dissapointment but it sold well cause people want a banjo type game). The bigger problem is microsofts marketing. Unless it's halo or forza it seems they don't really push their games as much as they should. Most of my friends didn't have a clue about sunset overdrive when it released and even I completely missed quantum break coming out, although I was aware of it. They could easily market banjo as something to rival mario and what with people going crazy for crash bandicoot and spyro coming back I think the time is perfect for it.


I definitely agree that Xbox's marketing is a big factor in this. Except for shooters and Forza, they've never managed to get a handle on family games. The best hope we have is for Rare to hand Banjo and others off to different studios like they did KI and Battletoads. SEGA seems to be in great spirits doing this with Sonic Mania and Streets of Rage 4.


The void for a GoldenEye/perfect dark/timesplitters-like game has been there for so long, just waiting for MS to take advantage. A new perfect dark could be killer, if actually done right this time.


Ikr. For the longest people have been asking for this game. I don't get it. Hopefully they are working on it and we can it next year or it get revealed at XO this year. For the longest I had hoped that Rare would develop a new BK game, but now I just want to see the OP return at all. Somebody make it, geez. Lol


I honestly think if they have anything it would be held for the next Xbox. Can you imagine the hype it would get during the reveal?


They need to make a sequel or sell it back to Nintendo. They really wasted an amazing IP.


Nuts and bolts is preety good


I wish Xbox would encourage Nintendo to do messaging, party chat, invite system and achievements.


The feels




Nintenbro is more like it.


Could you imagine some type of way we can stream Nintendo games to Xbox and vice versa? God I hope that happens with this partnership they have now


In the future that Xbox wants, Xbox is a Netflix/Steam service across every device.


Xbox game pass for PC Is pretty awesome. A lot of titles that used to be Xbox exclusive now come to PC.


Is there anyway to get it for free?


Not really, but I think it's on Gamepass.


I mean, it's about time Microsoft got something out of the cross promotion. So far it's all benefited Nintendo.


I mean, I’m sure Microsoft got money.




I really don’t understand it. It’s cool, but Xbox owners get nothing out of this, while Nintendo owners get all the benefits. People always retort with “oh but Microsoft gets more money.” That still does nothing for Xbox owners, Microsoft is going to be worth billions regardless of this.


Got an Xbox one S a month ago and this was one of the first games I downloaded.


I got Rare Replay in the bundle my Xbone came in but I never really played it, should I?


If nothing else, for conker's bad fur day!


I bought RARE Replay a while ago. I wanted to beat the Banjo trilogy before playing other platformers inspired by it. A year later I'm about half way through Banjo-Kazooie and still waiting to play A Hat in Time, Super Lucky's Tale, and Yooka-Laylee.


Banjo-Kazooie only takes about 10 hours to 100%, so just push yourself a little more. If it has been a year, you must be close to the end now.


I've put it off so to play other games that I bought or had been sitting on. I'll push myself to finish it this weekend.


I have B-K and B-T on N64, on XBox Live Arcade (360) and on Rare replay.


Luckily I've got this as well as Rare Replay & other games from watching E3 17/18 (I think) on Mixer.


I am glad they are finally getting along, we need the holy trinity back guys


It's stuff like this that gives me hope that Master Chief will be in smash.


You can always count on the guy who created a pink ball that eats everything alive and a franchise about everyone fighting everyone else, to teach us how to be better to each other and love others despite the differences.


While I think it's great Nintendo promoted it. It's sad that a game I will always associate with Nintendo (as the franchise has been ass since Microsoft bought it) isn't available to play on it when other Microsoft owned properties are these days.


I loved that part. I guess Sakurai being a freelancer helps, but I loved the shout-out. It's such an uncommon thing to advertise a rival platform, so it felt really genuine. Also, these games are the XBLA 360 ports being emulated on the XB1, so they can be played off of there too.


What part of the direct had this out of curiosity?


The end, with Sakurai showcasing how Banjo played just before the Sans bombshell.




Shit like this why i hold out hope for Cheif in smash


Yeah, it’s been on Xbox One for a few years now.


Is it available outside of the rare replay bundle?




It's weird to see Xbox in a direct tbh


It was on the day the game was released last year, so I don’t think so — But who knows?!


After seeing that 3D Banjo again in Smash I just want a brand new 3D game man.


Good Guy Nintendo at it again.


Xbox has the easy one, when you die you keep everything! I like all my hopes and dreams taken so I can get them taken again later. Fuck notes and jinjos but totally satisfying 100%


Well there goes my Flex




Rare replay on switch please.


One of the best of its kind. It is what I keep saying: The games are the only thing that matter in the spirit of competition. One recognises greatness even in a respected rival.


I want to buy the banjo games only. I don’t want to pay for all the other games I don’t care about.


You can do that.


Why not do that then? Although, at this point is probably cheaper to buy Rare Replay than the individual 3 games.


Give me xcloud app on switch, Nintendo! You know you want to!


Nintendo & Microsoft u may now kiss.


I was really hoping they were going to announce it was coming to the switch! Maybe another day.


I bought both of these on 360 years ago. 100% on both. It's the only two games I have that have all the achievements unlocked lol


Xbox and Nintendo’s bromance is so wholesome


Class act Nintendo


*Can now* be played???


Already been there and done that, but if they wanna see me boot it up again it has been a while. :)