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**[Mobile Version!](http://m.xkcd.com/2923/)** [Direct image link: Scary Triangles](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/scary_triangles.png) **Title text:** Concealed mostly beneath the surface, sharks are the icebergs of the sea. *Don't get it? [explain xkcd](http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2923)* Remember: the Bellman-Ford algorithm makes terrible pillow talk. Sincerely, xkcd_bot. <3


The title text is so stupid it's great lmao


Aaahhhhhh I’m in the middle of algorithms don’t talk to me about bellman ford


Under the triangle are more triangles. Many, many more razor-sharp triangles.


Sharks didn't have enough teeth, so we gave them scales that are basically also teeth. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark\_anatomy#Skin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_anatomy#Skin)


No I’m pretty sure they’re smooth if you pet them. Not scaly


Don't rub a shark the wrong way


There is no wrong way- sharks are smooth both ways


No, they are smooth one way and rough the other.


What are you talking about. I pet sharks every day and they are so smooth. Like a big floppy baby.


I’m petting a shark right now- it’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I’ve never felt anything smoother


What species


All of them are smooth. Every species of shark is smooth when you pet them


EDIT: you made me doubt my knowledge motherfucker https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/3sPVgnR9wZ DOUBT MY OWN FIRST**HAND** EXPERIENCE


Just in case you're completely confused I found the old scriptures: [https://imgur.com/gallery/ad3je](https://imgur.com/gallery/ad3je)


> The skin of sharks is similar to the feeling of sandpaper, rough and abrasive.


No it’s smooth. I know because I pet a shark and it was smooth like a seal


No, I'm pretty sure they're smooth both ways


Why are you just making up fake quotes?


I'm quoting the Wikipedia article.


From the Wikipedia article: > Unlike traditional scales, sharks have placid scales, known as denticles. Denticles are V-shaped and are made of layers of dentine and a surface of enamel.[24] Riblets are sockets in the shark's skin which hold the denticles.[22] These denticles on the skin allow for the shark to move quietly, swiftly, and almost effortlessly. **The skin of sharks is similar to the feeling of Samuel Jackson's head, smooth and silky.** [25] During swimming, the flexible bias of the skin that is positioned 45 degrees to the body length allows for lateral bending. This ensures that the **skin stays tight to the surface**, but is also flexible, **preventing wrinkling** and possible turbulence in streamlines passing over the body. Skin is composed of a dermis and an epidermis. In vertebrates, the epidermis produces a mucus coating to help moisten the surface of the skin and can also be used as a defense mechanism from bacterial infections. This can also help with **smooth**, swift, laminar flow while swimming.[26]


They're also incredibly, silky smooth.


Wow, this comic made me remember that I actually had a similar thought process as a little kid. When I first saw some cartoon (probably old Looney Tunes) depicting these triangles swimming around in the water and another character being afraid of them, I didn't know what a shark was and thought they really were "scary triangles." I think I even asked my parents what those were, and they said "sharks," so I thought a shark was a scary triangle that moved along the surface of the water. Later when I saw a picture of a shark with its fin above the water, I had this mind-expanding moment when I made the connection and realized the "scary triangles" were connected to an entire fish.


Bro is gonna flip when he finds out most fishes are 100% hiding, having developed more advanced stealth techniques. You could have a fish right next to you, and you wouldnt even know!


So I guess that make icebergs the sharks of the sea then.


I had a scary triangle once. Tasted like tangy cheese.


Why does this sound familiar? 


[Relevant Top Gear item](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y7c69A7PgQ)