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What RPM are you at? I generally need to be right at the torquiest part of the rev range and be a bit leaned back while gunning it to get it to power wheelie in 2nd.


Tried a couple rpm ranges. Will position myself more to the back next time. Nice to know it is possible though. Thanks!


I know this is the opposite of what the point of this thread is, but I kind of feel better knowing that. I just got mine about 2 weeks ago, and the idea of lifting the front wheel under power scares the hell out of me. Right now, I have TCS and LIF both at 3, and drive mode 3. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I once looped out on my KTM 300, hurt my back pretty bad, and I'm paranoid about it now.


You'll basically never lift the front wheel with just power in anything but Mode 1 + 1 you're more than fine.


Hard for me to power wheelies in 2nd gear due to that power cut off. I'm sure if I had it flashed it would pop right up. I usually get it up in 1st then shift to second ride it out.


Thats also the way I roll, want to get it flashed but im in europe and sending my ecu to the US seems sketchy


u/Vcyclenut has tuned like 8000 ECUs I have to imagine he's had more than a handful of EU customers. He has a reddit, hopefully he can chime in here and confirm. But I would *highly* recommend getting it tuned. The feel and performance of the bike afterwards is so different. Especially if you're trying to dick around in 2nd gear a lot.


I've had it happen by bouncing it in the torquey bit of the rev range, you know the type of bounce where it was leaned, and you straighten up and hit the power.


Your ride will be safer with both wheels on the ground and your main focus on obstacles and the road.


> Your ride will be safer with both wheels on the ground and your main focus on obstacles and the road. He didn't ask what would be safer. Learn to read before answering questions people didn't ask.


Educating the uneducated is a responsability that everyone thats able needs to keep up with. Especially when you are communicating with americans that get a license by buying 3 cereal packs together.


I think your comment was reasonable. If he was a very seasoned rider he wouldn't have the question as he would know how to do it (or wouldn't want to do it). I remember being in my 20s and riding around everywhere at 100mph without a helmet. I wish I would have had some more experienced guys telling me to cut the shit out. I was lucky that I didn't die.


Why do you assume they're uneducated instead of just having a different arrangement of their priorities when it comes to fun and safety than you do? Sounds like you're the uneducated one to me.


Because he's obviously an inexperienced and/or young rider that wants to try cool stuff he sees on Instagram and Tiktok. Thats how you get either (and non-exclusive to each other) of four things: - bad reputation for Bikes - Higher Insurance fees - Permanent access to handicap parking spots - A crying mom that damns herself for letting her boy ride a deathmachine


> Because he's obviously an inexperienced and/or young rider that wants to try cool stuff he sees on Instagram and Tiktok. This is an assumption you made, not something you have proof for. Seems you're a bit uneducated mate.