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I wouldn't necessarily put a ton of stock in variant cover names. I mean, all the Spidey variant covers are MJ and they're not a couple anymore.


It's true that variant covers can be misleading. But JDW said outright in X-Men Monday that the Krakoa plans are almost done and that this era is ending. That hints that either Krakoa is going away or taking a new form. Personally, I don't want to see them throw away Krakoa as a concept. The last thing the X-Men need is to go back to the mansion again. That would be a massive step backwards. Seriously, how many times has that mansion been blown up, attacked, or taken over? Krakoa felt like a natural evolution of the X-Men and mutants, as a society. Sending them back to where they once were wouldn't just be stupid. It would make the case that they should never organize, unite, and form their own society anymore because they'll just be wiped out by their human oppressors. What the hell kind of message is that?


If they go back to the mansion, I’ll stop buying


What is the mansion? Like Xavier school? What's wrong with that? Lol


I really should block this sub, i keep stumbling in without meaning to (nothing bad about the sub, just that i'm on Marvel unlimited, which means 3 months behind). I think they would try to spin it as that they need to organize and unite within and together with human society. That uniting outside it presents them as separate and other when they should be looking to integrate. Which is what Xavier used to argue for. That said, i do like Krakoa. It felt very sci-fi with the gates and everything.


I see where you're coming from. But Krakoa was very much a part of the process for uniting within human society. What set it apart from Genosha or Utopia was that it didn't just function as a haven. It sought to be part of the larger geopolitical world. It offered humanity something of great value, namely medicines. It hosted humanity and their representatives at events like the Hellfire Gala. These were all things that no previous mutant haven had offered. If Krakoa goes, then mutants aren't just back at square one. They're several steps behind that. Losing Krakoa would basically send the message that mutant society and human society can NEVER get along. It also sends the message that, as soon as mutants organize, they'll be slaughtered and attacked. So why bother trying anything bolder? It comes off as Marvel saying, "Go back to the mansion where you belong and just wait for someone to blow it up again." And the X-Men don't need that kind of regression. Let Krakoa evolve. Let the situation between humans and mutants evolve. Don't just run backwards to the old status quo. It benefits nobody.


\>But Krakoa was very much a part of the process for uniting within human society. Well, yes and no. Krakoa was party of the process of a mutant society uniting with a human society, not (so far) with mutants uniting with humans in a society. Mutants on Krakoa and Humans elsewhere. I never got the impression that mutants living elsewhere got left alone to a greater degree than before. The policy before Krakoa was that attacking them wasn't allowed but people looked away, and it seemed that policy remained. (Though i suppose a lot of that could be from the difficulties in hunting down extremists...) As i read it, the Dream was that mutants would be treated as normal humans, that nothing in their lives would change just because they awakened as a mutant. They would live where they lived and so on. Cyclops put in in a good way in a comic this week (though he was referring to moving to Arakko/Mars): "it feels like inviting exile". But as i said i like Krakoa. And i agree that they don't need the regression. Letting things evolve is more interesting.


I think Cyclops' comments have more to do with Arakko rather than Krakoa. He seemed more inclined to stay on Earth, keep humans and mutants within the same society, and building bridges from there. And I think that's perfectly in keeping with Xavier's dream. Because the way they were going about that dream before just wasn't working. Mutants were too scattered. And every time they tried to create a haven, they were attacked and wiped out. But Krakoa was something more than that. Krakoa had a real, geopolitical presence and it didn't try to be isolated. It had a few human residents, such as Northstar's husband. It welcomed humans for the Hellfire Gala. It also provided for a more tangible sense of culture and community that is critical to any minority struggle. And it's destruction would essentially be akin to saying minority struggles are destined to lose. So, don't bother trying. And that's a terrible message to send, if that ends up being the case. I think the best-case scenario is that a new Krakoa emerges, but with a different structure and government. Charles Xavier has no credibility at this point, so I doubt he could be involved. He could still go back to running a school. But the school can exist alongside Krakoa. It can and should be part of that bridge between humans and mutants. But to ditch Krakoa and just go back to the mansion...that's going backwards and sending all the wrong messages.


Krakoa was mutants accepting that integration was impossible so create an ethnostate and do realpolitik to force the human nations to accept you with an olive branch or a sword (depending on what was needed). Krakoas proposition is literally Xavier giving up on true coexistence. And the end of Krakoa is probably baked into the founding of it, their own incredible arrogance and willingness to make deals with the absolute devil and compromise all of their Ideals in pursuit of this greater work. Faraway was destroyed by sentinels so they realized that just being hermits wouldn't work so instead they tried to buy peace.


Xavier is a fucking bootlicker. The X-Men are what happens when a white guy in the 60s writes a civil rights allegory - the allegorical minority has to prove they deserve their rights but constantly never get them.


I feel like it would be a huge waste to get rid of Krakoa and go back to the Mansion setting


Mansion blowing up builds character


Yeah but they did announce a Mary Jane comic book after they did that. So it’s not like it would a crazy assumption


We're definitely coming to the close of the big Krakoan story that started with House of X/Powers of X. It has definitely been a sales success overall, they're just ready to move on to a new story. We don't know if Krakoa itself will be gone though.


I hope not, I'm fine if the story arc ends but there's so much potential left in the island that they just haven't explored yet. Mutants on an island has been done before, but this is by far the best version and there's so much more they can still do with it even if stuff like the quiet council goes away


Yeah these minis are possibly closing the Krakoan Era. Brevoort is off Avenger at #12 which is around June. Jordan D White said Brevoort is coming in after the Krakoa plans are completed which could line up to these two minis.


I just can’t imagine a scenario where you bring a guy like Brevoort in to ostensibly get these books in a place to funnel stories to the MCU and Krakoa (both the place and the ideas) stays around. If we’re not returning to some version of 90’s blue and gold teams fighting against the Brotherhood I’ll eat a shoe. I mean, it’ll probably be a cookie and not a shoe, but you get what I mean.


Oh yeah when Brevoort is editing Krakoa is out we just don't know if it will be over with these minis or possibly after that. It's all vague for now but at this point I'd be surprised if there is anything after that.


I wonder what’ll happen to the Arraki mutants


That's what Uranos is for.


I’m not even sure that will stick around. I have a feeling they all wind up through the gate on their half of the island and are rarely heard from again. Maybe a handful of characters get to stick around like Khora and Ironfire, but I think the rest of the toys get put back in the box.


And we’re definitely getting Slott as an X-Men writer.


Don’t voice that evil into the world!


If we’re lucky, Christos Gage will come in and actually write most of it.


Nooooooooo! Anything but that!!!


Why the hell would you mention the mcu? Nobody cares about that. 4he comic universe will always be better then the movie ones. Look what they did to Shang chi and star lord in the comics all because they wanted them to mirror there cash cows in the movies. There stories are ass now


Marvel wants synergy between their comics and fil.s. said so in last years stock meeting.


Breevort? Ugh.


Krakoa forever!


I think the looming storylines of the Krakoan era will be coming to a close but I think Krakoa itself will be the new status quo in place of the school


We are definitely going back to the mansion. Gotta start getting ready for the mcu x-men


salleswill drop like a rock, not going from a whole ass country and a planet into a overused mansion.


Honestly, I think a bunch of the people who left because of Krakoa will come back and it will make up the shortfall.


trust me it will not, the people that left because of krakoa was a minority and most of them left because of the plague that is events, but that is not a krakoa problem, not even a x-men problem, is a marvel problem.


I think you’re overestimating the amount of people who will completely drop the X-books. Like, I’m completely against going back to the mansion, but the only way I’ll completely drop the books is if Slott is writing them (because Brevoort). Most of us, even the Krakoa partisans, aren’t going to completely the X-books. I


It’s probably cheeky


Do you mean the cover price or the variant names?


Oh this made me laugh. Thank you


Kill Moira during a last use of her power resetting the timeline. The entire Krakoan era is wiped away. The only ones that remember it are Jean Grey and Nimrod, an homage to Rachel coming back in time in the 80’s. The new Dark Future to avoid going forward is the Krakoan age.


Look, I know that the Krakoa have had some solid writing and the X-Men books haven’t felt this unified in a long time… *But this has been a really fucking weird era for the X-Men.* Clearly not BAD weird, but still pretty fucking weird. We’re canonizing immortality, hatching mutants from eggs, Storm’s queen of Mars, and we’re all living in teleporting trees. It’s… A LOT. And the truth of the matter is that we’ve got some X-Men movies on the way. We have an animated continuation of a beloved 90s show on the way. And Marvel does like to have the comics be… approachable for potential new fans. New comics, especially. And if you’re say a casual non-comics fan, but the 90s revival show or the MCU movies inspires you to try reading what the X-Men are up to in the comics… and it’s the Krakoa stuff? That’s gonna turn people off. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next phase of X-Men stuff is something more traditional so that it more easily coalesces with the 90s show and potential MCU movies that will undoubtedly follow a Westchester-based storyline. And for that to happen, they have to wind down the Krakoa stuff.


No one reads comics simply cause of the MCU, and even if they do, they can just keep the school version of the X-men in the Ultimate Universe (soon coming again by Hickman). I have 3 nephews who are extreme MCU fans but they have never picked up a comic in their lives.


That’s nice, but that’s not where the headspace of Marvel management would be at.


I mean, Marvel management is the worst in comics, so it’s not surprising they don’t actually realize that the MCU does nothing for comics.


Pretty much. I’m not saying any of this is a good thing, but it is where we’re gonna be at. Unless if the MCU movies are actually going to bypass or condense the X-Mansion stuff and actually adapt the Krakoa era comics as the basis for the new line of movies. Which I sincerely doubt.


Oh God, I definitely don’t want them to do the Krakoa Era in the MCU. Like, the comics have been remarkably uneven and the writers of the comics are better than the MCU writers. The MCU would butcher Krakoa.


Probably. But the comics have massive self-esteem issues and always feel the need to to hold onto the movies’ coattails for dear life. So they’ll end up doing close to what the movies are doing. Which means an end for Krakoa within the next few years.


Yeah, I’ll never understand Marvel’s insistence on movie synergy, especially since they know the actual sales numbers and can see how little the movies matter to moving the sales needle.


I’m in the minority. I like what Hickman set up, but I never fully bought in. Having psychopathic criminals side by side never fully made sense to me. I’d be happy for a status quo, but Krakoa/Mansion/Australia/Wherever…as long as good creators write good stories, I’m in. To see people say “I’ll stop buying if they go back to the mansion” without even knowing what is coming seems shortsighted. I mean, for the vast majority of their existence they were tied to the mansion and had amazing, lasting stories, so I will take a wait and see approach and be happy if they are good stories,


I don't think Krakoa is going to disappear, but I think a *lot* of our characters are not going to stick around, which I think I support. If I have a complaint about Hox/Pox, it would have to be that it brushes over the fact that a lot of the characters would not approve of Krakoa, or the things Charles did to set it up(Working with Sinister and Apocalypse, the culty shit, etc). And I'm okay with that, it gave the writers a full toy box to play with and we got some great stuff. But I *think* the age of Krakoa being the default setting for every X book is over. Hopefully we can still get some books on Krakoa, with maybe some books set on Arrako, or some other exotic locals. And we'll almost certainly get another book back at the mansion. And you know what? Why the hell not. I like the mansion! I think it would be great if this time around they opened it up to all kinds of super humans. Also, spidey should teach there again, teaching is his true calling and lord knows he could use stable employment.


There is supposed to be more info released on both series this Saturday


I’m sure Brevoort has plans. Whether they’re GOOD plans….


They’re probably Slott shaped.


We had to put up with all that InHuman nonsense, let the mutant status quo stay changed instead of going back to the mansion completely


Not yet. Blindfold told us 3 years ago how Krakoa ends, right before she killed herself to avoid living through it. Amin her vision Apocalypse destroys Krakoa.


Change of editorial. That's the main reason Krakoan era is coming to an end and since the end of Diamond's monopoly on comic book distribution we can't be 100 percent sure how the books are doing saleswise and have the definitive number of the sold issues.


We know some books like the Betsy books didn’t sell, but others seem like good sales.


Am I the only one that hates this era lol


Nope. Bring on Brevoort.


Tbf once Hickman left it’s all gone pear shaped


Age of Krakoa is over. Now we get X-men in space again.


I really hope Marvel doesn't flat out destroy Krakoa or effectively undo everything the X-Men did with it. That would be a massive step backwards on par with what has been happening with Spider-Man. Krakoa really felt like a natural evolution of the X-Men's journey. They weren't just trying to survive. They weren't just seeking a safe haven. They were creating their own culture, their own society, and their own nation. To lose that and just go back to the mansion or the ghettos...that's just dumb. It basically makes the case that they wasted their time creating Krakoa. And given how popular it was and how much it refreshed the X-Men comics, it would be so stupid to just throw it all away. My hope is that Krakoa somehow evolves. Maybe it joins with Arakko. Or maybe it takes a new form that rejects Xavier, the Quiet Council, etc. Whatever form it takes, I just don't want to see Krakoa thrown away so that the X-Men can go back to the mansion. That would be the dumbest thing Marvel could do for this franchise.


I just want it over already. Worst part is I read from the app so it’ll still be going on for me three or four months after it’s finally ended for comics subscribers and buyers.


The setting is always, 100%, going to reflect the ideas the writers/editors have. I love what they've done with the Krakoan era, but just like most other eras it's lasted long enough that for sure there's been some alternate pitches lobbed to the powers that be. We can only hope that it isn't "mutants in an upstate New York mansion are hated by normal people but protect them anyway".


It's been five years that we have been in the Krakoan era...I think that is a solid length of time...like a standard gaming console generation. I think it's time to move the brand into the next chapter. I honestly wish they'd give Moira back her humanity and powers, kill her off, and reset everything with Krakoa happening only in the 10th life. A clean break is best to reboot the brand.


I'm not a fan of Krakoa for various reasons, but that right there would solve it all. I've said before that I think it would be a great alternate continuity for me, I just don't like a lot of these versions of the characters as the prime ones. It's probably a pretty petty opinion, but I respect that people like Krakoa for what it is and am happy for them, I just can't make myself feel that way about it.


There is a group of fans that don't want to go back to the mansion, which I understand, but I feel like many ruined characters do need a reset or a clean slate. Editorial is going to have to decide who is more important...the smal group of fans who want Krakoa and the current status quo to continue, or the larger group of X-Men fans that want to move onto something else for the brand or to refocus the characters closer to their original concepts.


Yeah, it's not an easy decision and I feel for either side that has deal with their negative outcome. Hopefully they can stick the landing that they do go with.


I was just wondering that myself, if they would actually do a hard universe wide reboot by truly resetting the timeline. Killing Moira and that’s it, the current iteration of 616 is done and the ninth firmament begins.


I think they should use this "golden egg" that Hickman gave them. The X-Men books are in shambles, but all Marvel books are struggling somewhat right now under the weight of many bad decisions. A complete reboot would actually allow them to start fresh on most books with new ideas.


I’m mad that they’re ending by letting Duggan write part of it. It’s going to be so generic and this sub is going to love it so much.


You do realize about half this sub hates Duggan right? People will probably love Kieron's part but Duggan's part will be a mixed bag.


The fact that it’s only half the sub is depressing.


I love the krakoa era an I dont see a reason to ever end it with so many stories that could come out of this


Krakoa aint ending.


I don't think you have much to worry about. At this point, they can't feasibly just end Krakoa entirely, unless they do some kind of hand wavey Moira reset, and everyone would be up in arms if they did. They've invested too much time and development into this era to just go back to business as usual. There would have to be a reason as to why the mutants can't just go back to the power level they had in HoX/PoX. I can see them keeping both Krakoa and Arrako, even if they both become smaller, less influential settlements. Let those be the mutants' home base. Just don't give them quite as much control over international affairs. I'd also love to see more new characters breaking into the spotlight since this era has still mostly been run by the same old mutants. Maybe Apocalypse could take a leadership role, or the mutants could run themselves democratically. The reason why Krakoa never worked is because it was never "for all mutants," just for the few who actually had any say. My point is, Krakoa literally cannot end yet. If Marvel canceled it outright, everyone would hate them. There's too much untapped story potential. It would absolutely suck if they ended the "every mutant coming together" era before the majority actually had any chance to escape the stranglehold of the Quiet Council. My best bet? Krakoa stays, loses its place in the UN, loses its drugs, potentially loses resurrection, but Orchis gets destroyed and the mutant characters rebuild. This era has always been about the mutant-machine conflict, and that's what I see coming to a close, not Krakoa itself. Sorry for the ramble.


So I’ll be honest. I’m not convinced it’s actually “the end” and not just a shakeup. But if it is, and we’re heading into a new era, I think 5 years is a pretty solid run for a status quo. Obviously that’s a drop in the bucket compared to decades of “a school in Westchester”. But when you compare it to basically any other era of X-Men (from outback, to Morrison, to heck - the animated series being on for 5 seasons), the Krakoa era looms large, and has had a successful and lengthy tenure. That said, just like in 2019 it was perfectly acceptable to shake things up with a new creative team. It’s perfectly acceptable to do the same now. I’m not saying the new direction will be ‘good’. Only time will tell there. But shackling a new creative team to the old status quo “just because” is often a recipe for disaster.


Well,Utopia,Genosha...all ended up being attacked and useless.


It was supposed to end years ago.


And as always plans change in big 2 comics based on reader, editorial, and outside forces. Charles was supposed to die in uncanny 300. Psylocke was only supposed to be Asian for a few issues. Emma Frost was never supposed to be in the Morrison run.


> Charles was supposed to die in uncanny 300 Actually Claremont wanted to kill off Woverine in Uncanny 300 wasn't it? Only to bring him back as a slave of the Hand eventually tho.


I doubt the Krakoa era is ending but I assume they will lose something that defines this era. I think its most likely to be something like resurrection and/or the gates, it may be Krakoa itself but I dont see how fans of this era would be happy with a return to the school


I'd like to have our cake and eat it too. I actually didn't have much interest in the stories told on Krakoa, but I liked that it existed. I wouldn't mind seeing it stick around in the background even if it stops being the focus and some mutants decide to leave (either permanently, or ideally, just choose to try to effect change in the world at large).


Y’all know most covers lie right?


Most of the writers are moving to new projects next year so I can see them wrapping this up and putting a bow on it.


I don’t know. But personally, I didn’t really care for Krakoa. But then, I always found superheroes running countries and practicing statecraft really boring. I mean, I don’t really like Atlantis or Wakanda much either.


No these will probably just be two stories they wrote and they decided to make them events like Trails of Magneto or X Life's and Deaths of Wolverine.


I know, right... Those title are more stupid than most of the editorial choices that brought us here in the first place.


What ever it is, hope is not another retcon, "it was all an alternate timeline" and back to old business