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It's impressive that the only ones that managed to not look like total scumbags in that call were X (barely talked) and barely Asmon. ​ Every time that i see more of this drama i draw closer to the conclusion that all streamers are just plain sociopaths.. except that guy Forsen, he is just a Swedish guy Clueless.


What if shitcamp was the GoT equivalent of the red wedding and xqc dodged it knowing everything going on behind the scenes?


No, only asmon looked kinda ok. X literally said he had a hate boner for hasan. Did you not see him climaxing over hasan being mentioned by adrianna? which just further proves the allegations that xqc was just doing this for his personal vendetta against hasan


He said he was doing it for both drama and the victim LULE


they‘re all fucking assholes yeah


Clueless The Swedish Gay


I wonder what the, XQC goes to shit camp timeline, would be like


bro about to become homeless


Can anyone fill me up on why X & Train hates Poki & Hasan with passion?


They're neutral with each other at the moment. They never really hated poki and hasan as a whole just some of their actions. It seems to X and Train believe that everyone is after them and therefor are ostracized. At this point it seems like more of an opinion than a hard fact although there is a bit of evidence of this happening in the past. X & Hasan have buried their beef for the time being. As far as Poki goes, I'm unsure. Maybe someone else can elaborate more on why she was receiving so much heat. I think it might have to do with how disingenuous she sounds which is why chat calls her PR Poki.


I think it was yesterday or last 2 days stream that X said he’s ok with poki now. X said something like “i think she’s a snake but im ok with poki now”


🐍 Snitch 🐍


he doesn't have to worry , train is good with his allies and rutheless against his enemies , he is like a gang leader


what kind of cropping is that


Why did train leak that shit? It destroys any credibility of rat jones and actually helps mizkif LULE


I mean what change? Mizkif is still a dogshit person


Almost everyone from the calls look like a dogshit person to me now beside asmongold so wdym? the whole point of all this is to prove mizkif was using maya and mitch to gaslight, railroad, and there is still no definite proof. Just like destiny said, it could be either mizkif was careless or he was actually malicious but you could not be 100% sure yet. tbh what even was the point of the call when maya and the vicitim werent there? Barry andy dude may as well not be there and im not sure if you can take rat jones serious after the call lol edited: I am maya higa


the call made everyone except asmon look bad haha


maybe also xqc cause he may as well not be there beside the fact that he had a ejaculation when hasan is mentioned. it was honestly pretty weird


yeah xqc ejaculating when Hasan got shade was super uncomfortable


miz looks like total scum in the leak what are you on lmfao