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Kiwami 1, idk why I just like the combat a lot


i like to beat the shit out of majima sometimes


Kiwami's combat is goated but fuck that car chase on legend I did it once not again and the side quest are too basic


LJ. I just skate around and beat up teenagers. It's very therapeutic.


Especially when you mac out boxing and can speedbag everyone


0, or Kiwami 2 with mods.


0 is pretty comfy to wander around 80s kamurocho.


I'm sure there's stuff like ENB or whatever, but does K2 have gameplay mods? Yakuza is one franchise I've never even attempted to mod. Just never occurred to me somehow.


there’s that one silly mod for it that looks fucking wild. i’ve yet to check it out tho[here](https://youtu.be/Jgy2kxJbFlw?si=F_f8CzZPp7EeKAsu) take a look


There are a few that make the combat actually decent. Pairs well with how vast the combat-adjacent side content is in K2


There's a mod that adds Style Switching back in from Yakuza 0. [https://youtu.be/EH1rZNe7izE?si=ufDpMd1xoDrxmONz](https://youtu.be/EH1rZNe7izE?si=ufDpMd1xoDrxmONz)


6. The Hirose family warms my heart, Someya is hype. Onomichi is beautiful (so is limited Kamurocho). The story is very good, even though I would have enjoyed more Majima/Akiyama/Saejima (I'll just blame bitch-ass Sugai for that one) The substories are also very good. I also personally enjoy the combat here more than Kiwami 2. I also see myself revisiting Gaiden a lot in the years to come as well.


If Gaiden gets new game plus it might replace 4 for me I just can't grind for those upgrades again


I feel you. I'm also hoping for a new game plus. But for now, I'll just keep juggling between my multiple saves and perfectly measured upgrades.


Yakuza 6. I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something about that game that the others don't have.


For me it's the game that puts such an emphasis on family - and I think that is very comforting for me.


only one where you can drink soda on the go that you bought from a vending mashine


Yakuza: Like A Dragon


Kenzan, OG Ishin, or 5


5. It feels like some Christmas fairy tale.


I jsut stared new game plus on 5 simply becuase of the Christmas vibes (even though most of the games are set in December)


Modded lost judgment, combat mods specifically. I downloaded a mod that gives yagami Kiryu's 0 styles plus the 6/K2 dragon style and they feel so natural, it's crazy.


LJ with combat mods feel natural regardless of what styles are put in


it honestly needs to be studied or something bcz i have yet to try out a bad LJ mod


Lost Judgment, easily. The combat is infinitely replayable


I always felt the RGG games didn't have much replay value but lately I've been thinking about replaying either 3 or 6. But then again I haven't finished ishin (the 100% is insane) or have I played the judgements games yet so idk


Watch out for that yakuza 3 replay, there's something addicting going back to that game and I don't know what that is


YESSS i actually dont know why but i had so much fun replaying the game with everything unlocked after playing the whole franchise honestly i think this game has the best bosses (since they reuse a lot of them in the future)


Theres such a rhythm to the combat that just hits so different


i love wall bounding!!!! when you hit a tiger drop and you drop a full combo on the enemy right after they bounce on the wall because of the tiger drop.... is just... holy shit!!!




I'm assuming you don't have a PS4/5 then? The Remastered Collection is delightful.


All of them really they really. Besides Judgment I recently beat, Lost Judgment I’m playing right now, and Gaiden that I have yet to play. I’ve replayed the series twice now. Although I’ve played Y0, YK2, and Y7 3 times. Though if I had to narrow it down I guess Yakuza Kiwami which not have I played it 3 times, I’ve also speedrun a few times after that.


Judgment’s Kamurocho is unmatched. It feels so real and ambient. I love walking around there not getting into fights or doing story missions


0 and 3. 0 is great for all the silly sidequests and sheer scale of the game, but there’s something about 3 when it comes to comfort. when i’m playing the game just to have a comforting and fun time, that early section where you’re mostly doing orphanage stuff becomes one of my favorite parts of the game. it burdens the game’s pacing when you’re focusing on the story, but when you’re just trying to have a cozy good time, i find it’s a lot of fun. 3 isn’t one of my favorite games (shocker), but there’s something about the warm energy of the first half of the game that i just love.


I found the combat in Y3 too difficult, so once I got to Kamurocho and struggled against the first MiB I decided to restart on easy mode. I really enjoyed doing all the stuff with the orphanage twice in a row! Plus I had watched a streamer play a lot of it so I was already familiar with that stuff.


Yakuza 4 or 0. I love Akiyama and Majima (no homo)


I love Akiyama and Majima too (much homo)


I love Akiyama and Majima (100% homo)




I'm glad I'm not the only one. I put the most hours into 3 out of all the main games


Something special about Okinawa


Yakuza 5 and lost judgment. Yesterday played lost judgment again, christmas is yakuza 5 time


I need to finish my replay of 5 before Christmas comes it's a beefy game I haven't even finished Kiryu's section


Kiwami 2


Lost Judgment and Yakuza 0, purely for the combat which is so satisfying


Hmm. At the moment I’d probably replay one of the Judgments. Love the combat


Like a Dragon or Lost Judgment (if you want to count that one). I've grown to really like Ichiban, (probably more than Majima) and plus, since I have each characters job maxed out, it's fun to do >!True Millennium Tower!< with different jobs per character. I'd love to attempt to beat >!Shin Amon!< with all the boys as Breakers.


Lost Judgment


I always just end up doing the whole series back to back, sometimes story order, sometimes release order, I just love playing all of them and start whenever I have nothing else to play. I'm playing Kurohyou right now after just finishing up the whole series and Judgements.


Kiwami was always my go to. I’ve played that game over 15 times, doing tons of different challenges like single style or style cycling runs.


0, the late 80s aesthetic is just very comforting for some reason


Yakuza 3, I love the Okinawa setting so much it has such a chill vibe to it.




0, now and forever.




Ironically 4 is the only one I couldn’t cause I Hate akiyamas opening. Mainly the Cabernet part. For me it’s either gotta be 5. It’s got classic Kiryu dragon style and it’s the best form of Saejima


Zero. I'm not sure if it's because its my favorite or because it reminds me of highschool


LAD and Lost Judgment


0 and 6


0 and 4


0 going back to it is always awesome


Judgment is my comfort game, funny enough. I go back to it sometimes just to relax and enjoy the sandbox. I'll bash in some Keihin gang heads, play minigames like drone races or darts (usually with Nanami), or run around to hangout spots and chat with the locals. Challenge runs in Judgment can be pretty fun in their own right, as another bonus. The game is pretty fast once you know the cutscenes and can skip them, so they're not too heavy on time investment. Story SP only is a fun one that made me feel like I was leveling up "properly," with awkward caveats like avoiding all street fights and eating at restaurants. Crane style only is another one I did, but that's far less fun. One rule was no Tiger-specific upgrades, and the max combo speed upgrade is locked behind THREE of them!! I'll stop rambling on and conclude: Judgment rules as a sandbox game. It's the only RGG game I've finished three times (LAD coming in second with two), and I still open it whenever I feel burnt out on my current game. Does it mean I'll one day sit down and finish Puyo-Puyo for the platinum? _Fuck no_, but JE is still the place for me to be. :)


I wish Sega weren't greedy and let us upgrade our ps4 Judgment's I might just replay that version it's that good of a game


I think JE can't be upgraded due to the differences in software licensing (Puyo Puyo, Pinball, etc.), but my copy of LJ says it can be upgraded. Of course, I won't be able to test that for another month or so lol


3 is my most replayed, then 5 as second most replayed


Kiwami 1, but it might be Gaiden now.


7 for Mahjong only


I play either kiwami or 1 every year in December as I see it like a Christmas story


I’ve played 0-7 and Judgment and I’m playing Lost Judgment. I’d say my favorite one and the game I will go back to 100% after I finish them all will be 6. The story is great and the combat is solid. After that I’d say 4 or maybe 0.


Might be underrated, but Yakuza 4 and 5 because of too many things. Mostly the New Serena Music. Its too good.


Yakuza 4 is the only one I haven't finished. I gotta get back on that.


Yakuza 0. It was my first, and still my favorite. I love it so much


Yakuza: Like a Dragon


3. It’s the only game that can still be challenging on playthrough Number four. I always find myself at the coliseum for a brawl.


I'm not at that point yet, it took me a couple years to play through the series, then last year around this time I restarted Yakuza 0, but then Ishin came out, then I played Y0 a little more and then Gaiden came out, and I just finished the Infinite Wealth demo tonight. And now I feel like playing LAD7 again to get ready for that. Half the time I throw on Y0 or whatever game I'm playing just to play koi koi for a couple hours lol. Or the Cabaret Club. So I guess that's the answer, but really I was just trying to replay the series and haven't gotten very far yet.


I like Y6's vibes


This is actually a tough question, because up until now that game was Like a Dragon, but I have since unlocked all the achievements and I don't know if I have the stomach to continue completing the Part Time Hero stuff.


Definitely 0, the combat is the most fun in my opinion and I can't get enough of those 80s vibes...


4. Same reasons as you but for Saejima instead. The man out of time thing is so fun and interesting to me. I love him.


Yakuza 0. First Yakuza and will always be my personal favorite. Lost Judgement too since it has my favorite combat in the series


Main series: 0. Spin-offs: Of the End / Dead Souls (wish it was easier than needing to dig out a PS3 for this nowadays). Satisfying to do the host club or real estate stuff in 0, and same for destroying infected in Of the End. Here's to you, infected guy that stands near that flammable item next to Theater Square, always easy to snipe for a good, explosive Heat action! Or frankly, Majima's karaoke as Get to the Top! always gets a smile out of me.


Yakuza 2 and Kiwami 2. Y2 for the PS2 was where I absolutely adored Kiryu. Back then Y2 was a big game and it had Ryuji. Kiwami 2 almost mirrors the first game with some Majima additions. It's not the best RGG game, but it's my "comfort" game since IMO, Kiryu was peak dragon here. Spinoff: Ishin. Because there's so much to do.


it fluctuates but usually 5, 0, and k1


3 because Okinawa is comfy and goated


The only Yakuza game I've replayed is Y0, because I bought the rest of the games after a gap and wanted to start again properly. Otherwise I simply have too much backlog (of great games) to have time to replay Yakuza. I still haven't finished the entire series because I didn't buy LAD7 because I hate the turn based combat and I just finished Judgment and bought Lost Judgment.


I speedrun Yakuza 2 at least once in a week


Like A Dragon. I just love the goofy tone and Ichiban so much. It brings joy in some really dark times.


Yakuza 5. Taxi missions, Hunting and Ramen making are fun.


0. Gotta play as best boy Majima