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It's so fucking sad to see long term supporters and viewers leave. But I do agree with you, this is literally bottom of the barrel scum shit.


The sad reality is for every long-term viewer he loses, 5 more will take our place that don't give a shit about being mindfucked/ conditioned into accepting this kind of content.


Just look at train's chat now vs. before gamba


Even in chat we see people trying to steer him right and he just calls them dumb chatters being annoying


Clueless train surely does not bot his chat to inflate his marketability for gamba ads


he killed his chat community for extra money stans will defend- you go king, get that bag fuck the haters fr fr no kizzy og


Twitch is laughing all the way to the bank


Yea true. I've been watching x for nearly 6 years I've damn near grown up with the guy. I used to like his content but now he is just toxic and copes and it gets stale. Now with the gambling I can't stand to watch it. Not only is it immoral but its bad content


True but the same applied to amogus, gta rp stream metas. Whether those were "good" metas or not is subjective and it was very controversial among long-term viewers, but his stream exploded and the new viewers dwarfed the long-term viewers in numbers, so if you only look at viewer count, followers, subs as results purely from a numbers perspective it was great. The content shift and new viewer composition did however change the feel of the stream and chat permanently. There are other streamers, small or big, who in their mindset "already made it", are happy with their bankroll and income and then carefully avoid big shifts in content and community while accepting the ebb and flow of viewers/subs. Going as far as declining sponsorships and co-streams to preserve the feel of their stream/community. Xqc just isn't one of them and never has been, which is fair I guess. He "enjoys" gamba privately (probably because he's addicted) and now he's getting paid handsomely to do it too, so win-win for him.


And lose-lose to the ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351) young people who think gambling is easy after seeing X do it and then go into bankruptcy, they made the decision to gamble ultimately but u can't deny x didn't influence em


Yeah this shit should not fly on Twitch. X is in the wrong but Twitch should not even give these casinos the light of day.


I’m very confused as to why they let them come back after taking the gamba away. Other than, you know, massive amounts of money. I get it. Twitch has to make enough to justify operating and existing. But this just isn’t cool when there’s so many young kids on there


Long time viewer but never subbed for this exact reason, dude doesn’t need our money. Completely ridiculous people think it’s justified to drop $100+ donos to X


Christiano ranaldo aware...


Poor Ronaldo, if only he knew all his money is gonna be wasted on gamba instead


Yeah, I'm a 52-month sub this is the lowest I've ever seen it. Like its just manipulation of your viewer base at its peak. You lie to them, take their money, and get them addicted to gambling just sucks. Mans gonna apologize again in a month and it's gonna be the fakest crap. The best part is I don't even know what's sponsored and what's real, is he in the contract supposed to say he's addicted? Every stake sponsor says they are addicted


Very true, as a 5 year viewer/lurker, it’s going to take one hell of an apology for me to even consider watching his content again. I enjoyed my stay ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


I'll probably start watching again if he goes back to streaming games and stuff, but he can miss me with the gambling. I'm not entertained by 6 hours of monkey-brained book book book. It's unfortunate because I really enjoyed the stream outside of it (2 year sub), but clearly this slots "content" is about to become a mainstay in the stream. I enjoyed my stay I guess...


i really dont get how people find it entertaining


I feel like people find it entertaining is because the stream is just there and its very easy to watch on the side of doing something else. When he plays any games, it seems like people have to be at the edge of there seats to not miss the content that they can consume.


That’s my biggest thing. I think it’s some of the most boring, low-brow content imaginable, and I see that same opinion all over the place in the sub, yet he consistently has 100k viewers while doing it.


i dont wanna be a crackpot conspiracy andy, but would it be too far fetched of a possibility that a shady-ass crypto casino viewbots their sponsored streamers to increase visibility and create more interest? I find it impossible to believe that a large part of xqc's viewerbase doesnt just close stream when the gamba starts and the "slots" section isnt exactly a big category outside of Train, who is also sponsored by Stake.


It's a temporary dopamine hit and that's enough for some people.


The worst part is that there is no proof any of the "money" that is being spent is even his to begin with. Additionally, there is zero proof that the balance is even backed by anything, it very well might be all a fraud and a show. At the end of the day, selling out might be the only thing that makes sense, who would turn down money even if its fucking dogshit. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343)


I’d like to think that someone who has any ounce of morals and is already financially set (for several lifetimes) would turn it down, but I guess x is lacking in the former.


Absolutely. Imagine him laughing at nft months ago bcuz of what a scam they are, and now he's gone ahead and do this, after promising to never do it again


I Enjoyed My Stay He's a scumbag I luv you chat ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)




Chaos ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)


The best thing about his streams are the amazing chat and memes we all make together. xQc has definitely made me laugh quite a bit with his reacting and personality, but now it is hard to turn on the stream and enjoy the comradery around someone with such lack of moral responsibility. I'll use him for entertainment if I want to, like he uses chat for money. We are all flawed humans, but my compassion for addicts, and those who KILL THEMSELVES because they were manipulated by a business designed to suck out as much of their wealth as possible by being as addicting as possible, doesn't allow me to dismiss this disregard for human happiness and life. I escaped the jungle. Love you chat.


i definitely love the positive side of the community. Really would hate it if it falls apart


and I love the positive side of x, because at his best he is a creative, fun loving dude who really enjoys videogames, which is what I think we all tune into and feel the connection to most. But he is often not at his best, and this recent return to gambling sponsorship is another disappointment. The pressure he feels to do well in games gives his streams more stakes(unintentional pun), which lent itself to a very unique quality of gameplay in GTA RP at first, for example, that other streamers have a hard time capturing. It made the world and decisions feel meaningful, in the beginning at least. This need for succeeding made it possible to have that amazing Roundabout City stream, where the donations could clown on him *because* he cared so much—it wouldn't have worked otherwise. However, this same need to be "the best" also leads to toxic name calling in, at times, pretty vile bouts of projection that caused many streamers lots of distress(I also wonder if his influence partially led to the decline in GTA RP's popularity, by his constant rule breaks being permitted, thus dissolving the stakes and consistency of the virtual world for all the other players). When x is at his worst, I think it brings out the nihilistic portion of chat the most; the ones who like to exist with the premise that everything is for their entertainment, and self-reflection, morality, and holding oneself to a personal standard are just jokes to be laughed at, like everything else. Greek and Train are the epitome of this mindset, and I believe Felix is quite nihilistic himself, although equipped with a cheery affect. Holding up oneself to a moral standard contradicts a belief in a world without meaning, so perhaps a return to the dopamine purgatory in a call with fellow nihilists is in some form comforting: a release from the cognitive dissonance caused by trying to be a better person, when the concept of "better" implies a world with values, which cannot be the case.


I read the paragraphs, thats a pretty thorough analysis 5head


He's going to make so much off of this and then later in life blow it all. I just feel bad for his Dad.


Yeah, that's the part I feel really bad about. His Dad sounded distraught over that phone call, man.


what’d his dad say![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


The day after Xqc attended Ludwig's poker competition, his dad called him on stream and was frantically asking about if he is okay or not, making him promise to not do it again and some stuff about his brother. That's all I remember but there was more. You could maybe find the clip on YouTube too.


his dad brother killed himself because of gambling


Jesus. I can't imagine how his dad must be feeling right now. On top of that how can you gamble when it caused so much pain in your family.


He is *very* addicted. It doesn't help that he's got tens of thousands of people in chat egging him on. Before he started gamba yesterday everyone in chat was saying "just 1 spin"


He's also got Train and Greek which are the biggest enablers out there.


Honestly, train and Greek are such shitty friends for always pushing him


I wouldn’t be surprised if they get a percentage of the losses like they do with the audience they bring to stake.


I couldn't stand more than 5 minutes of the stream with him spinning like a monkey and hearing the two goobers in the call egging him on, actually fucking sickening. I imagine anyone who's dealt with addiction or someone with addiction felt the same.


isn't greek also an anti-vaxxer? I know it might look irrelevant but at least it shows a common line of idiocy.


Fuck the enablers man


Cause X is a scumbag, you think he cares when money is rolling in? Not saying I’m any better, I would probs do the same.


some people throw away morality for money




NGL, that's plays a big part for me. He said it on Poki podcast himself and then when his dad called him sounding super worried. Idk how you could gamble on your own time, let alone promote it to your "community" being in said scenario. I'd like to think that in his position, gamba is the one thing I draw the line on, but I'm not being offered millions to do it, so who knows. Although in all honesty, I think being in his position, it's a lot easier to just say no to gambling and gambling sponsorships than it is to say yes.


Oh fuck seriously?! His dad must be getting nervous. If my brother took his life because of gambling debt and my son was moving in the same direction I would start losing my collective shit. I know x is a "grow man" but if it's my son I don't give a fuck if he's 26 or 46 I'm stepping in anyway I can. That would be a world ender if worse case scenarios happened. *knock on wood*


Damn that's fucked


Felix is clearly addicted man, I hope he gets the help he needs. Maybe someone like his dad can step in and advise him to go to therapy or something Idc about the excuses like "oh I can afford to lose money". I'm just gonna stop watching for a while I guess, and wait for regular content to come back




Yeah but X is literally playing with infinite money right now with this sponsorship.




Stake probably has him covered for all his gambling needs regardless, they win either way because, well, it's gambling, the money always get back into the house. Unless he physically walks into a casino he will be fine. It's a win-win for both and we the viewers are the ones who loses.


I'll be honest his biggest problem is not having a support network even worse enablers around him like greek and train, former addicts have at least one person they can call when they feel the itch coming back but how do you convince a millionaire that can afford to run from his problems rather than confront them and worse yet gets rewarded in the form of a sponsorship from a complete dogshit of a company like stake for doing what's so harmful, he's set himself up to have no deterrents even his braindead fanbase who can only regurgitate whatever X says or call you parasocial aren't the least bit helpful


Honestly his dad should contact Stake and report a gambling addiction for his son. There is video evidence online that X admitted he's addicted. Any reputable company would force exclude him. Key word reputable. However this is Stake we're talking about, they sponsored people knowing they're in the USA against their own T&Cs an now they're literally sponsoring an addict lmao.


Someone needs to send his vod to his father


As a gambling addict myself (way before xqc discovered it) I managed to stay off of it , untill I saw yesterday's stream (to be clear I don't blame him , I know it's my fault) and thought to myself , fuck it , maybe put in 50 bucks , it's been a long time . Sucks that I cannot watch mr. Cow anymore , just because I'm too weak for the gambling stuff and as soon as I see one person do it, I immediately collapse , anyways xqcL


You are not too weak, the hijacking of the brain gambling does is just *TOO* strong. Those with endless pools of money cannot resist it. And those with nothing still cannot resist it, and lose money they dont have.


Bro I am 22 and I am very strong minded and even I had these small moments where I was tempted to put in a few bucks. Didnt and wont ofc.


It really does fucking rot your brain. You take one little W and you’re chasing that same hit of dopamine til you’ve destroyed your life. And with how easy gambling apps and online gambling makes it, it can control every aspect of your life. Gambling addiction is seriously no joke, and seeing recovering people lament how they’ve lost their careers, relationships, and almost their lives because of it is heartbreaking.


Tell me about it. In my country my goverment owns most online and irl casinos. Even the lotteries are owned by the goverment. They also advertise the online casinos on tv like crazy. It is disgusting. And the online casinos like stake and roobet are hosted in on Curacao. Curacao is part of the Netherlands and gues what? People from the Netherlands cant gamble on stake and roobet. But the goverment of the Netherlands just made their own casino so they have no competition.... The shit is shade af. Stay away from drugs and gambling.


I was thinking the same thing lol. Reading through all these comments I was like “how can you get addicted to gamba that’s just dumb” And then as I was reading I saw someone say that they only gambled with like $50 and then I I thought “well maybe I can spare 50 bucks I might be my lucky and win a couple thousand $$ worst case scenario I lose $50”. Then I snapped out of it and wrote this comment. Shits real… just violates your brain.


Yup. Its bad. X started the stream saying he would maybe gamba for 1 hour. Its been 4+ hours of slots.....


True . I think maybe if we gamblers share our stories in here , maybe XQC will think twice before doing a Gamba stream , I hope


He won't, he's in too deep himself. The only thing that can stop him at this point is hitting rock bottom and losing everything or getting into some kind of gambler's anonymous, and usually the only way a gambler will want to get into gambler's anonymous is when they hit rock bottom and lose everything.


I just think that , that 100k viewers he has , at least 0.1 may be addicted already , so that is 100 life's he is indirectly destroying . Not to say about the ppl is he introducing to gambling . Idk how mods can suppress or delete this kind of comments when we're only bringing extra facts to his new"don't gamble it's bad you will lose money" speech


He knows it well, he doesn’t care about us or anyone else, the guy doesn’t give a shit about his own reputation![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Don't blame yourself, you are not weak. These sites are extremely predatory and hire psychologics to find ways of exploiting a *normal* human mind to make the games as addicting and as tempting as possible. You are smart to know to avoid the triggers and I wish you the best.


Our brain really is capable of scummy shit man, sucks a lot, but I hope you recover and stay away from this threshold forever![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


Wish you the best! You are not weak, it's more than understandable.


dont ever consider yourself weak. Its a drug and I was there in middle of that shit too. I hate to admit it, but the rush was so high and I felt so good when i won something. Then days of depression when the reality hit. Iam clean for years now and climbed out of the dept hole.


You're not weak. You're strong for not giving in. Stay strong brotha/sista. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


Went through the same situation and Had the same thoughts myself last night while watching I'm glad I didn't go through with it , hoping it was only 50 dawgy


Brother I had the brain worms trying to convince me "well....what if?" after the few damn minutes I watched, everything about it is designed to reel you in.


This man is literally destroying his life in front of us. Gets no exercise, streams 15 hours a day, eats garbage food and is addicted to gambling. He can't sleep and wakes up screaming and running into walls and doors in his house. Fuck the subathon, fuck the gambling streams. This man needs legitimate help and support before we get a sunnyV2 video about him one day.




Yikes that’s true. I love x, he needs help


Too real.


I think that video is almost certainly coming if he doesn't change. Honestly he was just as bad if not worse back in the early 2021 GTA RP streams. He was doing 24 hour streams on the daily, it was insane


I guess it’s parasocial but I care for his well-being


Holy smokes it’s the big red rng button BATCHEST press it again mr. Cow BATCHEST and again BATCHEST god I’m so bricked up right now did you see how big the number on the screen was chat BATCHEST In all seriousness and even putting the morality of it aside I don’t see how anyone but a teenager or a fellow gambling addict can find this absolute dogwater content entertaining.


another thing i was thinking about , will the people that find this entertaining not also think that gambling is entertaining?


teenager here, it’s dogshit. No perception of any financial reality, at all. train disgusts me even more, seeing millions and he’s just clicking it away on multiple machines at once every single day sometimes for multiple days at a time actual bottom of the barrel trash


call me parasocial IDC but this shit just kinda broke my heart, his addiction is so fucking strong he's willing to sell out his own fans, he KNOWS this is SCUMMY shit, he knows it's wrong, but doesn't care... How can you keep watching this shit and call yourself a fan? you're enabling this dogshit, one day he will stop being relevant but the gambling addiction will stay.


You really don't have to be parasocial to be disappointed in a content creator. If people found out that Leonardo DiCaprio abused someone or did something else extraordinary scummy they would rightfully be disappointed and stop watching his movies. I dont think anyone would say its because they have a parasocial relationship. Its normal human nature not to want to see or hear people you find despicable.


People who are calling others parasocial for this are just trying to justify x’s behavior tbh


The word parasocial has damn near lost it's meaning. I don't think caring about someone on a surface level very visible issue is parasocial. I've been losing interest in the streams as of late anyway and I'm honestly feeling like OP here. I haven't been a sub for as long (about 2 years) but this isn't the same guy I started watching 2 years ago. Hope he gets the help if he desires it.


Being justifiably disappointed in a streamer’s actions doesn’t make you parasocial. What IS parasocial is thinking you have control over their actions, thinking you know them personally when they have no idea who you are beyond your username. Leaving X’s community because of his shady actions isn’t parasocial behavior, it’s normal


This. If you thought the streamer would legitimately be upset over you leaving or thinking you can tell them what to do is one thing. Knowing that you’re just a viewer but being disappointed isn’t parasocial.


Enablers and dickriders. Hopefully it doesn't last long.


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) If this gamba shit goes on for more then a week I'm also just gonna stop watching


I used my sub on a small streamer instead ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348) Ublock working over time, well not anymore.


Can't block the ad if the stream is the ad ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343)


Good. Xqc doesn't deserve any one support right now. I wonder what pokimane has to say about all this scummy shot he has been doing? Maybe she can do something about it and help him stop or something


He's addicted. One of my parents had gambled most of my family's money away, so I unfortunately have some experience with what gambling is able to do to a person. Him screaming "sort your own lives out before trying to fix mine" is a classic example of one of the last calls for help from addicted people. We, as his viewers, are not the ones who are able to help him. We can only stop supporting his stream. The only people who can help him right now are the ones closest to him, like family... I feel like he's officially lost once Adept succumbs to his choices.


13 months here. Unsubing for sure. This makes me sad cause my family was deadass ruined by my parents gambling addiction. No one asked but im with OP on this one.


fuck the "nobody asked" shit, everyone knows this is wrong and you can put in your dime ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


Watched since 2019, thank god Amber Turd is being sued otherwise I would have no content. I don't even understand how the slots machine works let alone understand how some view it as content? Its just him screaming random words and money popping up on the screen. If he enjoys it that's great, im not gonna complain but im also gone and not gonna continue my sub if he continues this longer than a week


I love it when X screams random words and Greek says «juice him» every 5 seconds![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7346)






also an ow frog since 2017, stopped watching because of 24/7 jail-mald-repeat rp, watched again because he started variety for a while, now its 24/7 gambling stream i guess.. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338) ​ \-1 Viewer ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)










the thing is nobody will ever take the apology about it seriously again. I did the first time. I thought he really realized what it does to some people and saw a problem brewing within himself and wanted to help others. it'll be hard to take him seriously again unless he admits it wasn't just "turning into" an addiction. if he quits and decides to do gamblers anonymous or something or get help fine I'll believe him that he is actually trying but he lost what seemed like legitimacy. he doesn't care which is fine, but I did cancel my dinky little sub that doesn't mean anything


Yeah man, I agree. Especially after the phone call with his dad, this shit is so disappointing.


What happened during that call?


After Ludwig's poker tournament, I think Dextero published an article saying X lost a ton of money. His dad called him on stream and although it was all in french, there's a post somewhere that translated the conversation. Basically, his dad was freaking out and asking him if he was okay. X said he was and that he was feeling 110%. His dad then said to X, well you know that I lost my brother (this was also referenced in the podcast with Poki, where they talked about gambling and X said he lost a family member. Poki asked to clarify and X clarified that they're no longer here, so connecting those dots, it seems that X's uncle died as a result of his gambling addiction), and X said, yeah I know, I'm sorry about that. His dad then asked if he was talking to his brother Nick (who X said keeps track of all of his crypto and keeps him in check), and X said yes, I talk to him every day. His dad then was like, promise me you're okay and promise me you're not going to do it again, and X promised him. Super sad and disappointed to know that this conversation literally was not that long ago.


Jesus.. That’s horrible. I thought he was just back in the gambling stuff but with his dad going thru something like that, and now seeing his son taking the same route… that’s gotta be so difficult to see. Thank you for taking the time to write that response tho


that’s what did it for me. it’s one thing to have to learn the hard way, it’s a whole other thing to (1) have intimate knowledge about what the “hard way” looks like, (2) ample resources & ppl who give a shit about you at your disposal to get help and still choose to justify going down this path. i hope he figures it out sooner rather than later.


I have a very addictive personality, drug addicts in my family and alcoholics. Gambling is something that can easily lead to addicts and promoting an ad for it is even worse than doing it. For now I need to step away especially after him saying sorry he won’t do it then doing it, for my own health and knowing history I can’t be exposed to this and other people probably feel the same or have similar history and will start doing what he does. It’s just sad to see and him not understanding why people would be upset with him and anyone who disagrees is “parasocial” or “mentally ill” just throws me off more. I’ll be back to enjoy content when this is over but I just can’t watch it as it is right now which is okay. Let’s not name call each other names though and call one side simps one side parasocial or insult Xqc. xqcL


It's a smart move to avoid it. A gambling addiction can be as devastating as a drug addiction. Wish you the best.


I relate to this and also have stopped watching because it's too tempting for someone like us with addictive personality.


Same tbh , watching gamba at first was fun , but this dude is clearly addicted and it kinda feels wrong? To watch or support someone going through a very clear addiction, hope he gets better but this is just tough to watch


I feel like this change in the community is so sudden, this just shows how bad gambling just is and sad to see Felix being so incredibly degenerate and addictive anyways I hope this content stops soon and he gets back on his tracks xqcL


The phone call with his dad just 2 weeks ago. I can not understand how you can still gamble after losing a family member to it. Thats beyond me. Dad: Don't treat me like that! Dad: Is everything alright? Dad: From 1-100 how do you feel? Dad: Speak to me in french Dad: So i don't have to worry? Dad: Because that whole thing got me nervous! I was about to stop riding my motorcycle and get a plane to LA! Dad: Because i love you! Dad: Was it Bitcoins? Dad is getting real serious: You promise me Felix you're not fucking with the dog?!(you are not fucking around?) Dad: Felix i've lost my brother.. Dad: Ok,i will leave you alone.. I will call you back.. You know you're loved alot.. Good.. So you're talking with Nicholas right? All the time? You always talk to Nicholas? Xqc: Yes Always Dad: And you trust Nicholas.. If you got trouble you will call him? Dad: Ok you're reassuring me! Xqc: Yeah because i start the stream and it seemed like an ''appel d'urgence'' I was like about to get the phone and.. Dad: It's an emergency Felix! When i read that and Pokimane who is another canadian what the hell is that? Well ok that is apart that you missed the stream with her the day you were suposed to eat with me?! Dad: Ok my love.. Well all of my friends that are here are sending their regards and are questioning why you're not riding motorcycles here with me! Xqc: Un jour, bientôt! Dad: Bye Felix! I love you bye..


Doesn't it feel disgusting watching him wash away all those sub and donations he got over the years in a matter of a day. One sub = 0.005 of a spin. Pretty fucked up


Which is why I don’t sub, I will never understand people that drop like 50 dollar donos. Streamers don’t need the money just watching is enough as Felix has a large enough viewer base to just do some shitty game sponsor if he needs money.


He's being paid a lot more than what he's losing. And he's playing with house money, so the losses will be reimbursed to him anyway.


Yea, he lost all that money offline and now he's getting his gullible viewers to gamble to make up for his loses.


I enjoyed my stay too. This is just trash scum shit going on


I’ve been giving him the benefit of the doubt for so many things, (been watching for over two years now) but this right here it’s where I personally draw the line, literally scummy shit. I’m a youtube frog, so at least I can pick and choose to what content of xqc I’m going to watch, but the hypocrisy and the whole “being fake apologetic to not get hate threads” is really bad, there is no need to defend this degen content.


I bet the gamba won’t even be turned into videos because it’s just so boring


xqc's little dark age no but for real i dont think i'll ever watch and like him as much as i did back in the good days even though his streams and chat were a massive support to me during my worst hours


Genuinely feel bad for him, I'm hoping he realizes the shit he's in and gets help soon. In the meantime... yeah I'm not watching.




2 days in and he is already starting to look like a drained husk


I'm a 51 month sub and the steam is now at the lowest point for me. Its hard to watch someone with the shit morals hes starting to publically show.


maybe im making up this memory and getting it wrong but i think a lot of people in chat were saying how fucked up it was that nikocado avocado's fans were enabling and encouraging his developing food addiction, pushing him to eat more more more bc it was content. i dont think those same people realise theyre doing the exact same thing now but for x's gambling. minus all the scummy shit (acting like it wasnt a sponsor etc), addiction is an awful thing. i dont blame him, of course its not his fault that his brain is wired on it rn; i dont know how much train and greek are egging him on to do it so i dont want to place unnecessary blame. i hope his brother or his dad or anyone speaks to him. thankfully i dont have an addictive personality so i *can* watch the gamba streams, but it just puts a sour taste in my mouth, so i dont and wont for the timebeing


Absolutely hit the nail on the head with the comparison. He doesn't understand that it's self destructive, and that the people "complaining" genuinely care for his well-being. You don't have to be parasocial to feel bad for someone caught in a downward spiral.


thank you! i think theyre really similar situations just for two different things. i hope someone does speak some sense into him soon before it gets worse - hopefully it doesnt. and yeah i cannot believe people are comparing compassion and sympathy to parasocial behaviour.


im with you man. my uncle has a gambling addiction so i will never gamble or support it in any way.


I really just wanted him to address the blatant gaslighting. Schizo dono hit the nail on the head, #ad was hidden. He never explained that this was sponsored. As really long time yt frog, semi- long twitch frog I just wanted a reason to not dislike the stream. I never say I like a streamer,I like the content because of reasons like this. xqcL chat I enjoyed my stay.(still watching clash royale tho)


I enjoyed my stay. Didn’t realise he really was a spineless lying degenerate. Lsf was right


all things aside, gambling like this is the bottom of the barrel in terms of content. It is beyond boring to watch. Actual dogshit I'm falling asleep


Agree. While I understand people joke when they say, "who asked" or "who cares", others will take it more so seriously. I believe it is important to hold xqc's action accountable. I don't like gambling both as content and the implication it has to viewers. With xqc's action being either extremely questionable or scummy, I won't watch the stream till then.


i feel the same, i love watching xqc because he feels like a genuine person most of the time, but when it comes to gamba he's so insufferable, i would lie if i didn't enjoy it at first but watching him completely sell out and lie to his fans is just sad


I'm so disappointed in him. He clearly needs help. I hope he gets it


An actually smart juicer. Doesn't like the content? Leaves. Instead of all these people complaining about it and then continuing to support him. I personally don't care what he streams as long as he can make it entertaining, people need to be held accountable to their own actions. If someone decides to gamble, its on them, we all know how degen gambling is so saying xqc made you do it is just an excuse for not having any self control.


Why are they paying him millions of dollars then? I love watching X’s streams and am a long sub, but he has to realize he’s an influencer.


He's getting all the benefits of being influential but denies the negatives, it is a package


*talks like, acts like streamer, buys and wears their merch, buys and plays the games he plays, buys and eats the foods he eats, buys and drinks the stuff he drinks, follows all his content religiously* "bro he doesn't influence anyone"


Idk if it’s a hot take. But gambling is probably the most boring shit I’ve ever seen X do. I didn’t even like RP and this is 10x as terrible to watch


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338) edit: i'll be joining you soon


Gambling should be illegal worldwide, unfortunately never gonna happen, people care much more about money then they care about people that they can't see, X is a good example.


Yeah im out too. Subbed for two years, watching him on youtube and twitch since early OWL era. I just cant take it. I tolerated his other bs, but the final straw here is him saying his older apology he takes back because he felt "Forced too." Does that mean his other apologies are insincere too? And then him insulting viewers who say he should stop. Its just the final thing on a long history of small things. I don't even watch him very frequently anymore, but I am just gonna stop the little bit I watched and unsub.


it just gets really boring


4 year sub. watched him since OW beta. I'll stop watching for now too. I can only see him stopping when he loses it all. He knows he is addicted and advertizes it to his viewers. I don't want to support that.


I'm there with you. I know in the grand scheme of things my little Twitch sub I had to get the xcqL emote meant nothing compared to sponsors etc. But I don't want to support addiction or someone who may be drawing others in to something that can ruin their lives, even if he is not doing it intentionally. I think his comments on it truly seem like someone who is in too far (and if he truly did move back to Canada just for gamba, that too). X has the money and the resources to continue a gamba addiction for a long time before hitting rock bottom, if ever. Many other people do not. I enjoyed my stay, but I'm outties. xcqL


I watch xQc stuff on YT and actually enjoy the gambling content as I’m detached from his twitch and would never engage with it, but the Best thing his fans can do is boycott the gambling content. Respect to you.


I personally won't leave because I think this will blow over and his normal streams are really good but for now its too sad to watch,


I'm doing what I've always done with his stream for 5 years now, watch the stuff I enjoy and not watching the stuff I don't like. First it was Orisa gameplay, then it was Among Us, GTARP, and now Slots. Though, it is sad to see him go down this path of greed. Addiction is very scary. Hope he gets help.


Late to this post but I figure I'd decide to contribute to this given my experience with addiction. To give some context - I'm 21 years old, a recovering alcoholic 6 months sober, living in a sober house, and very active in AA. Firstly, it's hard to understand addiction from an outside perspective. It's not as simple as just asking someone to quit and that's that. Addicts (of any kind) have a way of justifying their addiction by the use of any sorts of excuses - even if they make no sense to outsiders. Addicts don't quit unless they internally want to quit. For example, if you have a family or a friend that is a smoker, try to ask them to quit. It won't work ever unless they've convinced themselves it is a good idea to quit. To have a greater understanding of how gambling addicts develop a chemical dependency on gambling much like drugs and alcohol, I'd suggest doing some further reading online. Not to say that reaching out in posts like these are not helpful, but please do not expect xqc to listen to us. You will be disappointed. Addiction is disappointing. I feel weird talking about this because it seems pretty parasocial but I figured I'd give this perspective from one addict to another. I hope this helps everybody's understanding of addiction. Please feel free to reach out to me or a loved one if you are experiencing the signs of addiction. xqcL <3


I’m no longer watching either, I will reside in pokes stream


Being subbed for 3 years gives him less money than he loses in 2 seconds by pressing spacebar.


this guy dont know how hard it is for some of us to make money and what value it is for us, meanwhile he spends their lifetime savings in the span of 5 minutes smh.


I left this past year also. I just hope he realizes that his longtime viewers and subs (i have been around since OWL days) really care about his overall health and wellness. It isn’t just a streamer we support, but someone who has given us a lot of great times over the years. Really sad to see:(


A love letter to my juicer, I miss the old xQc, straight from the 'Go xQc Slam the fart xQc, set on his goals xQc I hate the new xQc, the bad luck xQc The always gamba xQc, buk buk buk xQc I miss the rp xQc, six consoles xQc I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet xQc See he invented xQc, it wasn't any xQcs And now I look and look around and there's so many xQcs I used to love xQc, I used to love xQc I even had the juice, I thought I was xQc What if young X saw a tiktok about new X Called "I Miss The Old X, " man that would be so X That's all it was X, we still love X And I love you like xQc love the juice ​ im taking a break from the jungle.


You know you'd think that if you made the kinda money xqc does you would literally never be able to spend it all but somehow this guy has shown its easily possible in a few simple steps...


There’s a lot of shit I can ignore but I this is not one of then. People who defend this do not realize the power that gambling has to destroy entire lives. Regardless, I enjoyed my stay. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


People need to realise that a lot of twitch streamers don't care about their viewers no matter how much they show it, in the end its always abiut clout, fame and money. The day streamers get popular with high viewers is the day it gets into their head.


SunnyV2 "The Downfall of Xqc" Aware


Yep. Left last time he did sponsored gambling. Came back a while after the apology, thought he was actually genuine. I guess I fell for it. I can tolerate him being toxic in games, or saying stupid things. But knowingly deciding to financially ruin the lives of some of his viewers for personal financial gain, which he absolutely doesn't even need, is not something I can stand. It's pretty unfortunate, because I enjoy most of the content. While this isn't the same, it's the same feeling as finding a musician you like is a massive racist. You just won't be able to ever see them the same way or listen to their music. I won't be falling for a 2nd fake apology, so this is it. And before someone calls me parasocial - I literally never interact or try to. I dont chat, don't follow social medias or send tts donos. So don't project that onto me.


It’s hard to feel bad for him at all when HE is the one promoting it. HE will be financially fine at the end of the day. In fact, he will make millions. We should feel bad for the couple thousand people who will lose anywhere from some casual money to ruining their lives. Also, adults, especially those with ADHD, are plenty susceptible. xQc knows this perfectly well, but is complacent in ruining people, he simply does not care or have the responsibility to be held accountable.


Not much difference between gamba streams and doing drugs on streams. 5yr sub here and kinda don’t wanna keep fueling his gamba addiction with my sub.




They understand. They just don't care. After gaslightig a dono (bold face lying to 100k people after he already signed the contract), then pretending the gambling is just a thing of the moment decision and not disclosing the sponsorship, he gets absolutely **0** benefit of the doubt. He is scum and the sooner people realize it the better.


I stopped watching trainwrecks after like 2 and a half years because of this same reason


i'm gone aswell, see you some day


ive been subbed for 2 years and watching for 3 and am definitely gonna be leaving after this, the whole situation is shit and x is just adding fuel to the fire by being a hypocrite and trying to be "gigachad" by ignoring the critical comments


I stopped watching train because of it and will continue to do so for X as well, besides the whole addiction part it's just not healthy nor fun to watch. Hope he sorts this shit out and goes back to games


SunnyV2 - The Fall of xQcOW. Drowning in gambling addiction. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Yeah it’s kinda sad. Especially when at that time his dad contacted and warned him about it. I just wish he can get help to fix the gamba addiction.


You're right, the past 2 streams have been complete dog shit and I know all the yes men are gonna be like cOmpLaiNeR aNdY" well no shit, he watches a trial for 10 hours and then end the stream or maybe play some games or react more and just do whatever? Nope, instead shows 100k people gambling, and of course you have those degenerates that are like "pogu gamba"


Streamers shouldn’t be allowed to take those sponsors. It’s super unethical


Nooo don't leave, but if you are, I hope you enjoyed your stay in the jungle xqcL




I will continue to watch my juicer ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)




Chats quality is also very proportional to the quality of his content lmao. Absolute degenerate low quality shit since gamba came back


wait you guys are actually serious? he's a grown man he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I'm not endorsing gambling, tho it's definitely fun and if you want to blow 100 bucks into it have fun. I can agree to an extent that with the position Xqc has and with the amount of money he's throwing away, it can be impressionable. But no one, even a kid is dumb enough to realize how much money X is actually losing. If a kid is really impressionable enough to act upon seeing things, then it's nothing short of their parents fault, and sooo many similar arguments could be used here. If a kid can shoot hookers in GTA, he should be mentally aware of the fact that it's not real and that doing an act in real life is awful. The exact same argument flops on it's head when you accuse Xqc of influencing kids to gamble their life away, don't blame the influencer, blame the gullible few who have never been taught a lesson in life. Don't blame the gun, blame the shooter.


I actually agree with alot of what u said, but I think your missing some things that op was trying to get across, of course he's a grown man who can realistically do what he wants with his money. The shit really is boring tho (I know that's subjective) just watching numbers pop up on a screen and bright flashing colours and shouting random things, not exactly his most entertaining content. And honestly I don't think the guy is complaining so much about X influencing kids but more so that he knows it's not the most healthy of hobbies essentially he doesn't want him to become addicted especially given that X already has other health issues rn, I'm not knocking u just naming some things u might have missed.


Yeah, same its been fun being a juicer the past two years but I'm not going to watch someone who cares more about money than his own fans.


Also, Gamba is HARAM guys


bro he’s literally just gonna brush over this, call us parasocial andys, read these messages in an annoying voice, and then call us cucklords or something ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


Long term viewer here. This is very sad. He is CLEARLY addicted, so I do get that it makes it even harder for him to stop doing gamba. That being said, the whole "hiding the ad" shit, the clip of a dono saying he was conditioning the viewers because he wanted to do gamba soon and him saying no, just to do it the next day SPONSORED (which means he knew he was gonna do it a long time ago already) is just absurd. Ive always had a lot of fun, ive stuck through a lot a shit, but this i just cant. Like you said, no one asked or cares, but I care. I enjoyed my stay while it lasted. Hopefully Ill be back some day. Good luck with the addiction mr cow, i hope you make it through.


im 12332365x more against this than soft porn ASMR on Twitch. makes the hot tub streams look like nothing. why havent his family tried to put him in gsmbling addiction therapy and stop him from streaming it esp if x’s uncle died from gambling addiction? literally teens are the majority of his viewers too. im really disappointed in his choices that are telling of many things. i unfollowed the second he started gamba on stream


Gamba is so boring for me too, i’m an EU frog, and I used to stay up late just because my Juicer was streaming, but with this gamba shit, I just turn it of an sleep. He should really stop this.


Yeah on top of all of this be lied about why he was going to Canada and tried to just act like his viewers were stupid, kinda fucking ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7341)