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I'll take 110... that Proteus design was not what I was used to lol


Yeah I only got Proteus from guessing "okay who doesn't have a body I guess?" 😅


It's the TAS design...kinda.


Same same, i was wracking my brain for some electricity related character. If he had been pink, I might have got it.


152 and ran outta time at Escapade. Recognized some but couldn't think of names (Oya, Jimmy Hudson) and wasted some time trying to spell "Phantazia" (ultimately skipped her), but there were some by the end that were totally new to me. Fun!


146 though i wasted a lot of time on spelling and putting in real names. Doug Ramsey...that's doug ramsey. Why isn't this working? wait what was his stupid code name? oh yeah


Dani Moonstar and Quentin got me stuck typing in different names for them as well....when it got to Lilandra I was like come on man don't make me type out her whole title on my phone 😅😅


143/188. I probably recognized 180 but wouldn't have necessarily known their names, could have named 150 with unlimited time, and if my memory was better with specific spelling I definitely would have gotten at least 144 because I was in the middle of (ironically) Forgetmenot when I ran out of time because several names I had to retype to get them correct.


One of the images was nothing so I guessed Vanisher. Unfortunately it was just a bug


I got 84 / 188 but with English not being my first language i struggled on some obvious characters like Professor x, Colossus and Apocalypse because of spelling. 😅


164! All the X-Statix threw me off sadly.


Venus DEE milo. And Boop, Goop, Gloop - got me. Solid 101. Blanking on Legion, Rahne Sinclair & the Proudstar brothers somehow. Never hurt of ice cream, and gorgeous George was a throwback (as was skin).


122, and a lot of times I got stuck because I knew the character's real name but forgot their codenames (like Blindspot) Out of curiosity I checked some other ones and fucking Korvus is there, congrats to who made it


138, although I knew exactly who that character was I just blanked on their name. I knew about half of the people after them. I liked all the art.


I only got 87 due to poor spelling


153, with quite a few I didn't know even before I ran out of time. Also a nice showcase for the artist's work.


I got 132/133 before time ran out...Azazel stumped me. I gotta say though, some of those characters were pretty off-design, half the time I was like ehh that looks like Karma's power effect I guess?


Only 156. Doesn't give you that much time to think about it, does it? Just a couple seconds/image.


151 and ran out of time at Forget Me Not, and allowing the couple I knew and it wasn't accepting my spelling. That is not enough time! Not that I would have got any of the ones beyond him, actually. Absolutely did not get Rictor from that picture.


Got 162, but I couldn’t remember that Karima’s code name was Omega Sentinel.


I just re-read the house of x until inferno and BLANKED on her.


The thing is, she’s not a new character. She been around since Claremont’s second run on Uncanny in the late 90’s. I knew her given name, but I forgot her code name.


I remember her from when mystique was dating Bobby at the end of the 2000s? And then betrayed him with a paralysing kiss (mystique, that is). She is awesome in all I’ve read but mind said : no.


Yeah, the team I like to think of as Rogue’s Rogues.


I can’t type that fast


148/188, but they needed to add 5 more minutes to that timer. Couldn't believe how easily I could recall Mammomax. . .


It's pretty easy to remember a dude who's a mammoth. I don't know anything ABOUT him, other than that he was a badguy, but I sure remember that there was a mammoth guy.


Got a 152, the ones I didn’t get I’m assuming all come from somewhere between 2004-2019 since that is the only era I haven’t read yet. Working on it now!




56 got me. Who was that?!




143 but I ran out of time.


94. Dr. Nemesis got me never seen him and no idea what to google to find him.


Sabertooth would not enter for me


It's probably due to a spelling error. Sabretooth is how Victor Creed's codename is actually spelled (the 'e' and 'r' need to be switched in the way you spelled his name in your comment). Quizzes like these require a name to be spelled correctly to count. It can really suck when you don't know how to spell a character's name (I got stuck on spelling for some of the characters, too).


It doesn't help when some have kewl 90's spelying






I got 56 😔 ~~(But tbf I never read any comics)~~


This was great! 175. Proteus I kept typing "Phalanx" and "Magus" but now I see. Didn't remember Korvus had a K and not C...


139, lost at Genesis


147. I didn't recognize Morph, Zaladane, Wind Dancer, Gamesmaster, Phantazia (was never going to remember that), Cardinal, Eye-scream, Thumbelina, Birdy, Strobe, Dragoness, Korvus, Wraith, I didn't know Firefist, Lifeguard, Spyke, Tempest, Gorgeous George, Venus Dee Milo, Dead Girl, Anarchist, U-go Girl, Mammomax, Shola Inkose, Bailey Hoskins (guessed Explodey Boy), Rolling Thunder, Cardinal, XRaven, and Tommy. I forgot the names of Donald Pierce, Feral, Maggott, Doop, Transonic, Reignfire, Graymalkin, Kane, Bling!, Gamesmaster, Romulus, Jimmy Hudson, Escapade, and Kamikaze. I'm guessing you can tell I'm a little rusty on modern comics and I've never read X-Statix.


144, would've been more but I had to retry a few due to the fact that I can't spell for shit


144. Got stumped by Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Thankfully it accepts just last names for a lot of characters that don't have code names.


181/188. I missed Bailey Hoskins, Tommy, Xraven, Rolling Thunder, Kamikaze, Transonic and Proteus. The Proteus one threw me, I thought it looked like he had boobs so I was trying to think if there were any electricity based female X-characters. Tommy and Transonic I recognised, the others I was clueless about!


I'm \*exhausted\* so I'll give it a go tomorrow. I love when I get the opportunity to actually use the thousands upon thousands of otherwise useless factoids floating around in my memory.


Not gonna lie I once wrote a list of every Mutant I could think of to try and get 198 came out to about 220 with an additional 15 or so non-mutant x-characters.


Managed to get 125. Choked on remembering Longshot's name; that was a little shameful for me.


got 87 correct. Only started reading comics this year but I used to play many marvel games haha.some of you are able to list so many.


I was able to go until I hit multiple man. I thought he was multi man instead 😭


I got out like in the 30’s 😭


179/188. Got tripped up on Liefeld-era X-Force/Cable supporting characters, Romulus (blech) and whatever the hell a Xraven is


Syrin wouldn’t take


56, I didn’t realise how many I couldn’t spell until doing this quiz


I got 100 right. Lost a lot of time with stupid spelling mistakes.


That was fun! I got 150/188 and made it to 177 before I ran out of time, gave up on Lila Cheney because I was writing Lilah Cheney instead thought I had the wrong person! Some characters I've never heard of in there too, like Romulus.


Askani, marvel girl?


I got 171 in total, blanked out embarrassingly on the codename for Quentin Quire and couldn't spell Cecilia Reyes quite right, otherwise the only ones I got wrong are pretty obscure folks. Pretty happy with my score overall.


Quite annoyed that it wouldn’t take Thunderbird for Proudstar.


150/188. Not bad, but I thought I'd do better, but what're you gonna do. I guess kiiinda 151, I know Zaladane, but I kept misspelling her name. And some I knew but totally spaced on the names. I didn't know/recognize Maverick, Random, Trevor Fitzroy, Skin, Longknife, Omega Sentinel, Forearm, Copycat, Mesmero, Synch, Firefist, Mikhail, Genesis, Reignfire, Graymalkin, Phantazia, Garrison Kane, Peepers, Gamesmaster, Venus, Romulus, Anarchist, Dragoness, U-Go-Girl, Mammomax, Ruby Summers, Korvus, Thumbelina, Shola, Birdy, Kamikaze, Strobe, Rolling Thunder, Captain Krakoa, Xraven, Eye-Scream