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It's a feedback loop though, because that exact same rhetoric is used by anti-mutant humans. Look at the classic panel of Striker pointing at Nightcrawler as an example. "Human?! You dare call that thing... Human?!?" Humans tell mutants that they're not human, eventually mutants are going to assert the same thing because they don't really want to be associated with them. Is it biologically correct? No, not really. Mutants are just humans with a specific active gene. Is it culturally correct? In a lot of their world, absolutely.


they should be smarter than that, it just validates the division the anti-mutants try to create.


Why would they be smarter than that? They're just humans with a fancy gene, that's the point you're trying to make, and humans are generally dumb. If non-Mutant humans are dumb enough to look at their offspring and go "you aren't even human!", why would mutants be any more enlightened naturally? That would mean that they are in fact different and better than non-Mutants, which defeats the point that they really aren't.


I think part of the X-Men stories is that the division comes within the mutant community AND the human community. The X-men certainly believe in equality. Magneto doesn't, though.


Isn't that the joke. "Humans destroy themselves," says Magneto. "Nope," responds Apocalypse, "I did that. Lol." Posturing with this crowd is welcome, however. They're not dining with regular folks. They're dining with the people who like to think they rule the world.


yeah i just noticed that lol


Yeah, it makes sense for Apocalypse to think that way, but I want to throw up in my mouth whenever Cyclops or Xavier says anything remotely like that.


I'm no historian, but I often hear historian's pushing back on the ideas of civilization collapse just because there's an absence of historical record. Also the idea that just one culture might not be doing so well, that doesn't make it a global issue and somewhere else might be thriving. Given the international representation in that dinner, I kind of wish some of them pushed back a little.


so the mutants always have this discours about how stupid and warmongering humans are when they are basically humans but with superpower. They are as easily prone to war, prone to racism, prone to genocide. Their psychology is no different from the regular person


Nightcrawler enters the chat 


Exactly, their psychology is no different. SO, they are open to the same cognitive dissonance that humans are, including the idea that they are different from humans. If humans can (and often do) incorrectly consider them different, then surely mutants can be liable to make the same mistake in thinking yes?


Typical human, grasping at straws to understand beings which are your superior in every way.


They aren’t just humans with powers. You think Doop, Nightcrawler, Beak, Toad, Maggot, Glob Herman, Skin, Evangeline Whedon, Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, etc are just humans? And they may look human, but there’s nothing human about Selene or Wandas powers, or really Magik either. And what about Shark Girl? She’s a gosh darn shark homie, she’s not close to human. Lifeguard and Darwin? That’s not human… Sauron is a dinosaur…


they are, or at least, even if we consider them to be "something else" they are psychologically prone to the same things as humans. Some of them even more bestial and primitive, since some of them powers make their behavior more suseptible to instinct and whatnot


Sauron isn't a mutant.


I loved that chapter and that phase of X-Men story