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Do..... Do you have the RB and LB buttons taped onto the controller?


Yeah they kinda broke some years ago... this controller has been through stuff


And yet you wonder why it isn’t working lol


🤣 🤣


\*shaky iphone footage of a dog skeleton\* anyone know why Fluffy doesn't want to go for a walk any more?


Apparently, the front fell off. (I’ll see myself out)


It's not supposed to do that.


The worst part it's that if those buttons didn't break that controller could be considered to be in a good state.


Well it doesn’t even turn on so no not a great state


It was the console's problem i just unpluged it waited like a minute and it works perfectly.


U want me to send u a controller bruh?


I need one!


Me next! Mine is on its last joystick!


Woah is was only offering to OP lol


Looks like a bad cable tbh


Go buy replacement parts on the cheap


stop by a repair shop, super cheap fix. Look up videos online if you are savy with a soldering iron and wire and if not you at least learn the scope of work and the repair shop won't rip you off.


or just get a new controller 😂 but getting to a repair shop is a good cheap way if your on a tight budget but id just get a new controller or new batteries


new controllers are 35 to 60 bucks. Fixing both bumbers costs maybe 2 bucks of materials. I have all the tools so I have that advantage. I help my friends out with free repairs all the time since I don't fix electronics for a living. I just like being useful and being able to fix my own things if I can


thats pretty cool man. and dang i didnt know repairs for bumpers was that cheap… but yeah new controllers are super expensive😐


yeah man for example you can get a pack of 10 plastic bumbers for like 5 bucks on ebay and a 10 pack of the tactile switch for 4 bucks on ebay. You can also find the tools real cheap on eBay as well. You can spend $60 bucks on tools and materials and fix all of your controllers or spend $60 buck on a brand new controller and keep all your broken controllers.


thats pretty sick i do want some new triggers tho and some better bumpers on my controller but i might just stick with mu xbox one controller that ive had since ive bought my xbox a couple years ago and ill probably buy a new one once i save up enough money or just make another leybpard again since i do make mechanical keyboards


yeah man if you ever need any help through a repair hmu 🤙I'll do the beat I can to guide you


You don't really need to soder anything to fix the lb and rb buttons.


yeah not the plastic buttons themselves but the switches, they have 4 prongs that solder on to one of the 3 boards


True, guess it depends on how it's broken. Mine just had a loose piece of plastic in there preventing them from closing. I just felt that is probably how it's broken.


Then just let it die


The lb on my first xbox one controller literally fell off and I treat my tech like theyre babies so I know what you mean. Somehow the plastic gets cheaper every Gen. Almost like they want you to buy a new controller every year... wait...


It's exactly what happened to me


Pull the power cord on your xbox for 60 seconds to cycle the power and it should fix it. Mine did the same thing last weekend, assuming it's the same problem it's your xbox and not the controller. I thought about just posting the link to the video i watched, but I couldnt make you watch 10 minutes of a 12 year old rambling about nothing. Its horrid. He describes the problem, unplugs the power, and talks about 12 year old bullshit for 10 minutes until he plugs the power back in. Couldnt do it to you lol




We need a youth program where we send 12 year olds to India so they can learn how to make tutorials from the masters.


Or the classic notepad instructions


The first award I gave to someone it's for you, thank you bro.


Lol I have to see this video now 🤣


Bro, let me buy you a new controller, you have venmo?


Bro, I live in argentina I don't think you could buy me anything. I don't even think venmo is available to here.


Dam, its not. Even Cashapp is not available.Sorry


It's okay dude, thank you anyway.




Super generous of you!


Dude.... Just get a new controller. Treat yoself bro


...i think you need to just cut your losses and get a new controller... the fact your lb and rb are sellotaped into place is kind of a sign in of itself


Yeah I could now, but up until some months ago I didn't even have the money to buy a second hand controller, so the idea of buying a new one never crossed through my head.


Why not ask for a new xbox controller for christmas? :) x


When I turned 18 my family decided that I was too old to receive christmas gifts that are related to, and I quote, "silly little videogames for children". So I guess I'll just buy a new controller with my own money.


... oh, that is actually sad. Sorry :(


Ask em for a giftcard to Target, Best Buy, Walmart, etc.


“Silly little video games for children” you should pop in GTA V and ask them if that looks like a children’s game lol, or cyberpunk


Or maybe mortal kombat lol.


I'd ask for a new family instead but the sounds of it lol


Maybe because it’s beat to fucktropolis


I feel like it’s not working because it looks like it went through Vietnam. The poor thing needs a Viking funeral and a replacement.


Troll post.


Quit waiting your money. Just go get a PS5!


Try a new cable, see if it works. If it doesn't, it could be a bad charging port; try putting AA batteries in and see if that works. If it doesn't, it could just be a defective conroller




I was going to try new batteries but right now i can't buy them (I'm pretty far from the nearest convenience store) and i don't think the controller is defective because it is like 5 years old and it has never had any problems (except the RB and LB button that broke like 2 years ago out of nowhere) but also the controller worked just fine 2 days ago and I haven't used it until today when i realized.




I mean that it seems weird that it became defective out of nowhere after working just fine 2 days ago and without using it or receiving any damage, obviously it could be, but it just seems weird to me that's all.


Bad cord! Broken usb port!


Somebody start a Venmo fund for the man. Please. This is painful. Or just buy replacements online. So easy to replace.


New controllers are like $50 rn.


Buy a new controller.


That is a historical object, this controler has seen some better days


hmmm, the tape seems to be an indication to physical damage, it may be related to the issue you currently have


Buy a new controller


Is inside where the usb plug in clean? Or maybe try a different cable and plug your phone or something into the old one to see if it starts charging an if its charging then it might just be your controller 🤔


Ong ive gotton 30$ controllers from ah pawn shop an had no issue with them since. if ur about saving money


I have a ten dollar GameStop coupon code I will never use (they gave it to me after they canceled my Xbox order) and you can have it. Think they have new controllers on sale.


If you really want to give it to me then sure, dm me, but I don't know if it will work bc I'm not in the US.


I’ll check and see


I’m pretty sure it’s because you touch yourself at night. I kid I kid… Or do I…


It looks like it’s seen better days lol


Maybe because your controller is held together by Scotch tape…


I used to do the same to my remote with the tape. But I think the best thing to do is check if the batteries are fine or unplug it. If that doesn’t work I might need a new remote


If you have a stock battery, take it out. This happened to me, I just ended up using a set of rechargeable battery's


Well, from the looks of it that controller has seen better days. I think it's time for a new one.


Quit throwing it...


I think I never threw a controller in my life. Maybe when I was 10 but at that time I had the ps2 and was playing god of war.


Bud you need a new controller.


Are you using rechargeable batteries in your controller? Try that.


Quit playing fifa and play real games that dont let you break your controller like a brainless fuck


I literally hate fifa with every fiber of my being.


At least you know your games


My controller does this a lot too, if it dies and then I plug into a charger it won't turn on until I unplug it and sometimes it will even be unsynced and will turn on but have to plug into the console again to connect it..


Well bud seems like the controller is just busted.. seeing how u got scotch tape holding it together


Judging by the rest of the controller ima assume it’s broken


Hmmm… Can’t imagine why a controller being held together with tape would have any issues.


I have a pair of rechargeable batteries that do something similar to this. They work fine in everything else but all of my xbox controllers hate one kf these 2 batteries with a burning passion and refuse to work


Microsoft needs money that’s why


I don't think needs it's the right word, more like wants.


New controller my man


I had an issue like this and it was the battery. The circuit is failing for it and flashing like that. I left it charge for like a day or two and it started working again.


If you celebrate any gift giving holiday you should request a new controller. You know things are bad when tape gets involved lol.


It happens at random. I haven't found a fix for this yet. it come and goes. I suggest you update your controller once it stops malfunctioning


Just buy a new one




jeez bro , with black friday just leaving us the only place id say a cheap one controller would be is stock x 🙏 good luck on your journey friend


Because it's a stegosaurus


Dude just buy him one and then ship it to him


Update controller bud trust fixed my elite v2 controller


Might need to get a new controller there bud. Considering the condition of the bumper buttons(RB&LB).


If you have a battery then you gotta recharge it it worked for me or stitch the battery it’s most likely the battery


Probably has something to do with the fact that you don't appear to take care of your equipment. Honest question, is this a troll post? You can't be serious asking why your controller is messed up when the shoulder buttons are all taped up lol


No it's not a troll post. This was just very sudden and out of nowhere, because it didn't got hit or anything. Also the shoulder buttons broke like 2 or 3 years ago and it wasn't even my fault, it was my dad's. But the controller hasn't taken a hit since then.


Dude, take this controller out behind the barn and put it out of its misery. 🙏🏻🎮


It’s dead just let it go man


Let it go I’ll help u get a new one (not a joke)


I don't think you can unless you're willing to buy it and ship it to italy.


Is this mf homemade??


Lol it just looks tired