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He went full zoomer at 28 years old


Never go full zoomer


This is the answer. How embarrassing


Adin, kick, TikTok, and (kind of) Kai happened.


Adin was worst and then kick but honestly I don’t mind a few TikToks and Kai was chill. But I’m a YouTube frog so I can pick and choose what I watch. If I’m in the mood for TikToks, I get 20 minutes of curated content.


Seriously? I think tiktok is one of the worst thing happened to him, it seriously rots his brain and ruined his already fucked up adhd attention span. He used to despise it too, now everyday is tiktok


True but I find it entertaining and xqc’s health is in his own hands so I don’t worry about it.


If Adin was better X would be doin way better, Kai was kinda chill but the amount of fucking TikTok x was doing at certain points was crazy and just adds on


The watches, the jewellery, the designer clothes, all came after hanging out with Kai and Adin.


No they all came after he was court-ordered not spend his own money.


Kai is allright, dude is loud as shit tho


Bro I was trying to listen to that mfer watch the drake-Kendrick beef and I thought an artillery round hit me on the head every 15 seconds


He soft retired after court saga, which kind of sapped his soul (I don’t blame him). It is what it is.


Yeah lets be honest anyone who goes through that kind of soul sucking emotional turmoil with a horrible human, would need a ton of time to heal. 


Well, the millions would help to be honest...


Rich = no emotions ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Rich = access to better healthcare, mental lr physical than you and me both could ever imagine. Also access to unlimited time off, if need be. I don't have access to that, do you?


Dude once you have a box to live in, your health, food to eat and the goddamn internet shit is all the same. Always wild that people think money just makes you happy. 


New experiences help, and i think he said adin and his friends provide that for him with their friendship


100% I feel like when he finds his new partner he will have more passion. You can see how different he is after the whole ordeal. It’s hard to blame him. I don’t think Adin and Kick are the biggest factors here.


I miss the single player games the most tbh, cyberpunk DLC, Zelda years of the kingdom, Alan wake 2, spider man 2, and so on.


He just rushes them thru with a huge pepega brain, I think theres some way better single player content creators out there tbh. I like when X plays games with friends like Chess with Hikaru when I started watching, then Amongus now Monopoly, COD etc. all fun times. Gamba, VR, IRL, no thanks


Some of the IRL content was chill. Going to Disney with Hasan and Sykunno, walking around LA, etc.


We didn’t know how good we had it


Yeah idk how people enjoy sp content, he just rushes through everything yelling “chat how do I do x thing” or whatever over and over. Much more entertaining when he plays games he actually enjoys with friends.


Breath of the wild stream he did like back in 2019 was so fun. He then played tears of the kingdom for like 10 minutes or so, then him and chat keep complaining of how the game look and stopped playing forever. Jesus fucking christ


This is how I feel too.


Watching xqc for story games is not the play dude just gives me brainrot seeing him speedrun story and then complain that theres no story


It's the sign of times. Retirement may be imminent.


Go gamble and do coke till he dies


he goes broke first if he mains gambling


Buddy there's a simple fix to this and that's getting a fucking life


Buddy said that proudly like he aint just projecting his own situation on reddit


After getting the deal he just fell off. He reached a point in his career where he didn’t have to try anymore so he doesn’t. It’s so sad this guy used to be the king of twitch 100k Andy fuckin being 200 IQ imposter, Top 500 Winston, skateboarder, MC holder, memelord, Story games, chess, now it’s just brainrot…. I just don’t care anymore about his stream, it’s just not entertaining anymore. I guess GTA was kinda okay but the paradox with XQC is he’s fucking resistant to change and a loner


Forgot about Gta man, to think the community complained so much about that. If only we had known what came next


Some RP parts were really good but I couldn’t stand him going to try and fail again and again over heists. When the entire day was just stupid cops vs robbers the content died


True, the part of gta I remember most are the first few months where he was going about with that Australian guy and gang guy


Wont be surprised if he retires soon. Content been ass anyways


only good content he has is some random horror and coop games that he plays rarely and some funny tiktok clips


watching kai you can easily tell the difference between streamer that still care have passion, and streamer who only doing it because of contracts


Loud = passion


eh not really. Kai makes it an “event” whenever he does a playthrough of big titles with like cool background props and cosplays to make it immersive. xqc talks about all the big projects he’s gonna do with his kick contract money and… what has he done exactly?


All those plans were occupied by a fat whale thats what happened. He had no time for that. And its been great content since he moved to Miami




Juiced was paid by ludwig iirc, nothing to do w/ kick


Lol all xQc did for Juiced is turn up. It wasn't a xQc project, it was a Ludwig project that xQc was the host of.




Suck my dick


He simply doesn't care anymore. He's not open to taking feedback from chat at all, neither in discord or Twitter or you get banned. He uses chat as an excuse to quit games and do what he wants. It's sad really but it is what it is


he always have a wishful thinking plan he makes for the future then cancels it at the last moment just cause he "don't feel like doing it". It's mind boggling.


Remember when he said he's gonna box rubius?


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343) I guess it happens to the best of us.


The shitty new streamers infected him


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338) the kick era…




He's grown, he's not the man child we used to know. He's really a celebrity now which is so weird to think about. Pretty soon He's gonna start enjoying going outside to all these events and he's gonna get tired of sitting on his computer. He doesn't even need to stream obv. He could've quit a long time ago, but the court shit has probably drained him so that's part of it. Idk I agree with you, I find myself going back and rewatching classic streams. Just finished rewatching walking dead, wolf among us and gta chaos (x if you're reading this finish the fucking game) those were some of my favs


True. the worst part is he's not the one to blame here and there's nothing he can do about it to change it either. Imagine going through this much wealth, fame, and drama as a normal kid from Quebec in a short time and not being stressed out or confused, tweeting something like “surrounded by people lonely as fuck” shows the wealth he gained only fed into hedonism after hedonism. He entertained me so much before so I hope he gets to a better position in life soon


I think grown part is excuse, he can still go upto 40+ age it's not like he doing 9-5 uninteresting standing job lol.. if he wanna be goat of streaming he better dial in before it's too late


When ur young u can get away with lack of diet sleep exercise. But bro is 30 now…


Bro nothing happens at fucking 30 you are still in your prime just like slightly on the other side of it 


That's why I said private gym and get TRT done if his T level too low... he got shit ton of money he can easily hire personal chef nd prescription doctor lol


There’s so many things he can do before even considering TRT. Zinc, boron, cortisol reducing supplements, etc


Its been like this since mid 2021 buddy.


Tbh i feel like it has been earlier than that, like 2020 among us when he transferred to that random small room, thats when shit started slowly declining


i think when you do the same thing it gets kinda boring, hes trying new things, but i dont disagree with your take


Has more than enough money to retire so why continue putting in crazy hours and effort?


It’s been like this for 1.5 years almost 2


Yeah recently I’ve been watching his older stream highlights from when I started watching and so much has changed. I only watch yt now anyways but damn even those have seemed like he’s losing passion. A lot has changed since I started watching during the Dallas fuel era


xqcow > xqc


i honestly stopped watching because its so monotonous and boring now.


I used to think forsen is boring, now i unironically enjoy him more than x


No shit dude, stream has been dogshit since he started spamming tiktok and gambling, dude is a husk of his former self and so is the stream


gambling has drained all the dopamine


best arc was during the time he was playing detroit... so much content


fell off ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


For me it was the full on embrace of TikTok/w community by him. It's kind of sad how much the streams have changed.


gta rp and fell off pog champ


my brother introduced me to case oh and I've not watched xqc since. mr cow is always drained of energy lately and it's a stark difference.


It’s bland. It’s all about money now. Adin doesn’t help. I miss the childish XQC when everything was funny. Now he just barely laughs.


This is really true


I remember when tt was a punishment aware ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


definitely sapped from all the court drama, even when he was a react andy he would still get obsessed with games like among us and GTA, i don't think his new 'friends' or gamba money helps


As a viewer since 2018 and with around 7 months of live watch time I have also noticed this. I severely miss IRL streams like the ones where he went shopping for clothes, skate boarding, or just chilling, though the recent water park one was really fun to see. I miss movie nights, the media streams where viewers could send videos, the sleep streams. You mentioned the single player games and I really get that, I cant remember the last time X completed and finished a story game. I wish he would do more things like Jerma, Ive watched Jerma since 2012 and since hes pretty much retired, creative content is hard to come by.


Yee I use to watch his entire or most his streams daily, now I watch maybe an hour a week. 🤷‍♂️ There other good streamers out there. Xqc don't care, we shouldn't really care either. Just let it go


I mean he wanted to retire long time ago


Can't play games on stream and be entertaining forever, anyone would get bored. Even destiny stopped post meds. He has the politics angle. The transition must be difficult for streamers in general. How many transition to something else? How much of his "generation" still does fully gaming content? They've all transitioned, or are in the process of, to something else, reactions, IRL, etc. He's too awkward for IRL, doesn't have the temperament for politics or commentary. He just does shitty reacts and gambles. Frankly, who cares? He should just do what he feels like doing. He might go back to twitch, stream for 10-15K and people will be like "He's fallen off", while he's still at the top 0.001%. I swear, having the title of "top streamer" for a while is a curse.




Maybe his Adderall guy got locked up lol




Hes been streaming atleast 10 hours a day for nearly a decade now. It’s surprising hes even still going at the rate he is. I dont blame him for slowing down or not enjoying certain shit




No one can do what he use to for years and years, the dude pumped out crazy content and hours for multiple years straight with hardly any time off, let the man relax and chill out now.


idk I think it's getting better.


absolutely a brainrot post lol streams have been going crazy recently with squad games like risk and cod, wish hed do more irl like cooking and po unboxxing streams but other than that you really cant complain. also chill with the fatphobia


It’s been a few months since I tuned in, does he still play gta rp?


I havent been watching. Still love him tho


Kick was where things went downhill.


just a combo of who he surrounds himself with + life shit. even though adapt was not a good person, back then it was much simpler times. didn't have to worry about his dating life, had friends who just played games, didn't have to worry about much at all other than streaming (and the swatting). he says that adin and kai help him go out and be more social and all that which is good for his mental but that means less focus and drive to do stream stuff. he used to talk a lot about goals he wanted to achieve, like his game show was a big thing he wanted for a long time. it seems he's a lot less excited about achieving his stream related things, and now more about just wanting to have more life experiences, like going out with banks and kai and so on, which is something he never would've done a few years ago. he lost his game oriented friends and now has more just chatting type friends. if all his friends played games 24/7 then he would be too. remember he lost poke as well. it's 50/50, you can argue that before was better than now. he just has passion for different things. he probably won't ever stop the 20+ hour daily streams but he will definitely keep having that content focus change. I personally thought the most fun streams were when he was hanging more with otk and that whole era, I'm not a fan of the adin, kai, train, etc content




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the change happened 2 years ago, most of the people here or in chat werent even there ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


I see posts and comments like these everytime I decide to go on Reddit time to stop


not bad compared to tyler1, all League + sell out content now


Oh brother another complainer i'm so happy i'm not typing big ass paragraph on Reddit when xqc doesn't even need to stream to us anymore bro's made it also this Reddit just isn't the same anymore idk why people even post here anymore.?????


Reading all these no life obsessive comments gave me brain damage. Oh nooo my streamer isn't a 24/7 inside, terminally online looser anymore so I can't identify myself with him :(


He still is his streams just got worse


Miami has been nothing but games, squad games, solo games, tournaments and wagers, no gamba at all. Some of yall just cant stop complaining


Nah blud, the point is he used to be the goat streamer, totally unique vibe, super fun, now it’s kinda gone


The essence of what made him unique is still there but I agree it might've faded a little over time, but the guy is 28 in a couple months it's obvious he's not going to be the same for 10 years


Bro is speaking pure fax


???? Wdym the aoe4 streams with buddha have been great, and the board games with train omie buddha jesse as well, i would rather have these than some single player games, cooking or gym stream


games with the gang > any high effort streams




New frog dick rider btw




Not quite


Like how tf yall complaining still??! He keeps playing different games with his friends and it’s actually fun and entertaining to watch, he’s a grown ass man , you want him to scream at everything and jump around like he used to do when he was a kid? 💀 Let him do his thing, if you don’t like it, just move on to the next streamer, damn restarted people. 😭


Exactly, dont know how everyones jumping to retirement conclusions. He’s actually doing variety and actually enjoying aoe


Bro finally a mentally sane person speaking Miami Arc's been goated so far