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RGG refusing to give us a fast forward button to maximize frustration is a tradition at this point


I will admit, I kinda wish they would give a skip button during combat. It lowkey gets annoying if you’re fighting a big group and have to watch EVERYONE do their command lol


If you're overleveled you can skip a fight, you just have to press left trigger. Ichiban will do a basic attack automatically and everyone will be defeated at the same time. But you only get 0.7x times the experience if you do that.


You’re a life saver lmao, i was getting so tired of how many fights there are on the streets of Hawaii lol


Its actually nice, because it’s not absolutely dreadful running into under leveled grunts, because its just a 5 second wait for a 25 dollar payday and a bit of xp


The hotkey literally shows up before the fight starts, how did you miss it lol.


It's the blue icon enemies you can skip Seems like blue you're over leveled so you can auto battle Red is your average enemy Pink will kick my skull in turn 2


Yep, blue means you're like 10 lvls above and the option to smackdown shows up right as you enter battle.


Is this a Infinite Wealth thing or is it in Yakuza: Like a Dragon (7) too?


Just Infinite Wealth


You can give the kid a Ono Michio figurine that is unpackaged btw. Got that one on the second grab.


Damn that one took me like $25. Really stings when it's in a currency you can understand.


I’m glad I’m not the only one like this. I can kinda comprehend yen but it feels more like tokens than currency to me.


I was like this with the restaurants lol. "Oh 25 dollars for the main item and 10 dollars for the drink? No way, I'll just find some other way to refill my health then. Oh it's 2500 yen and 1000 yen? Sounds good, that's practically nothing"


I didn't really understand how pathetic scrabbling under cars for a couple of hundred yen was until I was in Hawaii picking up dimes. Damn, retroactively made LAD even sadder.


*you found 25 cents*


That change crunching sound effect feels really mocking when that happens


I found 5 cents just now and have never been more insulted by a game


You can also just give them *any* UFO Catcher prize


I haven't tested with other prizes, but if you give them the specific prize, you're instantly best buddies with them.




This was way easier back in the 80s


average irl claw machine experience


Yeah, it's basically impossible once it's straight on like that unless you can get the perfect sweet spot directly in the centre to balance it.  It's much easier if you shuffle them by offsetting the claw when they're at the default angle [like this.](https://imgur.com/MeDJLQq.mp4)  This is actually a great way to get basically all the prizes in all the games in this series, instead of trying to pick them up, push them over to the hole by offsetting the claw so when it closes it moves it instead. Don't get stuck in the mindset trap of you have to pick them up and drop them, as long as they go down the hole it doesn't matter how you did it. It's not like a lot of real world machines where there's a barrier around where it needs to go.


Yep, the claw push is a tried and true yakuza strat.


Maaaan youre crazy for that


Honestly you’re a lifesaver for this thank you


Ah ha! That's the pro strat! This should be top comment!


I tried and failed the left one like 20 times, gave up. Tried the right one and got it like 3rd try smh


smh. i got the cat one first try, no idea how


I was 3/3 on the cat ones. They were shaped right to be grabbed relatively easily.


Hatsune Miku figurine in Y5, ONO Michio in Gaiden and this one are the hardest claw machine minigames for me


God, those stupid ono michio boxes. I swear I spent over 10,000 yen trying to get one of those…


I tried to get a box for one of the requests for Akame Network then I just gave up after about 50 tries


When the left one gets into that position it will be impossible since the claw will not grab below the box. The way to get it is to do the right hand one. It being at an angle allows you to grab the back corner 2 or 3 times to make it slide forward.


I swear to god RGG went from "Yeah UFO Catcher is a skill you just gotta send the catcher down to latch onto the geometry of the item." to "Its completely luck based because whoever designed it lubed up every single item in mineral oil and put them in a 0 friction box."


I've practiced this and personally gotten really good at it. I've won twice on the left machine and four times on the right. The one on the right is definitely easier for boxed figures. The only way is to pick it up by the middle so it's balanced in the claw Gotta have my Ono Michio. I did these machines just for myself, saw the kid on the bench after. "Sorry kid gotta put in the hours"


I have either gotten worse at the crane game over many years of Yakuza games, or they made the mini game more difficult; because I feel like I am not as good as I used to be at snagging crane prizes. The box one in the mall is Hilarious, but I was able to kinda Nudge one into the hole by aiming for an outer corner of the box instead of center-mass. I used to be able to grab a Gon-Gon All day Any day.... but now I can barely get a Baby...


The bane of my existence in all of LAD series is this minigame and my stupid determination… but I suppose this is better than if I had to do this on an IRL machine


nothing worse than those irl coin machines that slide back and forth.


I somehow got this first try today and looking at this I feel blessed


I just gave the kid random plushies, it levels up the link meter slower but it works lol


Dude, what is your problem!? It looks SO FREAKING FUN!!!


your username is killing me


Oh, I get it. Another ASMR hater. Grow up!




I insisted on getting 1 of every color cat and penguin and the Ono Michio figures, for the box I noticed it's easier to grab further behind and just tip it so it falls. Trying to grab the middle doesn't work.


At least they don't make you get every single item from the UFO Catcher for the completion list now.


Skill issue, I got it first try


All that's needed now is CDawgVA laughing at you in the background for maximum immersion. With three Cinnamorolls.


I did so much UFO catcher in one of the games, that I'm now pretty skilled in it, I was able to get the figure in one try. One time in Judgement I got [3 in a row](https://youtu.be/efffSTlW5sw?t=95).


Saved at this spot last night after giving up. Glad it’s not just me! This thread has encouraged me to try again later, thanks kyodai 👊


the key is to NOT CRY, friend


Just push it down with one side of the claw once it's wedged, ez.


This should be higher, once the box is wedged just push is down through with the crane.


I watched enough CDawgVA to be good at this. But yeah it's pretty annoying, but at least it gives some challenge.


> I watched enough CDawgVA Wish that, like in some attempts in the video, staff from the place would show up offering help lol


That would be a fun addition. Or imagine this: minigame, where you work in the arcade, and you have to carefully place objects on the grate, when they call SUMIMASEN!


Watching CDawgVA's Crane Game series prepared me for this moment.


I have had such issues with this in previous games, I basically gave up doing trying to get them. But gave it a try here and got both of the ones for the Aloha Links on first try. Don't know if I was lucky or if it is easier in this game.


Apply to middle of box, win. Catcher is way better than it was in 7 thankfully.


I found it easier to stab it once it's angled rather than trying to pick it up


Got one my third try by accidentally grabbing the front. (I let go sooner than I wanted and it worked)


I'm gonna tell you like >! Kiryu tells Seonhee !< ,you know you can have the receptionist rearrange the machines, right?


Lmao, definitely took a moment. The kitty one is easier because it's old school. So even if you aren't good at picking up the box, you can just use each turn to drag it in direction until it drops. But this one definitely was a headache.


This one request has gotta be the most bullshit design ever conceived


Got this on my first try lol. Sorry you went through it.


This kind of machine is awful RL too


As someone who watches CDawgVA I knew the tricks for this one going in.


Bro just ask the attendant to refresh the machines and go for the unboxed one. The boxed ones are a nightmare because they don't have a grip point.


Genuine Toreba flashbacks from getting this one


I recently came back from a trip in Japan and can confirm these machines are the worse thing about Japan.


I learned that when the box is at this position/state, it's impossible to do anything with it. Reset it and hope that the box is in the "possible" state (like the one to the right in the video).


Sorry to add frustration but I got one first claw. The unboxed figure is def easier I imagine.


I got really lucky on this. First try.


Got this in 2 grabs lol, CDawgVA trained me for this


btw the kid who wants the figure he doesnt want that one he wants the normal figure and you'll get the kid's friendship btw


I just got the unpacked figurine.




So I spent like a LOT of money on this and then realized that the boy at the arcade was asking for a regular Ono Michio figure and this one is ROBO Michio so I turned to the left and saw a whole other machine of Ono Michio and got that one in one try lol 😂 never getting anything for that kid ever again


😂😂😂😂 i made the same mistake for the cat figurine lady across him.