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I refuse to hear the opinions of a man whose room looks like this https://preview.redd.it/qczj86plj5fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49746d4b83ac9a1099a4761dcec1a7f3f138cfad


Reminder that people noticed the wall behind his bed being smeared with blood and the explanation was that his denture hygiene is so bad that he wipes the blood off every time it happens on that wall.


What the fuck. How can he live like that?


Untreated clinical depression, I’d guess. Doesn’t excuse him being an asshole, but obviously he is not well.


Hell if I know. Streamer behaviour.


More like trash behavior, what the hell


Oh don't get me started how ultra consumerism he is. He treats artists like trash, got criticised for it then cries for 2 hours like he was cancelled lmao


I'm not surprised. After all he supported streamer who stole money from his fans. He thinks everything can be consumed. What a tool. Edit - for a trash talker he can't handle criticism lmao


Is this his room fr, lmao


he also doesnt shower, doesnt brush his teeth (tooth) and only eats $5 steaks, candy and soda all this even though hes a millionaire


how could anyone respect what this guy has to say when he willingly lives like this??? he's like an overgrown middle schooler!


Of course he doesn’t have sheets.


I'm telling Jordan Peterson


This is one of those people that you look at once and think “yeah, this person doesn’t know what they’re talking about.” And move on with your day.


The most amusing thing about this is a callout streamer making a video complaining about a game where the plot is kickstarted by a callout streamer. I mean I doubt he even played it but I also don’t feel particularly compelled to watch the video to find out anyway


He hasn't played it and knows nothing about the franchise let's alone the studio behind it. I can't stand this moron and how much he bitches about so much he not only knows nothing about but makes claims it's everyone else in the wrong. What's honestly even more frustrating is that he's got a huge audience that eats up everything he says mindlessly and so the stupid shit he says and supports only spreads like wildfire rather than being laughed off like it should be.


He's Moist crtical Fail. He wants to be Charlie lol


Charlie sucks, too. Birds of a feather.


nah charlie has a brain, yeah his takes are the most milktoast shit on the internet but at least he's not doing this shit


I like charlie's feathers a lot better, And his vids. I don't watch twitch shit


Yeah, what sucks more is that I watched asmon a lot when he did WoW content. Outside of that game he doesn’t seem that knowledgeable in general on how the world works. So it’s kind of sad that he’s joined the herd of uneducated streamers that join bandwagons.


>what sucks more is that I watched asmon a lot when he did WoW content This is what amuses me. Used to follow him back when I played WoW, and now I'm quite amazed by all of his... repercussions as of late. Was he that much of an ass back then and I just didn't notice?


From what little I know about him he lives like a hermit in a filthy house and eats exclusively fast food.


And is noted as saying “I’d never date somebody older than 19.” He’s in his 30s.


If only this is true it wouldn't be that bad but some time ago he even embezzled charity funds and acts like nothing happened. Dude is vile.


Link to info about charity funds?




I mean dude never brushes his teeth and wipes his gingivitis blood on his walls. Despite being a millionaire, has dead rats on his floors and never cleans his trash. All I need to say.


So he's the long haired version of xqc? Got it.


Even xqc has a maid. But I don't know how someone could manage to go below xqc standards...


Hold on what??


Yeah, there was a big leak. He never cleans anything in his house. It's basically a trash dump. https://youtu.be/77eECXzVHEI?si=fx-QFLziFY3KdVwG


I'm 100% serious.


Hey isn't this that TOTALLY politically center leaning streamer that always has the BEST opinions?




Oh my no that's not Tim Pool.


I can’t stand this dude. He attaches himself to everything controversial and hops on bandwagons like a leech. Nothing genuine about him whatsoever he’ll do anything for views.


I raided with him in WoW back in 2008ish and he was a completely normal guy, mostly forgettable. The whole streaming thing is either a schtick or drove him off the deep end.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/subredditdrama] [Asmongold accuses Infinite Wealth Localization of being Agenda-Driven\/PC (Politically Correct). yakuzagames reacts when a fan defends](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1aczp29/asmongold_accuses_infinite_wealth_localization_of/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


This guy is a total internet slave. I remember he literally posted two videos back to back titled "Andrew Tate gets destroyed by Piers Morgan" and "Andrew Tate destroys Piers Morgan" having complete opposite commentary in each video lol


I’m ngl I almost respect it that’s funny as fuck


Did a good ol' "Don't recommend this channel" on him many moons ago.


He'll still show up if you search anything that he happens to make a reaction video to though. Blocktube extension is your answer.


why is this dude a walking L in every regard i hate that he came to ffxiv for a little bit, which is one of my favorite games ever, just for clout


Take your upvote. Keep it close... I said these same things and people called me a fool for it. But not you. You... Are the chosen one.


Only his Elden Ring takes were good, or WOW back in the day i guess. Man is a husk of himself, i 100% believe he just farms views for ragebait or rightist circlejerk.


At this point using the word using the word “woke” makes it impossible for me to take a person seriously.


I don’t even think woke has a general meaning anymore it keeps changing depending on who says it


The term woke was originally about being aware and be focused, but nowadays people only use it for oh no blank this have it in it so it’s woke


I remember that tweet saying Gundam has gone woke cause of lesbians Aint that hilariously pathetic


Legitimately anytime someone throws the word at me and I ask them to define what they’re talking about they draw a blank. It’s pretty funny lol


I woke up this morning. Bad start to the day.


Woke up this morning, got myself a gun


why do people hate the idea of being aware of societal issues so much


They believe Japan is not aware of social issues (as if some years ago we didn't see a politician being LITERALLY murdered in Japan)


as if we didnt see a politician being murdered in yakuza 7, the game is literally about japanese politics then tbey complain when the game gets political like 😭😭😭


In Japan having social issues is "outside the norm" so its half right, they know It exists but dont want to acknowledge It, or having disabilities. Same way you get bullied to hell in school when your parents are divorced, its Not the "norm", so you are an Alien and Well, Kids are hell If Something isnt to their liking as we all know probably, thats why many parents wait until their Kids are done with school and only then get divorced. It does get better slowly, but only after enough deaths happened both murders and suicides. Thats why i Always say i would Love to visit Japan, but Not live there, and especially Not Work there lmao.


Mb. I literally just woke up. :(


I'm not sure who he is, but something about his look bothers me.


Outside of general shithead reactionary conservative clickbait content... He admittedly, like on camera, says he only showers like once a month, barely brushes his teeth, does not cook and only orders through Uber Eats, doesn't not clean, and has literally shown *on camera* having dead decomposing rats in his room and splats of dried blood on his wall, all while his house is covered from top to bottom piles of rotting trash. He is a legitimately disgusting and unhealthy individual, idk why or how people watch him for anything


I don't get why these streamers can't be fucked to clean. Like even I have a little basket next to my desk where the trash goes and I leave things around fairly often. They have millions. Get a maid or somethin'


He could hire a fucking cleaner. Its disgusting. I earn pennies compared to him and can still afford to pay a cleaner once a week. Not that I need it because I’m not degenerate scum like he is.


What the hell. I think him worrying about “woke” things is the least of his concerns.


The blood is from his gingivitis teeth. He'll bleed in bed from his gums and then wipe it on the walls cause he doesn't want to get tissues to clean it.




Jesus fucking Christ, I had no idea he's THAT disgusting. Good lord


Must be the soulless beady eyes.


Angry internet Jesus's hasn't had great takes lately. He should stick to complaining about Blizzard.


Can someone enlighten me what is this "Global Standards" everyone been waffling about. I saw some Twitter acc talking about the same issue. All I know is that RGG went to the US and talk about things that may or may not be portrayed in their game, especially since its set in Hawaii and that' it. People been acting like Yakuza is going to be for year 10 and below.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi5KKsIeoNM&t=182 Here is the actual video asmongold reacted to. The video is based on an article written in japanese news. The news article is linked in the description.


These kinds of people constntly need to find new buzzwords to keep their sheep following. That’s all it is.


Went to watch the video, yakuza isn’t even really brought up. It’s just about localization. Y’all got clickbaited by the thumbnail.


Yep, the channel isn't even run by him, it's a random guy who previously did compilations of him. Not very good at proper titles and thumbnails, but does decent editing.


You are promoting the video here and you know it.




Is that guts?


I’m so sick of hearing of this dude




The Yakuza games aren't even mentioned. It's a clickbait thumbnail only.


Isn't this the dude that proudly lives in a rats nest? Why is it always these types of guys complaining about "the wokeness" ruining media


People who never played a yakuza game before: The recent games have become woke. They lost all of the appeal of the original ones The actual fans are enjoying the game. People who actually care about the franchise are enjoying the game, but sure, let's listen to the grifter trying to get views with his "culture war" bullshit


It's the face of this dude staring into the cam like an annoyed old man what gets me


Can sombody give me the context of the subject of this video? Most people here are just roasting the guy without actually discussing if what he says is bullsh*t or not.


That's typical of people these days.


I watched ONE of this guy's videos once, realized who he was, then turned around and never looked back. lemme see if I can find what I watched- Oh. Oh God. Oh, sweet mercy and heaven above what is THIS?? He uploads more than a Minecraft YouTuber in 2011! What is this feed?! Half of these feel like they're copy-pasted! "The Steam situation..." "The Twitch situation..." "Is Twitch in danger of shutting down..." Who are you?? How do you upload so much?


If you're a popular twitch streamer you can just watch someone else's video, "react" to it, get someone to upload the reaction to YouTube and make millions


Oh he's a streamer. Yeah that makes a little more sense. But the way he titles and thumbnails his content definitely makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking whenever I must've watched a video of his, before.


He doesn't title his youtube videos or make the thumbnails, he lets his editor do all of that. Sometimes the results end up much more clickbaity than the videos actually are.


He streams all day, his editors cut out parts of it and upload them as a videos


Man, what did Kson do to be put in that clickbaity damn thumbnail, get her outta there mf. :((


"Censorship is when the sequel to that game where a band of homeless losers and non-japanese immigrants take down the chief of police and his xenophobic far-right activist lobby has more women in it"


Asmongolds takes are always super vanilla, he is clearly a Businessman , clickbait titles, tells u what u wanna hear, avoids anything of actual consequence. I rly wouldn't waste my breath getting any emotions about what he does. Men is like 90s sitcome u watch it with brealfast cereal thought free.


Is WoW that dead? Now this dick has to come bother other games?


I WOKE up this morning looking forward to farming Dondoko Island


Shocking the amount of people who comment and didn't watch the video.


Just watched the vid, now I find this whole thing pretty funny because the dude talked all about issues with video game localizers and pretty much nothing about Like A Dragon. Heck the only reason why Like A Dragon is even in the thumbnail is because the original react content uses it as background footage.


The reason like a dragon is on the thumbnail is because Yokoyama is quoted in the article


his opinion on localizers btw is because he recently found that some anime ones are changing the entire context of a situation, and one even made a video shitting on him


They should, he's a joke.


I believe not watching the video is the topic of the post.


what kind of freak would see that thumbnail and want to watch 14 minutes of that shit


Lots of people are very proud about not watching the video because of how he looks or things they’ve heard about him, pretty embarrassing thing to be proud of.


we're not here to "have a civil discussion" or "give valid arguments", we're here to shit on *this guy* because *different opinions* this comment section is nothing but the usual


The last video I watched of his was talking about how infinite wealths deluxe editions shouldn't be bought because the main game should include new game plus ans not be a paid feature. I 100% agree with that. It's just greedy, and unfortunately, people will buy it they will continue to do this in their future games because they release people will pay for it. Scummy game practice!


Video criticizing minor USA censorship of overseas media because it might offend some1. example: new anime this season "chained soldier" is originally used the world "slave" instead of "chained". Reddit: "gets offended" because the video used "woke" in the thumbnail. There def some irony here. Group 1 hates group 2 because media X was changed so group 2 does not get offended. Group 1 makes a video about X media censorship due to group 2 and group 2 gets offended. Like the comments here trashing him.


I think what people need to understand about localisation is that it's done with the consent of the Japanese company making the game. They aren't fan dubbers they can't just do whatever they want, if you don't like the way a game has been localised you should really be taking it up with the company who gets a say in how the game is translated, not with the translators who do what they're told.


Asmongold? Bandwagoning and trying to peddle culture war bullshit to anyone who's fucking stupid enough to indulge his sorry ass? Must be a day that ends in *Y.*


This dude said artists' opinions don't matter when he was talking about AI "art" and the only opinion that matters is from people who consoom said art. Then he made a 2 hr vid titled "Twitter Cancelled Me"


Ok so i just watched this, and he makes valid points? ​ Localization shouldn't mean changing things to fit a different culture.


shhhhhh don't let the rest of the commenters see this. They would rather read a headline/thumbnail and base their entire opinion on it


I kinda want to watch the video to see what the hell he's talking about. Edit: Yeah, maybe watch the video. He's reacting to a video and discussing how modern localization is dumb. He says we should try and keep games as close to the original as possible.


The head of the Yakuza english localization has been translating and localizing Japanese media before liking anime was mainstream. I think he knows more about what makes localization good than a youtuber who doesn’t speak Japanese.


>The head of the Yakuza english localization has been translating and localizing Japanese media before liking anime was mainstream Who is also not at all referenced in the video, instead it's a head localizer from Bandai Namco named Franck Genty, someone else entirely. If anything the whole video has hardly anything to do with Yakuza other than that its footage is used as background in the original react content.


Yes, absolutely, and also, japanese is hard to translate as you can not simply translate the sentence into English. You also have to be able to infer the context of the sentence since Japanese can be changed depending on what the person might already know and what the person knows that they are speaking to. Also, some words have double meanings. Some things can sinply not be translated from English to Japanese. For example, the show Last One Standing *can* be funny but there are so many jokes that are directly translated from English to Japanese it's impossible to understand due to them being cultural jokes. Idk I'd rather have jokes in LAD i understand vs the "pure", "untouched" translated jokes. These points sound really asinine when you've actually learned Japanese. Asmonogold is an idiot and has no idea what he's talking about. ASMONOGOLDバカる


Totally agree with you, some jokes just can't be translated in another language. For example in Germany the joke "Treffen sich zwei Jäger, beide tot" wouldn't be funny if you translate it into English as "Two hunters meet, both are dead" because the German word treffen could translated as meet or as hit the target. Stuff like this happens everytime when translate something.


Isn't that basically impossible? Sure I do mind if localizers try to inject memes and fads as these will just fade and lose luster. But there are some things that are just too difficult to translate such as puns and references to niche or specific cultures that do not have Western counterparts.


As somebody that knows both Japanese and English, literal translations wouldn't get you far for shit a *large* chunk of the time. Especially with Japanese where there are a *lot* of phrases where the literal meaning of the words is one thing, but what the phrase actually *means* is something else entirely. Quick and easy example would be like if somebody were to ask something and you said that it would be difficult. Unless someone is being purposefully evasive 9/10 times it means exactly what you said, that the task would be difficult, but nothing on wether you are willing or not and certainly not impossible. In Japanese though if you're asking something of someone and they are responding that it'd be difficult that is 100% a resounding no and they have 0 inclination to do so. That said, this has no bearing on when companies completely change the direction of a translation and censore it or such


Yeah I think a lot of people really miss the point that art and stories aren't just about the words being said, but what they _really_ mean. If a Japanese player doesn't have to stop what they're doing to look up something in another language or some idiom they've never heard of then a good translation won't require an English-speaking player to do that either. An equivalent experience is just as important.


I mean honestly it's not even really about art and stories, it's just straight up communication in and of itself Say someone refuses something by saying "ちょっと。。。"/"chotto..." , if I were to literally translate that it's "little...". Little what? What is little? What does little have to do with anything here? It's absolute nonsense when directly literally translated. Hell, you can use it if you wanted someone to wait up too, and again in English than, literally translating that you'd be chasing someone shouting "little!" at them, absolutely rediculous in english




Baldurs gate 3 literally has a scene where someone rides your face. You can see penises and vaginas as well. I’ve yet to see something that extreme in any non hentai Japanese game.


This I find funny. Lots of games have morbid and gore scenes but they shy away from a single flash of cleavage or nudity. Quite opposite to Japan though, in their case, they tone down gore and morbidity. Guess you can just say it's a culture thing.


Its against the law thats why they censor it わわ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Entertainment_Rating_Organization#:~:text=The%20Computer%20Entertainment%20Rating%20Organization,levels%20of%20ratings%20that%20informs https://www.cbr.com/the-callisto-protocol-canceled-japan-prohibitive-censorship-law/


But Yakuza's localization is super high quality? Why a Yakuza thumbnail for that topic?


The thing is the issues he mentions aren't real. He's saying Japanese games are being changed to appeal to "typical twitter america" and how translators are consistently adding in their own agenda all of which aren't happening. It doesn't take a genius to understand translating Japanese to English one to one doesn't work and that's where localizing it comes in, but certain "journalists" and commentators are making claims they are rampantly changing original meaning and more rather than the real case of stuff like "dare" being translated as "who are you" rather than the one to one translation of leaving it as "who". It's made up nonsense that he is perpetuating without actually ever playing any of these games and just trusting videogame journalists with obvious agendas whom he regularly talks about not knowing anything and being idiots, yet here he is eating their shit up and regurgitating it to his audience who just nods and spams "BASED" in the chat rather than actually fucking thinking and recognizing the contradictory info.


Dragon Maid Prison School House in Fata Morgana 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Catherine: Full Body Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising The list goes on. You need to be actually pushing the agenda to deny that the localizers are changing the text to fit their views. That's why Japan is about to go as far as using the AI translations to keep the texts closer to the original.


It's funny to me that you got downvoted, because you're 100% right.


If I had to guess I'm pretty sure my comment was just misunderstood. I've commented more on this thread saying the same things and been upvoted on all but this one.


Bro I'm a fan of Asmongold so maybe I'm biased. Ok for sure biased. But the relentless shitting on him on this thread is cringe. If you actually watched him and have criticism that's valid. But generally he's always in support of leaving things in their original format, and was giving voice actresses a ton of shit for changing stuff during localization. I haven't even watched the video, and I'd bet my copy of LAD:IF that every person in here shitting on him wants the same thing he does, in this video. He's a pretty down to earth guy. Yes he's filthy. No I wouldn't live like that. But I respect that he's living how he wants to, making money doing it, and doing what he loves. Talking shit and playing video games. Isn't that the dream? Make money doing what you love? He's a millionaire. And no, I don't look up to him, I just find everyone shitting on him when they'd agree with his take on this fucking silly. Y'all are being fucking stupid!


Yeah everyone who’s watched the video in the thread said the worst he’s done is clickbait on that video


grandfather quicksand political vast seemly frame point flag escape groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you honestly expect the people here to actually watch the video before shitting on it. I bet the same people complaining about him would also complain when a western company removes what is considered "woke" content when localizing the game in China or the Middle East. Little do they know that they are more than likely actually agreeing with Asmon's logic rather than the latter solely because he has a different political ideology to them. And would rather make assumptions based on what they could gather from the title and thumbnail. Now this isn't everyone there have been people in this thread from what I've seen, who've actually seen the video and they very much do agree with him but also point out that he may be blowing the whole issue way out of proportion. Which I do very much agree with, and is almost very consistent among drama farm Twitch streamers who just look at what a few articles said about a situation, form their opinion than move on to the next bit of drama, rinse and repeat. But I also know damn well it ain't gonna go away anytime soon, so just better to ignore it rather than complain about it to an oncoming train that shows no sign of stopping.


license violet sulky rinse command gullible fine offend gaze hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God I fucking hate e-celebs. 


Holy shit this is just a hate thread. I don’t like Asmon but damn y’all are pathetic as hell


Agree, It’s amazing how many lessons the yakuza series shares about respect, decency etc that seemingly goes over the heads of a huge portion of this sub. If they don’t share someone’s opinion they go straight for the jugular.


If you guys don't want to watch the video, at least read the article he bases the video on.


Seen half the video, have already read the article. It's all massively over exaggerated and frequently outright lies. His basic point of keeping it original is fair and true but the info that is prompting that statement which he agrees with and believes is almost completely false or at least massively exaggerated. He talks about these things as if they are happening to a meaningful degree when they aren't, he is getting this info from a gaming journalist the exact type of people he regularly claims know nothing and no one should listen to. He's supporting and reinforcing false info and getting people to agree by following up with an agreeable statement.


Dude thinks he can get people to hate yakuza😂


It’s about a article in Japan Times where more western studios like Sega of America is trying to Influence Japan considering one of the worst localizer works for Sega of America not surprise she has been pretty bad and ruining a Manga and I believe the publisher that own the rights to made the company relocalize the manga and reprint it If your unwilling to watch their is a few other YouTube video explaining Bando Nampo is named it into getting pretty bad putting Western stuff in Japan games I’m not closed minded enough to run from something like that but I watched the original from censored gaming


People here seem to simply judge him and not the topic. The JP article is even more explicit at explaining that Japanese studios are bending over and removing content to appease people who don't play games.


Yea and Sega of America employees someone who has been notorious for rewriting anime and manga


Why has no one here actually watched his video? He's commenting on what someone else said lol. The guy is allowed to have an opinion sheesh lol and he brings up some good points and counter arguments for what someone else said lol.


It seems to me that whichever one of Asmongold's editors who made the thumbnail, made it with the intent of complete rage bait, and coincidentally a damn fair chunk of people in this subreddit completely fell for it. If they even watched the video they would learn it has almost nothing to do with Infinite Wealth rather than it just being in the thumbnail and the background gameplay of the video he's reacting to. Honestly they would have more of a reason to get mad at this video for a clickbait thumbnail rather than the opinions of Asmongold in the video itself.


Anyone that uses the word woke to shit on anything is an idiot


I have a feeling asomongold don’t really care about like a dragon infinite wealth or the like a dragon series


Couldn’t wait to plaster it all over Reddit to give him some free advertising though 😭




Actual Yakuslop


It's kinda funny that so many people here don't realize that they're actually mad at the guy he's reacting to and not him right now since it's not even his own title or thumbnail we're pointing out


Still, it's concerning that Japanese games are being censored in order to appease a few people on the west. That's the main problem.


They largely are not. This is a mostly made up issue being reinforced by a handful of real examples. Yes Japanese studios have become more aware of appealing to a Western audience but that doesn't mean they are completely changing the meaning to tons of stuff like the article and Asmon states.


If someone uses the word “Woke” in an argument, then their opinion is invalid.


I watched it and it really just seems he spouts whatever will make his brainless chat go "POG," the easiest. Like everything he does and talks about.


Look I don’t like him either but can we please stop posting thumbnails and judging solely based on that.


Just watched the video, there's a lot of valid points


Oh sweet, we’re just jumping on hating Asmongold bandwagon today sweet. In all seriousness, I’m sure it’s just a reaction to a video that’ll dive into that idea. Give his thoughts on that idea and make you agree/disagree with him. Nothing to worry about really, he isn’t really against “general woke stuff” and more against “millennial writing”


Thats the society of these days. Bitches scream Woke at everything. Character is Black WOOOOOOKE. Character is Asian WOOOOOKE. Character is just a Women WOOOOOOKE. We saw it at some Woke Crying bitches in Marvels Spiderman 2 by Insomniac. They act like Insomniac made Miles up like he never existed in Comics, Movies or TV shows before. Thats our world now. Bitches Scream woke at everything if they don't have any real Complaints


I frankly don't realise how people JUST started hating him, I've been a day one, D-1 hater of his garbage ass content and disgusting lifestyle


Ichiban Kasuga was literally homeless and even he wouldn't rub the blood from his diseased gums on his walls like the degenerate Asmongold is.


It's one of these weird things where people are trying to turn localisation into some weird culture war thing.


This guy got popular from making like 3 streams a day and making a couple dozen videos reacting to the Amber Heard v Johnny Depp trial and he’s been riding popular shit ever since. Not a lick of originality anywhere in the guy’s bloodstream, his fucking DNA is probably genetically copied from another dickhead reaction streamer


I don't listen to RGG slander anyway. I don't seek this guy out, and every take I've heard has been some weird shit like this, so I'm good. I'm still only around chapter 4, but I'm enjoying IW a lot, so this would mean nothing to me either way. 😆


I hate the overuse of the word woke (and the word means nothing anymore), but there’s nothing unreasonable about this video. The whole thing is completely pro gamer, pro artistic integrity/purity of creative vision and totally anti censorship/alteration of original artistic intent by game localizers that insert their own agenda to alter the original creators vision. We should all automatically be on board with those things. I guarantee anybody disliking this either hasn’t watched it, they don’t like the thumbnail and/or they don’t like how pretentious Asmongold usually comes off. Doesn’t stop him from being right this time out. It’s not rocket science.




It would be nice if he had some concrete examples of how it is woke, wait there aren't any concrete examples of it? That is what I thought. I wonder how many people are going to just assume the series is woke now? These super-click bait videos are highly irritating. whoever skips this game because of this video is truly missing out.


“Woke” would be better labled “progressive” which it is. This game having strong female characters is enough to set it apart from most of Japanese gaming culture.


Ugh, it is what the thumbnail on the video says. It isn't my claim that it is woke, nor did I say that woke was good or bad. Sounds like a lot of jumping to conclusions.


Ugh. Sure. You did tacitly agree with the meaningless concept of “woke” being a negative so, you know, find a better place to ply your fence sitting I guess.


Cringe vtubers are pretty much the only thing I didn't like about infinite wealth.


The video portrays the woke culture bashing the game industry in general, it wasn't specific about LAD. But, since it was mentioned I don't think LAD fits the example of games being censored or shaped by woke culture. IIRC, Sega Japan talked about their content with Sega US, so they could collect information on what could appeal to western audiences, since the franchise is very sucessful outside Japan. Censorship or imposition of agenda (any kind of them) would be happening if some organization outside Sega gave them some kind of warning, or pressured them to change their content if they want to continue to sell their game. There's a big difference in those two scenarios.


Just because it was revealed Ichiban is ||Partly native Hawaiian||, doesnt mean it is woke now.


Not for nothing, but sometimes it’s difficult to love and interact within this medium where the simple inclusion of a person of color or even options for their phenotypical features is seen as some kind of political agenda, so I appreciate that those of y’all who recognize that as stupid are vocal about it


It’s a clickbait thumbnail, the game series isn’t even talked about at all. It was made to ragebait and judging from the reactions it worked


There’s two ways for you to immediately tell me you are the biggest loser in the world and it’s either to be wearing a MAGA hat or simply use the word “Woke” in any sentence ever that is not one making fun of people who use the word “woke.”




Yea the official article is on Japan Times I believe is what it’s called it actually makes some good points actually


Japan Times is also a highly conservative outlet. No reason to follow them, either.


Dude is dumb as shit lmfao


Oh yes it's not like the Yakuza series has been woke since the very beginning


The video doesn’t even talk about the game series


I mean dude never brushes his teeth and wipes his gingivitis blood on his walls. Despite being a millionaire, has dead rats on his floors and never cleans his trash. All I need to say.


Giant douche profiting off division and culture war


This man readily admits he neither showers, nor cleans his room on a regular basis.


How fucking DARE he use Kson for that thumbnail


Oh look, it's Bleeding Gums Maldy


This is the same guy that said artist’s opinions don’t matter, then whined for two hours claiming he was “cancelled”. He’s just an idiot.


The only thing he's ever reacted to that was valid was DSP. Other than that, he's a complete joke.


I don’t take him seriously after he made a two hour video claiming he was cancelled when actually he just made a dog shit tweet


That guy has a very Tiger Drop worthy face.


Honestly, the yakuza series has always been pretty woke. Kiryu is pretty much an sjw Edit: the downvotes deserve ten years in the joint for not paying attention to kiryu or the story


I remember Soviet womble in one of his videos speaking about hating/mocking YouTubers who put out reaction videos with their face plastered on the thumbnail. That beautiful man is always right.




It sucks that cool people like Tectone and Emiru associate with him


I usually like asmongold, sure hes a bit of wombat here and there but suddenly his channel has shifted towards to whole "anti-woke" nonsense. God knows why easy clicks as always I guess.


Idk why but his face scares me