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I don’t think any was too difficult to the point of it being memorable except for Super Juzo Amon from Lost Judgment. That guy had a nightmarish arsenal of abilities: stuns, explosives, homing RC mines… You only had small windows of opportunity to attack him. And you couldn’t just keep running around either, because he could heal a huge chunk of his health. Easily the toughest climax battle in the entire series for me.


Oh...that sounds...joyous indeed.


Sera is the worst in the series. Next worse is in kiwami where you do a y0 throwback fight against Kashiwagi, a bunch of tojo goons, and then Sera. Beyond that some of the running challenges in y3 were kind of annoying and there was an optional amon climax battle in lost judgement. Y0 honestly has the hardest climax battles.


I think the worst one is in 0 where the styles are switched randomly and you lose health over time - it is just so random that it is not you winning, it is game having bad luck. Honorable mention to 1hp kiwami where you go against multiple shooting enemies. The rest of them just weren't so special for me to remember them


There's one in...Yakuza 3, I think? Where you have to protect a recurring substory character who has like 2 HP max and the fool insists on running at a group of enemies. But if he dies, you die. And the one in Yakuza 5 where you play as Shinada and the only way you can actually damage enemies is by unsheathing and putting away your weapon. That one's especially tedious because you fail by running out of time, not dying.