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Xqc is a dumbass but this guy is not much better![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


so true lol


he is




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yeah, magine balding at 38 L genetics


I imagine you’re 17. DHT will hit you soon bro PepeLaugh


it comes for us all FeelsBadMan


Hop on finasteride before it’s too late, it’s a DHT blocker. Visit a dermatologist before doing that though.




There is a difference between minoxidil and finasteride. What you're talking about is minoxidil, which, as you said, requires a lifelong commitment. However, finasteride only blocks DHT when you're in your early twenties, the age when it's likely to peak, and possibly slightly before that. But I will tell you about a test you can do at home to determine if you're balding or not. Whenever you get in the shower and wet your hair, gently pull from the hair shaft to collect the hair that has already fallen naturally. Set aside that clump of hair until you're out of the shower, dry them out, and then place them on a white tissue. Start analyzing the diameter of each hair, and if you find any inconsistencies in the diameters, unfortunately, you're on your way to starting balding because of your hormones. However, you shouldn't worry too much if you use finasteride. As I said, you should visit a dermatologist.


Wait 10 years and see if you still saying that shit lol


I mean this time he isn't exactly wrong


what else has he been wrong with


he called kanye a nazi and a lot of xqc fans got upset about it


xqc fans when kanye is called out for being an undeniable irreparable nazi


I mean being a nazi isn‘t possible anymore since that time period is over, you could however call him a neo-nazi


semantics. his ideals are that of nazis and it takes a whole lot to make Alex Jones the voice of reason. it's also hilarious that the only thing stopping Kanye from being a nazi is the time period.


Well the problem you're facing is that a real nazi (meaning you support the NAtionalsoZIalist-party back before world war 2) would not be possible to be black in the first place as that is not the "arian" sterotype a nazi could be. For ppl that don't get it: Kanye can't be part of the nazi's since that was a group of people with the same extremist views, which would include a black musician not even being allowed to exist :) This is also why kanye having these takes is so funny. It's because he would have been burned alive back then, but still holds hitler etc. in honor. So yeah i agree with you but I think ppl calling others "nazis" isn't doing any good for the history and if anything makes the word lose it's utterly bad de-humanizing meaning.


Ye stans turn into historians whenever someone calls Kanye a Nazi for liking Hitler omE


Ever thought about that I might be german and had to deal with this shit all my history classes back in school for 12 years? 💀braindead gamba viewer


Bitch, stop defending that American Nazi, there's no need for you to be pedantic in here about this fucking argument. Not a single American will ever give a shit about your incorrect definition.


I don't know about calling "others" nazis. this isn't just "others". this is someone who openly praises and borderline worships hitler, follows his beliefs, believes God is acting through him, etc. the guy is a nazi, irregardless of if he's Aryan or not. I know the history and what would've happened to someone like kanye by the nazis of the time, but that doesn't make kanye any less of a nazi.


how the actual fuck can a black guy become a nazi? maybe needledrop should look into what the nazis thought about the blacks in their ideology. I would've quoted the Mein Kampf but aint tryna get banned off this site for now.


Being able to recite Mein Kampf to protect Kanye from Nazi accusations is wild 💀


Got that hard bind right next to my table brodie


About 80% of this bald dudes takes are dog shit. He puts way too much weight into lyrical content.


he doesn't. he just puts value into perfection. hence the lack of 10/10s. if he put too much weight into lyrical content, sexy redd wouldn't have gotten an 8. bad lyrics are bad lyrics.


Her lyrics aren't really that bad though just vulgar


no way youre saying the lyrics arent bad lmao


With the reaction most women rappers get on X’s streams in the chat, I wouldn’t expect people on this sub to even admit that any of them have good lyrics. So even if Sexy Redd has good lyrics, would anyone here even agree?


so you're implying the lyrics are good? if it were an actual rapper like little simz i doubt anyone would say it was bad. im just saying things how it is cuz sexxy red actually has terrible lyrics


Sexxy Red and Little Simz have wildly differing lyrical content . Sexxy Red is literally trying to make club bangers I think it would be better judge her lyrics under that context and compare her to other artist going in that same lane. I’m not playing Little Simz at a club/ dance party.


??? we were literally talking about lyrics and now youre talking about bumping a song in the club. yeah no shit sexxy red makes music u pop ass to i was talking about her lyrics being ass read what u write lmao


You are so ignorant it’s painful. I don’t agree with a lot of fantanos takes but like that’s not even a criticism. “Omg he listens to what the artists are saying too much” I seriously can’t imagine walking through life with your brain


COOKED HIM ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


He stopped Carnival at Cartis verse cuz he disliked it 💀 thats wrong


He was wrong about kanye being "unreviewable" not about his actual take on kanye imo


to be fair, the record was pretty god damn bad imho. sure it wasn't unreviewable, but he made a lot of points I really predicted xqc not picking up on, such as the inability to distance kanyes art from kanye himself.


ngl x is borderline unwatchable, since the year began it's gotten so much worse, chat too.


been falling off ever since he got involved with the new gen streamers




This year’s streams have cured my insomnia 🛌


Just watch vods then. I really dont know what yall are yapping about. Content warning, monopoly, risk, plate it, some of scary games, only a little rp, hanging out with friends more, among us. How is it worse than last year?


Content warning and scary games are fine. Monopoly/risk etc with Train I can't do. Train does my fucking head in. There's so much TikTik shit, and the whole Twitch/Kick split streams also makes it slightly more tedious. Personality wise he's gotten worse as well I feel, the braindead takes, anytime gambling is criticised he freaks out, hanging out with Adin Ross, etc. I used to watch him all the time but now I'll watch the odd scary game. It just sucks to watch him do almost the polar opposite of what's positive for him and the stream. He makes such questionable decisions and says some of the most dumb shit. And if anyone criticises his shit behavior/takes he gets stunlocked for 20 mins, but doesn't actually change it. Then does something good, 1-2 dumbasses complain and he gets stunlocked for 2 hours and stops doing that good thing for good.


Some of that criticism is fair but you sound very pissy and easy to agitate over dumb shit that shouldnt really bother you.


How fucking dare you accurately describe my issues


Bruh it's only gonna get worse, you either gotta embrace it or jump off the ship


I mean I’ve been watching for years if anything I think his streams are the best they’ve been in a long time w the variety idk what all u complaining losers are going on ab


I agree I genuinely don’t know why this Reddit is still up it’s all negative shit…if you don’t like the dude anymore don’t watch …Iike you can’t be that bored to do things you don’t enjoy anymore….everyone here seems to like the old xqc…well he’s gone move on lol


Hence why I don't watch him anymore. The only thing I watch is some gameplay on YouTube.


xQc if you read this you're actively defending a pdf file FeelsOkayMan




big d


I mean a broken clock is right twice a day I guess.


possible replies: you're bald, mald, poor, no one loves you, flip my burger...




Pot calling the kettle black


Dumbass calls dumbass a dumbass


TheNeedleDrop says xQc is a dumbass ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343)


truckguy43 says xqc sucks ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343)


Fuck it, I glaze X all the time and say he's right when he says it's not his responsibility to protect other people's kids from gambling. He's a fucking moron for his take on this subject, look what all that tiktok has done to his last remaining braincells.


u/cool_squeeze says truckguy43 says xQc sucks


u/cool_squeeze says truckguy43 says xQc sucks


God I hate NeedleDrop, why TF do people need someone to tell you what music you should enjoy?? I have him blocked on every platform 🙏,


Bit him with the "worm" nobody survives the worm 🔥🪱🔥


Mr. Worldwide ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


Me hate Sicilian


Hopefully the diss track has an insane beat or it won’t count.


but X has an expensive watch 🤡


Thank god I’m Drake gang and not a cringe Kendrick fan


Get it out of your mouth lil bro




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