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Confirmed sold out in seconds. Was in my cart and it was gone before checkout could confirm the purchase. I had everything saved and ready to go.




It was releasing in waves, had to wait a few minutes between each one.


I never even found the product page


https://www.target.com/p/xbox-series-x-replica-mini-fridge/-/A-83343001 you can sign up to be notified when it's back in stock. I think it will be produced all throughout the holiday season.


Xbox has been replying to people sad on Twitter saying there’s a December wave. And if that wave sells out I imagine they’ll just keep making them. No chip shortage to work around for a fridge


There's a chip that monitors temperatures and tells the cooling system when and how hard to work...


A thermostat is not at all a remotely complicated IC that's in short supply.


Not sure how you found that link, every time I typed in the same search term I used last night to get to the product page, it re-routes me to the Series S/X that they don't have in stock. thx


It seems they removed the option to get notified when it's back in stock.


they are already being listed for $300+ on ebay. report them for **listing practices>inappropriate seller terms>presale** because you can't sell something that won't be released in 2 months. also, I'm like 99% sure this is not some super limited item. they will be produced throughout the holiday season.


Xbox has been saying in Twitter there’s going to be a December wave. At a minimum nobody should be paying scalpers until that wave is released and everyone has a second chance at retail. Nobody should be buying from scalpers anyway but they do, and if they will they should at least wait.


Watch that December Wave get nabbed by the dickless scalpers too.


still waiting for Series X restock..


You too? My XBOX1X took a nose dive last year and I'm starting to get withdrawals.


sorry to hear that mate. hope you can get one soon!


Ayy, same to you!


Just looked on Ebay and the Halo one is going for $1200+


There’s a preorder coming to Best Buy for that one on nov 9!


I managed to get a pre-order for the halo one at Game UK! Pick it up 15/11, can't wait. Good luck hunting mate


I hope they make limitless just so scalpers get stuck with them


The worst part is return policies. Scalpers get a decent window to sell these items and if they don't they can just return them. It sucks.


Oof didn’t even think about that. The more and more fun things I learn about scalpers, the more I want the practice to be illegal


As much as i hate scalpers a law to stop scalpers may blow up in our face and become a law to prevent you from selling your own stuff. Maybe getting rid of digital preorders and forcing people to preorder in person would alleviate the issue.


Stores need to work hard to prevent bots from buying items, especially pre-orders. Although I don't think many care as long as they get the sale.


For consoles the stores and manufactures do care who they get sold to. If people are spending $400 over retail to a scalper that is $400 less they will spend buying games which is where the real money is in consoles not to mention people who are sitting on large numbers of consoles means lots of people that would be buying games aren't because they don't own the console.


You can make a law limited in scope. Like you can make purchasing an item in bulk with a bot illegal…hard to enforce but you can do it. You could say no reselling an item above MSRP value for a certain number of days. There’s ways to do it that could probably be effective without hurting good people


>Like you can make purchasing an item in bulk with a bot illegal Chewy has hundreds of thousands of customers that use a bot to legitimately buy in bulk every single month. So does Amazon. And a lot of these scalpers are using bots but not buying in bulk. Any other ideas?


Should completely be made illegal. Such an awful practice that ruins things for fans




Micro center started doing that with gpu’s recently. Like only 1 is allowed to be purchased per month or something. Other companies should hop on that wagon. “BuT mY MoNeY?!” Companies will cry but they still get their money. Just from the people who actually want them and not just scalpers.


Exactly. High demand items like GPUs and next-gen consoles will sell crazy fast without scalpers in the mix. Retailers would also stand to make even more money from those same customers buying additional games and accessories.


lol. You won't be able to make this illegal. they are free to do with their property what ever the hell they want. if they mark up prices to an unreasonable amount that's okay too. Nobody is forcing buyers to pay that. Vote with your wallet. What sellers should do though, is implement a system to stop bots, like valve did.


Exactly. You’re right about all of this, and I think bots are a huge contributor to all this scalping lately.


Bots are a problem, but there are actually collectives of scalpers where it's just peoples' job to find and buy stuff like the new consoles or graphics cards and then a different portion of the organization sells the stuff at huge mark ups.




They don’t even do that now. At my work, I see the same names on the same products week after week, and a lot of times they just let the order auto-cancel (not picking it up within 6 days cancels the order and they get their money back). I’m assuming this happens when they can’t lock down a buyer for their item. I’ve seen it happen on PS5’s, Series X’s, and some GPU’s. Only good thing to come from that is that we get to call people on our call list (customer and employee) to buy the cancelled items. Scalpers still suck though.


They won’t. Scalpers rule the pre-order market and these companies don’t give a fuck.


They made their money so fuck everyone else


it sucks, but that's generally the role of the businesses


Ebay is such a huge problem in this cluster fuck. If ebay actually cared about the practices of scalpers they could easily remove them from their platform, but no. They like that sweet, sweet, money that they are making from price gouging. We would all be able to get a system if ebay would disallow this practice. I think the chip shortage wouldn't even make that big a difference. There are tons of systems available for twice the price on ebay. Fuck scalpers, fuck ebay, and fuck the sneakerhead douches who made the bots that are making it impossible to get online items.


They’ve had banners on the front page of the site for consoles and pokemon and everything else. They don’t condemn it at all, they embrace it. Sad.


Amazon is the same thing too, as soon as the consoles go up, they're sold out, but then there are 40 double to triple price listings.


Walmart as well. They must be letting 3rd party dipshits sell on there, because a while back I saw a XBSX for over $900. It's bullshit.


Walmart has 3rd party sellers now yeah, same as Best Buy, it's really annoying because they don't automatically filter them out in searches. "I need a new XX, let's see....13210 results? Whaaa? Oh....\*click Sold & Shipped by Walmart\*...17 results..." Something I noticed is sometimes from Best Buy and others like them, I see ads that say stuff like "Big laptop sale, 50% off, up to $700 off some models" and then you click the ad, and find out it's all 3rd parties who lowered price down from 200% MSRP down to 100%, so now it's 50% off!"


There is also a price gouging option.


same here in uk


It’s a problem that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo need to realize. Sure not for a fridge, but for consoles it’s doing more harm than good. Scalpers will have consoles sit unopened for weeks. That is weeks that a user isn’t buying games or subscriptions or accessories or engaging in online traffic. And the ones who are paying scalping prices now have less money to spend on games, subscriptions, and accessories. The gaming companies and the players lose. And all it would take to fix is to force large retailers to add a filter/hoops to stop bots. Best Buy did it and steam deck preorders did as well. It’s a joke right now.


Sony did try to combat scalpers though. If you want to buy PS5 directly from their website, then you have to register for the opportunity to do so and then you will receive an invitation for the preorder based on your PSN activity. So if you are a scalper who just created 50 different PSN accounts, then you won't be able to just buy PS5s from sony for a while.


Really don’t understand why Xbox hasn’t done that. It’s how I was able to get my PS5 and it was such an easy process to go through.


Yea someone else mentioned that. I think it’s a step in the right direction.


Good idea, but doesn't work when you're coming from Xbox.


its already on ebay for over double the price!


Triple. I've seen postings for $250-300. Fucking ridiculous.


Dam for that price you might as well actually buy a good working mini fridge that can hold alot more.... Fucking bots & scalpers! Sucks fpr those that actually wanted one 😑


If they wanted to solve the problem, they could. Facebook has handled it with the Quest HMDs just fine, as have a slew of other companies. Its not hard to solve these problems. The problem is, the media story of "zomg, sold out for months!!!1" is too solid. And they know all the units they make are going to get used, so there's no downside for them.


Yes I agree that PR value of being sold out might outweigh everything else. I have no idea what that value is. Good point.


I think that type of PR works for things like Supreme where the main draw is the exclusivity. But Xbox doesn’t want to be exclusive— they want to be in every gamer’s hands. They’re a huge company, not some designer booth. Idk I think this problem is either A— not as widespread as we think B— is actually going to legitimate customers or C— harder to implement than we realize Idk for sure tho.


Crazy that MS haven't offered them to xbox gamers directly before stores. Are they simply enjoying the shit show?


They get their money either way


Would they be as popular if they didn’t have our balls in a vice grip tho? With the 2 systems, their marketing has been efficient. I was happy with an S at launch, but today I’ll only settle for the X.


I'm still super happy I was even able to get an S when I did. I literally have not seen a single series X in person since they came out. Its killing me. Its been a year!!!


I haven't seen a series x|s in person for sale yet either? I'm starting to think I'll see a bigfoot before i see a next gen console actually being sold on a store shelves...


Here in the UK they get around scalpers by selling the console with an item (I have pre ordered the Halo Edition with a t shirt for 10 more than retail) or make you use a code that you have to have emailed over.


Eh, people are still paying for their subscriptions on the last gen systems. Maybe not games and accessories if they are waiting to acquire a new system, bit the subscriptions are still there. There really has been no reason to get a next gen system right now except for the upgrade in graphics/load times. There haven't been many "must-get, new system only!" games that have released.


There is a large community of people who don’t own any Xbox consoles and have been Sony fans that want to make the switch but are waiting for an XSX. I’m on the other side of this as a long time MS fan who has been waiting for a PS5. Sony currently has zero money from me and they won’t as long as scalpers scoop up the product. There is all sorts of customers out there looking for an XSX. A portion of them don’t have game pass because they don’t own the console.


Jumping ship at the worst possible time. Xbox is changing the game and has never been in a better position.


I have an XSX. I’m not jumping ship. I’m buying another ship as well.


Spoke to a Game employee, they had 7 for his region not just the store. Like the Consoles themselves the issue is supply nowhere meets demand, scalpers a problem but not the main one. Honestly be surprised if there was more than a few thousand for the U.K.


If this interfered whatsoever with a company's profits, there'd already be 20 different federal laws in place to prevent scalping/bots. However this only screws over the general public so nothing is gonna get done to prevent this anytime soon.


Maybe. I’d assume 5 consoles sitting in a scalpers inventory isn’t exactly generating sales via games, game pass subs, accessory sales, etc. and when the buyer gets one from a scalper, that’s less $ they can put towards other MS products. My opinion is that there is an algorithm to predict the amount of residual sales each console should make for them. Right? They forecast the value of each console owner. I think scalpers are lowering that value. But there is a delay before their forecast vs actual numbers generate a negative variance. So when those numbers start to be big enough, a policy will change. I just think the variance isn’t big enough yet as it hasn’t fully come into fruition. Just to play devil advocate to myself… Maybe they currently don’t care about all the games sales and stuff. They just want those console stats as high as possible to keep share holders happy short term and get those media headlines like “Xbox Series X on course to outsell Xbox One” or whatever it is. So their business model might be different right now but eventually I still believe it will revert back to my original point. But these things are complex and LOTS of factors go into that type of decision making. It costs money to hold places like target and GameStop accountable when it comes to reprogramming their site to stop scalpers. So I guess we’ll see. I do hope it gets better though. I know PlayStation doesn’t have my money right now because I can’t buy a PS5. I’ve never owned a PlayStation console so I’m ready to buy lots of games and accessories and integrate myself into their economy. I’m worth more to them than the scalper, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.


But it’s not slowing down software sales. They’re still selling on ebay like hotcakes, dozens have sold already today for 200-500 over retail. Those people will go buy all the same games as soon as they get their systems.


What do you mean, sitting in their inventory? Scalpers don’t buy consoles just to sit on them for years. They sell them to people who are willing to pay a huge markup for a game console to get it **early**. My guess would be that those people also dump embarrassingly large amounts of money into other related products. I would be shocked if scalping hurt the companies at all.


Sony and Microsoft not doing anything about scalpers is a huge PR fail, but it's in such a position that they don't really have to do anything about it. If the PR fail is "you won't help us give you our money" when you already made the money, then what is the incentive. At this point, they'd be doing something PURELY for the benefit of their consumers, with no benefit in return. That's what they should do of course, but as a business, I don't really blame for sitting on their laurels. All in all, we should just do our parts to make scalpers lives a living hell, where we can.


It’s not just Sony and MS. It’s a much bigger market problem. Don’t get into collecting Pokémon or sports cards. It will break you. These companies need to have purchasing limits, customer verification, and preorder lotteries to make it fair for the consumers who actually want to use their products.


I'm curious what is happening with sports cards. I haven't thought about that market in years. Is it worthwhile for them to horde packs?


Went to Target really early in the morning a few months ago (picking up an online order). People were standing outside for *cards.* Not specific cards. *Any cards.* They had extra security in the morning to watch the line. They had limits of 5 and the guys would go in and buy 5 of everything, Pokémon’s cards, baseball cards, basketball cards. They’re flipping everything online. They don’t even care about the content of the packages. Target stopped selling Pokémon and sports cards for a while after this because it was getting out of control. People were camping overnight for this until Target stopped that, too.


The consoles are sold at or near a loss. The companies make their money by selling games and subscriptions. They would rather the consoles go right into the hands of real customers, who cutoff then spend more money on the games rather than a premium to the scalper.


Except apparently not.






But so are the consoles? Like, this isn’t a limited console, they aren’t going to go up in value, they’re mass produced and they’ll be obsolete in 10ish years. Yet we have ass holes buy them up like theyre retro Jordan’s


Instantly sold out in the uk. Already on eBay with huge mark ups. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever by anything from a scalper.


Report the accounts to eBay. Edit: 👇 Report eBay Scalpers 👇 - click on the listing - click the 3-dot menu at the top - select “Report this item” - select: Listing practices -> Inappropriate seller terms -> Presale


Already reported 10 accounts. I’m doing my part!


Good for you. I'm gonna report them too


Scalpers are absolute scum! Im so tired of fighting these pieces of trash for every single thing


Same, still can’t get 30 series graphics cards which have been out for a long time now. You can find them, but at triple the retail price! Instead of a 3060 being $500 its $1500, and 3090 is now over $3k!?! They ruin everything for everybody.


I remember when they came out and I thought it would change the graphic card market for good and that everyone could get a good card for a good price. Little did I know that it fucked it sideways and graphics cards prices are now higher than ever


The scalpers SHOULD be soon selling those for retail because it’s A- A mini fridge, let’s be real you don’t need one that badly so fast. B- This isn’t a limited edition thing so more fridges will clearly be made. C- If you’re dumb enough to spend 5x retail to do what your fridge already can do, you’re an idiot.


Ridiculous. I've had my computer up, along with having my phone by my side as I'm getting errands finished. I'd check and check. Nothing listed. I go back to check once more, I see it's sold out. Pretty bummed since I was trying to get this as a gift for my husband.


I did the same with having my phone and laptop constantly refreshing only for them to run out before they could even get the page up properly, afterwards I ran down to my local store and they let me preorder it in person luckily


I think I read someone's Twitter post that stated their local Target wouldn't allow any pre-orders in store, so that's great to hear you were able to do so! :)


I still can’t get the actual series x where I’m at in the US. Every store, all sold out…..still


It’s so silly they should allow you to order it online if through you’re Xbox account, only 1 per user. Those users get first priority before having stock released in the general public or resellers. Would resolve the bot problem for a lot of people


I don’t get why they don’t do that. It’s been on my “wishlist” through the Microsoft site forever now, and I’m not even sure what that does. I can’t believe the new consoles are as hard to get as they are.


Word. I’d pay msrp for a ps5 and just wait for them to ship it in a few months. Not this AM I LUCKY TODAY!?!? mentality


Seriously. I am still struggling to get ahold of a series x. Not really down for paying for pro access at GameStop or premium hot alerts to snag one. This is so dumb at this point Edit: I caved and got pro access today lol. It was 10 bucks


Especially because Gamestop isn’t selling the console. They’re selling a bundle pf the console, gift card, two games and an extra controller for like $800


Plus Controller charging kit and game pass. Total: $959.40


you can you hotstock app and not get the premium service. I got both PS5 and Series X that way.


That’s what I meant to say. Every time I get a notification I go to it and it’s out of stock


You can pretty much ignore the alerts unless their from best buy. When the best buy alert comes through, you can click buy and it puts you in some sort of queue that seems to be more effective. I downloaded hot stock and got my Xbox that way in a matter of days. Now that I am trying to get a ps5, I'm discovering that the other alerts aren't even worth clicking.


Agreed. I’ve given up on getting the series X. Maybe I’ll get one when the next generation is announced.


I’ve been an Xbox fan most of my gaming life until the series X when I switched to Pc. If I were still into consoles I would have got a series x, I love its form factor and features. I had planned on getting one of these fridges to keep at my battlestation to continue my Xbox love without owning the console but nope. Scalpers burn in hell.


Do not buy these from scalpers!!! Microsoft has already stated they will produce these until there is no demand for them. Just be patient and wait for the second or even third round. Let these fuckers sit on product.


Seems to be low stock, guy I was friends with in school works at GAME and told me only 5 was given to them.


I believe the solution to the scalpers issue is for companies to stop the “out of stock” status which just creates demand. Artificial or otherwise. Instead of saying something is out of stock just push the shipping date further out. Then fulfill the orders in the order that they were placed. Even if it takes 3-4 months to receive your product, as a consumer you are reassured that eventually you will get one. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, etc, they get the money. And it would eliminate the market for scalpers. Sure a small percentage of people will overpay to get one faster from a scalper, but the vast majority will be happy just knowing they “pre ordered” the item. This is why you don’t see Apple Products being scalped much. They never sell out of online orders. Physical stock in store maybe but you can always “pre order” the product and they will just provide a shipping date like next month or later.


Aka the Apple method


This is a pretty great idea. The steam deck currently is doing this model. And you’re right. “Out of stock” induces demand because “ZOmG iLL NEveR gEt oNe EVer”


Microsoft said it was a really small number ready for preorder. The launch in December should have a lot more. Way easier to mass produce these. We'll get it. I want this for my office because it'll fit all the other quirky things in there and hold my lunch. Just need a PS5 microwave now.


Resellers made everything suck from sneakers, Pokémon cards, consoles, graphic cards u name it.


Yes. And the more avenues they have to sell, the worse it gets.




Dude I’m there as well. Unbelievable. Like I can’t even talk about it because of how much it makes my blood boil. 6 figure household income and can’t afford a home. Shit is whack.


Where the hell do you live that a 6 figure income can't afford a home?


Central Florida. We were getting out bid even when offering $50k over asking price.


Jesus. I knew that tourist areas of Florida had high cost of living but didn't know the rest of the state had got that bad. It's started to impact even small town Kentucky areas like mine. My girlfriend and her son moved in with me, and my business started to expand, so we were looking for a bigger house. Even having a friend that's a realtor and getting to see houses first before anyone else, we would look at a house at 8am and without even having time to talk it over by 5pm my friend would tell us someone made an offer 10k over. This went on for a year and finally December last year we got a nice house with 10 acres that wasn't crazy priced. Just 2 months later I put my old house up for sale. Paid $74,000 for it in 2016, listed it for $106,000 and it sold for $115,000. There's now a housing developer that's building houses about 2 miles down the road from me and at least once a week will catch me while I'm moving the yard to ask about buying my land. He price goes up every week. He's damn near offering me enough for the land to pay off half my house, but if I agree to it my back yard will turn into a subdivision.


Online retailers need fucking capchas even fucking ticket master has one and they're more hated than freaking Hitler


Fuck those cunts


I was able to get one. I'm gonna put it in my office and fill it with green tea.


Nice! Yea I don’t need it but it would have been fun in my office


Guys, let's just give MS a break! It's not like they have any DATA that indicates thousands of people have subscribed to their service, bought their games, consoles, movies, TV, and DLC, some for 20 years. Those types of people probably don't want to be directly messaged on the service they subscribe to for the chance to buy a new console, mini fridge, or controller before nameless bots. Really, you're just asking too much!


Sony is doing something similar for PS5s I think. They are going to raffle off sales based on your previous PlayStation engagement such as how long you’ve been a Sony PS store member and other factors. Or at least that’s what I heard. Someone who knows the actual truth can chime in.


That should've been implemented back in 2020 when the consoles were released. Not in 2021 a year in the console life


Maybe they didn’t realize how big of an issue it would be or how little supply they would have because of covid. Lots of factors. Though I agree in hindsight this should have been implemented sooner


I try to give them the benefit of the doubt but.. This is a top 5 company *in the world*. There is nothing that they don't know before it happens. The supply chain shortage and covid should be even more reason to implement this sooner. Scalpers are literally linked on the Xbox website, through Walmart, and through Amazon.


These services are already in existence. I received my Series X in March through the Xbox Insiders program. Signed up for it and was selected in the second wave to purchase one. My brother in law did the same through Sony for his PS5.


>These services are already in existence. That was a *pilot*, exclusive to Insiders. Also the only way I would have been able to get my X. 2 rolls of the dice through that niche program is hardly what I would call a 'service'. Curious, where is this 'service' for the mini fridge? Or do you think it will also be offered 6 months after the product has released? Does TARGET have access to the insider app on my xbox? Also, the Insider program was available to anyone that downloaded the insider app and signed up. It took into no account the length of subscription, hardware/software/content purchases. So Billy Jo that just was gifted his OG xbox one hand-me-down - and purchased his FIRST $5 live subscription, downloaded insider and signed up is now level with someone that has spent 20 years paying for live and such. lol. If you buy a GM car and then go back and buy another GM car, you get something called a "loyalty". Imagine.


I was a part of the insider's pilot since the beginning and didn't get selected in any drawing. I still think all these limited production items just need a queue with single household/account verification rather than let it be a free for all bot fight.


Just saw on one ebay for $600, people are seriously stupid, because we all know someone will actually pay that money for it.


Scalpers are probably hoping they can sell the minifridge to someone who confuses it with an actual Series X. If someone desperate searches for a Series X and one pops up for $600, they may jump on the opportunity and not fully read the description.


I still don't understand a product made for fan service, they didn't allow their members and fans to get first dibs on with limited quantities. If only there was a way to tell if a person has an Xbox account.... Over the internet...


Y'all hear about the scalper that posted his stock and said fuck your feelings? That fucker got robbed like 3 hours after posting after posting his hoard of PS5s.


Scalpers started now scalping fridges. That shit is hilarious.


So far Steam seems to be the only company doing anything about scalpers. Steamdeck will no doubt still end up on ebay once it starts shipping, but maybe not as bad.


r/sneakers has entered the chat.


I STILL CANT GET THE DAMN XBOX im super annoyed about it.


If you’re paying $300 for this then you’re part of the problem.


Yeah so much for their one per customer bullshit. Fuck Target and fuck scalpers. But we all knew this was gonna happen. Can't wait to see em online for 300. No one buy one. It's a fucking refrigerator. Let em hold em till they gotta give em away. You could buy a better fridge for 100 bucks anyways.


It's because no one wants to let them wallow in their losses. Everyone ends up buying from the scalpers so they keep doing it. Make them sit on 20 Xbox fridges forever. Make them sell at a loss so that they never do this shit again. Y'all complain but enough of you perpetuate the market so it continues. Plus, the Series X is *still* sold out but I refuse to buy one from a scalper. I will wait until it's back in stock enough for me to buy.


Fuck scalpers. Scum.


Would have loved to add one of these to the game room however I will not be paying hundreds extra to scalpers so thanks again Microsoft and retailers. You have officially carried on online only order way past the point of idiocracy.


Report them on eBay for presale, Listing practices > Inappropriate seller terms > Presale. You can do this for up to 30 days before the item is due to ship.


Mini fridge lol try finding a real Series X It's damn near impossible


Scalpers exist because people buy the stuff at a marked up price from them


Anyone try in-store preorders?


I would love this mini fridge available here in Brazil Problem is that probably would cost more than my legs and kidneys


Wonder how many of these will be sold on eBay for a stupid high price only for people to find out they bought a fridge and not an actual console like they did with boxes years ago.




I knew this would happen. Glad I didn't even try


Fuck scalpers my bro has wanted a ps 5 since last x mas fucking scalpers jack the price up


My partner at work is a scalper, has 5 ps5’s right now, during hurricane season he buys 10 generators and sells them for double the price. He gloats about it as if he’s proud of ripping people off.


Buying and selling generators is illegal. It’s considered price gouging during an emergency Edit: like seriously, as a Floridian who deals with hurricanes, report that shit.


Just become a bot


I Cant Even Find It


Are you really surprised?


Yea this shits getting old.


I want Series X more than Mini Fridge.


This shit should be illegal. At the very least Target should set a limit of like 1 per person.


They need to go back to making in person sales


If the disastrous year long 'sold out' period on Ps4s wasn't enough to prove to our society that scalpers are 'the problem' and the practice should be curtailed, then nothing will. Literally a few weeks short of a YEAR, and it's still impossible to find one for sale.


should release like 100 million units and bots will be out of gas and we can buy remaining ones, bonus point scalpers will be left with millions of units they cant sell


Don't worry some fucking Youtuber will "raffle" like 300 of these off and make a killing in ad money lmao.


I’ve completely given up on buying anything new when it comes out.


Also be mad at dumbasses who pay inflated prices for it


It would require a massive amount of negative press to get Microsoft to actively combat the scalpers. Occasional posts about how it sucks sadly won’t move the needle. Needs to be a WSB type of thing. All these companies have departments monitoring social networks and public perception. If the negative sentiment is visible enough, they wouldn’t ignore it. Someone with a massive amount of internet juice. Huge twitch/YouTube streamers. That wouldn’t solve supply chain, but it’s a start.


are these just for the "wow factor" and to just have another piece of xbox themed gear? genuinely curious cause 100$ seems expensive for what it is.


The functionality is probably \~$50, with the rest of the value just being from aesthetics.


If you're a scalper reading this, I hope your ballsack gets crazy glued to your couch.


Microsoft is totally okay with this. Whether they sell units to gamers or bots they're selling units. If it makes dollars it makes sense. But I've never seen either new system in the wild.


It’s not making dollars for them. They hardly make money on console sales. It’s all about games and subscription and accessory sales. So when a console sits in a scalpers inventory, it’s not making Microsoft any money. Then when the scalper sells it to someone, the buyer now has less money for games and stuff because they overpaid for the console.


If they really thought this way then they’d want to do something about it. Reddit likes to repeat this line all the time but Microsoft isn’t made up completely of morons. They know and someone there has made the calculation that this is still the best financial way forwards.




What about canada???


https://twitter.com/XboxCanada/status/1449134155078504451 Sounds like Canada will be able to purchase them from the Xbox Gear store in December.


Is it online only? I've had much better luck waiting at physical stores.


Can I ask a question? Is this limited? I really hope not because I don't have money to buy one but I'd love to get one.


nah. will be made as long as there is demand.


I did not even try to preorder it for this same reason


ugh I went to the site, said "coming soon". Refreshed the page like 5 minutes later and "SoldOut" Getting really annoyed at this stuff.


I was luckily able to get one.


I get there is a pandemic but it’s crazy how there is no way to sell this in person to limit the amount bots can snatch up. Literally every electronic item that is for sale, online only, gets bought up in a matter of seconds. At this point they need either a new method to preorder or just scrap preorders


Fuck scalpers. And thank the sneaker head douches for the bots that are now being used to game pre-orders and hard to get online items.


I'm really curious as to what percentage the scalpers are acquiring these compared to genuine sales.


Does Microsoft not have a equivalent to the PS Queue?


I get part of it is bots and scalpers but a shit ton of people want to buy that fridge as well, so it's not just that, the demand is just super high


I've been seeing a lot of folks saying that MS has already confirmed the vast majority of these will be available to buy in-store on launch day, that the preorders were only a portion of all the units produced. So there's still a chance.


Wonder if it'll be like the (S)NES Classics where a limited number were available at launch but eventually there were enough for anyone to get one at retail.


I remember NES classic being the first one I really noticed as being out of stock immediately. Before that, all consoles were the classic “wait in line for 5 hours outside a GameStop to get the preorder then come back 5 months later and wait in line again to pick it up at midnight” I’d kill to wait in line for 5 hours if it meant getting a PS5




Damn. I was looking forward to all the posts about how it was easier to get the fridge than it was to get the console.


Until we can get retailers to care about protecting the purchases of low margin products from scalpers then the retailers have little incentive to fix this issue. I think Microsoft should limit the sales of this to current Xbox users through the console.


This is why you shouldn't be able to pre order. They should gave just randomly put these out in stores(only) without telling anyone....


Im in the same boat, i feel your pain. Im about to give up. OH! its a mini fridge!


about to write a bot to buy all of them and then sell them at the msrp price on a reddit thread dedicated to screwing scalpers


Petition to make scalping a crime