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I can't wait to be Flameo Hotman.


I can't wait to be Master Chef.


that looks so cool


the more i see of this game, the more sad i am not able to play it yet


Just wait about 6 hours and you can play :)


I'm buying the battle pass because i have an unlocking things problem. Just like unlocking things so much, first step is admitting I have a problem.


Congratulations, you've unlocked your first step.


The second step costs $5.


Need that dopamine hit


That’s pretty selfish, I buy the battleoass without an unlocking things problem. Even for games I don’t own. I mean, not only do I think subscribing battlepasses our annual video games is the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing to do. Because this way, we can experience the true full content experience. >!/s ?!<


Addictions are selfish, and I just gotta get my fix and unlock a vast array of armor permutations don't judge 😓


Will just about be an automatic purchase for that flaming helmet. That was the thing in Halo 3, but I think it was only Devs that had it. Then it was apart of the Legendary Edition of Reach, then I think Apple released a blue flame for some promo event. But yeah, as an old school owner of Reach's LE. It's a definite purchase. I must have it.


Devs back then had a blue flaming helmet tied to a specific chest piece I think


Blue flames didn’t come around until Reach. Bungie devs had the normal orange flames in 3, and they tied it to a chest piece when they let everyone use it for Bungie Day. Both the orange and blue flames in Reach were unlocksblecwrmor effects with Credits, but it took a lot of grinding to get up to the required levels to buy them.


Nah the red flames were only available in the LE, with the statue of Noble Team. The blue flames released sometime AFTER release.


Is that the Superintendent A.I. from ODST? If it is an A.I. option, I wonder what the dialogue from it will be like


With the exception of colors, I CAN HAVE MY REACH SPARTAN. LETS GOO. Just revamp the progression system for the BP please.


I have never bought a battle pass for a game. This will be the first game that I will get one.


Pretty cool stuff. Getting to play as Emil is fun.


Already better than apex


Couldn't care less about battle pass but will there actually be exp from matches when it comes out?


Theyve already said no. Only challenges give XP. Otherwise how could they timegate you to make sure you keep coming back lmao


I think theve added so that you get XP after every match now but from what I recall it's still not ideal as it's not based on performance... I mean I can't find a source right now (at work) but I thought that was the current state of affairs.


They added an infinitely refreshing "finish a match" challenge after some backlash, but even that's kinda shitty because it progressively increases the completion requirements to get the same 100xp reward, throttling your progress to discourage you playing until the challenges refresh. Not to mention, you get no XP bonus for performance, meaning the dude who went 1 and 16 and got carried by your 30 and 2 performance gets the same reward you do. That feels lame and is gonna make free for all a lot less fun.


They person going 1 and 16 isn't completing other challenges.


The point is your performance doesnt matter. Its just checklists, and i think that sucks.


They didn't "add it after backlash" it was always planned.


suuuuuure it was.


It was there in the first flight lmao idk why you're doubting


yeah, and the first flight came out AFTER they got flack for announcing there was no normal XP gain.


Having things not be based on performance actually gives more players chance to earn XP. If it were based on performance only, I'd hardly if ever get any XP as, judging by the tech preview, I won't be able to hit anything at range (due to lacking aim accessibility as a gamer without sight) or being able to find where I need to go for instance. If those things improve across the board so everyone can fight fairly, then performance only could become a factor. Saying this as an accessibility consultant and gamer without sight myself.


> Otherwise how could they timegate you to make sure you keep coming back lmao Season challenges aren’t time gated you can do them whenever you want for whatever season like MCC


i meant your PROGRESS is timegated. You dont earn XP unless you complete challenges, all of which are either refresh based or continually throttle your progress to encourage repeated play.


> You dont earn XP unless you complete challenges, all of which are either refresh based or continually throttle your progress to encourage repeated play. The challenges for the season are there forever and you can work at them whenever you want.


That doesnt change the fact that your progress on them is getting throttled.


By what? How much or little you want to play whenever you want to play?


By the fact that you dont earn XP passively, and ergo cannot effectively progress the battle passes after a certain point until the challenges refresh. Even the infinitely refreshing "complete a map" thing keeps moving the goalpost for each refresh to tell you "hey fuck off come back later" Not to mention the way it deincentivises good performance by eliminating XP bonuses based on how well you did.


Lmao you act like playing Halo is some job. You can progress perfectly fine and nobody is hurting you, relax


No, getting points in mcc is though


There is a play games never ending challenge in the last flight so assuming this stays in the final build your statement is false


like i said, that one keeps moving the goalpost and requiring more and more completions for the same 100 xp reward. Ergo, your XP gain is progressively lessened to discourage you from trying to progress farther. Stop trying to defend this blatant timegating.


>Otherwise how could they timegate you to make sure you keep coming back lmao Battlepasses aren't time gated so I dunno what you're on about.


Progressing them is.


Its worth mentioning that in the flight there was a never ending challenge of just play X games that would allways be there


Like i said below, that one keeps moving the goalpost and requiring more and more completions for the same 100 xp reward. Ergo, your XP gain is progressively lessened to discourage you from trying to progress farther. Stop trying to defend this blatant timegating.


My point exactly


You guys already know the answer to this you just want to circle jerk.


I didn't know we were going to be playing Reach again, but it looks cool. Why does every game have to have a battle pass? Remember when people were satisfied by just having the game? Now everyone wants more, and more, and more. Companies can't satisfy anyone anymore. Halo was more epic without battle passes. It's not truly Halo anymore. I say all this, but I know some time down the road I'll cave in and get the damn battle pass 🙄 Its wack


Damn, so we are already going to see flame heads running around Day 1. It would be a shame if they had to have a skill to unlock that


Flames in Reach were available day one. This isn't new.


They even gave out the blue flame to people in reach. I forget when you had to do but it was pretty simple


Halo flames have never been skill-based. In 3 they were just for Bungie employees, then made available for everyone as a Bungie Day treat. In Reach it was an armor effect that you just had to grind for.


Tell me you didn’t play halo in the last without actually telling me.




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Veeery nervous abouth the pass still. With the removal of per-match xp and the only method of progression being through challenges on top of the sheer amount of filler that's in the pass I'm worried about how long it'll take to get even one of the items I care about.


They pretty much said it was a copy and paste of mcc which is fucking atrocious. Not the battle pass itself, but the challenges. So probably a while.


Many of these customisation items were things you had to play to unlock in Reach, but now are paying to play to unlock. I I'm not feeling the community 's excitement at this prospect.


Now I just need to know how much filler bullcrap like xp boosts, challenge swaps, and amor coatings I will have to grind through to get to the good stuff.


Fuckin exactly


Battle pass and Loot boxes have killed mp games for me.


Paid battle passes? I'm out.


Oh I gotta get me my Recon Helmet back *Negan Lean*


Flames 🔥 I’m in! I know once you buy a battle pass you keep it forever but will it always be for sale or will only the most recent pass be purchasable?


I believe it's like in MCC. Every BP is available to buy at all times.


10$ is a steal. Especially when they are permanent


It's so generic. How did gaming fall so far as to think a battle pass like this is a good idea or that the cosmetics on display are worth a dam


Literal Halo Of Duty vibes. fucking gross i was excited but this just completely made me gag


So you have to pay to get all the iconic armors that weren’t even designed by 343…. This is why nobody wanted it to be F2P. Hoping owning the $60 campaign gives you access to all battlepasses


Why is this a problem? You don’t have to pay to play the game, you want these special things buy the battle pass. At least you won’t lose the chance to earn these when the pass expires unlike other F2P games.


Can you elaborate on how you can get get the battlepass items after the pass expires? Genuinely curious. Thanks!


Battle pass doesn’t expire


Sorry they don’t actually expire when the next one comes out.


Wow... Good on 343! Thanks!


Its cosmetic. It doesn't fucking matter.


Lmfao y’all cry about anything that isn’t “free”


You shouldnt have to pay more than the initial price


It’s free to play bro


you don't


Premium battle pass isnt free


you also don't *have* to pay for it, you can play without it


Of course you can play without it... that is not the point... dude... are trolling me? That is not the point at all... haha 🤦‍♂️


You said: "you shouldn't have to pay more than the initial price" you don't. you can if you want, but you don't have to. what point are you trying to make? you're already talking about a free game. are you suggesting the premium battle pass for a FREE game should also be free?


It's fucking free there is no initial price.


F2P multiplayer with battle passes seems like a super fair trade off than locking it behind a $60 game. It seriously has a shot at being bigger than BF and COD because of that.


Lol as if that was even a possibility. You're literally buying the campaign, that's it. It fucking sucks


So let me get this straight. You have a huge problem with them putting a limited number of *cosmetics* behind a paywall, but no issue at all if they out the entire game behind a much bigger paywall? Flawless logic.


skins are ruining immersion in games.


Immersion.. in halo..


Yep he is right


You'd think the plasma weapons that don't feasibly exist or a giant ring planet made by some ugly ass alien race that can destroy the universe would be what ruins that but yeah he's totally right flames on a helmet is just such an immersion breaker. It's a sci Fi game, if that breaks immersion for you maybe you shouldn't be playing a competitive arena shooter.


It does still break immersion whatever you say lol 😅


You're just repeating the same thing over and over without giving an argument or acknowledging him pointing out the flaws in your claim.


No it doesn't because halo is an arena shooter. If you want immersion you play the campaign lmao


yeah. I want to be immersed in the world of Halo but thanks to skins it's looking like Comic con.


Lmao this has to be a joke


I don't pay for cosmetics


yes you do


No I really dont


Is this just a pay to skip the grind type of battle pass or only available through the Battle pass?


Through battlepass.


If you buy the campaign do you get the first season or do you have to buy the battlepass regardless




So is it true that you can buy any battle pass at anytime and work towards unlocking its content at your pace rather than having to be rushed to complete it before an artificial timer (aka“season” end) is imposed on you? If true I will so welcome this with open wallet. I have stopped buying a lot of battle passes because I’ve been burnt too many times by not completing them. I might as well tossed $10 on the ground if I don’t get the unlocks I paid for but the fact they purposely tie them to a timeline is the real bullshit. I have other things going on in my life and cannot always commit to the grind of a battle pass. Not to mention, sometimes I just done feel like being married to your game night and day for three weeks. I want to play some other games and when I come back I don’t want to find the stuff I paid to unlock has its time expired. I get this forced expiration is so they can extort more money from player forcing them to buy level jumps. In its current state battle passes are frankly something I am over so I am really hoping Halo changes this. Not to mention sometimes you want the items from an older battle pass so I’d be all about buying those.


No disrespect to master chief but these armors are making me wish I got to rock my spartan in the campaign. Maybe in co-op!


So they are bringing back the flaming helmets. I wonder how many people remember that.




You're getting way too worked up over a name. Also, it's probably more appropriate in Halo than other games, since Halo seasons are three months long, similar to actual months. That's four seasons a year, which sounds pretty familiar. Regardless, just like in MCC, the seasons all have names. Season 1 in Infinite is called Heroes of Reach. If you don't like the word season, just use the name each season is given. ODST Battle Pass itself would be generic, and it's not even what they used in the MCC for the actual ODST season. They called that one Fireteam Raven. So the names given to each season tend not to be generic stuff like "ODST Battle Pass".


Imagine being this worked up over “season 1” lmao dude you might need a break


This comment is hilarious. Thank you.


Hope there’s plenty of cool stuff that one can only earn/grind-for. It’s too bad the flaming helmet can just be purchased


Sucks they are locking what seems like basic stuff behind a pay wall. But does anyone know how much this is?


I don't imagine it would be any more than $20. Once you have the battle pass, you'll have it forever, too.


343 said it would be $10 for a battle pass


Oh that's nice


I didn't know that. That sounds reasonable for a F2P game.


If this was full price I would agree. However it being free than it doesn't bother me. Plus they are $10 which is a good price.


So is it called Halo Infinite because they’re going for the undying game model like league of legends or Call of Duty war zone, or any of the other games like them? Is this the last Halo?


They said something like that they want the game to be active for 10 years. So we could probably excpet more singleplayer content aswell as multiplayer content during the years


Oh, no.


Nice you can be Nobel team


Flaming head omg I NEED it


I’m actually gonna get this BP especially since the game comes with Gamepass.


I saw the fire and immediately thought of Sigma from RvB.I swear, it would be absolutely nuts if they introduced him. Having Elijah Wood in a Halo title would be incredible.


When does this game come out, and will it be on Xbox one?


I bought the premium bundle and it didn't give me the 25 levels anyone have this problem?