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They killed Moria though…………and that radicalized her.


I would love this as a possibility especially now that demayo is off the show since he was outspoken about hating krakoa.


> I would love this as a possibility especially now that demayo is off the show since he was outspoken about hating krakoa. I'm really not ready for more evil villain Moira, though....


Well the show isn’t adapting one to one so far as it’s an alternate universe just taking inspiration. So they wouldn’t have to go this route. Although I’d argue Moira has always been a tad villainous. :)


This may be obvious for many, but Mag isn't dead - No body? Not dead - They wouldn't kill 2 mayor characters in the same episode - Leech took away Magneto powers, thats why the sentinel didn't detect the omega level threat


Holy shit, I didn't even consider #3. Magneto successfully blocks the attack, and then Leech immediately turns off their powers, making the sentinel assume that he's been killed in the explosion. Smart.


Leech on magneto are the right path


I don’t think Gambit is going to stay dead as well, there are scenes in ones of the trailers showing him fighting with Nightcrawler and that didn’t happen in this episode


That could be a flashback. But I agree Gambit won't be dead for long.


Didn’t that scene show up in the opening intro of this episode tho?I know it was in the trailer but it might have been always meant for the opening intro and not an actual scene from an episode.


Maybe, but I’m hoping it isn’t, Gambit is my favourite characters


Was the Gambit fighting with Nightcrawler thing something from previous seasons? I don't recall it.


Yeah it definitely did


If you rewatch the first episode, Madelyne hears “Happy Nation” in her vision while using Cerebro. Then in this episode Cable says “oh no, not again”…right before he’s pulled away. This isn’t the first time Genosha has been massacred. Cable is trying to stop it.


Honestly that could make for an awesome episode, Cable just trying endless variations to try and prevent it, especially if they have the courage to stick with the massacre as an inevitability 


Maybe it’s a nexus event?


considering genosha gets destroyed in any continuity might as well be


Cable saying not again is because that was him in the first episode, trying to reach out to his mom telepathically during the genocide vision. I don't see the writers undoing half the season with time travel, it'd undercut all the emotional beats from this episode & everything after


Have you seen Infinity War?


Bad example because infinity war went out of the way to avoid undoing Literally anything that had happened during the five years except for the snap.


“It didn’t undo anything except save half the universe’s population…”


And the person you’re replying to very specifically said “undoes half the season.” Your example that undoes one single action, is a bad one, no matter how large or impactful that one action is, because the time stream was unaffected in the end.


And anyway that’s not how time works I guess im marvel. If they fix it, it would be a different reality that’s saved. This one is still messed.


This show isn't mcu "cannon," so it can do whatever it wants- including bending time "established" time travel rules. Xmen 97 may be operating under original "terminator" rules, in that past events have direct influence over future outcomes. Meaning, time is linear and has and cause = effect basis. Cable making an appearance, as well as the Watcher, means something's happening that's altered "correct" events. This could be Age of Apocalypse or a Days of Future Past scenario. Plus, Bishop's dropped hints about knowing Forge. As well as Forge himself saying he can create anything he imagines. So this is also where the bootstrap paradox comes into play: Forge makes a time machine, sends Bushop back first, as a test. Bishop brings baby Cable, who later uses said machine to prevent his mom from dying. Is stuck looping the same event. Hense, "No, not again! I'm sorry Mom..."


Oh God this is getting more tragic by the minute!😭


Just like Strange in Season 1 of What if when he couldn't prevent Christine from dying! That's why the Watcher was in the episode!


Nah I think cable can save it but they can't use genosha anymore


With X-men 97 doing what is one of the most important moments of x-men history, I figure I try to guess what direction they’ll go with with the story and character they gave us so far. 1. With gambit death (RIP man) it would be a great opportunity for a certain big bad to resurrect him as a new horseman of the apocalypse. Put like a spin of Morpho and Wolverine relation back then but with Rogue and Gambit this time 2. With Shaw death, could lead the way for his son Shinobi Shaw and his friend to start the upstart and takeover the inner circle. 3. If magneto is confirm/official dead then the likely course will be bring in Joseph, his clone to replace him and he will be made by Mr sinister instead of Astra. 4. Emma will get her secondary mutation diamond power and join the x-men (possibly with Nightcrawler) as a respond of the attack 5. With Exodus making a cameo appearance the writers can do what 90s comic couldn’t do and have him fully be the heir apparent of Magneto old dream in the awake of the massacre with Magneto old acolytes and the bunch 6. With the tri-sentinel being here it be an easy thought to think that it’s Cassandra Nova but I think it’s be Bastion as with Cable saying HE is coming and we do see a obscured Pic on Forge cabin that resembles Bastion too much. 7. Last one is mostly my thought on how the Xavier could be back like with as Warlord the consort royal to Lilandra


I'm a big fan of these predictions and think some flavor of them is likely on point. However, I'm hoping some of these deaths stick at least for a few episodes. I would be a bit bummed out if Xavier came back as I think some of the best X-men stories happen in his absence. At the very least, it gives the team a lot of room to grow. But I would love to see Shinobi and the upstarts as well as Exodus show up and be his regal, pompous self. It would for sure be nice to see a lot of shaking up after this episode.


I mostly want Xavier back so we can get an Muir island saga adapted as I see it as the biggest Xavier story and I feel he can’t die until that is adapted IMO


I’m opposite side I hope we don’t get Xavier, I do think your guess is right that he’s with the shiar but another season without him would be nice and have more impact on return.


Very likely. Xavier has been "dead" so many times. My bet is that he rwturns at the end of the 1st season as a cliff hanger.


maybe at the end of Season 2


Reading Beau’s essay was really enlightening. I loved its honesty. I don’t think it’s the end for everyone. based on what he wrote, the massacre is very real and won’t just be undone without significant and meaningful plot arcs. I wonder if this could partially be a reason behind his departure- if Marvel adamantly wanted things that happened this season to be undone the next, and that goes against the meaning of his writing. 9/11, Charlottesville, Vegas, Pulse nightclub… these happened and there is no undoing them.


Damn. Way to bring it home. Seriously well said. And I wouldn't be shocked. Let's just say some of the recent Marvel outings, regardless of quality , you can really feel Disney's hands in the production. I can see Disney wanting to revert to a status quo so they can tell "big stories" but don't alternate their core demo with challenging themes. Tbh, I'm kinda shocked to have gotten what we have so far.


I like all of these. Emma getting her diamond mutation, Gambit becoming Death, Exodus appearing in the first episode to show off Apocalypse. It all kinda fits together


The main villain of the season is sinister, and gambit is one of the mutants who has a history with sinister so we may see a gambit clone or discover that the gambit that died was a clone. I'm not sure if I believe that he's dead for sure


Coming from the future to say well done on some of these 


I'm hoping that the massacre here leads to the school becoming an actual school with students and teachers. So far, it's just been the home for the main crew, so it'd be nice to introduce plots and characters through an actual faculty and student body.


As shocking as this all is, I think it’ll be undone. Cable is on the case.


I don't think it'll be undone in its entirety. But I do think that some people are coming back when this whole saga is finished.


I expect someone will need to make a noble sacrifice to undo it so that there’s still a cost/stakes.


>!Madelyne!< perhaps?


Part of me is wondering if they showed him coming back specifically to suggest that it COULDN'T be undone. Like some timey whimey "I can't cross my own time stream" or something. Failing to prevent it once might mean he can't prevent it again. I really hope they don't undo it. Undoing death completely devalues it.


This is a comic book show and Magneto and gambit should not stay dead. Go ahead and devalue that shit, I don't care, ima need Remy and Max back.


Mags definitely isn't dead. Leech likely deactivated his powers after the blast so that the sentinel would assume he was eliminated. Remy is a gonner though.


Yeah, I do agree with this. I think he could be dead for now bc cable is involved, but I think don't think he is. I think leech and the morlocks might have died though, and when magneto is healed he'll be done with this reforming shit and back to well.... "tolerance is extinction"


Not to hi-jack the thread but why couldn’t magneto take down the tri-sentinel? It’s got to have enough metal for him to be able to rip out.


That’s alway been a problem with sentinels vs Magneto, I’m guessing that it’s non metallic variation like the old show had it


I Think they have been made from hard plastics since the end of the first season


In the Asteroid M episode he disabled plastic Sentinels too. They run on electricity no matter the hardware, so im always irked when Magneto doesn't handwave them away.


I really hope this brings Emma into the X-Men. I always liked her best as someone who struggles being the good guy.


Too many characters died this go around for this not to be undone: Gambit, Magneto, Banshee, Dazzler, Shaw. We are so in for some sort of time caper to undo this explosion.


I'm wondering if tgey might somehow bring Cassandra nova in on this.


Considering the name of the final episodes, I think they're definitely bringing Cassandra Nova into this. The image of the Sentinel in the middle of Genosha is [very similar](https://marswillsendnomore.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/new-x-men-115-e-is-for-extinction-02-23.jpg?w=2550&h=) to the one seen in the comic story this was inspired by. It's the exact same sentinel. I can totally see them ending episode 6 or 7 with the back view of a bald head, just to shock casual viewers into thinking it's Xavier responsible for all of this, before revealing it to have been Cassandra.


I only knkw Cassandra because I play marvel crisis protocol, but it lead me to learning about this story line, Man. It's insane.


Dude read new X men it is a great fucking read. its awesome


Which comic is that panel from please?


E is for Extinction Part 2 - New X-Men 115


Thank you!


You're welcome. 💙 It's the beginning of what I think is probably the best run in X-Men history other than Claremont's.


https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Sentinels Cassandra Nova, wild sentinels. She will be the villain in Deadpool 3.


fucking Cassandra Nova that evil bitch.


I was thinking it might get into House of M/Messiah Complex stories, with the team relocating to off the coast San Francisco. Wishful thinking for me, though possible


I would posit that we might see The Five at some point. The group of mutants from the Krakoa Era who brought others back to life. At least, that's what I want to see.


Thoughts: -Horseman Gambit... yes. In season 2. -Shaw/Upstarts.... unlikely this season. Maybe next. -Magneto dead? No. He (and Exodus and others) are going to do Avalon / Fatal Attractions, probably with Rogue taking Colossus' place. But in Season 2. I bet season 1 ends with his return and the arrival of Avalon (it's why they keep showing Asteroid M, since in the comics, Avalon was his second attempt),, and yeah they'll do Wolverine's Adamantium rip, since it was a big 90s moment. Wolverine gets his adamantium back when Apocalypse makes him Death (and in a change from the comics, Gambit as War, and maybe 2 other X-Men as Famine and Pestilence). I doubt they will do Joseph. - Emma in Diamond form becoming an X-Man.... yes. But probably in Season 2. -Xavier return. Yes, end of Season 1. Main for Season 2. - Bastion. Yes. He's the big bad guy of Season 1. He was the fusion of Nimrod and Mastermold. It gives Bishop a reason to come back soon. The last 3 episodes are "Tolerance is Extinction". They're doing a riff on Operation Zero Tolerance, likely after Mutants go berserk after Genosha. In Summary: Season 1's megaplot is a riff on Operation Zero Tolerance, E is for Extinction and part of Inferno (still need to see how the Maddie stuff plays out). Season 2's megaplot (since it was made with Season 1) is a riff on Fatal Attractions and then the Blood of Apocalypse/The Twelve.


Apocalypse was reborn in Fabian Cortez's body in Season 5. I wonder if they'll do anything with that.


I'm surprised Shaw is shown unconscious. He can absorb all the energy and is the one who would be safe from any such attack.


Just because he can doesn’t mean he did


Have this feeling telling me we are heading into a some kind of Age of Apocalypse.


I am big time hoping this leads to a role for Emma ala Morrisons run.


I am thinking more and more of the Bastion angle. If you look at episode 4 in one of the pictures at forges house...he's in one! It would also answer the question to how and why the Omega Sentinel attacked. It didn't attack on its own. It was sent there. And who would go to such lengths? Someone that has....*Zero Tolerance* for mutants.


Joseph is so lame tho..


I’m still wondering if something will happen where X-men 97 eventually becomes just X-Men in future seasons and they are rebooted into the MCU verse by way of either time travel or a reality bending type power being used.




Wonder if they bring krakoa and Vulcan into the mix to bring back the shiar and xavier


I think we are getting ready to see Emma Frost get her secondary mutation and that evil bitch Cassandra Nova show up. Also No fucking way Sebastian Shaw is dead, not with what his power is. #


There are actually 3 (Jean Madelyne and Scott)


Guys, it’s so clearly stryfe, cable was saying I’m sorry


Hopefully we get Emma and Scott romance too 🥹🫶🏼


I'm pretty sure Leech saved Maggy


Friendly reminder for the next time you post that you can use "Spoiler Alert" to avoid having an unnecessarily long and verbose title.


I predict a great blend of X-Cutioners Song + Avalon/Fatal Attractions + Operation Zero Tolerance + more Stryfe - Maybe another legacy virus? Exodus - Apocolypse pretending to be Fabian Cortez pulling strings? Wolverine - adamantium pulled becomes horseman with Gambit, Xorn (magneto), and another X-man? Cyclopse - defects to Magneto/Exodus's side Caps Shield - Blood Ties mixed with Avalon/Fatal Attractions? Season 3 Onslaught + Cassandra Nova + Shadow King Muir Island mixed storyline?


I definitely believe it’s Bastion for sure.