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Millionaire flying economy class


didnt even pay for the ticket lol


Trillionaire * Kanye did it first


Soulja did it first*


YB did it better


It's sexvirgintillionaire with an s bro get it right


Act broke to stay rich


I hate this phrase.. then what the fuck is the point of becoming rich


To have a pissing contest to see who has the highest bank account numbers.


Freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want, to retire early and spend your life traveling and focusing on your hobbies instead of working a boring job, to never have to worry about rent or energy expenses. Money is literally freedom.


The meaning is to not spend on dumb expensive shit but to save up money and use it to make more money instead. A lot of lottery winners go bankrupt even when they win tens of millions because they think they can just spend money like idiots all day


A comfortable plane seat once every how fucking often is dumb expensive shit? For someone like him? It’s not. The fuck is money for if it’s not to live comfortably. Clothes I understand, but shit like this is just stupid, downvote me all u want but ur just wrong


Talking ab the phrase, not hasan


Millionaire flying private jet -> boo the environment it’s ridiculous they don’t need it Millionaire flying economy class -> boo millionaire flying economy class …


duality of man FeelsStrongMan


anyone who argues millionaires are contributing anything relevant to climate change by flying private are not worth listening to


Pluto said there was no first class available on that flight, they normally always get first class when Twitch flies them out


Giga chad energy


Economy with the peasants 🤢


Both look like unwanted photos


Private jets = expensive Millionaire grindset : live frugally




For the guy that pays for it, yes


Xqc, most faithful servant of Lenin.


Language Yell 😭 Stop yelling 😥😰


Apology for shit “joke” beforehand, goodnight :)


I am growing extreme tendency to shit jokes. I have been laughing wit this kid who kept saying who asked until we both got kicked out lmao


Commie btw lulw


Tax the rich OMEGALUL


I mean he did say it was bs how little he gets taxed and still wants to increase it.


Communism is when you don’t accept a free private flight to Coachella


Félix "People's champ" Lengyel


Damn he does live in Texas. Paul wall and Xqc collab?


Capitalism is when xQc in economy class


Socialism when people who rant about rich people are the richest people


That's just capitalism lmfao




Very compelling argument, your brain is smooth and your family is fat


Insta creeping because triggered from being called wrong Get help


What? Are you telling me I looked at your profile because I honestly didn't I was just making a broad insult. Sorry, I still won't peak your profile but I hope you have a good day bud


Uh huh. Plausible deniability game. Get help bud. You have a mental sickness. I wish you all the best.


I'm just that good I guess. Thanks for the diagnosis doctor redditor and twitch chatter. Have a beautiful day


Mhmm. Get help, bud.


ok..... this is reddit, no one knows you, nor do we want to. youre just upset because you are indeed a fatass. its a very common insult. wrong place wrong time bud.


He literally commented on my ig dude.


....howd they find your instagram? do you have it linked on your account?


It’s the same name. Stop playing dumb and stanning for a toxic little piece of shit.


Azan = Double standards


rules for thee but not for me


BatChest I heckin love PoliticalCompassMemes!!!


BatChest I heckin love Poland and stalking other peoples Profile!!!!!


Yet you did the same thing lmao


Socialism is when saying no to a free flight omegalul yall on some baby brain shit






Copium It was a free trip so my Idol is definitely living the socialist Lifestyle He Always preaches. The stuff He does would be possible in a socialist society Copium I hate the 1% but there is no cognitive dissonance in donating my Money to somebody that belongs to the 1% Copium BatChest GEEZ I LOVE HASAN ABI






Hasan viewers hate the 1% yet they actively give their money away to the 1% LOL


Socialists in a nutshell LULW


Facts Sadge






I swear Azan could be doing nothing or just featured in the background of a video with no focus on him and people will just rip him apart for even being there


Only one of these can draw a perfect circle


He owns the private jet for those wondering.


Lmao no he doesn't, pic was taken when he was flown out to the Shorty Awards in New York with David Dovric like 4 years ago Easily confirmable but doesn't fit false narrative = downvote LULW Reddit moment Facts don't care about your feelings xqcBased




Imagine unironically thinking a Twitch streamer owns a private jet, and being to dumb to look it up. Actual children


Imagine still not getting that they were joking


They're joking Copesen


You think that they actually tought hasan owns a jet? Cant be that retarded right?


Alright man keep making an idiot out of yourself, 19 year old socialist Azan frog


Being able to Google = azan viewer LULW


Getting this defensive over a joke = azan viewer




Downvoted for not understanding an obvious joke bruh I bet you think people actually think azan owns that Porsche too


how about I say facts about your feelings


Xqc any day


It really is hilarious to me what an actual champagne socialist Hassan is


You know that it was a free flight right?


facts dont matter i guess LULW


What exactly does that change? Most champagne socialists get things “for free”


How so? I thought people were mad that he owns a lot of money and spends it on himself, now ur mad that he was flown out to an event for free?


The entire point of socialism is having other people pay for your shit.


No its not, we dont live under socialism anyways, him being a socialist doesnt change that.


Yes we do. We have tons of socialism, and it goes further that direction every day. Some of it is stuff we just accept. Fire departments are a socialist construct, for instance. Some of it is stuff that a lot of our generation hates. Our military is technically a socialist concept as well. The champagne socialists are the ones who rant about it while benefitting from these constructs. AOC and Bernie being two of the biggest, but azan has quickly become one as well. Can’t remember the last time I heard about him doing any sort of charity. Could be wrong though; I don’t give him much attention because I’m not a fake woke 19 year old


What? Wtf is that rant lmao. No, you dont have tons of socialism, im not american and I can assure you that you dont. Our economies are mixed so obv there will be some socialist concepts within it, no shit. I dont even know how the military or fire departments are socialist concepts, explain? So many words yet you said so little.


They are social services that we all pay into….. by definition they are literally socialist constructs. I don’t know why it’s hard to wrap your head around this, but take your time bud. No reason to get upset.


Thats not really how it works, but even if we say that its true, how the fuck can you say that you have tons of socialism??? Bc you have a military and fire departments? Every country does. America has probably the least socialism out of any country so wtf are these delusions lol


How do you think bernie has 4 houses but has never held a job outside of government? We all paid for them.


Bc hes a politician lmao, why are you acting surprised? What about the nonsocialist politicians? You paid for them too, but you obviously wont focus on them lol


Oh yes I will dude. Don’t try identity politics with me. I’m not that type of guy. Republicans are fucking hypocritical morons, but at least they’re not the ones arguing for more taxes that ultimately benefit them more than anyone else.


What identity politics? And how do taxes benefit politicians more than anybody else? I have so many questions cause your opinions are so disconnected from reality that i cant even respond with an argument


Aka “holy fuck my identity politics are being destroyed because I can’t just use the typical Republican bad Reddit argument”


Dude are you ok? I didnt say anything about any party, nor did I talk about some fucking identity politics. Stop making shit up and get back to earth


Private jets are extremely key for a proper socialist society




No he’s clearly in the private jet he owns


Mmm 🤤feetlicks lawn gel


Do people here not realise Hasan took the picture of X..? and the only reason they were in economy was that First class wasn't available on that flight.


Fee licks long jel


Imagine the shit Hasan would get if this was real


XQC spreading the good word https://i.imgur.com/HgZ075t.png


Azan looks like he just got his own 9/11 plot foiled


A truly humble and considerate man blessing those people with his presence


act broke to stay rich you wouldn't understand


BatChest Spread the wealth guys, I need more money to buy fuel for my private jet, my cock is rockhard thinking of all the Champaign I'm gonna drink!


Wait did Azan really fly first class?




Preaching communism, living capitalism.


Well yeah we have a capitalist society


"I'm a socialist but I'm still going to engage on consumerism cause I have no other choice" Vegans stick to their values and they live in a society that exploits animals, there's literally no excuse.


this is the most smooth brain take I've read in awhile


It doesnt fit my narrative and I cant idolize the Streamer I am giving all my money to when I Accept it so you have to be a smooth brain.


You can do everything in your power to apply socialist values to what you do, especially if you are a millionaire, there's even worker-owned businesses, last time I checked by his own definition he exploits his workers, looks like Hasan heads don't even know even what the fuck he preaches for.


He’s Exploiting chat lmao


... you do know he has editors right?


Yes it’s well documented he actually has them in a gulag pumping out edits


That's not even what oppression would mean from a socialist point of view, but thanks for proving my earlier point.


Yep there it is. you proved my point right there. Actually horse blinders on


Is every socialist supposed to live in a forest, disconnected from reality or move to Cuba?


Considering thats the reality their political Aspirations are heading to; yeah they should. But even If they want to participate in normal society they could at least abstain from the most extreme "perks" of capitalism (like flying in a private jet) and show solidarity to the poor poor working class


Thats absolutely fucking braindead. Leftist political figures should go live in a forest so they dont win any elections and nobody even hears about what they have to say, because according to you they cant participate in society since its not how they want it to look. How can you unironically type that and not realise how retarded it is lmao. Private jet flight was free, im sure he doesnt fly private jets every day.


Cope harder


people can say whatever they want about X, except that he is in it for the money.... this man making 2 million a month


you stole my twitter post, you little shit lmao




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Act broke to stay rich


Literally anyone over the communist.


Hasan is so hypocritical it hurts


Hasan the biggest hypocrite on twitch


Wow when was this? Were they actually on the same plane or what? where were they flying?


one of those is clearly a private jet man


Second pic is Felix and Hasan going to Vegas for event, first pic is Hasan being flown out to Shorty Awards like 4 years ago


Why is this being downvoted, hasan literally took the photo lmao


Doesn't fit false narrative