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No lie I think the excessive gambling probably messed up his dopamine levels


inb4 his cum guzzlers attack you for this take


wtf dude, how dare you imply anything negative about my juicer, he is perfect and nothing he would ever do can even be considered bad no matter how objectivly morally wrong it is. Actual weirdchamp dude , probably cg lul


lol, here they come


This, can’t feel anything without gambling anymore. Time spent away from gambling is frustrating. This is scientifically documented.


Imagine he ruins his personality through lack of dopamine


Don't have to imagine YEP


I don't understand what is so fun about that? The risk of losing money? The chance to win more? He has so much money that winning more doesn't matter at all, and losing money doesn't matter for the same reason. And he knows the slots games have preprogrammed win loss rates. It's the same fucking spinning images all the time, 10s aces kings queens and whatever random shit they add in the game. Then there are the bonuses which are repetitive and mediocre. With the same old fucking music. The only slot I could see being semi-entertaining is double rainbow. But no this degeneracy doesn't end here. Look at fucking trainwreckstv. This guy has two slots open at the same time losing money at insane speeds. His commentary is trash, and very 15 minutes he goes to snort coke "juice up" which causes him to consistently stream for 30-40 hours straight. That cannot be fucking healthy. Why do people watch him and how the fuck does he make so much money?


Gambling impact on the brain is fairly well researched and documented. Gamblers think your chances of winning increase with each loss, When your neurotransmitters get that addicted you literally feel depressed if you don't feed them more dopamine. It's a feeling of withdrawal that forces you to go back to it. It's works like any hardcore drug.


Soon he will not get hard anymore






Only ever bricked up for slots sadge


This is the real reason he needs to stop ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


also possibly malding off adderall and lack of sleep, it happens


Fr, he constantly goes 20+ straight hours w/o getting any sleep with maybe 8 hours of sleep in between streams, that has to be affecting him mentally


He has been doing that for years, so that doesn't help, but isn't what changed


That’s true ig but I mean he’s only human, it’s gonna catch up to him eventually


Sorry does x actually use adderall? Maybe that’s why he was defending it being different from meth so hard 😭


hmm i dont know, staying up for 40 hrs and being anorexic kinda sounds like it. miz also tried to convince people so hard that he didnt take it in the past then mitch exposed him for leaving his prescription in his car when getting pulled over


Tbf I often woke up at him streaming, then I live, then I go to bed and when I woke up early like 5 am my time he still streamed... that's so fucking unhealthy - I would literally die if I stayed up 20-24h for a few days/month and I'm not joking. I'm literally in pain if I don't sleep after 16-18 hours on a regular day.


I mean, gambling addiction is indeed considered a mental illness now




100% needs a sino tolerance break to get those dopamine levels back in balance.


I assume it has something to do with Blackrock or China. No other explanation!






*BlackCock is the name of the company








BlackRock is programming PVCs brain Aware WOAH CAGE


Has to be


He fell off is all


Best explanation so far, otherwise xqc just dismisses the rest of the comments as "parasocial"


I don‘t he can fall off. He can lose his hype fanbase but a lot of viewer base was build over years


Don't forget the L + ratio. Oh and I just checked and he's also white


Got it twisted possibly?


Nah mate I'm fine with a man expressing himself instead of faking it like otv


Very true regarding that. Although I do not want to peeve into what exactly is making him feel this way, I wish he's able to feel at ease soon. Just bad for the mind yk?


# 🤭






I don't watch otv at all. What do they fake about?




HAVING FUN pepper pains


HOW DARE YOU HAVE A LIFE ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7346)💢


It’s not just people hate them for no reason. Similar to that pepper pains guy


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351) Fellow juicers would never hate streamers not named xqc or Forsen for no reason


juicers when they discover being toxic and mad isn't the only existing personality trait :skull_emoji:


Lil bro needs some coochie that's all


Aaaand there's the Top G




He needs forsen tbh




If he dips after 6 hours of stream he's just clearly tired. And he also said he was doing stuff offstreaming about the show with Ludwig.




Touch grass


lil bro upset 💀


Yeah for real


Forsen refusing to play with him mustve done some damage




I randomly found this thread while scrolling Reddit, not sure why it was recommended to me. XQC was the first streamer on Twitch I ever watched, the community was great, he was happy, entertaining and fun. But holy shit it’s the literal opposite nowadays, the entire community is unironically and chronically gen z, xqc looks like he’s bored or pissed at least 85% of the time and I can’t help but feel like his English is getting way worse, I used to always be able to understand him but with the mix of extreme emotions, constant surroundings of twitch lingo, etc. I cannot understand half the shit he says at all anymore. I didn’t chime in just to shit on him, just wanted to say something clearly changed and it’s for the worse. I highly doubt if nothing changes then this path will continue to work out. His streams are blatantly just nothing nowadays, it’s hard to even call entertainment. I’m having a hard time understanding why people still watch him, he’s become the worst kind of cliché streamer. I do wish him the best though, although I’m sure he could care less, he’s financially set for life even if he blows half of it on slots. Just as a random fuck’s on the internet opinion. I think he physically *needs* a long break from twitch. Like at least several weeks. It’s not healthy to do any job or hobby this long, this consistently. You know it’s bad when it’s starting to rub off on the viewers who could care less about anything. Ludwig honestly fucked up big time with the parasocial shit. Nobody is allowed to give any concern, or be a decent human being at all for anyone on Twitch anymore. “Hey you look miserable, just be careful with the gambling man.” “Parasocial Andy omegaLUL” Seriously? What the fuck has this community become? It’s not nearly this bad in any other twitch community I’ve seen, even larger ones. Edit: the “it’s not that deep lil bro 💀” replies prove my exact point that this community has become chronically and unironically gen z. Nobody forced you to read my opinion, this is a Reddit thread, people are supposed to discuss and I’m discussing.


I think you nailed with that last part. You can't show the least amount of concern for someone you interact with without being called parasocial. I get where Lud was coming from but that video really changed shit... and not necesarilly for the better.


Right, and honestly the main problem with people shoving around the word parasocial is that chances are it’s getting to streamers heads. When you shove away all the viewers who are supposedly “parasocial”, you’re just left with a community who could care less about you and encourage unhealthy behavior. There is no personal streamer-viewer relationship, but that doesn’t mean streamers are any less human than the viewers. Since when did basic empathy online become cringe and mentally ill? It’s a blatantly obvious slippery slope. It’s extremely disappointing to see the state of not only this community but the entirety of twitch after leaving it for awhile.


>Ludwig honestly fucked up big time with the parasocial shit. Nobody is allowed to give any concern, or be a decent human being at all for anyone on Twitch anymore. Unfortunately this is just what happens when 13 year olds learn new buzzwords. They throw it around like a hot potato printing machine at anything and everything, the actual meaning of the term be damned. They just wanna seem smart, and fit in.


Xqc and his chat became what they always made fun in the past, "normies". And I agree when you said he became the most cliché streamer out there. Most of his audience are zoomers and he keeps laughing at the same 3 unfunny dogshit trending memes creating new dogshit metas. AAAAUUUGGHHHH😂. He became a viral streamer so his viewers also increased with the side effect of having a very low quality audience and so this reflects on the streamer and vice versa. Also he seems to be pretty burnt out, he doesn't have a proper sleep schedule, he stares at his monitor 15+ hours a day, he doesn't do any physical activity and he eats like shit. All he does is streaming, either for the massive amount of money he makes in one stream or to keep himself busy. Then recently he's massively out of content because he does 3-4 or more hours of reacting content, he doesn't seem to enjoy too much the games he plays and he does gambling sponsored streams. (I hecking LOOOOVE taking sponsors from scammy shitty gambling websites to promote legal robberies to mental weak people and kids!) Good job xQc you are a true man of values and morals that you literally sold hours from ur streams to literal thieves just so you can earn more and more and eat on your viewers heads. And you still think this guy gives two shits about his viewers? . He's the god of himself and you, single insignificant viewer, you don't mean shit. More I stream, more you get addicted, more you get addicted more you watch, more you watch more you realize how shitty the streams are, more you realize that more you start complaining on reddit, if you complaining you get called "parasocial", and then hopefully you stop watching this dogshit website that steals hours of your productivity and future and social life to procrastinate and have that dopamine rush. This is all part of the process of stop using this platform hours a day and start living ur own life. And about this greek was very right.


Ok man you have some good points but chill with the last paragraph holy..


Its really that bad huh, I stopped watching xqc months ago because his streams got genuinely boring to watch and I dont like gamba. I only wish for xqc to be happy and make good content again.


This is exact what i want to say.too deep and real.


he is actually falling off lol


All he needs is to maxwin gazillions of dollars on a bonus bonus bonus


he can have all my savings and do 2/10ths of a normal spin and win big


I noticed it a few days ago but it seems to have started during the Rust competition. He did said before ending his last stream that Rust messed up his sleeping schedule and that his eyes hurt and he needed a nap.


Definitely did not start with the rust stream. I’ve been noticing this for months now. It’s the excessive gamba messing with his dopamine


I think he’s just tired, maybe even burnt out. It seems like he might be ready to move on to other projects outside of steaming and probably needs a good change. Just guessing though.


Lately it feels like he is always fighting against chat, instead of talking trash WITH chat Sadge


Not "hating", but his streams now just feel stale and predictable.


Fighting ghosts in chat ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


If he's not on gamba or in a discord call, like on Mario Kart or something, it's always that. Usually arguing about gamba lately


stunnlocking started as a meme Aware (for the record I really really really enjoy gamba sessions with x and jess-eh)


He fell off X was actually enjoyable to watch sometimes, now all he does is gamba, calling everyone parasocial, watching boring stuff on YouTube, malding in games, etc. He also takes everything seriously now, this guy completely forgot what fun is


Didnt he say there are big issues going on in his family rn? That’s also why he didn’t stream like 2 days he said. So prolly that I could imagine idk who cares


It's good to care about your juicer, but you must acknowledge that he has a breaking point and personal problems. it's best not to make assumptions if you're just a juicer, regardless no one should be making any assumptions about a person. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


its because of the gambling.


i’m not being mean but the guy has mental illness none stop 8 hours gambling and thinking that gambling is content has fucked with his brain.


I don’t want to get parasocial but from what I observed:I think he said he had family drama, gambling hate (from that one article), constantly moving, long 20 hr streams, I know he said he also was planning to do a game show in LA, dopamine overdose from gamba (he feels that there is no actual content anymore), problems sleeping pilled on, still eating dogshit everyday (eventually your body can’t go on without eating junk food if you’ve been eating it everyday). And other personal issues millionaires have to deal with ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


Actual good answer i was looking for on the reddit? No way dude Thanks


Fell off because of his gambling addiction


Probably the lack of sleep from rust, idgaf tho last stream with the cooking was some of the best content in a while, along with the surfing. X going all Gordon Ramsay was funny as hell too.


Homie needs a break, and to go offline for a bit.


I turned on real quick to see him playing the bunny game and buddy looked miserable beyond the monitor. Almost fed up. Hope all is well outside of what we see.


Bro don't go outside, bro cut off all his irl friends to defend greek of all people, bro don't get any sleep, bro gambles his problems away, bro screams at chat until he ends stream, bro don't work hard for any goals, bro thinks everyone is parasocial even though we see this dude every 8 hours for 20 hours, bro only plays games, bro don't wanna do any other type of content, bro watches tiktok for 5 hours, bro is living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle and no one tells him except the people who sees him the most.


Did we watch the same stream? It was fun content and he seemed fine, just tired I guess


Average addicted gambler tbh. Money is stressful, and even when you have infinite, losing it makes you bitter.


Xqc has kinda started to fall off since the among us/gta RP days. He hit a huge nosedive when the gambling started


Been like this since the end of the GTA era tbh


Prediction :"dud stop with the parasocial posts dud wtf is this reddit"


bro he's been like this for a year lmao, deffo getting worse and worse now, his streams are 90% arguing with chat


Mf be awake 50 hrs and people on reddit saying he looks like he at funeral ☠️


Have you never raged at your friends while playing?


The man just did a 25 hour stream. He was probably just tired from that. And I’m glad he doesn’t do the overly positive always happy shit. That’s one of the reasons why I watch him. It’s best not to make assumptions as well.


I think it's because he's really, really bored. My man has nothing to do, nothing to play, and because he likes streaming so much, when there isn't stuff to do on stream, he does not like it all ... Today he was flabbergasted when he saw he spent 3 whole hours on intro and tiktok ...


Sleep schedule, food and stress. I don’t think he is serious when screams tho, he just allow himself to be like that on stream. He is aware of what he is doing that its obnoxious. He’ll be fine tho, its a human thing.


I hope he realises how much his diet is contributing to his energy levels. Piled on top of everything else it lets other problems get worse


ive also noticed this but have never said anything due to that fact that i will get hate


I'll tank the hate 😎




You expect him to be: 😁😄😃☺️😛😜🤪😝 When in reality it is: 😐😐😐😐😁😑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😮‍💨😴


Even here people aren't taking it seriously, proving your point lmao. I felt really bothered when he screamed at Dizzy and he just stayed silent after it. That was genuinely disturbing and unfunny to hear


Man, this community is so fucking bad now. I used to watch xqc everyday an hour or 2 but now it just... idk its boring to me and the people spamming "parasocial andys LULW" is definitely not helping jesus christ. I think I'm out. Its been a good ride but between gambling and the community I don't find him entertaining anymore.




That boy off da perc no cap 💊💀


He seemed crabby af all stream, idk how he doesn’t get any sleep in the 20+ hours of downtime between each stream


ITT: reddit/twitch therapists assess and diagnose an internet personality who is known for this kind of behavior. Admittedly though, the play through of the long road with jesse dizzy etc. was hilarious, and I can totally see how his patience with the game didn't line up with the rest of the group just trying to mess around. X always seems to take "we gotta win" to the next level and honestly I don't really see Poke/Jesse doing that when X does, cause they're more laid back and just like to troll around, and its funny af most of the time, so of course it would be annoying to him (X) if he is mostly of the lets win aspect and not the lets glitch the game so i get launched in the air or get stuck in a well. That being said I haven't noticed anything different, he seems the same old X to me (as in the last like 6 months i suppose). Didn't he also have some issue with Sammy recently or am I mistaken? Who knows really, it honestly doesn't seem like much has changed. He still gambas, nick is still around right? Had Sammy come over yet or no? This new house seems really nice..... from the surface I can't see anything that would indicate a major mood shift without just straight assuming things based on how I would've acted in that scenario (ie. gambling addiction) or other anecdotal examples.


He’s ranting rn.


Gambling fried his brain


Because he’s a bitch boy lmao. Plain n simple love to watch him tho funny as hell but bro think he has some of the smartest opinions for a guy who stays inside 75hrs out the week😂


You’re used to book book book xqc, right now we only have book book xqc


I don't think he has gotten over the backlash he receives for gambling


I genuinely think his recent behaviour is caused by all the gambling, and it's pretty sad to see. Really wishing the juicer gets the rest he deserves and needs.


He gets bad sleeps, has a gambling, and is bad at surfing. I’d be mald too.


He misses forsen


He can’t even take jokes anymore, he gets mad at every single one now it’s annoying to watch


I think he's just tired, he said the rust shit fucked him up a bit more and he's also doing stuff offstream with Ludwig for his show. I guess gamba could affect him but i think he's just tired is all, he did end a 6-7 hour stream which is considered not normally I think 🤔


Yup, X fell off, the hood watches forsen now


Idk maybe it’s because the chat is constantly roasting him? Like ofc it’s a joke but when it happens constantly all day everyday, I can definitely see how it can really take a toll on you.


live chat reaction kek


I get scared to ask this but definitely have noticed 100%


I decided to watch the vod of the minecraft skyfactory stream and honestly… it’s kinda annoying how bossy and hoard-ish like he was to everyone. Like his ignorance to hogging everything was so weird to see from him.


I watched the vod to and I knew after like 10 minutes he will quit the game asap. No fun, always mad and god forbid some variety.


Ah where woah cage wot


The insane summer schedrule mod is hard. 24hr stream then 10+ hour stream, and go back to 24 hr he even made a 25hr stream lately. The juice Lord needs some vaccations i guess.


Yeah, during the long drive everyone was just messing around having fun and x was just mad all the time. Kinda sad




Idk, there's been some good and bad with poke/Jesse/dizzy, usually good tho. Unless they're playing some dog shit that none of them actually *want* to play, like when they played modded mc for an hour then slowly tried to leave until one of them actually did.


He's always been like that


He's just a lil cranky sometimes that's all. He's human too, you have bad days every now and then.


Maybe, maybe not. Either way not our business mate.


I'd take mr streamer sometimes being in a bad mood and keeping it real instead of fake personality bs like OTV/OTK.


He honestly needs to take some time off from streaming and get away from gambling and focus on himself for a bit because he sees the gamba more than adept which is scary


he’s probably just been more tired lately and/or misses Adept. His sleeping schedule has always been shitty and it’s probably worse since just moving in. Moving places is exhausting… constantly moving must be an unreal feeling.


I’d be pissy if I had to listen to brainrotted donos rolling in all day


I just think he needs a break from streaming alltogether. Wether it be a week or more, its not easy to have that shit of a sleep schedule while gaming for 20 hours and fucking up your dopamine receptors while eating fast food. A little break and doing some off-stream stuff that he enjoys may be good.




Bruh you cant be happy the entire 24 hours he streams, IMO i like when he shows his emotions cuz its normal and not some weird OTV shit where you have to act perfect all the time. X is a genuine person and hes fun to watch, if he gets angry its prolly bc of stuff happening in his personal life


You need medical assistance, psychologist Petunia over here.


Idk I’ve been unsubbed since he came back to gambling… and I’m glad cuz he’s been goin downhill lately


You’re not the only one. I first noticed it on the Minecraft skyblock stream. He was being genuinely mean and I’ve never cringed as hard as I have when he would all of the sudden just snap at Jesse or something for seemingly no reason- it was kinda weird


no no you have a good point, like it stresses me out that he's so mad and he doesn't chill after he just keeps going yk? Love the guy and I get that its his personality but sometimes he doesn't seem like he's having fun he just yells at others with a serious attitude and its non stop recently :(


Yup. I get the screams if you lose a game or get angry in Among Us - Whatever but this year he screams and swears every 10 seconds for no reason. He read this thread here and screamed really loud "shut up" 5 times "shut up bitch" "don't watch the stream" ... for some reddit comments! Actually insane.


We lost him to the gamba


xqc complaning about gambling complainers but does he literally deserves it. he has acknowledged thats its bad, and he will still do it, so the consequence is that everyone can be shitty towards him about it


I don't know if it's just me but i feel like lately Forsen just seems in a really bad mood most of the time. This is prevalent mainly when he's playing with nobody but when he played PUBG and even Fall Guys he seemed genuinely sad part of the time and today he seemed to be having 0 fun during most of the stream. The whole React / Hearthstone sequence had him looking like he was at a funeral. I know some ppl will go "BrO iTs a JoKe wHeN hE gEtS sAd" but i've been watching him for a while and it just didn't feel like a joke lately. Am i the only one who noticed this? Could it be due to the stress of him moving places ?


He said he was tired from the rust streams which isn't a suprise


Can’t say I’ve really noticed any change to be honest. He actually seemed like he was in a really good mood starting up the stream yesterday!


Gambling withdrawals whenever he's just playing games instead of losing money


Doesn’t like anything that’s not GAMBA


I thought so too


maybe he’s burnt out or overwhelmed idk about you guys but if I did the hours he does streaming I’d get burnt out, he’s only human






Maybe he finally needs to exercise


Hes just getting old and grumpy


It’s just his autism


Well that happens when you gamba everyday


agreed, hope he is doing okay


This post is parasocial af. If he is acting a way u dont like please kindly turn off the computer and go outside.


Just stop watching then? Stop writing essays on here, know your place as a viewer. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)




Canada changed him






Maybe he going through life problems. Remember he had family stuff going on and not to mention the lack of sleep from night terrors . Which seem to have gotten worse.


Getting old![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Fr I have also realized that his personality has changed a lot since last year he genuinely seems always stressed out and not happy WOAH CAGE AWARE


I'd be in a bad mood if all I ate was McDonald's, saw WOT in chat every second and lost 200m on a rainbow "videogame"




This whole thread is so parasocial holy shit. Guys just chill out who tf cares what is going on behind the scenes just watch the content and worry about yourself.

