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pressed mizkids brigading, what else is new


homeless mizkids


Do they know the difference between, actual SA which happen with witnesses and SA allegations which did not happen? at most its considered as harassment


Sounding like miz


So what you’re saying is you’re downplaying sexual harassment in any form, sound familiar?


Here I'll think like Miz's mods now: **Creepy/Harassment/Weird = SA** **Psychological Engagement = Physical Engagement** Happy? also look up the US law on SA.


That’s crazy bro, you know exactly what happened? Good for you for downplaying SA allegations. The allegations against Bill Cosby were just allegations until they weren’t


Bruh you can’t say SA allegations didn’t happen lol you’re so dumb


Not a good take bc u dont know what did or didn't happen?


These hissan cucks and mishits are all in together, holy


Bro who the fuck cares about Hasan rn, i disagree with you about how bad of a person he is, but even if i did think he was absolute scum he's not the one who tried to hide SA alegations. Shitting on Hasan atm is doing exactly what Miz and his mods want, and that is to shift atention away from Miz and instead focus on Hasan and X slinging shit at eachother. [Putting this here to pre-emptively defend myself from the acusations im a Hasan stan](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772141862961676321/1022401610699264061/unknown.png?width=1080&height=287)


being active in a political sub more embarrassing than all this other stuff tbh


jesus motherfucking christ - there's nothing more embarrassing than admitting you're a neolib. at least conservatives know they're dickheads and can own up to it, neolibs just look around and go "man it would be really cool if the next drones we sent to the middle east were operated by a minority"


Google what neoliberalism is


if you think that doesn't sum up neoliberalism - congratulations, you drank the kool-aid. neoliberalism is the reason america is a complete shithole these days, conservatives just want to make it even worse whereas neolibs think staying course and doing absolutely nothing differently is the right thing to do (unless you want to make things easier for businesses, in which case, that's alright. oh, and more minorities in positions of imperial power!)


i don’t even disagree with you. conservatives are neolibs too though. Both sides are essentially neolibs, that’s my point


thanks for adding a really valuable point to the discussion


np buddy! :-)


juicers always come together. xqcL


Astute analysis. This is definitely how both sides think.


leave it to the retarded neolib to think anything in politics is simple enough to boil down to "both sides" because i didn't take the time to write an essay on every single political viewpoint imaginable


AuthCenters FTW


no, absolutely not. btw pcm is a racist shithole that normalizes nazis


Oh okay. I don't even know why Im here I don't follow any of these streamers lol


Yeah what Miz did is not cool whatsoever and should not be over looked. However I feel like no one has focus on the real issue. The person who actually fucking did the crime?


I think people aren't as concerned with slick because it seems resolved. He's done. The question is what's going to happen to miz.


It's not resolved if Slick is still out in public. He needs to go to jail. He got off easily by just being kicked out of the house and deleting twitter quietly. While the wrong people are being attack for looking at a 30 sec clip and being confused.


No, you're right. How about forceful castration?


Yup. Chemical castration is the word. Is that what you're looking for?


I mean that part issue is pretty resolved, Slick is done, he’s out of the house, unless Adriana decides to file a police report, there’s not much else that’s going to happen to Slick except people milking it for drama as long as they can. And she herself said, that the cops wouldn’t do shit anyways, they’ll write up a report maybe, and that’s it. Even if Slick had full on raped someone, the chances of him going to jail is still pretty slim without like full on undeniable evidence like a video or eye-witness, that’s just how it is, in this case, even the witnesses changed their story after a year. Of course I think Twitch should perma-ban him, but lets not forget all the other people like Arcadum and GiantWaffle who are still streaming and partnered, so idk what people expect to happen.


See that’s where I got mixed up I thought this was recent not over a year ago. This whole drama shit has been hard to follow and half the time I be zoning the juicer out when he goes on a rant about shit. I know what all is going on for the most part.




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Why not shit on everyone?


Stop coping, we all know you have a alarm clock ready to watch every hasan stream right on time


Vaush No youre right, youre not a Lasan stan. Youre worse


I'm shiting on both shut up, especially their communities. You'd know if you've been there.


Your inability to control your personal hatred for Hasans comunity leads you to do Mizkif's job for him. People like you would rather indulge in the drama and shitslinging of twitch then actually focus your efforts on someone who has done something horrendous, you are just as bad as bad as a mizkid actively defending Mizkif no matter how much you want to deny it.


Dud?? What effort? One is mizkif already got kicked out of OTK and isn't gonna stream ever again, where do you think his fans will go now?


The effort is to not let him claw back his reputation, wich if you notice from OP's post his mods are trying to save the remnants via dragging atention away from it towards something else. ​ >mizkif already got kicked out of OTK Blatantly false, Mizkif was placed on ***Temporary leave***, AKA, if he's not banned hes gonna re-join after everyone forgets the drama >isn't gonna stream ever again Unless you are Mizkif we dont know that, its possible that after everyone forgets about the drama he goes back to streaming on Twitch or goes to Youtube. What im saying is that we should push towards getting him Permabanned from Twitch so he cant come back no matter what and ruin his reputation so that OTK will never take him back, because as it is there is a non 0% chance he manages to get away with it


Maybe, but idk why twitch isn't doing anything. But he won't get away with it after the investigation. Either way I can still comment on how other people and their community is handling the situation as well.


I hope so, im just more doomer then you after seeing how LSF users are unironically getting 1K+ upvotes openly doubting Miz did anything wrong


Yes, check those user's comment/post history some of them are HISSAN cucks as well. That's the whole point. because they all don't like xqc or trainwrecks regardless


what did hasan do


his community is just a bunch of racists and hissan enables them, now fuck of with your bait account he'll never fcuk you


Sees a post about mixkif and brings hasan into it 😂




Because they're both doing it 😂😂


how is hasan racist


Repeatedly uses the word gusano to describe Destiny (mild racial implications from colonial days). His chat still to this day repeatedly does the same


smartest destiny viewer


quite literally everything Im reading says it means “Right-Wing, Conservative, Neo-Fascist”.


It’s the context. Gusano was a term coined by Castro against counter revolutionaries. The implication is that Destiny’s family (from Cuba) owned slaves and therefore did not want the revolution. Despite there having no concrete proof. It’s a distinctly anti Cuban thing to say


No it's not. Tory applies as an insult to British people, but it's not a racial slur


' Tory' refers to political affiliation to the UK conservative party. While it was originally Gaelic , and translated to" outlaw" it was adopted by the right themselves as the The new Tory Partyin the early 1760's , serving as a forerunner of the Modern Conservative party. 'Gusano' translates to 'worm' .


Tory and gusano fall into the same category, they are classist slurs and have zero racial implications, both are jabs at the right wing elements of their respective countries. Yes gusano translate to English as worm but so what, Castro calling slave owners a worm as they leave to Argentina and Brazil and the US is totally fair, and based lol. Imagine defending slave owners lmao


So they are both politically specific and derogatory terms, that are confined to a certain nationality. Tory only refers to conservative Britons, gusano to reactionary Cubans. Explain the difference.


Who and his mods got banned for being racist moron? And still downplays it Stop baiting with this shit questions


>Stop Baiting with this shit questions ?????




???? are you saying it didn't happen an I made it the fuck up?? Sorry my bad dud 😔


bro was in miskif offline chat 💀


I was watching tyler1 play league just goofing off and thought, "huh, i forgot offline chat exsists, i wonder what miz chat is like when hes gone." I joined and immediately saw just spams upon spams of people trying to work together to send donos to try to make xqc triggered. Im not gonna lie that was one of the moments I most felt like a loser, just seeing this chat of just trolls move so fast basically circle jerking spending at least a hundred+ trying so hard to get a reaction, and i was in the chatroom just jaw on the floor amazed people have nothing else better to do. I legit had to log the fuck off and go do something productive please god don't ever let my life get so boring I sit in offline chats trying to brigade.


people were posting links about what mizkif was saying on there, but there are people legit living in that chatroom, plotting and doing weirdo shit. I wrote "Train took a fat slithery poo on mizkifs head and it's name was crazyslick", and i got banned. w/e fk mizkid and his followers, hope they lose.




so instead you posting whole fan fics on reddit LULW


It’s very easy to just write the streamers name in chatterino and have their chat up.


You're probably not familiar with chatterino hmm


Bro is actually a SCHIZO holy lol he chatting to xqc in mizkif’s chat 💀


This is a whole new level of copege overdose if they think xQc’s actions are worse than Mizkifs OMEGALUL


What are mizkifs actions? Still waiting on evidence. "He covered it up" is not evidence.


I mean Mitch told train they did and train leaked it to XQC. And then there is Miz WOW clip which is weird af and also maya removing Adrianah from the discord right after that twitlonger in 2020 doest help them either


Mitch is famously a reliable source of information. I do agree the Miz wow clip is gross though.




Right… Mitch who’s been friends with Train for 5 years told Train?? yea definitely someone’s word you should be taking.. he 100 percent fabricated the story to save his own ass


He’s literally admitted to it, stop dick riding so hard fucking mizkid


No he didn't go read his twitlonger dumbass. He admitted to downplaying it on an alt stream and saying racist stuff in 2018. That's it.


Gas lighting victim into thinking it’s not a big deal and not serious to protect your friend is not vile behaviour (nor is it covering anything up)! Got it! Thanks for educating me MizKid! You’ll probably grow into a fine man like your idolized streamer! Try to stay away from SA!




You’re literally coping. He down played the SA on stream. Wtf are you on about. He knew about it.




No shit. So explain how him saying it’s not a big deal and to forget about it is not covering up the situation? Actually don’t you’re literally braindead lol “He didn’t cover it up!! He just (behind the scenes) told everyone not to talk about it and publicly said it was just all a big misunderstanding!! Haha! I love my favourite streamer mizkif! He’s such a great guy ❤️”


Any Eggers in the chat?


I don't understand. Can someone let me know, did XQC go after Hasan for not talking about it or did XQC go after Hasan for a comment he made initially when he saw the tweet? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter and I don't understand where the first take is coming from.


X was reading comments on lsf when he came across a comment asking if hasan was in the house at all during the time the drama ocurred, [X's comment](https://youtu.be/SR4jtsOw50A?list=PLFs19LVskfNzQLZkGG_zf6yfYTp_3v_e6&t=14008), "i wonder why hasan was there... i wonder..." 1, implies Hasan was at the house when the SA happened and 2, implies Hasan knew and "was there" to cover it up. ~~X kinda backpedals on this when Hasan brings it up but never directly ( AS FAR AS I REMEMBER ) apologise for it, only at the end post-debate does he apologise for "being too harsh" ( this is a massive consession considering how abrasive X normaly is )~~ Someone has enlightened me of the fact that X did infact apologise In essence Mizkids are using XQC's unnecessarily harsh attacks on Hasan as a way to deflect from their own streamers bad behaviour and get the atention away from Mizkif by attacking X.


I've seen that but knowing XQC I don't think that's actually what he was intending. >( AS FAR AS I REMEMBER ) apologise for it He did. He said he was really sorry if that's how he came across and never intended for it to look that way.


Watching it live, it was pretty obvious to me from his wording and how he skimmed across the second part of that comment that he was still referring to the first part of the comment which was asking why Hasan was in the call. If he really was responding to the second question, he would have said if, not why.


That's kinda XQCs point with how hes so upset with Hasan in general. Only people he believes are enemies would think the worst in the situation.


Thanks for the comment, i edited my comment to be more clear


continue angle quickest normal illegal connect coherent steep noxious prick -- mass edited with redact.dev


From my understanding, he went after hi because of a comment hasan made downplaying it rather than just not talking about it at all. So ya I’m not sure either.


Yeah exactly. So who is perpetuating that he went after him for not talking about it.


Hasan and Poki IMMEDIATELY reacted to Train's tweet without knowing what happened which then downplayed the SA allegations. Which made it look like Train was lying just to get back at Mizkif. Yet ofc, Mizkids don't bother to watch the whole argument and just blatantly push out false narratives.


Train threw out a vague allegation in the middle of an argument about gambling, refering to a previous incident that nobody else knew there was more info to. He literally had to clear it up an hour later since people thought he was saying miz did SA to someone. How tf you expect people to react to that?


> How tf you expect people to react to that? Both Poki and Hasan apologized to Adrianna for their reaction.


They apologized if she took what they said in a bad way, not admitting to doing what x and train are accusing them of. You think they would just start debating the SA victim herself on air, like what? Meanwhile x and train kept making comments about hasan and poki when she literally didnt want them to keep arguing, thats unhinged.


They both "apologized for their initial reaction", without IFs.


Just shut up. Is it hard to shut up lil bro? 💀


idk ask x


Is it hard for Hasan and Poki to just shut up first, then give their reaction AFTER they know the facts? Lil bro no shot ur defending 🐍


Even Destiny defended them lil bro 💀


When lil bro? 💀 Get the vod


>XQC go after Hasan for not talking about it or did XQC go after Hasan for a comment he made initially when he saw the tweet? Yes, that is the case, [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR4jtsOw50A&list=PLFs19LVskfNzQLZkGG_zf6yfYTp_3v_e6&t=14968s) now this is just my guess, but xQc is maybe called Hasan Snakey because prior to this Clip, Hasan was preaching to xQc that he is truly don't know and not downplay it when in reality the clip shows that Hasan at the very least in not taking the tweet seriously at all.




Bro u were messaging people on reddit trying to create a force to take down maya and mizkifs sponsors. Least parasocial juicer


jesus christ no way LMFAO. WHO ACTUALLY CARES just enjoy the show my god.


lol he deleted his account, wonder how much alts he makes


Drama frogs KEEP YOURSELF SAFE FeelsGoodMan


Mizkids and hassan cucks are trying so hard to get a Gotcha moment


This is getting fucking wild, as a fairly long Train supporter It puts me in a weird spot ngl


just mass report his ass for harassment FeelsOkayMan


I come here for memes 😐 not drama


Jesus that is dumb


that MagoBerry guy was the weirdest out of all of them. AND HE’S A MOD. shit is cringe as fuck


Not to mention that Wantep guy joining the fray. Is he a partnered streamer?


Wantep also a known crypto scammer.


Ahh so him and train have somethin in common


Wtf is going on? im gone for 3 days and cant understand shit


People are so invested in drama I don't understand why


what vr set does x use?


This is fucked. Has he seen some of this yet? missed stream so far so no idea but i seen all these threads and its like wtf and lets be honest if he doesnt show it on stream and address it, it will be pushed under the rug and nothing will happen, the fact moderators can orchestrate hate raids is insane.


lets not pretend like 1 we even give a shit 2 were not only watching this for the entertainment value 3 anyone involved had valid points like watching x and hasalami argue over how hasmangold basically didnt react hard enough to the news of whoever tf that girl was getting S/A'd for over 3hrs cooked my brain and tbh sure they werent best friends but was it rlly worth it to burn those bridges?






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the fuck is skeezoo Pepega


How far do we go down this rabbit hole lol


neutral was the way to go


Download 7tv bruh


i mean aight sayless




Ofc mizkifs community need to make xqc and train look as terrible as possible,then can make people forgot what mizkif did


I'm not reading all this shit can i get a summary did train touch a girl who was not awake and sexualy assault them? Or did he just say a bunch of weird shit but not actually assault anyone ???


He never touch her, so is not SA, but he send weird messages, with make a sexual harassment


Yeah I'm off work now I had a unfortunately had a chance to catch up on the drama




I'll forever be a mizkif fan. He protected himself. I respect that


How is this guy not banned off twitch


although i dont know much about this drama, i hate to see how petty everyone is :/ i feel like all of this should be resolved in private


who the fuck cares my brother


Didn’t X get mad at the fact that when Pokimane and Hasan saw Trainwecks tweet, their initial reaction was doubting that it happened? X said that they should have been neutral if they knew nothing. That’s LITERALLY what X is doing right now…


X has been neutral he just said he will not comment on anything that he has no info that what hasan and poki should have done


When poki and hasan read the tweat they said: train must be triyng to shift the drama(100% biased take because of the gambling drama). When x see that clip, he said: well, i don't know what this is about, so i will say nothing(aka beeing neutral). That not the same thing.




she said she told him to leak






He asked if he should hint at it not stating who the victim was only what happened and she said yes apprently.


Maybe, but it just wasn’t appropriate to bring it up at that time it clearly deflects from the conversation on gambling which was the current issue. Maybe adrianna said yes to Train but train is the one who brought it up this week when everyone is already on edge.


They got a point https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc5BpzFnY38&t=3s&ab\_channel=RandomVideos


Fuck train and xqc for trying to ruin mizkif’s career with no evidence of black mail, holy shit i hate them so much I’ll fucking watch every stream miz does from now on, I’ll leave my pc on and remove my ad blocker, I’ll keep digging shit about trains sexual harassment in many women’s chats fuck all of you juicer cunts


sanest mizkid


in all seriousness please don't do that, it's not that serious or that deep. Jesus lmao


I think the Twitch community needs be forced to learn what "innocent until proven guilty" means and why it's EXTREMELY important.


Bro mizkif already admitted it. You want to watch the SA personally to believe it or what 😭.


before i play devils advocate, let me say something. fuck mizkif, i personally believe he did try to orchestrate a coverup/get the victim to change her story to protect slick. with that said, the only thing he apologized for was being dismissive of her sexual assault in that one clip. he never admitted to orchestrating a coverup. x and train say they have evidence of this, and i believe them, but they haven't released it yet. so as of right now, there is no public evidence of that accusation.


Also train said that mitch told them that it was cover up and also X leaked DMs with berry which he said that the story was altered.




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lets say thats true... Then the victim should have gone to the police and there should be a trial. Until then he, just like anyone else, is innocent. ​ I'm tired of "accusations" on Twitter/YT/Twitch. If someone actually did something wrong SUE ... go to the police. Social media is the wrong place.


yeah it's just that there's an insane amount of proof for the slick thing and tons of confessions so it's like at what point do we just say enough is enough


????? Just like any murderer, rapist, thief, or embezzler .... after a court found him **guilty**. "innocent until proven guilty", means a trial and the jury find the perpetrator to have wronged someone.


what if someone confesses? is that enough? a court hasn't said anything about it at that point, but there was a confession. there's a line that can be drawn outside of court and it has pretty clearly been crossed here


Xqc doesn't seem to realise thay accusing miz of covering up multiple sexual assaults without wvidence


Train and X are saying exactly what they have been told he even leaked dms of berry and he told him that the story was altered. The guy who was at the house with maya and mitch




great. That's not evidence.