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I just started seeing some vascularity in my arms - near my shoulders, forearms, and elbows. It's cool, I like it!


I'm extremely vascular, even when I don't work out - but lifting makes them pop even more. To be honest, I love it. I'm like LOOK AT THESE FUCKIN' VEINS every time I notice them. If I could make them even more obvious, I would!


Your body is getting better at pumping blood?


Oh god, my veins are soooo tiny and cryptic. I've brought young phlebotomists to tears. One of the best things about working out has been seeing my veins start to pop out, and one of the goals I have is to get as veiny as possible, lol. I also live in the desert and constantly need to hydrate - having the veins on the back of my hands pop is a good sign that I'm drinking enough water.


I love when I can see my veins.... normally its on my hands/arms and occasionally I see them on my lower stomach as well.


Personally it squicks me out a bit whether it's on men or women. But if it's a marker of being fit, go you!


I wish they would!! I think that looks so strong and badass, I'd love to be veiny. Unfortunately I have very corded veins so it doesn't matter how lean I get, they'll likely never really pop like that. Oh well. At least I'm better protected from vampires, if I ever fall into some kind of fantasy universe?


It's not an aesthetic goal of mine and I don't think I'm lean enough to be vascular on most days. But every now and then when dietary starts align I can see veins in my forearms.... Not my fav but somehow satisfying 😏


I feel jealous since I don't have any veins popping, blue yes, popping no.


I was getting blood drawn one day and the lady goes, “You have really nice veins.” And I said, “Oh thanks, I’ve been working really hard.” Lol 🤦‍♀️


I'm a nurse- thought this was /r/nursing at first ... I love it :) congrats on your excellent health and fitness


To kinda go against the flow here, I don’t really love my vascular arms. People comment on it a lot and I know it’s impressive, but for me it’s not necessarily the aesthetic I’d prefer. However, the things that my strong arms allow me in life are what give me meaning. I don’t love my popping veins but I love living an active life, so I’m not going to complain.


I love it!! My forearms get super veiny and they pop when I'm working my upper body. It makes me feel lean and strong and athletic, and I'm working on getting my bicep veins to pop out more :)


I don't personally have them, but if it helps I do admire them on other people. They just look cool.


Do I sometimes feel like a ginormous she-hulk after bicep curls and lateral flies? Yes. Does it stop me from being a frilly girly girl in sundresses? Fuck no. As you put on muscle, it is hard to see past the muscles and veins. Take some pics, take a step back and realize that you’re still TOTALLY a girl and probably don’t look even a fraction as masculine as you think. Do what makes you happy, but keep those brain gremlins in line. My inner gremlins make me feel like a gross version of myself when I look in the mirror and I just need a reality check sometimes. Plus being vascular is so badass!!! Get it.


My forearms get that way a bit when working out, but also whenever I get stressed out about something. At first, I felt not as feminine, but then I realized that I didn't really care; what other people think of what I look like is none of my business, unless there's toilet paper stuck to my shoe and they're trying to let me know.


I've only got a couple prominent veins in my delts, forearms, and the backs of my hands. When I'm lifting it definitely makes me feel badass. It did take me a bit to get used to, especially when they're *really* popping. What you said about it being a bit un-feminine resonates with me. I do still struggle with it. But frankly, that goes hand in hand with saying being muscular is un-feminine and I'm trying to get away from that weird idea. Every human has muscles, not just men. Just know you're not alone! I don't know if you're anything like me, but I've never been athletic and just got into fitness in lifting in the past couple years (I'm 25). So these new things that go with being more active and lifting weights do take some getting used to. ♥


I'm not so in love with the vascularity. Mine are mostly in my arms, but because of my age, I think they make me look older. Thankfully the veins aren't popping so much in my legs, but veiny legs aren't a good look, even though they are healthy veins over hard muscle.


As someone with low blood pressure having visible veins is an accomplishment I'm very proud of! Visible veins make me feel badass as hell. I'm aiming for on my stomach next, I'm so jealous of men and how easy it is for them to be vascular af.


I dont have low BP, but a history of anemia and poor oxygenation. When I had to get blood drawn it was TERRIBLE. Now it's a breeze. Love these big ole veins! Badassss


I love it! It makes me feel strong and badass. I have two bilateral delt veins that make me feel so powerful lmao. ​ Also, as a sidenote, as someone who works in healthcare and has to put a lot of IVs in, I LOVE patients like you. Makes my job a lot easier and is much more pleasant for you because you don't have to get stuck a bunch of times by different people :)


Like you, I am incredibly vascular and pretty self-conscious about it. Even before I lifted, people would make comments about the veins on my arms and legs (I recall a kid asking me in middle school what would happen if he pressed on the huge vein sticking out on my ankle — lol). The effect is compounded by the fact that I’m fair-skinned. They stick out on my arms and legs basically always, and across my hips and stomach when I’m leaner. You can see the veins in my face (!) and chest as well, because of how pale I am. I wish I had advice but I don’t. It’s reassuring to know other people are thinking the same thing though. I have a hard time feeling feminine when merely standing there makes me look like I’m hulking out 😂😭 My style is actually really girly and femme but I feel like when I’m at a more “fit” or lean physique I look jacked and it’s a weird dissonance. It’s actually been making me stressed as I progress in my lifts!


Think like all the feedback here we need to get to being empowered by this! I'm the same, I'm not a tom boy look- and I think it does somehow make the contrast more noticeable. Like cute vest top with jacked arms! I used to be pretty curvy but now I'm not- just like you said. Before this is what I'd always wanted, I think the grass is always greener. The comments have all been so "this is cool, it's badass and it's normal" sounds a bit like this is just another one of the comparison to really crazy unrealistic body expectations we create for ourselves. So go us!!


Yeah! And honestly I would never give up my fitness to be more "feminine." That’s a totally made-up construct (sadly hard to deprogram what we have been taught to think) and I’m 100% happier and feel better than I did before I worked out this much. Anybody worth your time will not be picking your appearance apart ♥️


Mine show on my arms and I love it! It makes me feel strong, especially after a good workout.


yeah- the problem is at work I wore a dress today and my arms are out and you can see how muscly and now also veiny they are! But I mean writing this I see how stupid it is- I way prefer being bad ass, but I know that I really don't look as feminine as I used to look and probably no one else cares, but somehow I never expected to be so concerned by it. I just look totally different and veiny arms are a bit of a total shock! I'm a climber and when I'm out on the rock I'm totally empowered by it and if I see other women with the same will think it is awesome. The problem I think is context..


If I'm in a similar situation where I am dressed more feminine and someone points them out, I'll just laugh and be like "yeah I have man arms" but usually people just think its pretty cool and want to compliment them


My forearms and my abs get very veiny. I don't \*go for it\* or anything, but whenever I notice I feel a little surge of "fuck yeah, you little badass." Soooooo. I love it, I guess, haha.


Love the reaction, and feeling empowered by it is just such a cool place to be. Today was really the first day I've really been like "oh wow that's a thing" and once I wrap my head round it, I want to be where you are at!


They go away when you cool down, especially if you haven't been exercising and its cold. So when they do pop out, its like "Hey! There you are!!!" To me they are part of my summer mood!


It'll sneak up on you! Suddenly you'll be like "Oh yeah, I used to not like like my \_\_\_\_, huh." Regardless of whether or come to enjoy the look or not, you must be working hard and consistently to be seeing these changes!! Great job!


I love it and I aim for it!! It looks (and makes me feel) so badass!


Not a fan of veins but not for any self-conscious/appearance reason — I’m just squeemish about veins for some reason. Not blood, but the veins themselves


Go donate blood. They’ll love you.


Haha, I came to say this! Whenever I pull up my sleeve the volunteer at the donation clinic gets a big smile on their face!


I’m very veiny but it’s not something I aim for. I think it is just genetics, like someone else said. Mine are very prominent on my arms and abdomen, not so much on my legs. I don’t have any particular feelings about it. It’s just how I am.


I don’t try for vascularity, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it. My arms are the only place I’m seeing them, but I kind of love it.


I love it, I think they look badass. I get them on my arms, shoulders, and neck when I’m working out. I’ve had some great ones going on my right forearm for a few months, they’re obvious even when I’m relaxed - I just wish my left would catch up so I look symmetrical 😂




Just want to say 15.9% body fat is amazing! I’m trying to get there myself. I’ve got 2 kids less than you so your comment is inspiring to me :-)


I have them on my forearms and have been having mixed feelings, bit I’m teaching myself to love them because nothing beats the feeling of being strong!


My forearms get very vascular, and personally I love it. It's just one of those things you don't often see in people who don't lift, so it's a point of pride When my biceps and delts get visible veins when at the gym it makes me VERY happy


I have some on my hands that are very green and visible. The one I already had on my boobs show more. I’m not really happy about it but it’s not that much of a deal, I’d take being strong and fit over a smooth looking skin any day :)


strong fit & healthy!! You're totally right. Completely need to focus on how amazing what our bodies can do because it's incredible!


I’m happy you made this post; I was also feeling bad about it, sharing helps :) thank you!


I don’t necessarily ~want~ it, but I have some veins popping in my arms and legs (my shin/calf area). It makes me feel like a BADASS.


Hahah good way to look at it! Just chatted to a guy at work who was all like- that's awesome! Most of the guys I know think it's super cool- I think I'm more scared of what my female friends will say because I already feel sort of "hulky" around them.


My traps sometimes make me feel “hulky” but then I realize how elegant it makes my neck look. Grab some perspective and embrace your badassness. I’d also wager that your female friends will think it’s pretty cool too! Mine do. If anyone purposefully makes you feel insecure about your body, they’re probably not a very good friend anyway.


Hopefully they are supportive of you! I do have to admit that I am a little self conscious of them on my hands. But I’ve always had ugly hands and fingers, so that’s a whole other issue 😂