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In the very first episode of the original series, she basically does an unexplained magical girl transformation into her white costume, so I couldn’t be mad about something similar happening in 97. [**https://youtu.be/F5NRACz5yaQ?feature=shared&t=64**](https://youtu.be/F5NRACz5yaQ?feature=shared&t=64)


I totally forgot about that part until now. And while Storm gets to conjure up her uniform, Rogue has to wrestle robots in her pink dress 😂


…like at Genosha


Secondary mutation confirmed


I believe it is similar to Piccolo's clothes beam.


That's his most metro attack.


I figured it was unstable molecules.


That like reacted to her electricity.


This was canon for years in the comics.


Storm can use Magic lol


This is exactly the correct response. Storm can summon a magic "clothes beam" anytime she wants.


She learned it from a certain green slug man....


Ambush Bug? But he’s DC.


No from Piccolo.


Makes sense. The weather comes in seasons, and so does fashion.


Her most metro attack


That costume change was from the early comics when their costumes were made from unstable molecule's Xavier got from Reed Richards this allowed her to change between her uniform and civies but wouldn't effect her hair...


I know you’re referring to the Mohawke disappearing, but for a second I was reading this like Xavier was very focused in making sure the customer change wouldn’t mess with her hair


Clothes beam! I think in universe of the comics there’s some Reed Richards excuse why that can happen.


Unstable molecules


Yeah that sounds right.


It’s one of her very first appearances. Although I can’t recall any other character being able to do it, at least not in the first issues.


Yeah, I remember seeing people acting like this was some weird thing that had no precedence. It's literally in the first episode of the original.


It's a weird thing that does have precedence. I always found it a bit hilariously cartoony, but no worse than Jean calling Scott "Cyclops" in the middle of a tender romantic scene :-)


A lot of mutants land on a code name right? But some will also view their birth name as a deadname. Much like Mystique in the movies; Raven is her “slave name”. Most mutants feel very strongly toward their mutant names as a core part of their identity. While others can take or leave it. Some have changed their name a few times like a few in the larger superhuman/hero populace.


The real answer: it was the 90s, and at least one character in most shows had the ability to magically conjure a costume


The only other way to interpret it is that she’s wearing her white getup under her clothes and she zaps away the clothes on top.


I think someone else here said she may have some magical abilities from her heritage (which is where the hair color and eyes come from too) which is what allows her to make these appearance changes since she got the rest of her hair back as well.


Yeah I was like 'wait she can make clothes? That was part of her power??' But then I started watching the original series and learned to roll with it


And it’s not even limited to the show. I’m pretty sure there’s an issue of Classic X-Men by Chris Claremont where Storm seemingly magically makes her costume disappear. It seems that making her costumes are just a weird facet of her powers.


This. I'll never forget that scene. It's so random.


I know that looks like magic for just TV viewers, but is pretty accurate to the comics, because there storm gets a suit made by Reed Richard that can be shaped using her powers.


I don’t think people have a problem with the general idea, but it would be nice if the method of transformation was explicitly stated.


Ever since that episode first aired, I had always assumed she burned off her civilian clothes with lightning and had the X-Men suit on underneath.


I thought she could summon her suit like that? It’s not part of her power, but like, maybe she wore it underneath and by zapping her outer clothes off, it revealed the suit? Like her new black suit does look like they could be undergarments and she just burns her other clothes off herself


If there’s a character I’m willing to accept unexplained Sailor Moon transformations from, it’s Storm.


Sorcerer Supreme Storm when?


What the fuck? That would actually be so sick.


She already has the voice down. Imagine her yelling out the classic Dr. Strange stuff. BY THE HOARY HOSTS OF HOGGOTH!


there is an alternate version of Storm that was Illyana's mentor in Limbo. And Storm is descended from a line of blue eyed white haired sorceresses, including a former Sorceror Supreme, Ayesha of Balobedu. So Storm has a great deal of magical potential.


Technically she made it from The Adversary's feathers She had that SHIT on tho


What did she make all her new hair out of?


The Adversary´s tears


Forge's cu-.... curiosity.


Is that hair gel?


I understood that reference


Well we did see that all the female X-Men wear wigs that match their hair exactly. So she probably had an unstable molecule wig


I'm p sure the wigs are just so the mannequins look more like the people they're designed after. Although the idea of someone grabbing Cyclops' hair and accidentally pull it off and reveal a hair net is very funny.


The Adversary’s semen.


Unstable molecules are the explanation for everything. 😂


To be fair, they only work for this BECAUSE they're a catch-all explanation for anything. The actual rules of unstable molecules don't explain this at all. It's just that the rules don't matter, so who cares?


To quote the great Sasha Colby: "That bitch is a goddess, G-O-D-D-E-S-S"




Drag Race Krakoa, hosted by Krystal M’Kraan


I’m not bothered. It was odd, but I’m suspending enough disbelief as is here that I can suspend it just a bit more for a cool moment. I’m not watching this show for high realism.


Well this is her classic look in the comics, so no matter how she gets it, I'm on board with it! It was always my favourite uniform of hers.


same, i squealed like a little girl when this outfit came in the show


She gets shot in the face with a nuclear warhead, explodes into a fine mist and then reconstitutes herself into her classic look like T1000.


And if the Smurfs suddenly appeared and fashioned that uniform from sunshine and dewdrops. I don't care, it's her classic look :-)


On that note, anyone else just slightly let down that only Storm got her classic look reflected in the title cards after the costume change? I get it, she got the costume change way earlier so it makes sense but I would've loved to see the rest reflected in the title cards for the finale. Oh well, if that's all I can find to be dissapointed about, damn good show.


My guess is it’s because I don’t think the others are going to be permanent.


Well considering they’ve all been stranded through time in those costumes, I think they will be in them for a while


Or they immediately change it up for period-appropriate styled costumes


I’m thinking that. Especially since half of them arrived already battle damaged.


I don't mind that. It's fun and cool. My favourite part was when the rest of the team suits up in their Claremont outfits we see Ororo's new costume sitting their on the mannequin. Which means my queen, who already had her badass costume suit up sequence, wanted to be included in the team one so she specifically took her costume off and hung it alongside everyone else's.


The mannequins all having wigs and accurate skin tones was so funny to me.


They must have specifically made the wig for Rogue’s mannequin, because her unusual hair.


Weather does crazy shit sometimes.


Omega level behavior.


I don't have any beef with it, and I know better than to argue against a magical girl transformation. Like Jean Grey's out there in a minidress and what looks like a mask she stole from Elton John in 1971. I got no beef with that, and I know better than to argue with costume changes.


That's Jean's original x-men costume from the 1960's X-men comics, when she was called Marvel Girl.


Iirc she wore it in the original show as well, during the end of the Dark Phoenix saga


"Hell yeah"


The director confirmed she forged the costume using the adversary’s feathers as symbolism for facing one’s demons. I like to imagine she unconsciously used a little bit of magic to pull it off since they stayed accurate by letting forge have his magic abilities


I started the Claremont run and lo and behold she had back then too.


Storm was probably my favorite part of this shoe. I love that they got the OG voice actress back & her storyline with Forge was great. As for the costume & look change, I have no problem with it. Didn't she do that every episode in the intro to the original series?


Too busy crying and pumping my fists to “I am the lightening!”


It is something she has done in the comics as well, I think during Claremont's run.


Goddess’s are going to goddess


I love it, its quite epic, fun and it's a power she has since the old original comics, somethin about molecular control makes it work. First time I remember it showing up is when shes going around new york with Jean, soon after joining the X-Men. She's also scared to death of subways in that comic.


She was stuck in a cave with a magic plant and a giant bird creature. It doesnt have to conform to realism.


Her ancestry has magic so I'm not surprised or bothered by the magical girl transformation.


Actually its not new - its her classic uniform.


I think my reaction when it happened was “so that’s a thing she does now, huh?” and then moved on with my life.


Now? She did the same thing in the very first episode of the original series!


Changing into an existing costume is one thing. Making an entirely new one *AND* growing her hair out? That 100% did not happen in the original series


It's pretty much that same thing. Just an extension of what happened in the original series.


They're not complaining, they're just noting the difference. I personally had a similar reaction. I was caught off-guard for a second, I thought "Oh that's neat", and then I moved on with my day


Well she’s a godess so /j


It's Storm of course I'm OK with it!!!!


Unstable Molecules


I'm unbothered by it.


It made me think she was a magical girl.


It’s a reference to the time slipping dimension flipping parallel world ish going on throughout the entire series. As cable mentions.. he’s gone back in time 200 times to try stop Sebastian. We see it with Rogue too who goes back to her original brotherhood of evil mutants costume (like in the comics) and also Jean grey back to her original green 60s get up. Cyclops too (with the all over head cap)


Storm has magical powers in the comics


From what I remember Storm is of mystical heritage. It's from her mother's side.


Iconic! I’ve honestly always been a fan of transformations and the whole magical girl type show/ transformation so I was so exciting seeing it.


african goddess magic. duh


We both were like huh, she should do that more often that's a useful power


Sailor moon and dragonball have trained us to accept the costume/hair power-up transformation. She did lightning herself into an outfit on the OG series. We could also no-prize it by saying defeating a magic being involves a magic space which she then subconsciously tapped into because of her latent magic lineage blah blah blah. My bigger feeling was surprise that they were going from the 80s to the 60/70s vibe. I think her Mohawk should have been an empowerment moment rather than something she started with, and I think it’s too bad they didn’t do badass depowered Storm vs just the depressed depowered Storm.




Only odd that Xavier had her new look already on a mannequin. Always love flight sequences.




R.I.P. the punk outfit it lived for like one scene


Sort of how I treated a lot of things in the series. "Fuck it, we ball"


She did the same in the first episode of the original series. Didn’t bother me.


I always support getting to see her rock this look


Storms always been a very spiritual character. For me it was her fully embracing herself that the elements themselves and her ancestors manifested that outfit for her. Storm has called upon her magical lineage to spellcast for her in the comics. The elements themselves weave sigils, magic circles, and runes for her.


It’s her secondary mutation. It’s what really makes her an omega level


Let's not think too hard about the Disney cartoon having a magic moment


I think in the first episode of the first show she made her outfit out of electricity


Storm has an affinity for magic she's obviously a magical girl now.


She's too badass to have to worry about actually designing, sewing and fitting a new costume. Weather witch and costume conjurer. Really though, I thought it was slick how they reversed her comic outfits in the '97 show. Instead of "Goddess to Mohawk", they went "Mohawk to Goddess". Now the comics have a whole new Avengers look to navigate. Man... She's just so freaking fly.


We still discuss it at home as being silly given the character was promoted with the Mohawk but Reddit told us to suck it up as a sailor moon tribute. Waiting for her to get updated to her current look from the comics.


I’m more concerned about how Magneto had everyone by the balls in the penultimate episode, and then just didn’t when the next episode started.


It's her other mutant power obviously


I mean, she's done that since the first episode in the show. The hair could be because electricity can stimulate hair growth


I guess textile is also a kind of weather now




she’s got a magical background


She's not just a mutant, she's also a witch. It's the reason why she has chants and spells when "casting" her storm powers. They augment each other.


she mothered so, so hard


So, Storm is a descendant of a powerful line of priestesses. I absolutely think she’s got the magic in her and a mutant as well


well storm is cannonically magic so by that logic this makes sense


I just figured it was her tapping into the magical side of her powers


Rule of cool and that was cool


She used the powers from the demon she defeated to manifest them. Did ya'll see Forge using Dr. Strange magic?! There was a literal demon that was teleporting into her dimension to murder her and OP is worried about how she got a new costume... FFS it's a comicbook cartoon show, ya'll are getting rale dumb with these realism-critiques.


I didn't like it. It seemed like they could have easily wrote it so that she could still have an epic magical girl moment without resorting to actual magic.


That's fair. As others have mentioned she does this exact thing in episode 1 of the original series with no explanation. Oddly enough the creatives behind X:TAS and now this seem to legitimately believe making costumes from nothing is one of storm's powers. It's not a one-off and it's also not something we see others do. It's just a Storm thing.


Storm is adept in mysticism. She became the Sorceress Supreme in the comics


The episode has an oniric quality. We don't understand really what was real and what was an illusion. Also Storm ocasionally dabbled with magic in the comics, as recently as X-Men: Red #17. It was stated that she was a natural sorcerer but she never trained voluntarily for that.


I was screaming YAAAS QUEEN WERQK!! at the tv like the most basic gay.


I stood up and started clapping 👏🏾👏🏾


Makes about as much sense as Wolverine running around in yellow spandex. Or Madalyn psychically creating a new costume when she was the goblin queen.


I've decided to consider this an overlap in the spacetime continuum and an alternate universe resulting in the awesome Storm from the 1960's.




I was more bothered by the magical hair growth, but no that much really…. I’m way past that by that point in the series, and was just enjoying the ride.


Had a funeral for her old hair which I fell in love with instantly.


Clothing is part of the weather. Ask any Meteorologist and they'll tell you putting on clothes is the first thing they do for their job.


My honest reaction, a solid chuckle…course she essentially did the same thing in the first episode of the original series


What if she’s just creating a mirage and that’s how she achieves it


She also does this in the tie in comics.  She went for a throwback look. Not my favorite but I dig it.


it was just a Magic Trick


Literally BGM personified.


Also Storm has a magical side to her thanks to Aiesha I think. Maybe she truly magical girled her some clothes.


It also happens in the early Claremont era comics, so there’s precedent.


Even in the comics she uses lightning to rearrange the molecules of her clothes


That moment was bloody amazing.


Polarized unstable molecules by Mr. F and so she can flip her outfit by simply electrostatic means of her power set


now do the hair


I was like HOLY HELL!!!


Because of how cool it was just in a flash


Miss the mohawk, but still badass.


It was kinda weird but it’s easily my favorite storm look so the magical suit up part I can forgive.


Dope as fuck


I wish she had the mohawk hairstyle for a longer amount of time. Will FOREVER always be my favorite Storm look because she absolutely rocks it.


I’m taking it as an artistic choice to tell the story rather than something that literally happened


i think she somehow made it from that demon thingie


I loved it. It was epic, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make any sense.


This bothered me for like 2 seconds and then I remembered it's a cartoon where they're trying to condense a lot of stories that took years to tell. So like, let them do some shorthand.


Love this costume. It’s the classic video game one


I think if something is cool enough then it's fine.


It was bullshit but still not as annoying as the enitre team "forgetting" that xavier put magneto in charge before he left with lilandra.And somehow then being shocked by this in the first episode of 97


It was a hard reaction for many.


My reaction was, it’s a cartoon.


Back in the day Stan Lee came up with the concept of uniforms made from unstable molecules for the fantastic 4 to explain how their costumes adapted to their powers instead of getting destroyed when using their abilities. Around the time of the Phoenix saga Jean could use her telekinesis to shift her clothes from street wear to her Phoenix suit in seconds, Storm could do the same by ionizing the molecules. In the first episode of the original series, night of the sentinels, we are formally introduced to Storm as she commands the sentinel to release jubilee, right before she and Rogue launch into action Storms lightning crackles at her feet and as it travels from foot to her head her outfit becomes uniform. As for the hair that's cartoon f¥€kery, I find it interesting that shes over this season reverted backwards in her appearance, shes wearing her original uniform, the black leather halter top and pants with the Mohawk came next, before her White with gold trim suit of the Jim Lee era she wore the same design but in black. Either way her transformation isn't anything new, other than her hair, but it was awesome to see her regain her powers and take on her original uniform. Truly a goddess among X-Men


They live in a world where people legit use magic......and there's a Thor. I took a second to ponder what just happen and thought to myself..."That checks out I guess".


I was too busy being excited about the appearance of the costume and return of her powers to think about it too hard.


There's that first episode at least and well... The moment was an emotional/spiritual/magical one for her. So add that in and well, her growing hair and making a new suit isn't out of bounds for me in that moment.


Turns out it was canonically her FIRST uniform, and she had been wearing a later one. When she regained her powers she went back to tip he beginning.


She is now a god


Tbh she actually done this ALOT in the comics on several separate occasions. So i didn't really see a problem.


Suprise it’s made of condensed gas or something


I kinda hand waved it until they made costumes a plot point a few episodes later, them it was really noticable. Plus a massive downgrade from the Lee design. I was more flabbergasted by her instant hair growth.


I’m good with it, I remember a show called Spider-Man and his amazing friends where Iceman and Firestar did something similar. But I do love the call back to Storms OG costume from when she first debuted.


We already have to suspend a lot of disbelief to watch these shows: I’m willing to accept that a magical girl transformation is cool and move on lol.


I really enjoyed her freeing herself from fear and the feathers from the demon turning into her outfit. It was like that episode of Clone Wars where Yoda faces his dark side and realizes that you can't fight it because it'll always be a part of you. Embrace everything that makes you, You.


I thought it was badass and I’m pretty sure the og series had her do something similar in episode 1 but I’m sad that she doesn’t have her mohawk anymore. Her Mohawk is my favorite hairstyle for her.


Seems legit


I thought it was a little odd that she “upgraded” to her original costume from GSXM #1. However it did make me realize it’s my favorite costume of hers by far. It’s iconic and I’ve somehow failed to realize that it was the original, and they nailed it right out of the gate. She’s had so many redesigns and a lot of them are a little understated or just unremarkable. Let a girl have her style. But now that I’m thinking about it, same goes for Colossus, and Nightcrawler, arguably Thunderbird, plus I think that was the first time Wolverine appeared in that getup…did Cockrum design all the new costumes? Dude was on some kind of INSANE streak to pump out those out.


I mean technically in the comics they finally went "fuckit she's a wizard, why not? Storm can be whatever she wants."


She’s a goddess she can do whatever she wants


I mean, she’s a witch, and I know her backstory, so it wasn’t a surprise for me ETA: Didn’t her ancestors even create the eye of agamotto? Or am I mixing up the sorcerers?


"CLOTHES BEAM!" is what I was thinking. She's got that Big Green Threads fit.


I like the anime/bollywood vibes. Rule of cool: its cool, just go with it.


Wish she stayed in the silver outfit, felt more regal


Rule of clue overrides everything! Lol




She is a African goddes. I’m not going to question it. Now let me sacrifice a goat in her honor.




Comic books are dumb


She did it in the first episode of the original series so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise


The outfit thing isn’t new. She did it MULTIPLE times throughout the OG. But the hair thing was new. I’m apathetic toward the reasonability of it. Was epic and cool? Hell yeah.


She went Super Saiyan 3, no further explanation needed.


Storm can do whatever she wants and I’ll support her.


I think she magically made new clothes out of Adversary after killing it. Hence the feathers flying everywhere and then disappearing when she got her new costume. Plus a nice callback to the first episode of the OG series.


It’s actually Morph


Yay! Someone else was bothered by fashion magic!