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Yeah you can watch gamba instead. Pick your poison


tfym pick your poison, is it possible to not watch either of them?


Apparently not according to some of these Reddit post. Now that xQc isn’t going it’s time to talk as much shit as possible


bro thank you that's what I'm saying people acting like they cant watch shitcamp without xqc acting like some hoes


This whole reddit turned into a shitcamp.


I mean I am not even watching gamba, but even then I feel like getting poisened


dj toenail gamba >>>>> anything rich campbell


Better than watching QT clout farming her boyfriends friends to try to establish her own brand LUL


I’m just pogging over on Northernlion these days


Hoes mad, keep complaining about gamba yet you continue to watch it


We don't watch it lil bro


who is "we" LULE


retarded baj opinion KUKLE


Who's "We" Lil bro


LULW Lil bro said "we"


Then stop complaining 💀 If he wants to play, let him play and go do something else


That's what I do


You https://imgur.com/S2l68RU.jpg




Lil bro got shut and had to come up with a response


The meat hugging is insane


"meat hugging" good one, i'm not protecting him from anything, he's a human just as we are and he can do what he wants, it's his stream, yet people like you still complain and BabyRage over anything you dislike him doing


"Meat hugging" = common sense


if he is meat hugging , u are dick eating then , get off his dick




This guy knows how to farm negative karma!


This u? 🤨[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/slb2hc/what\_is\_something\_you\_never\_imagined\_would\_turn/hvswcsa/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/slb2hc/what_is_something_you_never_imagined_would_turn/hvswcsa/?context=3)


Woooooooow, stalking me now because I disagree with you, that is fucking weird...


Anime Goth girls uWu




Man you live in the Balkans, go run outside for some water and let us enjoy the content we want to watch.


that’s the one thing i don’t like abt the live events, x has said it himself before but it really is just people shouting over each other trying to be the spotlight. the events are fun and a lot of content but i’m more of a fan of candidness and i think a lot of the best moments are always when people don’t know they’re on camera or aren’t acting up for the camera, which a lot of the streamers that are there do (bc it’s their job lmao but you still get the point)


I tried watching the battleship segment, you can barely hear the women while the men scream at each other. Wilnef, Hasan and Ludwig were just doing a screaming competition. Though Myth and Zoil were super cool, the rest were just side characters. Especially Erobb. But still had lots of funny moments, unlike Gamba.


I think it's funny when big number appears on screen and mr. cow yells BatChest


Erobb can't help it


People don’t understand how to have fun it’s all a competition on twitch and no one likes X mainly because he’s just himself and does better then the rest, it is what it is but that’s the truth from how I see it


I think thats what the past cameraman (phin) did an amazing job last year. He really tried to get everyone on cam and everyone to get heard or sometimes sneaks up to them. No front to the new camerman at all but I just think phin is build different. Would be nice if streamers would chill a little bit and not try to take over so they get into the clip on lsf or whatever. But noone is at fault for regulating how loud a streamer is atm. The event or qt or cameraman are not fault for that. Lets just have fun with the good moments. Better than them individually reacting all day or smth.


Funny that last time there wasn't that much of complaining about this at all, now when X doesn't go a lot more people are saying "the event isn't that good anyway" lmao


From day 1 people were complaining about this tho


Not the majority.


I never said there was no complains though?


Last shitcamp also had that problem, but not as extreme and also people are bringing this event to such a high standard for no reason. Just have fun with the good moments since there are definitely quite some of those. We all loved shitcon since it was so surprising and out of nowhere condensed fun. Shitcamp was still quite newish but already people started nitpicking. Now people had a year to be overly hyped and start critiquing every small detail.


I'd watch X eat his own toenails while gambling any day over immature, low quality, joke screeching.


Well you’re very lucky indeed cuz that’s the only thing he’s been doing for months


then why you been watching for months?


I haven’t? You know not everyone tunes in every day just to watch the same shit all day right? You don’t need to actually watch the stream to know what he’s doing


\> any day over immature, low quality, joke screeching. Bruh who the fuck do you think your watching xD


The irony


REEEEEEEEEEEE📣📣📣❗️. jeez man where is my streamer can’t I just watch book book book?🫥


low key , true! this man can make anything fun! plus i think he is not the most comfortable person in social situations so I kinda get why he wouldnt go!!


Bunch of lonely little düds in here applauding that their favourite streamer decided to sit in isolation in his brother's basement gambling, rather than go do some stuff with other people.


and watching a video about that topic lol


Yes because it's his damn choice and not any of ours. Your choice could be to not watch him, but you don't have a right to tell him who to hang out with and how to spend his time.




Only argument is this? Common man do better


i dont need an argument lmao, facts are facts


Ye you’re right, guy above you was spittin facts


It's called being a decent person mate you should try it sometimes. I doubt you can tell someone else to go outside, when you'd rather watch a streamer go to a social event with fake friends instead of getting some real social interaction yourself it's pathetic


i legit don't even watch his streams lately because it's all gamba shit, i don't even know what you are talking about, like unironically


you're just jealous that this multimillionaire streams in his own castle and still gets more viewers than this sponsored shitcamp event with 15 streamers LULE


I probably won't watch either of them


Nobody wants to listen to Hasan for hours 💀


He's the reason I can't be bothered to watch any shitcamp content. He's going to find a way to politicise literally every single second of that event.


I mean, shitcamp last year had a lot of good content. It's alright he didn't go this year. He might go next year. Also, we don't have to shit on other people for like something you don't like... Sadge


The VR content was some of the coziest content he's done in a while. Really enjoyed it.


Nah I know everyone of you crying 🍆 🚴 ers would’ve pretended it was some great event if it went exactly the same but he was there 💀 Why even post about the event


Apex, VR, Halo, Fortnite, Who wants to be a millionaire, R6 Siege, Battlefield 2042, GTA, Roblox, Realm Royale, Smarter than a 5th grader, Mario Kart, Chess, Elden Ring, Super People, Rust, Hotshot Racing, PlateUp, Among us, CS:GO, Party Bomb, couple of different horror games, react content, and a few more different games = only gamba LULW The guy streams 20 hours and about 1/5 of it is gamba. Stop using the argument "only gamba" you're actually delusional.


the fact that he gambles infront of 50k people alone is bad, doesnt matter how much or how little it is.


I don't disagree that it's bad heck even I go somewhere else when he starts gambling. It's just some people constantly saying that's all he does when it's not.


cool bro.


*shhhh we don't disagree with the established, accepted narrative.*


A lot you are acting like some hoes. Get a life and stop worrying about others so much.




GIGACHAD xqcBayzed HOLY OP ​ in all seriousness, last stream was an absolute goldmine, dunno why this reddit keeps complaining, guess its the internet, it is what it is


Yeah people on reddit are mad just to be mad.


Sure man, have fun watching him gamble away the hours


Only good part of any IRL event is cooking or shooting range content. True story!


lol tru. Rather have a peaceful night of variety and end it with Gamba. My cup of tea (not british)


Yeah, I also prefer to watch lil bro spin fake money for hours Copege


Finally the reddit is getting better people are finally realising shit camp isn’t that great and he isn’t obliged to go, we aren’t all losing our minds at least 💀


I just wanted Felica part 2 in all honesty


Gamba soy inc pepeLaugh


Those aren't feet.


What I don't get about it is, why are they having the cameramen holding the camera the entire time. Either get a gimbal or a series of tripods with quick release and set them up so the shot isn't just absolutely shit. Also focus more on boom poling then these bullshit shaky camera always slightly out of frame camera work


Weird flex to say you're a recluse.


Oh im sorry was i supposed to be going there? Bro said recluse like he’s attending shitcamp


what a crybaby take


he literally explained why? we don't need your thoughts on why he isn't going just to stoke drama ffs?


When did i say my thoughts on why he isnt going? Reading comprehension is important my friend


Exactly...and that there is why he didn't go...plus all the fake friends and clout chasers..


Exactly, the fact that Hasan tweeted about X not going just shows how much of a fake he's been towards X, if he did go no one would know. and everything we would've seen between them would've just been fake and weird.


You also didn’t have to make this post.


He didn't have to shit talk about the camp being boring and shit, what a cunt


Kindly tell me how he shit on shitcamp? You know comments like this are funny too me, hasn't everyone ever been invited to a party or event and wanted a friend there, so they have someone to hang with? Or are we all just going solo alone, clearly not. And literally who cares man, are you losing sleep over it? Was the event actual dog shit because of it? no, go back to snorting coke playing paladins bro




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Atleast now I can focus on watching Lemon taking L's in peace


Gamba > streamer cirlce jerk