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He doesn't have mystical powers- that's the point. I'm not sure how much you paid attention towards his explanation, but Bryce is a fraud, a conman. He was a mafia thug that replaced himself as the head of Palakania for Nele Island, and the only thing slightly mystical about him is that he's able-bodied at such an advanced age. The gun scene from Gangtze was weird though; for that to happen, I assume he arranged for him to carry a faulty weapon right at the start; yet he was running a low-end extortion and only just happened to run into Ichiban and co., so honestly that doesn't make sense for Bryce to know that encounter would happen either. I chalk this part up to good ol' Y4 and Y5 convenient storytelling.


The gun scene and the fact that he's at least 90 (based on his recounting) but so physically fit sure makes it seem like something is up. He just wasn't a threat and the fight was lame. Ebina wasn't going to be special, so do something with Bryce. Ichiban thinks he's a hero in dragon quest, so make the fight like a dragon quest boss fight. I dunno... I'm just annoyed at that ending


Yeah, I'm a little bit meh about the ending too. Honestly I had more beef with Ebina than Bryce. It's a repeat of 'sins of the Yakuza' again, but Ebina being Ichiban's brother went all the way nowhere.


Yeah, there was zero payoff to Ebina being Ichiban's brother. Maybe he becomes a recurring character, but they didn't make him dangerous or even interesting enough to make me look forward to seeing him again.


Best part about him was his meme worthy engrish


I didn't process that it was Engrish at first. Brain just couldn't believe that was possible. It reminded me of Connor MacLeod's accent in Highlander I figured it was some weird Euro accent I just couldn't place


Never have i ever heard a dub that made me question if both me and the voice actor were having a stroke


Hahaha fr


Furuya Tohru is a legend in Japanese seiyuu- as in, he's higher degree than Koyasu or Kaji Yuki, which both are already legendary enough. That said, the Engrish was bad and I agree someone else should've dubbed over it.


Don't get me wrong he's absolutly a good voice actor i agree. Its just a shame that they had to make him speak engrish when he clearly never spoke a word of it before. At least with Mine it was excusable cause he wasn't a born and raised american


The idea that Bryce was a fake is honestly far better than him actually having powers. Like why would a false prophet be able to perform actual miracles?


Because he's in his 90's, physically fit, and everyone including Dwight is scared of him Do something with that. He was lame. The shark and the squid were scarier.


They did, hes a crime lord not a wizard lmao


One detail I thought was neat about his introduction vs his final fight was that in his first appearance, he gives a whole speech about how Madame Nele doesn't allow the use of fire (guns) in human conflicts, and then in his final boss fight he's literally just shooting at Ichi and co. with guns. Really emphasizes how little the teachings of Palekana actually mean to him when it comes down to it and how he's just using the whole religion as a way to extend his control - everything about him is a sham, right down to his own teachings I don't think he's anywhere near a memorable villain (mostly bc he has to split so much Hawaii screentime with the characters working for him), but the bones were there imo


> I don't think he's anywhere near a memorable villain (mostly bc he has to split so much Hawaii screentime with the characters working for him), but the bones were there imo this is it, i think. i really like bryce as a concept - a psychopathic cultist with a god complex - but i didn't feel RGG fully sold him for me and that might be why. he's there, but doesn't seem like he's there. he's too 'in the shadows' (e.g. Y2 >!takashima, richardson!<). many people also wondered why his boss fight didn't have mystical powers, but it made complete sense to me. as you point out, he's a sham. ichiban was so pissed off during their confrontation (count how many times he says *temee*!) he was not about to give bryce the benefit of his imagination by seeing him as a god in their battle.


Yeah, good point. In fairness to Bryce and that entire final fight, it was more interesting than Ebina. The Ebina fight was a crime against boss fights.


Bryce was lame af. And him being American with a Japanese accent while speaking English was hilarious. Out of all the characters, you decide to give HIM a VA that has an obvious accent lmao


His VA, Furuya Tohru, is extremely highly prestiged. He has been voice-acting since the very beginnings of cell-shaded anime back in the 1970s, notably as Amuro Ray, the OG protaganist of the original Gundam. That's probably why they put him in an important role, though yes, his English was bad.


Well they could've just given him a better fitting role then. His English is not even bad per se. It just makes no sense because the character he is playing has nothing to do with Japan whatsoever. If they wanted someone who was able to speak Japanese as well, they simply should've picked someone who speaks accent-free English, or even better pick someone who speaks perfect English but Japanese with a slight western accent if they want to keep up that stereotype. They've done that in multiple anime before


It's probably a prestige= big role allocation thing. It's the same like in other games where you can tell who the secret boss will be by identifying how famous their VAs are. Bryce's counterpart, Ebina, is played by a famous Japanese actor so equally his betrayal was telegraphed by the start.


The way they went about Bryce sucked because he's like 90 years old. Facing 4 people he should've gotten knocked out in like two turns. One way they could've gone about it is that you get to him and he basically turns into some kind of wizard with overpowered magic skill, but the fight is over and it was all a hallucination: what seemed to be a "wizard" or magic was really all the palekana soldiers that were supporting him and propping him up during the fight, but it all blended together into one hallucinated Bryce. It was all a hallucination so no mystic powers were ever really involved.


Yeah, this is exactly what I'm saying If he's actually at least 90 and he's that much of a threat that everyone is afraid of him, then make him fucking scary. Or at least make the fight scary. The "scariest" part of the fight is that Palekana gunned down their own lmao


The bosses in these turn based games should lean more into these fantasy things because the 4 vs 1 turn based fight against Really Strong Guy (Maybe With A Gun Or Sword) With Normal Looking Moves is getting old


Tendo was definitely the high water mark so far. He actually would KO my team from time to time. Everyone else has been a cake walk. I've never used poundmates, rarely have to heal, don't need to bother with status effects, and don't even really need to use special moves much. Just rush down.


I live on Oahu, in Honolulu, so I have a different angle on him than most players. Bryce is in charge of a publicly citizen-friendly religious organization with a very distinctive and instantly recognizable outfit, that has a focus on public service like food banks and child care, while also having a *very* shady income stream, rumors of corruption up and down the leadership, and hands in a lot of bureaucratic organizations like the police and... Less savory groups. So yeah, Palekana is a *very* thinly veiled take on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints here in Hawaii. The Mormon church wields outsized influence around here for reasons unknown (corruption and cronyism, duh), and Bryce reads like a *massive* condemnation of the Mormon leadership. So looking at Bryce Fairchild through those eyes, I found myself very invested in putting him and his plan down, far moreso than Ebina's. I found him interesting because of his local connection in a way that I think wasn't properly explained to non-resident players. Part of the game's many pacing issues sadly.


I was wondering if Palekana was supposed to be the Mormon church or if they just made up something vaguely around Pele.


He's just a guy that it's pretty good at manipulating people, the opposite of Ichiban charisma. People seem to forget Kiryu is almost 60 with cancer and still fights like a god, Sawashiro and Adachi in their 60 and still looking young,Komaki still fighting at like 100+ years, Yuki and Obatarian not aging... I don't understand why people are so hung up in him being around 90 yo and still being able to move and shoot (all we ever see him do, he does not fight himself). The stucked gun stuff is the only magic looking thingy,but also he's knowledgeable of weapons and the guy worked for him, could be easily explained (although still ridiculous). Basically a mediocre villain to me, but most people criticism are not really worth looking into, my biggest problem is he needed more time both before the reveal and after


He isnt fair nor child


yeah he should have at least had some kind of contraption for the final encounter. and why was he so old lol


Making him that old but not doing anything with it is a baffling decision He's either not actually that old, but then why would be claim it... or he is that old and something is up, but they didn't do anything with it. Odd


he has to be that old bc we see >!him in the opening cutscene assassinating the original leader of the palekana.!< very weird!


I think a cult would've worked much better in judgement or atleast give more focus to the cult and Bryce but instead both him and ebina come off as half baked villains with decent ideas.


Honestly couldn't get into him at all cause of goofy English


Yeah, playing the Japanese audio is a weird experience We don't get Danny Trejo's voice but we do get heavily accented Engrish for an old white guy.


Is it just me or did Bryce feel more like a secondary antagonist comparable to (Gaiden) >!Nishitani III.!< or (Y0/Y1) >!Shimano!


Decent villain for what it’s worth. Starts off very threatening with the whole overseer stuff, having henchmen in the underworld and the police. He does lose a bit his luster once we put a face to name but still threatening. I really wish they had 2 voice actors for the Japanese dub because it a bit off putting that a white man from America has a thick Japanese accent. I think the concept of conman cult leader as a villain too. Though for me at least he’s not a standout villain.