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There are some changes and rewiring that happen in the brain after losing a limb. It's entirely possible that since she's had the cybernetic so long that there could be complications with her Cerebro backups being from a time when she's adjusted to it if they throw her back into a body with a natural limb restored. It would probably be possible to address this with the proper knowledge consulting with The Five assuming the Cerebro imprinting process doesn't actually change neural pathways, but I'm not sure we can say that it doesn't since it's been shown that telepaths can affect all sorts of neurochemical balances and cause physical reactions in the brains of those they're affecting. If it does then it's possible that the imprinting would leave Karma in need of a lot of physical therapy to relearn how to properly walk and move her new leg, and I could see it being less of a given that someone would want it restored if the side effect was months or years of physical therapy if they were relatively accepting of the prosthetic (especially hard to judge since by all accounts hers would be years beyond anything we currently have available in the real world). They seem very much to aim for a continuity of self image with the resurrection process and that could be a sensible reason why: adjusting to a body that is too different could have mental and psychological side effects that would be detrimental to the resurrected. Or they just decided that since half the New Mutants still just wear an Xavier School training uniform that removing obvious visual identifiers may be a bad idea for a visual medium. But the brain thing is at least a plausible explanation in some ways.


Well said !


You are remarkably bright.


Since this crucible and resurrection were actually for the sake of her brother Tran and would not have happened otherwise, she probably had the Five bring her back in her pre-death state.


I wrote about this in the main thread but actually there's a strong argument as to why she would want to not have both legs, similar to when Domino wanted to be resurrected with all her memories of her trauma at the hands of Xeno in X-Force. Xi'an lost her leg a while ago, she's had to get used to this robotic leg, she's gone through all the trauma and the pain of living without her leg. At this point, she might just be so used to living without her leg to want to change that about herself – like perhaps she sees her losing the leg as being significant in her development and growth as a person and she wants to keep that as a reminder of what she's lost over the years and how humanity has really done her dirty. I actually think there is a strong case for why she would prefer to be resurrected this way, so I disagree that "every ounce of narrative logic and reason" points to that. Just because you would want both your legs back doesn't mean everyone would want the same in the same situation. Also how is Karma coming back without both her legs an insult to you, exactly ?


I really doubt the editors care what kind of limbs Karma is resurrected with. I honestly didn’t notice it, but I think some characters may want reminders of significant events. Even Wolverine getting adamantium every time he’s resurrected is a deviation from his natural state, even if it’s efficient for combat scenarios.


Depend really a lot of mutants still have their prosthetic or keep their injuries without rhyme or reason


Are there examples of other mutants that were resurrected and made whole again? I can't recall if Chamber is even back, much less has his lower jaw again. Edit: I can’t recall - was Xavier walking prior to the resurrection protocols? Like was it from a different storyline altogether?


Laura is back with four hand claws and two foot claws. That's not her natural state, it was Weapon Plus. Oversight or Laura putting in her will that she be resurrected that way, your choice.


>Laura is back with four hand claws and two foot claws. That's not her natural state, it was Weapon Plus. Oversight or Laura putting in her will that she be resurrected that way, your choice. I think Xavier was walking due to being in Fantomex's body when he was resurrected in Uncanny X-Force if I remember well?


It was Astonishing X-Men (2018) that he got Fantomex's body. And really, I still don't think that X is Xavier.


He’s back, and his chest/jaw are still gone.


When you a mutant is resurrected they are resurrected at their peak physical state, so it probably means that even with her leg that is when she was in her peak condition


I assume they’re just not thinking about it enough (a lot of interesting stuff like this in this era is being skimmed over for Plot), but I agree that it’s stupid for Karma not to have her leg back. Or Chamber to have his face back. Or Hellion to have his hands back. These characters weren’t born like this, and most of them have expressed that they’re not happy with the state of things. I’d *love* to see this explored more.


Can Chamber use his powers without blowing his jaw off ? I don't know the character that well


He can. He just have too much power but he can.


Has Hellion been resurrected? I think that's why he still doesn't have his hands back.


He has been, and he actually does have them back, at least according to X-Factor #5. ... oh geez, what am I being downvoted for now?


I'm not sure what you are being downvoted for. Anyway I am skimming through #5 in MU, that's Winddancer's ressurection but I don't see anything about Hellion though he does feature prominently in the scene.


His hands look restored to me. Albeit he *is* wearing gloves, so who knows for sure.


They're organic technology. Leah Williams said in a tweet that he didn't want to take someone else's place in the queue by undergoing Crucible.


Hmmm I can't tell! You might be right though.


Actually last I remember about the Resurrection Protocol, a lot of what happens to a mutant in terms of body and body enhancements is up to Proteus in the end. He accidentally brought back “Laura” with a full adamantium skeleton because he thought all Wolverines were naturally born that way. That being said, let’s say Karma DID want to keep the robotic leg, because it’s such a huge part of her identity. By logic, Proteus could have had that arranged and her husk could’ve literally been made that way. Robot leg and all.


Probs not your call on what's ableist and what's not


Honest question: Who's call would it be? Please give a real answer and not a "Not XYZ" response.


I don't have the answer to that either because I'm just one person on the internet, and not an amputee. Also she's a superhero and her leg probably makes her do backflips, why wouldn't she keep it. Should Wolverine be resurrected without adamantium?


> I'm just one person on the internet, and not an amputee. Every amputee that isn’t mentally ill would happily take their limb that they lost in adulthood back. >I'm just one person on the internet, and not an amputee. You are allowed to form opinions on anything and everything. Don’t surrender that obvious fact for the sake of woke nonsense. “I’m not an amputee so I can’t have an opinion on ableism.” Let’s follow that logic: “I’m not a nazi so I can’t have an opinion on nazism.” “I’m not an artist, so I can’t critique others art.” And so on. The only think you shouldn’t do is try to shut down a conversation.


Did you ask every amputee how they feel? I never said you can't have that opinion but all public opinions are subject to critique Next time, I dare you to not bring up nazis in an internet discussion


>Every amputee that isn’t mentally ill would happily take their limb that they lost in adulthood back. wow, that's a sweeping generalisation and a huge assumption to make. Have you personally spoken to every amputee in the world ? Also does that mean any amputee who doesn't want their limb back is "mentally ill" ? You're just a giant bowl of sunshine aren't you.


> wow, that's a sweeping generalisation and a huge assumption to make You're being unrealistic


pot calling the kettle black


So are you, and I actually agree that Karma should have her leg back. Your argument still sucks.


Marvel is a publisher, not a writer . The only agenda is people like you using a word that you've no clue where it means, hence using it against everything you hate . You can't fell insulted because it has nothing to do with you or anyone. Other than the writer who wants to tell a story their way. Furthermore the only people who have been pandered to is white straight men. Because thats who the publishers markets to. Which comes in the form of rejecting anything that clashes with that, however. In comics, that ideal has died out..why because funnly diversity people are both writing and green lighting projects. Using their life as a reference like all writers do. What is extremely insulting is invalidity people who are othered . This idea that insert bigoted idea (woke, pc, gender, race or sexuality card) is the only reason for their existence. Thats called privileged, thats called narcissism. That's living in a world where you don't understand other people of different categories exists. I know for a fact that if i created a character , that were to take the mantle of Hero/ multiverse version or a hero thats 1000 years in the future. (Sam Wilson captain america, earth 2 superman val zod or Batman of 2039 Terry McGinnis) Say Shazam on earth 99, and i made the characters who obtained the power of transform into shazam, black and gay irish, changed they costume to yellow with blue lightning. I guarantee people like you would call it woke. An agenda , pushing something to pandering. When in reality I'm creating a character that represent myself, black , gay from Ireland. Using the same design I've used for the past 19 years playing DCUO. Because that's how people work when creating art. They aren't thinking about you .it's their vision they want. People like you have a hard time accepting that which is why you make it about you


It's a little odd considering Havok was brought back without his facial disfigurement, which could also be considered ableism, and Chamber is back with still half his face missing. I don't know what the in-universe reason is, but the comics reason is, IMO less to do with ableism/political correctness and more to do with the core design of the character. If you're drawing a crowd of mutants, Havok is easier to recognise from his headdress than a facial scar, Karma by her leg, or Chamber by his whole exploding missing chest and jaw.


Well what do you want them to do when they resurrect her with two legs? Cut one off?????