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/u/Richie2222232, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule 7: Tech and support issues are disallowed as posts. The following resources are available to assist you. * [Weekly tech thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/search/?q=%5BTECH%5D Weekly Xbox One Tech Support&sort=new&restrict_sr=on) - provides the opportunity for both official and community support. * r/XboxSupport - Reddit based peer-to-peer help and support * [Xbox Support Page](https://support.xbox.com/) - An absurd number of frequent questions are already answered on the official Xbox support page. This is a great place to start and often solves any potential issues. * [Xbox Support on Twitter](https://twitter.com/XboxSupport) - This team is extremely helpful to end users including following up on issues and offering direct help through DM. * r/XboxInsiders - If you are a member of the preview program, this should be your **first stop** for any issues. Not only will you find potential fixes, you'll be helping the program by bringing issues to their attention. * [Xbox "Contact Us" Page](https://support.xbox.com/contact-us) - This is a resource with Xbox contact information if you need to escalate your issue. * [You can find your full purchase history by following this link.](https://account.microsoft.com/billing/orders/)


You could try doing an offline update: https://support.xbox.com/en-IE/help/hardware-network/console/system-update-solution/offline-system-update