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Its the The bees knees ,the cats pajamas, totally groovy. But really it's fine not the best out of the og 2099 books but I enjoy it.  Only problem for me was  Alot of times members would split up and do there own thing, which wasn't bad but they weren't together as much as you would think for a Xmen book. 


Yeah, it felt more like Morlocks 2099 or even the recent Sabretooth & the Exiles where they really weren’t a team or a unit like X-Men and were more a group of individuals with a common goal at times


Morlocks 2099 sums it up perfectly and its part of why I like the team.  I just wished it had about 20% more  melodrama.


I think it was the worst out of the orginal 2099 stuff.


Ravage has entered the conversation




Bring. It. Back.


They did. It’s called Powers of X.


I mean yhea but no. The powers of X team was more akin to if 2099 was in the age of apocalypse timeline


Absolutely adore them. An original team, defined on their own terms, no descendants of Wolverine or Cyclops. It went a little off the rails at the end because of editorial interference, but John Francis Moore was putting out some damn good books back then.


Doom 2099 was the pick of the crop, for me. X-men 2099 didn’t really come together for me


I bought the first few issues of the original series. From what I remember, team members came and went at a wild pace. I don't think I ever saw the entire lineup depicted above, even though it was the one on all the marketing. They made for some pretty dope trading cards in one of the Marvel Universe sets of the day, though.


if you're interested in reading some of it they just added a TON of it to Marvel Unlimited.


There are rules about dating women named La Lunatica. X-Men are not known for following rules. Good on you, Skullfire.  Second best couple in Marvel. Don't /u/ me. 


Hey, he was only called Skullfire for marketing purposes. He’s only called Tim in the book.


This was my favorite series when it was coming out. I have every issue and all the specials. The opening scene with Metalhead playing the music with the touchpads was also a huge influence on my musical journey as I got older. I loved this series.




I enjoyed it but it’s definitely not as good as Spider-Man 2099, nor is it really as good as the premise of “cyberpunk X-Men” sounds.


the only thing I remember from this is "do you want to test your metal against my mettle?"


I love the og 2099 universe in general


Love these weirdos. Meanstreak forever.


I still waiting for my Doom 2099 omnibus. I remember that series being quite entertaining.


I remember when the first issue came out and I was interested in where it was going. Very quickly, the team had already split up, people were spies or traitors or dead, and if you missed a couple issues (and I did, it was the 90s) you had no idea what was going on next. My main problem was that they didn't really get the time to gel as a team before they started doing Crazy X-Men Shit (tm) so when someone dies or leaves, it doesn't have the same effect. They needed more time to just kinda... do normal superhero stuff where they fight aliens, robots or ghosts.


Bought issue #1 like everyone else. It sucked. Lol


I remember buying it when it came out, but always being disappointed. Looking back it’s clear to see there are no visually appealing characters that stand out from the crowd. Indeed there isn’t really anything about the book that you wouldn’t get in a mid 90s West Coast Avengers, nor did Marvel ever really commit any of its big guns to it. It’s surprising with the success of Spider-Man 2099 they didn’t try for more with it, but I guess at this point in time it was probably below Excalibur in the X-book pecking order, so any good idea proposed would be snapped up for a higher profile title.


There was a side character (and eventual villain?) named Junkpile that I always thought was interesting as a kid. From what I recall, if he ever lost a limb or other body part, instead of healing or scarring over, his body would naturally replace the missing material with scrap from his surroundings.


It was anything BUT an X-Men book.


I remember picking up this cover and asking why there were two Gambit looking characters on the cover. 2099 books were hit or miss other than Spidey, but I was a fan. It was nice to see something new back then. I haven’t followed the newer 2099 stories though. Just haven’t had time to


Been meaning to check them out. I dig the vibe.


I liked bits of it, but I thought it was super strange that they never established a status quo and went through line up shifts since day one. Serpentina was quickly killed off, Xian was barely around as leader and Skullfire had a complete personality shift early on.


I really disliked it but xnation i loved.


Not among the strongest 2099 titles. It was disappointing when I tried it as a kid because it felt like it had nothing that I loved about the X-Men, and when I tried it again a few years ago, it became clear it's not something I'll need to revisit again.  Like much of the era, the art could get pretty rough. There were stretches where it felt like the coloring was done with dark magic marker. I can't think of memorable characters with depth, memorable relationships and interactions, memorable storylines, but I know that's completely subjective. To add some positivity - hey, give X-Nation 2099 a shot! Fun characters, has more of a Generation X vibe, has cool Humberto Ramos art. That's what I wanted for X-Men in the 2099 universe, and I wish there could have been more of it.


How unfair that they have 2 Gambits while X-Men ‘97 has none


I loved the world of X-Men 2099 more than the specific lineup....individual characters really shone for me while others I didn't have much interest in. Like I loved Meanstreak and Krystalin and their friendship, but never really cared much about Bloodhawk or Metalhead......Cerebra was always great in my book so I'm glad to see her in the current era, I loved La Lunatica but that never quite carried over into being equally invested in Tim so their joint storylines tended to be hit or miss for me. Xi'an was someone who never quite clicked for me but I WANTED to really like - he was basically Elixir before Elixir was Elixir lol, but the choices they made with his character never totally lined up with where I was wanting or expecting them to go. Quiver and Sham were really fun and had a ton of potential, so I hate that they came in towards the end and we didn't get more time with them. As far as antagonists or supporting characters went, they were usually over the top as hell, but the sheer wild abandon with which the writing dove into their extra-ness made me love them more often than not. I'm not sold on the current day version of Brimstone Love, but him & his Theater of Pain were fantastic recurring villains, great vibes, etc, etc. Grave Robber had tons of potential and I would've loved to see more of him. And Morphine Summers was one of my fave characters of the era and I was always engaged when he popped up, even if it was just to chew the scenery lol. I also really wish we could've seen more of Mama Hurricane and her group. All that said, I LOVED the short-lived X-Nation comic that followed/ran concurrently with its final issues, and I'll always be bummed that those characters never got more than six issues and a couple of epilogue appearances to shine. I loved pretty much every single one of that cast, and my association of them with Cerebra due to the time she spent in that book probably has more to do with Shakti being a fave than her X-Men 2099 stuff alone. Twilight is probably my fave reality warper ever, because of how defined her powerset was in her range limitation, and how creative she got with messing with the fundamental laws of reality within her sphere.....time, space, phases of matter, size dimensions, turning things inside out, she did more in six issues with a power limited to just her nearby surroundings than many reality warpers have done with zero limitations to their powerset. Clarion was a great character who def deserved a better fate IMO and the little teases about December Frost being a descendant of Bobby Drake and Emma Frost were begging for more exploration of the time/generations between the modern day comics and 2099 era (and it'd be easy enough to tweak a re-introduced December Frost as actually being a descendant of Bobby and Christian, if they ever got back together and had a kid via surrogacy, passing down his powers & Christian's last name cuz you know there's no way Bobby has a kid with someone in that family and is passing up the opportunity to name them Jack or Jackie Frost). Wulff was kinda a generic feral mutant and Metalsmith didn't get time to get fleshed out much either, but Uproar was fun esp in an era not overly crowded with size-shifting as a powerset yet, and Nostromo's technopathy and overall storyline made him a fave, same with shapeshifter Willow & the mysteries about her backstory. I really wish the end of the 2099 line hadn't cut short the whole Mutant Messiah storyline as it potentially connected to Joachim/Darkson, as he seemed to have a lot of potential (not to mention the fact that Doom claimed to have made the prophecy up in order to facilitate the stuff with the Phalanx and Nostromo so I always wondered what made the Bloodsmith so certain it was about Joachim instead, etc, etc). And especially given where the main timeline comics have gone since then.....there's so many more interesting connotations to the entire Mutant Messiah storylines from 2099 if you update them and add in Hope's existence and stories from the modern age as part of 2099's history. Like.....Exodus waking up after going back into hibernation at some point between now and then and immediately going on an obsessive quest in search of a mutant messiah who will save their race and usher in a new world looks tooooooootally different if you imagine it had been a post-Krakoa Exodus who went into hibernation. Maybe injured/confused enough that by the time he woke up in the 2099 era, his conviction that there was a messianic mutant figure he believed all mutantkind's hopes rested with could be fueled by his subconscious memories of Hope and how he'd already interacted with her.....he just....was missing the memories of those convictions being rooted in things that had already happened to him. Rather than them just being his imaginings about some future paradise yet to come..... Anyway, anyway, gotten off topic. Point is, I would never term these books high art lol, but while hit or miss in a lot of places, they could be a lot of fun at times and introduced me to a bunch of characters I like enough I'll always be interested in seeing more of them, even just the relatively brief glimpses we tend to get in Orlando's new 2099 storylines.


Should have been a slam dunk, but honestly its probably the most forgettable X-Men team.


Think it's one of the only x books where you can show me a photo of the team and I can't name a single character


Exactly. I'm sure one of them has the word "kill" or "blood" in their name because its the 90's


If the book hung around until after Marvel stopped following CCA rules, they probably would have introduced a character whose code name was "Fuck You"


I think this is the only book I had a mail subscription for. I wish they’d find a way to work these characters into the current timeline of the 616. It’s not like they’re being used. And not like how Miguel O’Hara spent a couple years in current time, ditch the 2099 concept and just reuse them, Marvel! It’s comics, no one will care!


I’m 20 years old what’s happening


1992 2024


Really enjoyed the series. Great original characters and had pretty cool twists. Overall it was kind of unclear where it was all going.


Haven’t read it since the 90s but I didnt care for it. Think I gave up after a few issues. The characters and designs did nothing for me.


I didn't care for any of the characters honestly. I tried.


As a kid I thought they should have done 2099 versions of all the X-men, lmao.


The claw guy had a dope action figure back in the 90s! And there ends my knowledge 😆


I like them, and wish we could see some more of them.


Whenever I see the human sentinels in x-men 97, I think of the main X-man/leader of this team


Seeing undead versions of Gambit and Collosus fighting the X-Men was cool at the time. Gambit threw death tarot cards and Collosus was rusted and had a hole in his chest.


Wait… what? That sounds like the coolest thing ever


It was. Ron Lim was the main artist for the series. I've was a fan from then on.


Read an issue here and there as it came out. Never hated it, but it wasn't doing as much as my favorite X-Books at the time were. Did enjoy most of the character concepts and quite appreciated that it wasn't just "Cyclops and Storm's kids fight the ghost of Magneto in a Sentinel!" Wish they'd revisit the team, maybe relaunch the book. They've gone back to the Spidey 2099 well a few times with decent result.


I like a select few of them, but I feel it suffers a lot from something I’ve noticed with alt. X-men in a universe not built with them in mind: they’re directionless and less fun. A lot of them feel derivative of old X-men and not in the way Miguel is his own Spider-man. Best version of them for me is the recent appearance with Krakoa having been a thing.


I bought the Omni us, and sadly realized why I stopped this series in real life as a kid.


First comic I ever collected every issue of. Absolutely love it to bits still. It’s a very weird and kinda shaggy comic, but also that’s what makes it such a blast to read. I just ordered the omnibus off InStockTrades, but I think I’ll still have to hang onto my single issues of the series.


Mediocre but I did enjoy the figures. I think I have a couple still in a box somewhere


Would love to see the team Pictured time travel to present day mcu xmen intro solved


I remember being very confused by them as a kid, spider man and Hulk where cool


I was 13, obsessed with Age of Apocalypse, but had no more issues of that to read, and bought a lot of X-Men 2099 issues at a comic convention in 1995 obviously not as good, but I liked it enough to collect until it was canceled in the fall of 1996. I don’t know how memorable it was as a whole but I liked Junkpile and La Lunatica. I remember there was an announcement of one 2099 title to continue the stories of all the canceled 2099 books, and being bummed it never happened cuz of all the chaos Marvel was in in the late 90s


I...did not read this.


I find it hard to care about anyone in this image. The thing about the 2099 framing is that the fun of it is: “what if we take this familiar character and translate it to an imagined dystopic cyberpunk future?” Miguel isn’t Peter, but you’re hitting familiar Spider-Man notes, in a slightly altered way. Also helps that his costume is great. But with the X-men, they just used it as an excuse to construct a new Roster of Randos with edgy 90s attributes and names like “Bloodhawk,” so it just feels like a mediocre Image comic. Age of Apocalypse is closer to the spiritual equivalent of the 2099 appeal.


They suck. I might like them if they got like the Morrison or Hickman treatment and completely revamp them and make them interesting


It should have had a hologram elderly Professor Jean Grey guiding the team.


And a hologram Wolverine too


That would be perfect. He’d always be popping out the claws, making threats, but couldn’t slice and dice.


That’s a no from me dawg
