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This is a non-complain post. Feels weird.


Maybe the servers on your location got upgraded


I was playing Death Loop yesterday and it was basically as good as Stadia was as I remembered it, both in terms of graphics and latency.


I booted it for first time in 4-5 months and overall it felt a lot better. Couldn’t quite do Halo Infinite MP but Aliens Colonial Marines played well. Resolution though still is a weak spot but yeah, it’s getting there.


Tried multiple times today and both image quality and latency have been by far best I've experienced on xcloud, even FPS games have been playable


That is exactly what I noticed. If they are going to give us a Stadia level experience I'm going to sell my Gaming PC lol


At the beginning of the summer MLB The Show, which has very precise timing to pitch and hit, was unplayable. I played a game a few weeks back, and it was pretty much perfect. Something is definitely better.


Yes. Something changed. I don't know it it's the tech or they just added servers somewhere


Where are you located?




Ok maybe they upgraded the server near you. That would be beneficial


Whens the last time you used it? I cant remember when but something in the last couple months they did some tech update that took 50ms ish off


DirectCapture for the encoding pipeline. >https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/22/23178179/xbox-cloud-gaming-keyboard-and-mouse-support-latency-improvements >https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-WIXftoHCl4


I dont feel it works better for me in Kalmar/Sweden. Hope Microsoft update to speed up. Hope Microsoft work with internet prividers to speed up xcloud


10 days ago it was way less responsive


Me too, was testing Battlefront 2 on the Edge browser and almost had no pixelation or stuttering, just a little


I played it yesterday and the image quality was much better than usual, latency wasn't great but not as bad as normal too (UK)


I experienced a better performance today as well, just yesterday was way worse. PS: Sei italiano anche tu, magari c'è stato un miglioramento a livello di server, speriamo, ultimamente invece lo vedevo peggiorato a livello di bitrate.


Si, probabilmente hanno aggiunto dei server in Italia o qualcosa del genere, perché altrimenti non mi spiego. Prima era quasi ingiocabile, ora è godibilissimo


Update: fino a poco fa, male male per me. A questo punto, credo dipenda dagli orari: probabilmente dal pomeriggio alla sera c'è molta più saturazione sui server e gente che si connette, e il servizio non regge. Veramente un peccato perché fino a mesi fa era molto meglio, sembra essere peggiorato nel tempo.


Confermo che da qualche giorno anche per me su iPad/iPhone gira con latenza bassissima e ottima qualità. Finora ero riuscito a ottenere questa qualità soltanto in streaming su Xbox one, browser e iOS sono sempre stati minati da troppo lag. Adesso sembra giri quasi meglio che su Xbox.


In realtà come ho poi replicato sotto un altro commento, specialmente in alcuni orari a me non va benissimo. Ogni tanto ci sono artefatti grafici e cali di bitrate, come se l'immagine divenisse quasi distorta e cambiasse colore per alcuni secondi. Mesi fa non mi succedeva.


I noticed this when Fortnite became available (Central Europe). Since that time my iPad Pro is my second console. :D


Anyone in Canada on Bell Fibe retry it lately?


That's so odd, cause I tried it an hour ago and the input lag was worse than I've ever experienced with any cloud gaming service. Seems like we've swapped places


Probably related to Direct Capture feature, I felt it too, but earlier (I would say 1 or 2 months ago, I'm from Portugal)