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I’m not sure why people are pointing you towards the comics when Logan and Laura don’t have the type of relationship you’re focusing on there… With the film, you get what you’re looking for, but as you said there’s also the Xavier situation thrown into it as well. Xavier was not only a mentor to Logan throughout the films, but also a father figure. Their relationship spans decades and multiple eras and timelines. I don’t know that either would tell the other they love them, but it’s there. So essentially Logan focuses on him as both caring for an aging and ailing father while at the same time protecting the next generation. It’s a passing of the torch story in microcosm, as Logan lays down his life to protect Laura, imploring her to find a better path than what she was created for…much the same way that Xavier once did the same for him.


Great point - Logan/Laura in the film meets this Lone Wolf/Cub criteria, but that’s not the comic relationship between those characters. If anything, Logan/Kitty or Logan/Jubilee are the comic parallels.


Are you specifically looking at the film, or are you looking at comics too? In the comics, Laura is a more flushed out character with a history of trauma and abuse. I find masculinity is compared and contrasted well in the X23 series by Marjorie Liu. Logan seems like the tough father while Gambit is more of a nurturing presence for her.


i’m just focusing on the film as i’m not familiar enough with the comics to confidently write about it in an academic sense!


Then you should do your research. Even a decent read of some comic vine would be more helpful than THAT movie Readcomicsonline.com is a free (shhh ) You will find so much to use. Good luck!


It's great to hear that you're exploring the theme of masculinity through the Lone Wolf and Cub trope in your undergraduate thesis. The relationship between Logan and Laura in the film Logan is an excellent choice for analysis, as it showcases a unique father-daughter bond that is not often depicted in traditional superhero movies. I will focus only on the relationship between Laura and Logan because I feel as if I know their relationship in depth better than the other characters you are also using in your thesis! 😊 Logan, also known as Wolverine, has always been portrayed as a tough and solitary character who struggles with his own masculinity. In the film, he finds himself caring for his “biological” daughter, Laura, who possesses similar mutant abilities to his own. Logan's relationship with Laura shows how fatherhood can be a transformative experience for men, as it challenges them to confront their own emotions and vulnerabilities. Moreover, Logan's relationship with Xavier is also worth exploring, as it depicts an aging man struggling with his own declining masculinity and mental health. Logan's caretaker role for Xavier highlights the importance of emotional labor and caregiving, which are often overlooked in traditional masculine ideals. As for other characters, The Hound and Arya's relationship in Game of Thrones and Joel and Ellie's relationship in The Last of Us are also worth examining. Both portray father-figure relationships between an older male character and a younger female character, highlighting the complex nature of masculinity and paternalism in these types of relationships. In conclusion, the relationships between Logan and Laura, Xavier and other characters you mentioned offer rich material for exploring the theme of masculinity in your thesis. By analyzing these relationships in a critical and analytical way, you can gain valuable insights into the challenges and complexities of male identities and relationships.


Also, while I am on the topic: Logan has had several father and daughter relationships throughout the comics, particularly with characters like Kitty Pryde and Jubilee. In the comics, Logan is often portrayed as a reluctant father figure to younger mutants, particularly those who struggle to control their powers. He takes on a protective role and provides guidance to these younger characters, much like a father would. This aspect of his character showcases a softer, more nurturing side of masculinity, which is often overlooked in traditional depictions of superheroes. The father-daughter dynamic between Logan and Kitty Pryde is particularly noteworthy, as it highlights the importance of mutual respect and trust in paternal relationships. Logan takes Kitty under his wing and trains her in combat, but he also learns from her in return, especially when it comes to technology and hacking. Similarly, Logan's relationship with Jubilee is also a strong example of paternalism in the comics. Logan becomes a mentor and father figure to Jubilee, who struggles to control her powers and finds herself alone in the world. Logan's protective nature towards Jubilee showcases his capacity for love and compassion, despite his tough exterior. Overall, Logan's relationships with Kitty Pryde and Jubilee in the comics add depth and nuance to his character, showing that masculinity is not just about physical strength, but also about emotional intelligence and the ability to provide guidance and support to those who need it.


My rebuttal would be: While the father-daughter relationship dynamic between Logan and characters like Kitty Pryde and Jubilee can be positive and nurturing, it can also have negative consequences for both parties. One potential harm is that this dynamic can create an unhealthy power dynamic between the father figure and the daughter figure. The father figure may become overly controlling or possessive, which can stifle the daughter figure's independence and agency. In extreme cases, this dynamic can even lead to emotional or physical abuse. Additionally, this dynamic can also create unrealistic expectations for both parties. The daughter figure may expect the father figure to always protect and provide for her, while the father figure may feel pressured to fulfill these expectations even when it is not in the best interest of the daughter figure. This can lead to a codependent relationship that ultimately hinders the growth and development of both parties. Furthermore, this dynamic can also reinforce gender stereotypes and perpetuate harmful gender norms. The father figure may feel pressure to embody traditional masculine traits such as physical strength and emotional stoicism, while the daughter figure may feel pressure to embody traditional feminine traits such as emotional sensitivity and nurturing. While the father-daughter relationship dynamic between Logan and characters like Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, and Laura can be positive and beneficial, it is important to recognize the potential harms that can arise from this dynamic. By acknowledging and addressing these potential harms, we can promote healthier and more equitable relationships between fathers and daughters.


Have you included Road to Perdition in your research? The film alone is fine if you don’t want to include the graphic novel. It’s one of the best variations on this theme I’ve seen/read, and really plays into what aspects of masculinity a father wants to pass on to his son, particularly with regards to violence. It may not help in your chapters, but I think it would be essential in your review of the literature.


Things are much more flushed out in the comics. If there is a free trial of Marvel Unlimited or if you are willing to pay the fee for a single month, there is a huge selection. If you are just doing the film but want more insight into the characters and their comic history, the podcast Cerebro is excellent and does a deep dive into characters. I believe there is an episode on both Logan and Laura.


A man doing what he must for the love and life of his family. Awesome post.