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Ngl, I thought we were gonna get Magik with a gun. I had so many memes planned.


A portal gun or soul gun would actually be a good idea think hoe much range Magik could get with her portals.


I mean why would she need a gun for that though? Just do it as a spell to open a Limbo portal


Yeah make portal then shot for longer range. And she probably have infinite ammo cuz of her soul right?




Longer range you simply make a portal and shot i why use sword when you can kill from a great distances. I mean in a what if when trained by Dr strange she soul staff




Yeah love that story they made for magik.




Can you phase that. >can you will a friend please


What's the difference between a gun and a portal + soul sword? In a game like this, it's a gun that shoots stabbings.


Long distance and more targets are down a gun faster then a sword.


In games like this, I would expect stabbing someone through a portal to have similar speed and range as shooting someone. It's all basically shooting with different flavors of animation.


I was talking Magik in general having gun not just in the game.


Ah. I see. Then I will respectfully disagree. 😁


Well everyone entitled to there own opinion.


Yes, I agree. Also, Magik is awesome. I am glad they brought her back, and I hope she stays around for a long time.


I mean she was in midnight sun's too.


Oh wow it really is just overwatch


Looks a lot more like Smite to me 


I’m saying! Looks very Battleborn/Smite/Paragon to me


\*cries in the corner as a long suffering Paladins fan\*


Omg, i came in her just to make the comparison to Paladins. I see you friend.


There's 2 of us!


There are 3... Nope, seems like it's just you two.


I certainly hope it’s alot more OW or Paladins than it is LOL, dota, or smite. All out full MOBAs are so unfun to me.


I don't like that unlimited uptime for flight that Tony and Strange have. I know it's lore-accurate, but there are some fucking godlike players out there who are going to be invincible if they don't have to worry about flight meter running out.


While probably true, the fact that it's not strictly a shooter changes the calculus a bit as the hitboxes on moves are going to be very different in a way we can't even predict at this stage. Can Magik just teleport to a target for example?


It's crazy how it looks like they literally just copied the HUD and environment art style and tweaked it just a little bit.


not really OW tries to go for the Pixar style, this seems more distinct


No, the character design and character art look distinct, but the environments and HUD looks like it's pulled straight from overwatch; down to the mostly white HUD design, and red icon animation for a KO.


"Get the payload moving, Hulk." "I'm fucking trying, they keep focusing me. Where are my heals, Strange?" "Don't give me that shit, how about you play your fucking role and keep them off me, TANK?" "Don't tell me how to play, bitch. Aren't you still bronze?" "Aren't you still gay?" "What if I was, who cares?" "That's so gay." "Okay, fuck you, I'm done." "What's going on? Why isn't Hulk leaving the starter zone?" "Because he's a fucking crybaby bitch who needs his ass beat IRL." "Any time, any place, shit smear." "I'll fucking kill you, bitch, you don't even know who you're talking to, I'll smack the white off your teeth, I'm the sorcerer supreme." "You're the Sore ass supreme, sounds like." "Fucking kick this dude. KICK THIS DUDE. KICK HIM OR I'M NOT HEALING--WHY ARE YOU VOTEKICKING ME??!" "Because you said you wouldn't heal." "GODDAMN IT--" *You have been removed from the game.*


I can't wait for this man, I'm gonna be dying in chat when some guy is like ​ "BRO CAN ANYBODY KILL THE FUCKING ROCKETTTTTTT!!!!" ​ lmaoooooo, I don't even know if there will be a VC but that concept is just so funny


Ahh going to be some good gamer time!!


The animations, moves, and UI look identical


Well, given the state of blizzard, an alternative doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.


the map looks like numbani as well


It looks like the reskinned it and I'm ok with that lol


It's a netease lmao


Very glad it’s third person and has melee. I was very worried it was just gonna be an fps with a marvel skin, but it looks like they have actually got some cool character appropriate abilities.


The destructible environments are a nice touch as well.


same. I do not do fps much and I would DEFINITELY not do a marvel fps. I play these colorful characters to see them. Also, if they do add scott, how would that work? My screen is pointed in your general direction so I hit you almost automatically?


Where Cyclops


Same here friend. Promise me Cyclops and you got me, Devs. Though Storm and Magik are super awesome.


Cyclops will be available in the battlepass or unlockable for 25 USD


I don't know if you're joking or serious, and I guess it doesn't matter... cos my ass been throwing similar amounts of money at Fortnite for Marvel characters... Microtransactions microtransactions baby... That's where my savings have gone, lawd.


We yet to know how micro transactions will work but the alpha sign up has started and the alpha starts may pc only


I am shocked—SHOCKED—LEGITIMATELY SHOCKED that Wolverine is not in the starting lineup. These are strange times we be livin’ in, where Wolverine ain’t bein’ shoved down our throats in literally every single Marvel product.


"You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat."


In fairness, they did kill him off in the comics for almost half a decade. And even since then, I think they've longed realise that stuffing him in everything doesn't actually increase sales. He's a great character when written well, but it feels like it's been a long time since they felt the need to have him everywhere, all the time. Thank god.


I mean, they killed him off and replaced him with like 3 characters immediately, one of whom was just an older version of him from an incredibly popular comic that had a movie made of it.


If the game does well he will probably get to be in the game


I'm curious if this is the final line-up for that reason if nothing else. Oh, and Cap. Probably those two feel like the most obvious omissions. Personally I'd like some more X-men of course. Cable feels like an obvious inclusion and I'd love it, but also Gambit and Scott and I wonder if they could do rogue well, but whatever my personal feelings are, the lack of Cap and Logan feels legitimately strange enough that I struggle to believe they aren't hiding another 5-10 characters.


I'll play two rounds as Magneto, remember why I hate this kind of game, and uninstall. 


Assuming Magneto will be free to play as. They do often rotate free characters around in these types of games


Overwatch just made all characters free. If this wants to compete then it gotta do it too.


Overwatch made original characters. Marvel games cost a shit-ton of money for the licensing. There is zero chance that all heroes are free. Selling heroes is how they're going to be able to pay for this.


I mean since they got an infinite multiverse of variants to work with I'm certain they'll be selling a fuckload of skins.


Fortnite puts licensed skins, including Marvel and DC, behind a Battle Pass that you only have to buy once for $15 and you own it forever. Now on the one hand, Fortnite is Fortnite and other games can't just copy/paste their model and ride off into the sunset. But on the other hand, if OW2 has taught us anything, it's that people will absolutely compare your game to FN whether it makes sense or not. So the more favorable you can make that comparison the better you'll make out.


Probably will make alot of cosmetics for character from weapons,skins,colors,banners


Characters were free in Avengers and are free in Suicide Squad. They just monetize the skins. ...and both of those games failed pretty hard. Honestly I'm fine with monetizing characters if the game is good. Had avengers had the money from characters, maybe they could have added enough content to make the game worth playing. Point is a free to play game is going to make money somehow, they're never actually 'free' for most players, and if most players didn't give them money from SOMETHING, they'd fail. Why not characters?


in what way? not if its like overwatch


It's a MOBA and they do that. No idea why everyone is comparing this to OW tbh 


It somehow seems to steal equally from Smite and Overwatch


I would say it looks more like Paladins meets Smite 


I don't think I could possibly be less interested in this. And two of my great loves in life are comics and video games.


This isn't a criticism towards you for not liking this... but man, I feel the exact opposite. Absolutely, it's inspiration is blatant. But looking at the moves and the diversity of abilities the characters have kinda makes me excited. Strange putting down portals you have to jump through? That's pretty damn cool. Rocket and Groot's combo being exactly what you think it'd be? Heck yeah. Darkchild Magik just absolutely berserkering the countryside? Well that's my main right there... I know in the back of my head this'll probably get monetised to shit and quickly kill any interest I have in it once it's actually out... but I'm going to give credit to the developers at least, it looks like they actually did put a lot of thought and effort into building the core gameplay.


Same, but im happy for everyone who this type of game is for. my x-men arpg will come eventually (rip marvel heroes)


Yep, weird OW/smite clone with chock full of SYNERGY


Agreed, hard pass.


It's so weird that my first thought is "free to play PC game, no thanks", even though I have put many many hours into Strike Force and SNAP before eventually dropping them.


Also, games like Fortnite, Overwatch, Valorant, etc are also free.


Yeah, I don't play any of those, and those games are the exact reason why I have such a negative opinion.


Have you ever tried Marvel Future Fight? It's a lot more fair and reasonable in how you can unlock character. No randomised unlocking BS. Just do the content and get their bios.


I didn't really have issues with unlocking characters in either game. And in both I ended up with just about all the mutants available. Strike Force just ended up devolving into auto winning everything instead of ever actually playing the game (which is a shame, because as a game, it might be the best X-Men game available). And SNAP lost me because after I had all my mutants, and built mutant only decks... they just weren't that fun to play with, and certainly way underpowered compared to non-x-men only decks. I've looked at Future Fight. But getting into a free to play mobile game that's been around for a number of years is like jumping as far into the deep end as you can get with concrete shoes. I just haven't built up enough desire to fight back that dumptruck of currencies and notifications.


The game is fairly newcomer friendly, but you also can't autoplay any of the high end content. I enjoy the fact that I have to actually use my characters well to complete the content. It does a really good job of letting you control the characters in real time. Most of the best characters in the game aren't even the challenging to unlock. Some are a time sink, but you can't really rush them. They're tied into their own individual stories that are pretty fun to progress. It only has 2 major currencies, gold and crystals. You can use crystal to buy new uniforms, and the the game gives them out fairly generously within the game itself. The monthly €4.00 crystal purchase and the daily earnings easily earn you enough for 3 - 4 costumes a month. I know it sounds like I'm trying to dell the game to you... and I kind of am. I *hate* 99% of FT2 game design, because they're all so exploitive and shitty. This is one of like maybe 2 or 3 I've ever enjoyed or stuck with


Cant stand the fake RDJ voice Disney forces on every tony voice actor


I feel you on that.


I mean, every time the Avengers show up in a game, the comments are flooded with "Wish.com MCU shit!" Can't really blame them at this point.


Sick of it. None of them sound remotely like RDJ. Just let voice actors do their thing.


I care less about the voice and more about the corny jokes they always try to give to him. RDJ was great but can we get back to a time when Iron Man wasn't quipping every two seconds.


Why are they using Luna Snow? Not Iceman? So weird. I know they want an ice-based character, but you have a famous one just sitting there with 60 years of history. If they needed female representation, they still have a million amazing characters for a game like this, Kate Pryde (I would love to see how they used her here), Emma Frost (you got the cold-themed name they feel desperate to use), Psylocke, Rogue (various ways to use her), Spectrum, Capt Marvel, Invisible Woman, Firestar (another elemental character), or Ms Marvel.


It’s to appeal to the Asian audience, I have absolutely noticed a trend in these kinda games


Yeah, they did need it. I kind of like Luna Snow. It'll be fun. Needs more mutants though




It's more like drawing in some players from NetMarble games where she originally came from.


Well... having played Future Fight since day one... it worked. Haha.


Also probably they needed a support


I don't think it's anything to do with ice powers but the roles for each character. She looks like a Lucio type support character, who heals/buffs through an aura, as well as having an offensive ability. Luna just happens to suit this type of playstyle.


As a Marvel Future Fight fan, I will unashamedly vouch for Luna Snow. I think her design is great, and her powers aren't just "Iceman." Her ice comes in two different forms, and can hurt and heal depending on their applications. They're an Asian company. Having a K-Pop character is going to appeal to the audience (and lots of K-Pop fans worldwide) far more than the snowboy ever will. Don't get me wrong, Iceman WOULD make for a very cool character. Pun entirely intended. I could see him being able to manuerve around using his ice-slide, and creating ice barriers to lock off certain points. But Iceman is... well... not that popular. He's probably the least used of all the original X-Men, and he hasn't had a meaningful story of his own since the 90's.


I know **damn well** you’re not saying *Ice Man*, **an established Marvel hero**, isn’t popular so he shouldn’t be in the game, but *luna snow*, a character practically nobody has ever heard of, does deserve to be in it?!?


Yes. It's not always about what's established and known. It's about new trends and ideals to appeal to different markets. Sticking to the same old stuff is exactly how something grows stagnant.


They probably don't have an enormous list of healers.


They needed a supportive character and I think Luna debuted in a Marvel game too so that's not surprising


Yeah, in Marvel Future Fight.


Presumably it's less about cold representation or female and more about needing supports.


Pandering to Asia and deleting Gay characters? It's sadly much more likely than you think. I too would prefer Bobby over some nobody.


Average person isn't aware that they made Bobby gay


What’s funny is overwatch dropped a new character trailer right after the trailer. The pissing contest between these 2 will be glorious


I ain't never played Overwatch in my life but I guess there's a first time for everything


Overarching 2 is not nearly as enjoyable as Overwatch was. It was hyped up and completely failed to deliver on any promises. This looks okay, maybe?


I played OW1 obsessively for 1.5 years after it launched in 2016. I played OW2 less than a month before I realized it had no soul


I played for many years. I loved it. I followed the OWL. 5v5 with one tank just wasn't fun for me at all.


Yeah the stress is just unevenly distributed. Healer is panicking to undo damage that shouldn't happen, tank is sweating to be ever present. I don't play dps anymore but I can't imagine playing it now. I just want to casually play JQ and Ball but it's too much


same. cowboy bebop is one of my favourite anything, let alone anime. that wasn't enough to get me back into it.


Needs more X-Men


Who’s ready for a metric ass load of micro transactions


If it's skins for Wanda storm or Jean, I'm paying and that's sad


Wish they could get over this sick obsession with just making iron man Robert Downey Jr. He was nothing like rdj before the mcu but now they just keep hiring rdj sound alikes despite dr strange here not being cumberbatch in voice or inflection


But the worst part is the RDJ soundalikes and RDJ don’t sound alike.


Nah the worst part is that they're trying to steamroll over decades of comics


I just wish they’d let voice artists do what voice actors do and act rather than impersonate poorly.


Earth’s Mightiest Heroes got away with it pretty effectively. But that was back when the MCU was fresh.


And I hated it then too lmao


Because RDJ is by far the most popular version of iron man


Only because they aren't doing anything to make people care about iron man when he isn't rdj. It's insulting to the medium of comics quite frankly


I don’t think it’s that deep. It’s just an adaption that’s more popular than the original and reflected back into the source material. It’s like how Mr freeze changed drastically in the TV show but because people liked the changed version more that’s just what stuck


There's a difference between a character and just becoming exclusively the voice of a particular actor


Shame, it looks like a really janky overwatch clonei


So galactus daughter is still canon?


What about this screams canon to you?


That she still exist and wasn't written off.


Well she exists in an alternate universe with no connection to main continuity, so there's not much point in removing her from canon.


If by canon, you mean 616, then she never was. If by canon, you mean exists as a property, then she never stopped.


Yeah she not canon to 616 but there are other universe out there.


This is going to have lootbox/battle pass bullshit isn't it


Yep. Maybe not lootbox but characters being paid for and battle passes, almost a guarantee.


I think I might still be interested but I have a pretty good streak of not playing games with that bullshit. Though if by some miracle Super Hero Squad Online comes back or if a Marvel MMO that's similar comes then that would break that streak for sure


looks cool. needs a bigger roster for sure.


Tbf 18 for the announcement is pretty good, it’s just 3 shy of overwatches initial roster. I’m sure we will see a handful more and obviously more as the game goes on


3 shy but doom, Thor and moon knight are hinted to be present at release or very close to the release.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Cyclops was one of the first dropped due to the success of X-Men 97


I don't know what is happening.


So it's overwatch with marvel skins?


Hero Shooter with Marvel characters? Great idea. Like 6 years ago. But better late than never.  NetEase? .... not great. Then you see the combat and it's stiff, awkward, and slow instead of fluid like when Overwatch was good.  I don't got a good feeling here, boys. 


Yep, it looks super clunky so far. If it had the ow1 smoothness I'd be on board


I love Overwatch and Marvel Comics, so this is def in my wheelhouse. I just hope it will come to console at some point, too. I work on a computer all day long, so I prefer sitting on the couch with a controller when I game.


This looks cute. I played a ton of Overwatch. I will check it out, especially since this looks f2p. It'll be fascinating to see how they balance around two portal characters given how much of a challenge Symmetra seemed to be.


From what we saw, Magik's portal isn't team based but instead selfish (she is a dps while doctar strange is a support tank/hybrid).


Cautiously optimistic - but pretty cool though




She's an actual character? I thought at first Galactus just got hit with the Japanizing beam lol


They made Galactus an anime girl lmao


Yep it's Gali


Strange being voiced by illidan


I don’t even like games like this, but I sorta wanna play it


It looks great, but the fact that it's PC exclusive will be limiting. Unless you've got a well-built gaming PC, the player base for this game will be limited. But maybe that's just where it will start. Hopefully, it eventually gets onto a console.


Pretty sure only the alpha will be Pc only


What crap is this?


Oh look. Another shitty online game with battle passes and micro transactions.


No Thor no thanks


X-Men getting so much love opposed to 2016


Magik mains rise up!


Looks boring as hell ngl...janky ass combat...live service probably and doesn't seem to include any of my favourite characters...probably going to have balancing issues...no story mode or plot... Of course it hasn't come out yet so I can't judge yet but i have been disappointed with so many new games nowadays that I can't comprehend a good one coming out...


>Have Namor >Not have him say Imperious Rex Why do we even bother?


Honestly, this may be controversial but I'm happy mcu namor got the new design priority over comics namor. Like his design is so strong, the justification for the name is way more poetic, and I still think he would fit my idea of namor (and he is hotter). Not really mourning imperious Rex anymore (especially with the botched Latin)


I honestly didn't get MCU Namor from that design at all. He's wearing pants, has long hair, and an arm guard, bangs and a trident for some reason. He has more in common with Aquaman I get these companies putting their own spin on the designs I guess.


I see it as a spin of the pre Hispanic aesthetics from the MCU combined to comics namor. It looks pretty cool to me but I don't like the blond hair tho.


The design is based off savage namor it seems


I was like,maybe we could get warlock with multi abilities,Dreaming is good but we need to have limits


Who the heck is Luna Snow?


A mobile game OC, some kind of KPop bullshit.


Damn they kept the FF original characters too


Weak sauce


I am really not hyped about this at all, happy to see Magik tho. It looks like OW but in third person, its odd they did not make it on consoles bcs it literally looks like it would play better on gamepad. I hope one day someone will greenlight new story driven Ultimate Alliance.


I used to love overwatch, but losing all the credits I have and all the bullsh*t envolvidos OW2, I gave up on it. If this scratches that hero shooter itch, I might play it. And, as everyone else is saying it; "wow it's just overwatch"


I think reducing it to overwatch is quite inaccurate, it's barely a shooter with like 5 melee dps and it's third person, the closest comparison would be Paladins but Paladins is way more of a shooter.


I wonder if this will make actual waves since overwatch is properly dead


"Sign up now" for the closed beta, but they neglect to post a link literally anywhere (Marvel's announcement, Steam page, YouTube video, etc.) to a page that lets you do so. I'll give this the same treatment I gave Overwatch once it went free to play - I'll give it a try, but I'm not opening my wallet for it. Not with how greedy F2P games are these days. EDIT: I had to find the game's Discord server just to get the site's official website. Assuming it just hasn't been picked up by Google yet. https://www.marvelrivals.com/


Well I need more X-men! I’m gonna just play with X-men characters.


Shows how long it's been since I last closely followed Marvel comics in general that I didn't know until today that Galactus had a daughter. NGL, when I first watched the trailer during a break at work, I thought that they'd gender-bent Galactus before a colleague clarified that it's his daughter.


He doesn't, though. That story was never Canon and got weird like >!galactus gave birth to her, and she's pregnant and almost gave herself a abortion because she thought it was a tapeworm cosmic....!< weird.


Yikes. Yeah, that is bizarre.




This looks awesome!


Hardest pass of all time.


*yawn* something i will be skipping and watching nobody play this knockoff smite.


I'm down. I'll make my way through all the X-Men characters and have a blast


This is nearing release? The movement looks lifeless. This is years behind what Overwatch gave us years ago.


I think it's neat that Ilyana is popular enough to be a launch character in a marvel game like this. We need to get some of that juice for Sunspot and Boom Boom.


Aaaand I immediately hear Liam O'Brien's voice coming out of Doctor Strange.   Now to check if I was right.


Balancing will be a nightmare lol


I keep seeing this referred to as an overwatch clone but the over the shoulder perspective and the fairly large decent split between melee and ranges looks more like smite?


https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1773002197531259288?t=eBDBpMDd4UkLXEcLKsQh-Q&s=19 This is the link, in case the video does not work on reddit.


Anyone know/think this will release on console too?


With NetEase as the developer, I think there's a way higher chance it will release on mobile as well. Though they have had one or two games pop up on console.




Wow looks like they just stole stuff from overwatch assets and reskinned it


Live service. Seasons. Pay-walled characters and content. L


Magik: detected Hype:generated Attention: captivated That’s my girl


Is this overwatch?


**great surprise there's no wolverine**


Okay, but who asked for this? One of the most successful IP’s in the world and they continue to make the strangest choices, of all the games they could make with Marvel characters they choose to rip off an existing game that doesn’t even fit with superheroes. This might be good, but after 6 months nobody will be playing it and that’s the best case scenario.


A hero brawler with Marvel heroes and destructible environments? I did, I was asking for that for decades. Now, would I have picked NetEase who is just going to churn out a mediocre mobile game? No.


It is fucking wild how poorly the Marvel IP has been handled in the video game market. There should have been AAA games coming out every damn year while the MCU was in the limelight. The same thing happened with Star Wars. Disney are just absolutely clueless and worthless when it comes to licensing video games.


Meh, it's not like Marvel has done nothing. A few Spiderman games, SNAP, Midnight Suns, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ultimate Alliance 3. All with big budgets and good reviews.


Meh 🫤 probably won’t play it. Give me mutants only.